Angels With Shola Livingstone - SWAT DAY FOUR

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with Shola Livingstone D4

Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT)

Livingstone, [24.10.19 20:07]

Good evening everyone.
Grace and peace to you all.
This is Livingstone.
Are we ready for tonight! As we continue on the teaching on the ministry of angels?
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Last week we looked at the introduction into ministry of angels.
We touched on how to discern their presence, how to talk to them and how to engage
our sights to see them. Today, we will touch on how to work or partner with angels. I
mentioned last week that angels are God's servant who discharge their ministry by
serving us. Those who are assigned wait on us to receive orders from us to do the things
they are assigned to do.
Actually, we give them order or not some angels will still do their work. But some angels
will not move an inch until they are summoned through prayers.
The Angelic strata have ranks and files. Therefore, not all angels are at your beck and
call. But those who are sent to partner with you are always there to serve God by serving
with you.
In the angelic stratas, we have
1. warfare angels
2. Territorial angels
3. Angelic princes
4. Portal angels
5. Access angels
6. Harvest angels e.t.c

And we have ministering angels

(a) Angel of help
(b) Angels that bring protection, provision,
(c) Angels of our ministries
(d) Angels of our home and families
(e) Angels of our businesses
(f) Angels of our ministry platform
(g) Angels that bring direction
(h) Angels that bring revelation and insight
(i) Angels of inventions and innovations e.t.c..

Today we will focus on Ministering angels or what the Bible calls ministering spirits...
Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who
shall be heirs of salvation?
KJV:Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs
of salvation?
ESV:Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to
inherit salvation?
NIV:Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
AMP:Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God
for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?
Look at the sentences carefully

Sent to serve those that will inherit salvation

Sent to serve for the sake of those that will inherit salvation
Sent to minister for.....
Sent out in the service of....
So basically, Ministering angels are sent to serve you... And to serve with you...And to
serve on your behalf...Clear enough?
Now, we don't go about sending angels as though they are our slaves. The Bible never
calls the slaves, the Bible calls the servant... God's servant. They are not our slaves..
Servants has a level of right and liberty. Slaves are bought with money; they have no
say whatsoever.

Angels are not sent to help our laziness. They are rather sent to serve us as we go about
serving God..
Note that the phrase ended with those that will inherit salvation or heirs of salvation,
this mean that there is a requirement to their service to you. You must be an heir of
salvation. And this is beyond a confession of faith. There is a way am heir of salvation
should think, should talk, should act.....

I have people mentioned how angels do certain things for them. I personally know a
minister who after late might meetings, he is a pastor. He gets home tired and meet
food on his table, covered in plates. He eats and after eating the angels comes to carry
their plates. This happened several times. This doesn't happen when he is free to cook
and he feels like not cooking. They serve us as we go about serving God.
Mind you, this is not him decree that angels should pound yam. It is rather happening
because he sustained a consciousness that angels are sent to work with him and he
believes very well that they will show up when they need to.
He mentioned how he left meeting late at night. There was no vehicle. He was so tired.
He started to bless the ne of God for angelic ministry and acknowledging them. And man
came to his side with a power bike. Before he even finished mentioning where he is
going. The man took off. He alighted at the front of his house, while he was trying to get
his money to pay. The man zoomed off and vanished out of sight. This happened in
Such experiences have happen to some of us too. We didn't just quickly know that it's
angelic ministry at work.
Now, the ministry of angels prospers around us as we acknowledge their work and
ministry often. Even in our prayers. Thank you, Father for the Ministry of angels. Thank
God for the things his word says angels will do. We set the atmosphere for angelic
ministry by our faith filled confession in line with the will of God.
Our confessions of worry, anxiety, fear, doubts, dampens the atmosphere for them
incapacitates them. Thy are practically helpless when we are doubtful.
They can't help us.

