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with Shola Livingstone D3

Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT)

Livingstone, [19.10.19 20:02]
Wherever you are, can you pray in the spirit! Pray in other tongues. Exercise your spirit!
Shut out distraction!
Father of Light!
Unto you are we gathered tonight. Thank you for showing us mercy in the last two days.
thank you for tremendous help. What do I have to offer your precious saints, if not that
you are gracious to us showing us the beauty of your face. Even tonight we ask that you
brighter your countenance upon us. That the entrance of your word will give us light and
understanding to the simple.
We recorded amazing testimonies yesterday to God's glory. Tonight will be greater. We
will be concluding on the introductory part of the course. I will just pick my bearing from
where we stopped yesterday.
Yesterday I mentioned two of the fundamental ways by which we can discern the realm
of the spirit manifesting around us.
1. The anointing
2. Exercise of spiritual senses.
Before I mention 3 & 4.
I mentioned yesterday that the same way we have five physical senses, we also have
five spiritual senses.
We stayed on three the first and the second day.

There is a way that the Kingdom of light feels, there is a way the kingdom of light taste,
there is a way that the kingdom of light smells...
The bible says in psalm 34, taste and see that the Lord is Good. That is because his
kingdom have taste.

On the first day, while I was teaching, someone said he is feeling sweetness on his
tongues. That's the kingdom he is discerning. Also Paul said in 2 Cor 2, we in the kingdom
we give off an aroma of Christ, a sweet smelling savor unto the Lord.
That's because we smell like the kingdom.

The kingdom has a taste and it has a feel, and it has a smell. It feels good, pure, holy. It
taste sweet like nice flavors and it smells very nice. Jesus is likened to the Lilly of the
valley. That flower smells very good,

On two occasion, I have been in my room and suddenly a foul smell feels the room. I
went around to check if it's the soak away tank or something, I didn't find anything. But
the Holy whispered to me it’s a foul spirit that around. Rebuke it, I didn't see it, but I
perceived its presence by smelling it. I rebuked it to get out of my environment and
immediately the odour stopped.
Foul spirits or devils have foul smells.
Paul revealed to us that..
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of
Satan can appear like an angel of light. Glittering, wearing white. By your eye gate you
may not know that its satan. But what's the feeling you are having, what's the smell it
brings, what's the atmosphere around it like. Most times, dark spirits have an oddness
about their atmosphere. Something feels odd about them...Angels bring atmosphere of
peace, or grace of joy or righteousness of humility of the Kingdom!
One time I took a teaching on angels in a school of prophets. And at the middle of the
night a spirit came to my room. By its presence I woke up and turned to the right on the
bed to check, I saw it was the devil. I just knew it wasn't an angel. Well I did what you
would have done too.
I turned to back to the left side of the bed closed my eyes and continued sleeping. Not
saying a word. Of course I woke the next morning very well.
Dr Val Mystic Medics, [19.10.19 20:28]
[In reply to Livingstone]
Ahahahahhahhahaahaa.. exactly my response! Hahahahahaahhaa
Livingstone, [19.10.19 20:29]
The reason I sharing on this because. When our spirit senses become very open. We will
see demons too. Sometimes they don't try to deceive you, and sometimes they try to
look like angels. You must be skilled in discernment. Plus, you must know the believer’s
authority. There's no room for fear anymore! The spirit realm in Christ Jesus is pure
Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and
of a sound mind.

You have power! No fear! The spirit realm is not the devils possession

I feel some people are afraid to see in the spirit. Saying what if I see the Devil. If you see
the devil, rebuke him and go your way. It’s not every time that you see the devil that he
is coming after you, some of those periods he is going after someone else... Remember
he is moving about to and fro seeking whom to devour. So sometimes, una fit jam no
fears, rebuke him and go your way... Two of Una dey follow pass the road in the spirit
realm. Soon enough we will get him packing finally.

Am I clear?

*All the five spiritual senses are sense of sight*

Sight in the spirit is consciousness, it’s awareness, it’s discernment, it’s to see, it’s to
know...So, I can say, I see an Angel, but I didn't see with my eyes. But I saw with my
feeling (I don't necessarily mean bodily sensation). I have friends who can discern angels
down to the color by feeling/perception. I can also say I see an angel yet I see my my
eyes.. I can also say I see but I just my smelt its presence..

So when someone says, I see the person may not literally see, the person may use other
sense of discernment but its still sight!
The Third fundamental way of discernment is "the word of God"
Hebrews 4:12 NKJV
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The word of God is active its living, it’s always ready to engage you and it's powerful and
efficient!. It’s the discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. The word of
the can expose the secret of any being.
When the discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart lives in you, it becomes quite
easy to discern angelic presences and engage them.

Now friends!

Since the time that we have been announcing that there will be a class on angels.

How many of us have embarked on a personal bible study on angels??

