Winemaking Manual Revised

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Several tropical fruits are available in the Philippines for example,
manga, pinya, bignay, guyabano, santol and many others which can be 6. Measure the weight or volume of the must and adjust the sugar
used in the production of wine by natural fermentation process. content (20-25%) using a refractometer. 200-250 grams refined
sugar for every 0.75 - 0.8 liters or 750–800 grams of must.
Ingredients: 7. Dissolve the sugar by stirring in a casserole (stainless).
Fruit juice (extracted/100 pure) Active dry yeast 8. Pasteurize the must for 30 min. (Note: Start timing when the
Refined sugar Water temperature reaches at 80oC)
9. Cool the must at 40-45oC and transfer into the PET bottle.
Materials: 10. To activate the dry yeast, get 50 mL of the must then add the
A. Extraction and pasteurization of juice active dry yeast (1 tsp. /4 liters must). Transfer into the PET bottle
Knife Casserole and basin (stainless) and stand for 30 min then shake the bottle.
Chopping board Disposable hand gloves 11. Put the airlock (sanitized) and ferment (primary fermentation) or
Cheesecloth Purified water store the must for 1-2 weeks in a dark place (red wine only).
Thermometer Stove 12. Decant (rack) by siphoning the wine into another PET bottle.
Stirring paddle 13. Degas (removal of carbon dioxide) by stirring.
B. Adjustment of sugar content 14. Put the airlock in PET bottle.
Refined sugar Refractometer 15. Store (secondary fermentation) for another 1-2 weeks.
Stirring paddle Weighing scale 16. Decant (rack) by siphoning into the wine bottles. Then put the cork
C. Fermentation using a corker, paraffin wax and tape wine
Fermentation vessel Airlock with silicon plug 17. Age the wine for months or years.
(PET bottles, 5-L, 6-L cap.) Measuring teaspoon
Active dry yeast B. Fruit Juice (follow Procedures 6 to 17)
D. Racking (decantation)
Silicone tubing PET bottles (5-L, 6-L cap.) C. Fermentation Setup
E. Degassing (removal of carbon dioxide)
Wine whip Electric drill (optional) Airlock
F. Bottling
Wine bottle Cork
Silicone tubing Corker
Paraffin wax Tape wine bottle

A. Fruit
1. Wash the fruit thoroughly then peel. Remove the seeds if any, Fruit juice
then chop into small pieces and measure the weight using a (4 liters)
weighing scale.
2. Dilute with water depending on the type of fruit. PET bottle
3. Macerate using blender or hand squeezing in clean basin. (5-L cap.)
4. Filter using cheesecloth. The extracted juice is called the “must”.
5. Get the percent sugar using a refractometer.
Figure 1. Fermentation setup with airlock (working volume, 80%).

Prepared by: MARIO B. BIGOL

Recommended Dilution of Different Fruits for Fruit Fruit Juice

Wine Making Washing

Fruit Dilution* Fruit Dilution*

Anonas 1:4 Guyabano Peeling/Chopping 1:7
Atis 1:4 Manga 1:1
Balimbing 1:3 Mansanitas Dilution with Water 1:2
Bayabas 1:2 Passion fruit 1:6
Bignay 1:2 Pinya Extraction (Maceration/Hand 1:2
CalumpitDilution of Different Fruits 1:5 Saging Squeezing) and Filtration1:2
Recommended for
Kamias 1:3 Sampalok 1:5
Wine Making
Dalanghita 1:4 Santol 1:1
Dilution* Duhat Fruit 1:4
Dilution* Suha Refined Sugar 1:8 (20-25% Sucrose)
Sugar Adjustment
1:4 *Example:
Guyabano 1:1 (1 kg fruit juice : 1 liter water)
1:7 *Example: 1:1 (1 kg fruit juice : 1 liter water)
1:4 Manga 1:1 Pasteurization (80-85oC, 30 min)
1:3 Mansanitas 1:2
1:2 Passion fruit 1:6 Cooling (40-50oC
1:2 Pinya 1:2
1:5 Saging 1:2 Activation of
Fermentation (1st Stage)
1:3 Sampalok 1:5 Dry Yeast
1-2 weeks
1:4 Santol 1:1
1st Racking (Decantation)
1:4 Suha 1:8
e : 1 liter water) *Example: 1:1 (1 kg fruit juice : 1 liter water)
Degassing (Removal of CO2)

2nd Stage Fermentation

Adjustment of Sugar Content 1-2 weeks
!" $ %&$'( / 2nd Racking (Decantation)
!)) *+ ,'-.( / 0 !))) *+

100x = 15 x + 15(1000)
100x – 15x = 15000
85x = 15000/85
Flow Diagram of Winemaking from Fruits and Juices
x = 176.47 or 177 g refined sugar

Prepared by: MARIO B. BIGOL

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