When we understand what the scripture says that angels will do for us. It helps us to
have the right expectation. And the Bible says the expectation of the righteous shall not
be cut short.
Do you expect angelic ministration in your daily life. Do you expect them in your
Ministry, in your business, in your family, in hour home, in your school work ...?
Expectation has a voice. What you don't expect, you don't attract. Your expectations in
When you are travelling.
Simply say thank you Father because your word says the angel of the Lord encamp
around the righteous. And they shall keep in all my ways lest I dash my foot against
stones. Therefore, this journey is safe and secure.
I was travelling once and the driver took a turn at a bent and almost run into an incoming
vehicle but somehow his car stopped. And them immediately my eyes were opened and
I saw an angel sat on the Bonnet of our car. And then I just know... No shaking.
We honour God by receiving his blessings through his angels and by acknowledging
them. And you see, in the realm of the spirit, your thoughts are louder than your words.
I taught us last week that angels or spirit communicate via telepathy.
Don't dishonour angels in your heart or speak against them. you shut your self out of
their supplies.
The Lord once sent an angel to me to release a blessing of a particular gift of the spirit
to me. I saw him and in my heart I was like abeg, all the gifts of the spirit that i have self
I have not finished using them. And the guy left.
Few years later, I asked the Lord for that same grace. And he said I knew you would need
it that was why I sent my angel to bring it to you few years ago and you despised him
and what he brought....
I started repenting, this happened some years ago. I wouldn't do that now, I know
The Lord Jesus once sent an angel to Kenneth Hagin to warn him of a financial depression
that is coming to the Nation. That day Kenneth was in the house truck and he felt the
angels was around. He reached out the hand and felt the presence of a spirit being. And
he said who is that and why are you hear.
But he didn't pay attention and the angel left.
Few months later baba suffered economic crisis. And Jesus appeared to him and told
him that I sent my angel to warn you but you don't listen. You despised him.
When Jesus appeared to him. He came with that see angel. And Jesus told Kenneth he
has a message for you and In fact that angel is your angel. And the angel gave Kenneth
a way out of the financial crises and told him things to come. And everything he said
An Angel appeared to Zechariah in the temple and Zechariah who was the high priest. It
was expected that he should have a level of faith and understanding of God's ways. And
he doubted what the angel said asking for a sign. And The angel got vexed and told him
that he will be dumb for a season.
Peter Tan said, the written reason for the angel making him dumb is so that he will have
a sign that the things he said we're true but the unwritten reason is so that he won't
have to say some dump things in doubt that will make the prophecy aborted. Luke 1
The Bible says let the doubtful man; the double minded not think that he will receive
anything from God. James 1.
When the Lord gives you a word. And it looks and sound unbelievable, please apply the
wisdom of Mary. The angel Gabriel came to her and gave her words that is unbelievable.
How can a woman have child without carnal knowledge of a man?
But instead of saying it's not possible, She simply said, “Be it unto me according to your
That is wisdom
Okay, let's look at how to partner with them now..let's start with
You are called of God! and you are a sent one. God doesn't send you without giving you
back up.
Luke 10 said God called his disciples to himself and gave them authority and power over
sickness and diseases.
The resources of the spirit available to you for the ministry into which you are called
• Graces
• Giftings of the spirit
• Human help
• Influence
• Ministerial authority
• The anointing
• Doors of ministry
• Platforms
• Networks of the right people
• Angelic ministry
• And many more...
So we are looking at angelic ministry...For the assignment you are sent to do on earth...
Certain angels are assigned to work with you! Not all angels know the same thing. And
not all angels can do the same thing. Angels attend classes in heaven and they are taught
based on their rank and file, and based on what their created to do.
So the angel of your ministry knows what you are sent to do and has a copy of the word
of the Lord for your ministry. He works with you based on what God has sent you to do.
There is the angel of your ministry platform come.

Your minsitry platform is not your ministry. Your ministry is an assignment resulting from
your walk with God. Your ministry platform is what God gave you for you to carry out
your assignment
For instance I write, is part of my ministry, there are scribal angels in heaven. One of
them is assigned to work with me. When i write he is usually around and his presence in
a way helps the flow of the anointing.
Hope you know that the angels are under the administrator called the Holy Ghost. He is
the one who sends them.
Some times when I am writing and it's not flowing. I just stop and pray in tongues and
consciously call for help
Do you also know when you teach, when you preach there are angels around?
I once heard Apostle Arome Osayi say that when he is teaching, he usually has a sign
when a particular angel is around. And then he can switch into healing and miracles
happens. As you learn to work with your angels it makes the work better.
There is the gift of healing.
There ia the angel of healing...
The angel of healing multiplies the effect of the gift of healing.