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged
sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our
innermost thoughts and desires.
Hebrews 4:12 NLT

The more you feed on the word, the more active the word of God will be in you!
How will you be able to judge spirit if you are not filled with the word of God?
Hey! We can't be lazy?? We must be studious!

Take it upon yourself to read every place in the scripture where they mentioned angels.
Read how they appeared to people, how people interacted with them, how they operate
and all. You will see that what you thought you need laying on of hands for will flow
naturally through you.
Imagine you reading on angels, and boom one shows and say let me explain to you what
actually happened then.....
Many people have gone off restrain and off borders in their chase for the supernatural.
Because they just want impartation, they don't want to study the scripture. The scripture
is the surest gateway for the supernatural dimension to open up.! Are you sure you are
ready for the responsibility that comes with the dimension you are asking for
Angels are not toys, they are not even our errand boys, they are Gods servants went to
work with you as you submit to God. They are Gods servant! Angels are God's servants
They are servant's not in relation to you, but in relation to your Father.
They serve you because that's their way of serving your Father!
The reason it is pertinent to know the word of God is because the greatest strategy of
darkness is deceitfulness. The. Devil never forces believers into darkness, he lures them
into falsehood which is darkness in a sense.
Paul warned us...
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits........
Do you know what seducing spirits are? They are not spirits that makes one commit
fornication, they are spirits that lures one away from the path of truth...
They feed your lust and lure you away from the path
Heb 1:14 Paul said angels are ministering spirits sent to minister to the heirs of salvation.
And in 1 Tim 4:1
Paul said some will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits.. So there are
two errand spirits. Ministering spirits and seducing spirits.... The two spirits speaks to us
through visions and through sounds...They show us and tell us things...That's why we
need to be grounded in the word, Its the Lord who keeps us from falling hence no
fear.But we must be guarded by reason of the truth!

Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit
Hebrews 1:14 NKJV

I sense a need to mention the note of caution!!

We will not fall. The Lord keeps us


Let's proceed! I noticed someone mentioned here that they were in a prayer meeting...
And they needed spiritual back up and they called for the angel of Livingstone and the
angel of Dr Val and the Angel of someone else...I never taught anything like that. And I
have never seen anything like that in the scripture!
Please it is out of order and out of place to summon to call the angels of people to come
to do anything for you.
You don't have the spiritual authority to do that.
You only have the authority under God to send the angels assigned to you. Just like Jesus
did in Rev 22:16 and I have also done that too several times.
If you feed you need spiritual back, the intercession of the saints will do, plus the name
of Jesus on righteous lips is enough to cause hell heavy weight damages.

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root
and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”
Revelation 22:16 NKJV

The last fundamental means of discernment is Love!

AMP:And this I pray: that your love may abound yet more and more and extend to its
fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight [that your love may display itself
in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment],..... Phil 1:9
Livingstone, [19.10.19 21:22]
....that your love may display itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more
comprehensive discernment....
One of the ways by which the love of the father in your heart expresses it self is through
discernment...The more you love God, the less the risk of being deceived. Love is the
greatest shield we can wear. It’s a dual weapon of defence and attack.
Livingstone, [19.10.19 21:25]
When love prosper in your heart, you don't become suspicious, you don't think
everything is evil, you don't think what if I am wrong. You don't think that you will fail,
perfect love cast out fear.
Many people think they have discernment, but what they have I suspicion. Suspicion is
of the evil one, it's root is fear.

Discernment is of God, its root is love

Jesu said, when I go, the comforter, the blessed Holy Spirit will come. When He shall
come, he will guide you into all truth. The Holy Spirit is the Lord of The Church! He is the
administrator of God's will, counsel and purpose in the church and in everyone who is
saved. The Holy Spirit is a king Spirit. The angels are his servants they are his ministering
spirits. We have the King Spirit in us! We have the ministering spirits with us and around
us. The angels never do anything outside of the will of the Holy spirit. The angels will not
do anything he doesn't endorse.
Their loyalty is too God not to us! They obey us when we speak the mind of God. As a
matter of fact they listen to us when we speak the word of God.
End of discussion. Lord I can't thank you enough for this class tonight. Thank you for
packaging it for me personally

Livingstone, [19.10.19 21:36]

Psalms 103:20 Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his
commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

Do you see that....When we speak the word of God, we give voice to God's word, angels
hear us as though its God that is talking and they go ahead to do what we decree..

