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Title: Analysis on the challenges of Adopting Health Information Technology in a Health

Care Setting
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................3

Rational for Patient Health information system (HIS) and Health Information Technology

(HIT) adoption...........................................................................................................................4

Research Methodology...............................................................................................................6

Problem statement......................................................................................................................7

Background information............................................................................................................7

Challenges in the adoption of Health Information Technology.................................................8

Design and Development challenges.....................................................................................9

Implementation and Use challenges.......................................................................................9

Bad Monitoring and evaluation practices..............................................................................9

Importance Of the study.............................................................................................................9

Chapter 2: Literature Review...................................................................................................10




Chapter 1: Introduction

Reliable and accurate information builds a solid foundation for all decision-making

and compliance foundation for all but not limited to health policy development,

implementation of the systems, legislation, and governance, research, human resource

development, empowerment through education and training, funding, and service delivery.

Health information system (HIS) and Health Information Technology (HIT) are underpinned

by key functions of acquiring data, compiling, analyzing, and communicating the fetched

data. The collection and synthesis of the data ensure the information is accurate, qualitative,

quantitative, and objectively relevant to make health-related sound decisions.

           Health information systems and Health Information Technology (HIT) is usually

equated with monitoring and evaluation since it provides an end as an early warning that

provides an avenue for the health care service user and providers with enough information to

enable, support, research, and planning effective communicating strategies that support

effective health information systems.

 A good and comprehensive health information system brings together all relevant

associates to ensure that service providers have information have access to dependable,

comparable data. Through a central approach in service providers and service users’

information such as:

 Level of socioeconomic, environmental factors, genetics, and the environments in

which the health system is dependable on

 Policy and organizational inputs to infrastructure the costs, human capital, and other

Health information system resources.

 A measure of performance; a key indicator to outputs on systems of accessibility and

how they respond to the needs.

 The rate of mortality, disability, the wellbeing of an individual

 Demographics play a role in determining the equity balance of sex, gender, and

locality factors are determinants.

 A very substantial, well-financed, good organizational management of technologies

will profoundly change the work put and outcome process to ensure efficient medical


Rational for Patient Health information system (HIS) and Health

Information Technology (HIT) adoption

There is a growing number of informatics programs that have been developed to assist health

care assistants to gradually prepare them in the fields of biomedical, clinical, and health

information administration. The reason for preparing health specialists is to enable them to

make knowledgeable decisions to support patient health care. Programs such as electronically

recording, healthcare, and security of the information will enable the health worker to garner

experience that can have an added advantage in achieving essential competencies.  

The rationale is to: Emphasizes on use of computerized systems, their application, and safety

regulation that protects the service user. Also, the paper focuses on challenges that might be

experienced in the adoption of Informational Technology to Health in management.

Information from various sources is important at many levels of a health care system that cuts


At the individual level. Information about a patient’s profile, needs, care plan procedures,

and requirements are the foundation for decision making. With sound care information

Health caregivers can provide the needed medication. Excessive and incomprehensible data

may overwork workers, therefore, making poor decisions.

At the facility level. Administrative departments such as the procurement section and

administrative department are guided by managers who need quality information that is

required for drug administration and purchasing. Data from the facility level will provide

information to the public.

Data is also critical to the population. Information is not only required by the service

providers but also by household facilities that need accurate information to make decisions.

Information will influence their beliefs, practices, and values. This knowledge is critical in

determining their best care plan.

Through information provided by public health campaigners and awareness creators

who work with the community; to provide appropriate strategies to solve problems. This is

in the case of a pandemic outbreak. The need for timely, reporting and response is required

for an effective plan.    

Research Methodology

The project will focus on defining the main functions of a sound information system that

meets all the requirements of policymakers and hospitals. Surveys and interviews will be

used as a method to identify the similarities and differences of various Technological tools

and the use of secondary data will be used to report results.

Medical Staff

The medical staff will be handed out questionnaires to fill in. The size would be randomly

selected from various departments

Interview with the Health Official

To add more perspective to the survey a medical practitioner outside the area of practice will

fill in questionnaires.

Problem statement

           Many studies have shown the adoption of Health Information technology across health

care settings can improve the effectiveness of quality care and safety of the patient.

Implementation of H HIT will improve health care, reduce mistakes and financial costs.

Despite its benefits, most medical practitioners are ignorant and unwilling to participate in

Health information technologies such as Electronic Health Records. The paper will address

barriers to the implementation of HIT, prospective benefits, and its importance in ensuring

effective workflow.