William Braham when he ministers usually wait for the angel of healing. When the angel
comes, he begins to have word of knowledge for people infirmities and as he mentions
it, they are being healed wherever they are. He doesn't have to touch them
This same thing happened for other gifts of the spirit.
There is the angel of signs and wonders and miracles.. there is the angel or spirit of
knowledge, there is the angel or spirit of faith.
Now, there are certain times when certain presence are around in my meetings where I
minister that the gift of prophecy becomes really heightened and there is the grace to
prophecy to everyone in the hall. I stop only when I feel like... Now it is in the place of
intimacy with Jesus that these things get activated that the Lord teaches you your signs.
I never prayed for that scribal angel for instance it's in the place of intimacy that the Lord
added the angel to my arsenal
Now, there is the angel of your ministry platform.... he has in his hand the scroll
containing the vision for your ministry platform when God spoke it out of heaven.
He is not loyal to your desires in ministry. He is loyal to what is in the scroll.
It is his work to bring the necessary network that you need in ministry. He opened door
of ministry by causing situation to align. He is the one in charge kf bringing the money
the ministry needs to carry our God ordained programmes.
This guy won't bring the money to pay school fees.
Your angel will do that!
So this is the deal.
Father in the name of Jesus I quicken and activate the angel you have assigned to work
with me on this platform. He asks that he goes to work to cause the connection I need
for ministerial breakthrough. I decree that he brings strategy for advancement in
ministry, I decree that the 5 million for this meeting is supplied. I decree that the angel
of this ministry goes forth to stir the hearts of those whom the Lord has put the money
in their hands.
This is how we do it, we put pressure on angels. They put pressure on those who are
holding our money...
How many of us know that business platforms too have angels assigned to them...?
When you begin to see business as a calling, you begin to expect grace and spiritual
supply for the advancement of the business.
God sponsors what he commands.
When God gives me a business idea, I know it's not first about me, it's first about
kingdom. And so, I release the business to him. Same way we do ministry too.
The business whose idea God gave you has an angel assigned to it to oversee it's
This is it!
Every purpose of God on the earth has angels assigned ro oversee it's prosperity!
When you see your business as God ordained. You open yourself to receiving God's
An Angel appeared to Jacob and gave him a multi-million idea of how he will become a
millionaire off the flocks of Laban without cheating Laban. He gave Jacob wisdom for
genetic mutation and engineering... Genesis 31
You lack strategy for your business or your business is not prospering. Perhaps you are
in the wrong business. Ensure you are in God's perfect will business and by a
consciousness receive angelic help. They will bring solution and ideas, and inventions
and modifications, and innovations...
You are never alone. They will gather customers. Guys! You are never disadvantaged.
It's time to engage your angel for your business and ministry. It’s time to stop struggling,
rest in understanding of how to harvest help!! God has given you all that you need.
Everything you need to prosper and reign in life as a king that you are.
You have an angel attached you . This angel kinda looks like you, he has a copy of your
destiny scroll. His work is to bring to your remembrance. Words, visions, prophecies that
are the things you have once come into awareness of from your destiny scroll.
The Bible said about Jesus in Heb 10. That he has come to do that which is written in the
volume of the books concerning him.
This angel of yours is the chief of all other angels assigned to work with you. They
practically submit to him as he serves you.
The angel of your ministry, business and other assignments and platforms works with
you in submission to him. This is the angel the guys called the angel of peter here... They
knew that his angels looked like him...
Acts 12:13-15 And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken,
named Rhoda.
And when she knew Peter's voice, she opened not the gate for gladness, but ran in, and
told how Peter stood before the gate.
And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so.
Then said they, It is his angel.
This angel has a name... His new basically tally with the summary of your life assignment.
Okay! we will stop here tonight.
Tomorrow we will look at the place of angels in our marriages and homes... Plus others..
Thanks for your participation tonight!
Ok sir
Sir, I once heard someone said that angels are impatience and that is why they pass
judgement on every doubt. Please how true is this?
Also Sir, during prayers, is there anything like angels talking to you and God Himself
talking to you?

Good question!
God talked about an angel that he sent to work with Moses one time ..
Exodus 23:20-22 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to
bring thee into the place which I have prepared.
Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your
transgressions: for my name is in him.
But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy
unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.
They work basically by principles. They hear go and come. They do exactly what God
sends them and they use their delegated authority when they have to. But have been
trained to do all they do in God's will, they won't do anything that God won't endorse.
And yes. There is a possibility for the holy spirit to be talking to you on the inside and
angel is around you too to talk to you.
The example of Kenneth Hagin that i shared. I mentioned that Jesus and an angel
appeared to him and both of them spoke to him.

They take instruction from God. But they are not zombies, they have the right to use
their initiative in the will of the Father.
Like the angel that struggled with the body of Moses on Jude 1.
Jude 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about
the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord
rebuke thee.
What Michael did here was use his prerogative, but he acted correctly in the will of God?
All the angels in heaven and all they have to do has a direct implication on the saints to
the positive.
Heb 1:14
.AMP:Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God
for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?

All the angels do is to benefit the saints.

I guess i have touched all the questions asked.

Good night everyone.

'See' you tomorrow.

Its gonna be a deep journey....

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