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1. (a) Work out 13 – 4.005 (m) What is the product of 0.101 and 11.1?

Ans: _________________________ Ans: _________________________

(b) 0.32 2. Fill in the spaces in the Tables below. Some

have been done for you.
Ans: _________________________
(c) 16 x 37
3 out of 6 1

Ans: _________________________
4 out of 12 1

(d) 456 + 12
10 out of 15
Ans: _________________________
16 out of 28
(e) 5 x 10 + 6 x 100 + 4
18 out of 24
Ans: _________________________

(f) 1 + 2 x (3 + 4)
Ans: _________________________
3 7
(g) +
5 20 ¼ 25%

Ans: _________________________ 30%

(h) 4
4 60%
12 9
Ans: _________________________
7 4
(i) x4
16 7
Ans: _________________________ 1
2 0.5

7 1 0.25
(j) 5 ÷1
9 3
Ans: _________________________
(k). 782 – 17

Ans: _________________________ 0.75

(l) 2.68 x 5.367 4


3. (a) How many minutes are there in 3 hours

Ans: _________________________
47 minutes?

Ans: _________________________
1 of 1
(b) How many seconds are there in one week? 11. Mama Osag’s lunchtime club is becoming
ever more popular. Every day one more person
Ans: _________________________ attends than the previous day. On the first day
of the club only one person was there. So far
4. Write down the next two numbers in the the sum of attendances for all the days is 66.
following pattern For how many days has the club been running?

(a) 25, 23, 21, 19, 17, ________, __________ Ans: _________________________

(b) 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, ________, __________ 12. If the following numbers are arranged in
numerical order, which one will be in the
(c) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ________, __________ middle?

5. The perimeter of a rectangular farm is 294 0.65, 2

3 , 0.7, 3/5, 0.6125
metres. What is the area of the farm if the
length is twice the width? Ans: _________________________

Ans: _________________________ 13. One portion of fish and chips costs N2.10.
Two portions of fish and chips, plus three
6. Find two numbers that add together to give portions of fish, chips and peas cost N11.70.
20 and multiply together to give 64. How much does one portion of peas cost?

Ans: _________________________
Ans: _________________________
7. The ages of 3 people added together amount
to 125 years. What did their ages added 14. A snail moves 2 millimeters every second.
together amount to 5 years ago? How many centimeters will it move in one
Ans: _________________________
Ans: _________________________
8. If three is added to a certain number, and
the result is then multiplied by 7, the answer is 15. The table below gives the ages of a group of
49. What is the number? pupils:

Ans: _________________________ Age (years) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

No. of Pupils 2 0 1 3 4 3 2
9. In an election 18000 people voted out of a
possible 30000. What percentage of the people (i) How many pupils were in the group?
Ans: _________________________
Ans: _________________________
(ii) Which of the ages has the highest number of
10. A frog in training for the “Frog Olympics” is pupils?
doing warm-up jumps. Each jump is twice as far
as the previous jump. His first jump is 10 Ans: _________________________
centimeters long. How many jumps must he do
to jump more than five meters in total? (iii) How many of the pupils are below 7 years?

Ans: _________________________
Ans: _________________________

2 of 2
(iv) If the sum of the ages of the pupils is 129, How many lunches will the school prepare
find their average age. during the ten-week spring term?

Ans: _________________________ Ans: _________________________

(v) Find the average age of those that are more 21. A radio play begins at nine fifty and lasts for
than 6 years to one place of decimal. one hour and thirty-five minutes. At what time
does it end?
Ans: _________________________

16. Toyin has left his bicycle at his friend Ans: _________________________
Shehu’s house overnight. Shehu’s house is 15 22. Ayo cycles at an average speed of twenty-
kilometres away from where Toyin lives. The four kilometers per hour for one hour and
next morning, Toyin’s mother drove him to fifteen minutes. How far does he travel?
Shehu’s house in her car traveling at an average
speed of 50kmph. He then cycled on to school Ans: _________________________
which is 5 kilometres from Shehu’s house at an
average speed of 8kmph. 23. Itohan has N5.00 at the beginning of the
week. During the week she spends N1.20 on a
(i) Calculate the time taken for the part of the birthday card, 64k on some sweets and N3.60
journey by car. on a visit to the cinema and receives her pocket
Ans: _________________________
(i) How much money did she spend?
(ii) Calculate the time taken for the part of the
journey by bicycle. Ans: _________________________

Ans: _________________________ (ii) If she has N2.06 at the end of the week,
how much pocket money did she receive?
(iii) Calculate the average speed for the whole
trip. Ans: _________________________

Ans: _________________________ (iii) If she received N3.00 each week and

wanted to buy a pair of shoes costing N42.00,
17. Eve is saving up to buy a tennis racket how many weeks would she need to save all her
which costs N18. She saves 75k each week. pocket money?
How many weeks will it take her to save enough
money? Ans: _________________________

Ans: _________________________ 24. Find the missing digit if 758_ is exactly

divisible by 6
18. A crate holds 18 bottles. How many crates
are needed to hold 666 bottles? Ans: _________________________

Ans: _________________________ 25. Neka gets 38 50 in an English test, 6 20 in a

Math test and 79% in a science test.
19. Ali earns N8.00 an hour. How much would
he earn for 15½ hours work? (a) In which subject did he do best?

