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GE 7 Art Appreciation

2nd Examination
Paper Sculpture/Architectural Design


I crafted a dove
sculpture because paper
is the main medium for
this craft. Majority of the
paper we use is white
which reflects to the prime
characteristic of a dove.
Dove is a symbol of new
beginnings, peace,
navigation, purity, and
hope. Dove is also a
significant bird in the bible,
it is often illustrated as the
representation of the Holy
Spirit. Dove is said to be a
very gentle and generous
bird. It is willing to share its
food with its mate despite
being hungry. Thus,
whenever I look at this
dove sculpture hanging in
my room I will be
reminded of pureness,
generosity, hope as well
as the Holy Spirit watching
over all of humanity. FRONT VIEW
GE 7 Art Appreciation
2nd Examination
Paper Sculpture/Architectural Design


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