Background information

           HIT and HIS include the use of various technical skills that range from simple to

advanced systems that back and complement the integration of technology to improve and

transform the health care system by limiting human error, improving outcomes improving

practice, and having a reference channel for tracking patient data.

           The current Health information system employed by various are very inefficient and

disorganized. This eventually affects the health outcome of the patient in the end. Sight visits

at a nearby health institution vividly espouse the current system. Having the importance of

health institutions in mind, and the necessities required, the goal of this work will pinpoint

the best health information management system. Another objective would be to come up with

recommendations on a system that would work best to improve the information management

system. Through the findings, the recommendations will be used to evaluate the current

treatment steps.

The need for the study was to assess the need of improving service delivery through the

adoption of technology-based systems that will be useful to health agencies, policymakers,

and service users in making an evidence-based decision on their care plan to improve the use

of Health Care Information Management.

           Additionally, there is limited implementation on the use of Health information

technology in understanding the importance of HIM due to the management’s disagreement

in technology acquisition, limited strategic vision on which the fundamental changes of

whether to build on impulsive changes or an organization change for high-level strategic

leadership for management.

Once the need for technological adoption has been established, it is imperative for investing

adequate time and resources to consider viable options. Finally, to train staff to be versant

and satisfied with the use of the technologies and to continuously evaluate the consideration

of the efficiency of the new technologies.

Challenges in the adoption of Health Information Technology

 It is widely considered finance that incorporates cost and expense plays a huge role in

the adoption of Health Information Technology. This is because of network

implementation costs, training on adoption, and the availability of loans to support

Health Information Technology.

 Secondly, the workforce is a factor in workflow and adopting HIT. Training is

required for employees, IT personnel, managers, support staff, and high-level

management in the use and adoption of HIT.

 Technicality challenges also play a role in adoption. Ease of accessibility and

useability of the network or the technological gadgets.

 Finally, the security of informatics has a huge impact. Service providers may face the

risk of losing information.

Design and Development challenges

Models, tools, and methods that are prone to risks

Having a standard interface that has good features

Security of information in case the software is connected to other networks

Client identification procedures that do not match

Implementation and Use challenges

Sound decisions that improve and support the safety of the service user.

Good training that will safely manage adoption

Bad Monitoring and evaluation practices

Having an up-to-date system that automatically recognizes changes

Having a work culture that loves information sharing and giving

Having models that improve the utility of Health and Technology.

Importance Of the study.

This study is important to all the stakeholders that need to have a reliable referral source that

will be used to provide insights on the challenges and mitigation strategies that affect

Technology in health Management systems.

Chapter 2: Literature Review


Adopting Health Information Technology in a health care system can have impacts but can

also bring in unintended challenges (Brenner & Grinspan, 2016). With the need of all

stakeholders to maintain and adopt digital infrastructure to limit the complexity of interaction

between people, processes, and the environment (Sittig & Wright, 2018). While recent

studies and research have shown actual design, growth, and implementation of the various

methods of Information Technology, is a shared responsibility, its an up-step progression in

service delivery (Kim & Magrabi, 2017).

           The technology should be used appropriately and correctly by all the health providers

in their care plan administration. In case the use of the applications does not meet the needs

of the user, the existing framework should be carefully revised and modified to meet the care

plan (Health & Social Care Information Center, 2016). Additionally, the health care

management system when procuring their systems should actively be involved in the

monitoring and evaluation of the technology to ensure they are safe and promote safety

(Sittig & Singh, 2012).

Kathrin, et Al, 2013 article on Ten key reflections for the successful implementation

and adoption of effective, sustainable Information technology in Health identifies how a

successful Health Information system can be implemented. They are categorized into:

clarifying the technology design, building consensus, considering options, choosing systems

that meet the health facility needs, planning appropriately, building infrastructure, train staff,

and continuously monitoring and evaluating.

The World Health Organisation, 2020 Health information system report profoundly

explains the expectation of each health care in their country, the various sources of

information, principles for measuring the performance of health information systems, and

their core indicators. This report is useful in analyzing the different stakeholder roles and how

to ensure effective performance of Information Technology.

According to Perspectives in Health Information Management, (Fall 2020). Analyses

the need to adopt Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. The adoption will guarantee

efficiency and quality care.

