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1 Personalities 2 Your style
Tell your partner about two of the following people: • Do you have a lot of clothes that you never wear?
• somebody you know who is very bad-tempered • Do you prefer wearing plain or patterned clothes?
• somebody you know who is incredibly absent-minded • Do you consider yourself to be quite trendy?
• somebody you know who is extremely big-headed • What's your favourite items of clothing?
• somebody you know who is rather tight-fisted • Where do you tend to buy most of your clothes?
• somebody you know who is a bit two-faced Why?
• Do you ever buy clothes online?

3 Yourtown 4 Your health
• In which part of your town I city do you live? (in the Tell your partner about a time when you or someone
centre, on the outskirts, etc.) you know. ..
• What do you like best I least about your neighbourhood? • needed stitches.
• Are there any famous landmarks or sights in your town? • fainted.
• Are there any problems with .. .? • had food poisoning.
a homeless people b pollution c crime • choked on something.
• If you had to choose one adjective to describe your • had an allergic reaction to something.
town what would it be? • twisted their ankle.
• Are you happy living there or would you like to move?

5 Music 6 The Media
• When and where do you normally listen to music? • How up-to-date are you with what's going on in the
• What kind of music do you listen to? world?
• Did your parents listen to a lot of music when you • Where do you usually get the news from?
were growing up? What kind? • Do you think news reporting in your country is
• Is your taste in music similar in any way to your objective or biased?
parents'? • What's the biggest story in the news at the moment?
• Do you tend to have friends who share your musical • What kind of reviews do you usually read? Are you
tastes? influenced by them?
• If you could be a world-class musician what
instrument would you choose to play?
~------ --------- --------------+-----------------------------~
7 Feelings 8 The weather
Tell your partner about a time you felt... Tell your partner about...
• really disappointed about something. • the kind of weather you enjoy.
• a bit homesick. • the kind of weather you hate.
• very grateful for something someone did for you. • the most extreme weather you have ever
• proud because of something a friend or family experienced.
member did. • a holiday, trip, or excursion that was a disaster
• scared stiff before you had to do something. because of the weather.

9 Crime and punishment 10 Advertising
• What are the most common crimes in your town I Talk about...
city? • an advert (or TV commercial) you love.
• Have you or someone you know ever been the victim • an advert which really irritates you.
of a crime? • a brand that has a memorable logo or slogan.
• What would you do to reduce crime? • an advert which made you buy something.
• Have you or someone you know ever been on a jury? 1
. ... ?.
• Do you enjoy
reading detective novels
watching TV crime series

English File 3rd edition Teacher's Book Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014

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