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Student’s Name:

Institution Affiliation:

Title: Challenges Faced by Undocumented Immigrants


Brandon had faced a lot of challenges in traveling from Guatemala to America to unite

with his mother. This is after a ten-year apart period. It was a gruesome journey through the

desert to finally see his mother, who he didn’t know. Furthermore, his mother has already

remarried and is having a hard time living in a new family. This is just the case of some of the

immigrant children facing.

Of the cities most faced with the challenges of immigrant students are New York, Texas,

Florida, New Mexico and Pennsylvania (Franklyn C. and Kent B., 2003). Some of the challenges

faced are access to information, outside responsibilities, financial help, language, and academic

necessities. It is estimated that 16% of the US working force are born outside and with the

increased child immigration it is projected to rise by 2030 according to the united nation 2019.

Educating any immigrant student is quite difficult especially when it pertains to language

differences and culture. This is attributed to the several forms of discrimination they face

concerning misconceptions about their culture, religion (IOM, 2018). In the case of Brandon, he

faced cultural shock when confronted with the new academic culture. This forced him to digress

from active school activities.

Families play a social responsibility for their children. This is not the case for Brandon.

Brandon hasn’t seemed his mother for nearly ten years and he was surprised his mother

remarried. In essence, his mother has a new family to take care of. Therefore, his mother would

ignore him on many occasions, not being keen on his academic, health and social status. This

forced Brandon not to be social with other students in school. Brandon faces financial challenges

as he lives and school in America. He is young to engage in any economic activity. Further, he

could not afford to buy food and good clothes to wear.


Brandon is an international migrant on a long-term migration for his country. Particularly

he was not documented at the time of migration as he crossed to the US. There are various

implications faced by Brandon by being an undocumented immigrant. childhood development of

is necessary, lack of access to services such as health will lead to a low level of academic

performance. In addition, Brandon will likely face unemployment in the future since he will

probably not undertake in higher education.

Refugees are allowed to work and stay in the USA and pay tax. Conversely they are not

allowed to engage in activities contravening the law. In interacting with Brandon he felt

pessimistic about his future in the US. He confessed that he barely has friends and although he

has a crush on a girl he doesn’t see it going anywhere, he feels really depressed at home as no

one is willing to talk to him on what he is undergoing



Franklyn C. Williams and S. Kent Butler1 (OCTOBER 2003) Professional School Counseling

Vol. 7.

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