Ans: _________________________ Ans: _________________________

20. A school prepares four hundred lunches

every day for six days each week in term time.

3 of 3
(b) In which subject did he do worst? Following the discovery of other sources from
overseas of the man’s wealth, and following the
Ans: _________________________ directives of the will the youngest child got a
total of N5,300,000.00
26. It is well known that Mike can clear a
farmland in 30 days while Chika would complete (c) How much money was left by the father?
the work in 20days.
Ans: _________________________
(a) What fraction of the work can be done by
each man in one day? 28. The diagram below shows the plan of a
garden with the lengths marked in metres.
Ans: _________________________ 13

(b) How long does it take to complete the job if

two men work together on the farmland? 5 Lawn

Ans: _________________________
(c) If a sum of N50,000.00 is allocated for the
job, how much should each man be paid if
payment is proportional to amount of work
2 Pond

Ans: _________________________ 5 6

(d) If Mike had work alone for 5 days before (i) Find the area of the Pond.
Chika joined him, how much longer does it take
to complete the job? Ans: _________________________

Ans: _________________________ (ii) Find the area of the lawn.

27. A man’s total wealth in the country was Ans: _________________________

known to be N8,000,000.00 At his death his
eldest son insisted that the money be shared in (iii) Find the perimeter of the path.
the ratio of 4:3:2:1 in order of the seniority of
the children. Ans: _________________________

(a) Under this plan how much does the 29. (i) An individual carton of orange juice is a
youngest child inherit? rectangular cuboid 5cm long, 3cm wide and 8cm
high. Find the volume of juice that it contains.
Ans: _________________________
Ans: _________________________
However, the father’s will was discovered and it
stated that N800,000.00 be set aside for the (ii) A large carton of juice is also a cuboid, and
education of the youngest child and the rest holds 1000cm3 of liquid. It is 10cm long and
shared equally among the children. 8cm wide. Find its height.

Ans: _________________________ Ans: _________________________

(b) How much will the youngest child now (iii) A glass holds 150cm3 of liquid. How many
inherit? full glasses can be served from a large carton?

Ans: _________________________ Ans: _________________________

4 of 4
30. Korede normally walks at a steady pace to 37. Kunle has a part time job which pays N6.75
school, covering 3 kilometers in 45 minutes. per hour. What is his total earning if he works 2
One day she walked for one kilometer and then hours on Monday, 3 hours on Tuesday, 4 hours
a family friend gave her a ride in her car for the on Wednesday, 5 hours on Thursday and 6
remaining distance to the school. If she rode in hours on Friday?
the car for only 5 minutes, how long did it take
her to get to school that day? Ans: _________________________

Ans: _________________________ 38. Place the numbers 1 to 11 in the circles so

that each line of three circles adds up to 18.
31. If the shaded rectangle is 9 cm by 3 cm and
the large rectangle is 12 cm by 5 cm, what
percentage of the large rectangle is shaded?

Ans: _________________________

32. February 27, 2006 is a Wednesday. What is

the date of the following Wednesday?

Ans: _________________________
33. Ire departs on a train at 10:43 p.m. If the
trip is scheduled to take 5 hours and 27
minutes, when may he plan on arriving at his

Ans: _________________________

34. Osato has 270 Naira and wishes to purchase

ten oranges at 2 for N15, six apples at 2 for N55
and as many bananas as she can. If bananas
cost N5 each, how many bananas can she buy?

Ans: _________________________

35. A pot is 1 2 full of water. When 12 litres is

added, it is 3 4 full. How many litres will the pot
hold when it is completely full?
By following the arrows only, write down
Ans: _________________________
which route will take you from 0 to 50?
36. 42 is an example of a number which is
divisible exactly by three different prime Write down the route.
numbers; 2, 3, and 7.
Ans: _________________________
Write down two other whole numbers between
1 and 75, which are divisible by exactly three
different prime numbers.

Ans: _________________________
5 of 5
40. Write a number in each circle so that the 42.
two numbers in the circles at the ends of each
line add to the number, which is written on that 70



33 30

46 43

41. Lola is making a series of patterns with tiles. (a) On the bar graph above Group ______

scored 20 points more than Group ______ and

Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3
10 points less than Group C.

(b) By how many points is Group D higher than

Group F?

Ans: _________________________________

(c) Write down the Group whose score is six

times the score by Group F.

Ans: _________________________________
1 Tile 5 Tiles 9 Tiles
(d) Write down the total score of Groups A and
How many tiles would Lola need for pattern 6?
Ans: _________________________________
Ans: _________________________
(e) If the points scored by Groups B and F are
added together and the result is subtracted
from points scored by Group E and then added
to Points scored by Group A. Write down the
total points now scored by Group A.

Ans: _________________________________

6 of 6

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