Felicia, et Al., 2020 shows the importance of EHR technology in ensuring clinical

workflow that clinicians can use to perfume tasks and generate the required results. In

addition, comprehending factors such as task alignment, resources available will provide an

avenue for the adoption of the technology. This article proves worthwhile in building the

foundation of a successful implementation plan.

Yasser & Frank article explains the various Information tools that can be used in

Health Information Management (HIM) Electronic physician’s orders and E-prescribing,

Clinical decision support, retained surgical items electronic sign-out, hand-off tools, Smart

pump, Bar code medication administration, and Automated medication dispensing

technology, Telemedicine, inhibition technology and Remote patient Monitoring are some of

the effective systems that can promote effective outcomes.

           Kathrin & Aziz 2015 article touches on Health information technology as being

pertinent in the reduction of mortality rates by enhancing the quality of life through a more

centered way, reflective modeling that puts the patient at the center of all quality care.

Adoption can only be effective if the right decision-makers are instrumental in the

transformational process.

Lesar et al. (2014) work support the need of providing patients and their support

families with the best care plans that include access to information systems to make their own

decision. This will decrease the mortality rate through improved professional communication

for early diagnosis and intervention.

           The report by the Center FOR Medicare and Medicaid Service outlines how the

adoption of Technology in information systems could save up to 300 billion us dollars

annually through the adoption of information dissemination practices. This will minimize

costs significantly since it has an influential role in the rest of the industry.  

           Kichan Y., et Al., 2020 Proposal for Public Health Information System-Based Health

Promotion Services, outlines the need to investigate health promotion results for projects held

at health centers. The evidence that only a few had links in data promotion of medical health

information systems. This article enlightens how a health information system is important for

a wider society's adoption of the management system.

Fozia &Azra Barriers in Adoption of Health Information Technology in Developing

Societies (2017) outlines a working conceptual framework on how management can

overcome barriers to decision making. Through building organization capacity information

will be at disposal and useful to policymakers who drive the vision and mission of the health

care systems.


All sources positively contribute to the advancement of the study because the advantages of

Adopting the right Health Information system outweigh the disadvantages. With the

improvement of safety for health, IT through the advancement of scientific knowledge

practitioners will not do all the work. This will only be achieved through stakeholder

collaboration on informatics.


Brenner SK, Kaushal R, Grinspan Z., (2016) Effects of health information technology on

patient outcomes: a systematic review. J Am Med Inform Assoc; 23(5): 1016–1036.

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (2019). Report on US Healthcare

Expense Washington, DC: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Cresswell KM, Bates DW, Sheikh A. J Am (2013) Ten key considerations for the successful

Felicia M. Bowens, MSM; Patricia A. Frye, MPH, MPA, DrPH; & Warren A. Jones, MD,

(2020) FAAFP Health Information Technology: Integration of Clinical Workflow into

Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records

Fozia &Azra Barriers in Adoption of Health Information Technology in Developing Societies

(2017). (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.

Health & Social Care Information Centre (2016). Clinical risk management: its application in

the deployment and use of health IT systems—implementation guidance (SCCI 0160).

implementation and adoption of large-scale health information technology Med Inform Assoc

2013;20 e9–e13.

Kathrin M Cresswell & Aziz Sheikh (2015). Health information technology in hospitals:

current issues and future trends. Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of


Kichan Y., Sewon P., Solji C., & Munjae L., (2020) A Proposal for Public Health

Information System-Based Health Promotion Services. Processes 2020, 8, 338

Kim MO, Coiera E and Magrabi F. (2017). Problems with health information technology and

their effects on care delivery and patient outcomes: a systematic review. J Am Med Inform

Assoc; 24(2): 246–250.

Lesar, T. S., Briceland, L., & Stein, D. S. (2014). Factors related to errors in medication

prescribing. JAMA, 277(4), 312-317. doi:10.1001/jama.1997.03540280050033

Perspectives in Health Information Management, (Fall 2020). FAAFP Health Information


Sittig DF & Singh H., (2012) Electronic health records and national patient-safety goals. N

Engl J Med 2012; 367(19): 1854–1860.

Sittig DF, Wright A, Ash J, (2018) New unintended adverse consequences of electronic

health records. Yearb Med Inform; 10(1): 7–12.

World Health Organisation (2020). Health information system report.

Yasser K. Alotaibi & Frank Federico. (2017) The impact of health information technology on

patient safety. Saudi Med Vol. 38 (12): 1173-1180 DOI: 10.15537/smj.2017.12.20631


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