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Self Awareness:

“Great leadership starts with self awareness.”

Being aware of your own qualities, weaknesses, style, character, personality, and so on.
significantly affects how leaders carry on and associate with others. By being Self- Aware, a
leader can deliberately impact the circumstance and the potential atmosphere of the group.

Then again, not being self-aware could prompt undesirable or bothersome results.

If you desire to be an effective leader, consider and find out about your best leadership tool;
yourself. Reflect upon the effect your connections have on others. Tune in to both positive and
negative feedback others offer on your conduct and style. Request for candid feedback on your
initiative. Accept every opportunity to lead evaluations of your personality and style using
substantial instruments.

Attempting to understand, analyze and create yourself will pay immense profits when you are
put into any leadership role.

2. World Citizen:

Being a world citizen means that having concerns about what’s going around the entire world
and not just your home place. Leaders believe that this world is a global village where there are
so many varieties of people contributing towards peace and fulfillment or other humans and
leaving an impact.

Leaders are world citizens who perceive the truth of our shared humankind and common destiny.
This acknowledgment is an inspiration to leave on an adventure to create something more than
just a world. On this journey, leaders look to have a lasting effect which rises above fringes and
inspires our worldwide town or global village.

3. Empowering Others:

Empowerment refers both to the procedure of self-empowerment and to expert help of

individuals, which empowers them to beat their feeling of powerlessness and absence of impact
making, and to recognize and in the end to utilize their assets and possibilities.

So yes it is significant function of leadership.

Gone are the days when leadership was basically the effort of control and power over others.
Today the best leaders are the people who enable others to step up and lead. When you break out
of the traditional mind-set of a leader and a devotee, it can enable you to make stronger bonds
with your representatives and employees.

An empowering leader makes an environment where others can work freely and feel responsible
enough to take an interest in the decision making. It is an environment wherein much more can
be accomplished than was initially thought possible.

While there isn’t only one formula or one ‘right way’ that you can empower others, an
empowering leader would constantly take a look at new chances to all things considered to
achieve an organization’s objectives.

4. Solution Oriented:

We all react to issues in various ways. A few of us quickly begin turning over that problem in
our mind, perhaps searching for the reason that issue developed or searching out related issues
that might not have occurred to us yet. But, others look beyond the problem to the solution—
quickly searching for approaches to settle the issue and move ahead.

There’s most likely space for the two different ways of reasoning—however in case you’re in a
position of leader, your employees are going to seek you for answers. To an enormous degree,
they’re going to require you to have solutions, not only theories about the issue itself.

I understand that solutions don’t come that easily but once we train our mind by focussing on the
solutions to every problem, our mind-set starts becoming solution oriented.

Think about that one chocolate problem our teachers used to give, the best students used to think
and start searching for the solutions immediately, even when they never came across it. In the
end, someone definitely used to come up with the answer!

Great scientists and leaders, all have them have solution oriented mindset, that’s why they could
create and come up with big discoveries and things.

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