We decree what he is saying,

Livingstone, [19.10.19 21:40]
We do have a right to command angels.... As a matter of fact, your decrees make them
do their work faster....
See this....
Daniel 9:21-22 Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had
seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the
time of the evening oblation.
And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to
give thee skill and understanding.
Daniel was praying and decreeing, and his confessions and decree made the angel fly
swiftly. Meaning uncreased the speed of operation of the angel...
When it comes to angelic ministrations, we pray the word.
Father thank you because your word says you will give your angels charge over me, as I
go this journey the angels of the Lord protect me from evil that I am aware of and that I
am not aware of.
Thank you father because you word says angels are ministering spirit sent to minister to
heirs of salvation of which I am one. For this job Interview am going for I release angels
to go ahead and cause all things to work together for my good. Let angels go now and
cause things to fall in place so I can get that job.
Father thank you because I cannot be stranded. And your word said you will supply all
my needs according to your Riches in Glory right now I release angels to place my name,
my thought, in the heart of those that will bless me financially.
Right now angel of the Lord go for and cause the school fees to come to me speedily....
That's how we pray and release angels to work

Lastly, I will end on this note.

Have you seen Igbo village movies. Where there is an Igwe and the Igwe has plenty
attendants. And the igwe has a son that have some attendants waiting on him. They
follow him anywhere he goes and are available at the flick of his fingers. They are waiting
on him for orders. He tells one to go and he tells the other to go and he goes..

If he feels like he doesn't need them. He will over work himself for nothing.

You are the igwe's son. Angels are your attendants. Use them, give them work to do.

Livingstone, [19.10.19 22:07]

2 Tim 1:7
God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and sound mind. The only way
to overcome anything negative is by meditating on the truth. Truth set us free. For we
shall know the truth and the truth sham we us free.
Fear of seeing demons?
The idea is, you are on mount Zion. The city of the living God, that is exactly where the
angels are, there is no demon in that place. As you exercise your sight, do so with the
consciousness that you are on mount Zion. Demon no dey there..
And if they manifest around you. Rebuke them in Jesus name. They will submit to you.
These same demons are afraid of you, you know?
Dr Val Mystic Medics:
Anger is a key to the Anointing....

It was a major key in the manifestation of the 'Healing Anointing' in the life of Jesus.

What the Bible calls 'Compassion' is not 'Eyaa'...

It is an intrinsic combination of 'Love' and 'Anger'(Fury) ...
'Love' for the person, and 'Anger' towards the infirmity!
Compassion is FURIOUS LOVE.

If you are a believer, then you ought to get more angry, more often, in the right
direction! DR. VAL

Something happened to me last night. I will like to share with you Sir.

I couldn't take part in yesterday's class fully even though I was online. Network was
terribly fluctuating.

When it eventually became stable, I decided to go through the teachings. This was
around 1:30am.

Afterwards, I had the impression to read Jeff Janson's book that was shared by someone
on SWAT.

As I scrolled, it took me to chapter 3 titled *Catching a glimpse of Eternity*

I began reading from there. The part where he talked about intimacy and estacy, I read
about St Teresa of Avila and Maria Woodworth-Etter
The striking part was how the later will get into a trance and lot of things will happen

Just as I finished reading about her, I dozed or maybe I got into a trance.

I was conscious that my phone was just about to drop from my hand to the floor, but
instantly, someone pushed my hand and the phone fell on my bed. Hmmmmm. It was
so real.

I was almost becoming afraid, but remembered the teaching where fear was
emphasized. "...God has not given us the spirit of fear..."

Just after that incident, 3 ladies came into our room. I started feeling my whole body
vibrating on the bed. I was half awake and half asleep. They asked me to pray in the Holy
Ghost. As I began, they said I should press further and engage . The more I pressed the
more intense the vibration.

Suddenly, I saw myself in another realm. They were still by my side. I was amazed. It was
quite quiet there, no activity, didn't see people. So I turned to them and began telling
them that it's actually better for someone to be there since there was nothing to be
afraid of.

Just then a lion appeeared and was about to pounce on me when one of the ladies
grabbed it in the air. She asked me to pray again in the Holy Ghost. As I did,the claws of
the lion started receding until it disappeared. The lion became incapacitated and then
they left me.

I know that I wasn't asleep while all of these took place.

Is it possible that Maria, Teresa and probably another saint in that category actually
came to explain to me what their lives really were?

By the time I eventually slept, I found myself in a stronghold. A lot of persons were held
captive by a man. The next person in line to be made useless was a man. I gave him a
sword and instructed him to use it without fear because he was the one to kill the evil

Sir, I am just loving this whole new experience. I thank God for connecting us to you.
Kai! I don't even know how else to express how I feel. God bless you o the good Dr. Keep
giving yourself to the father. Keep changing lives and destinies.
Dr Val Mystic Medics, [20.10.19 19:43]
Something happened to me last night. I will like to share with you Sir.

I couldn't take part in yesterday's class fully even though I was online. Network was
terribly fluctuating.

When it eventually became stable, I decided to go through the teachings. This was
around 1:30am.

Afterwards, I had the impression to read Jeff Janson's book that was shared by someone
on SWAT.

As I scrolled, it took me to chapter 3 titled *Catching a glimpse of Eternity*

I began reading from there. The part where he talked about intimacy and estacy, I read
about St Teresa of Avila and Maria Woodworth-Etter

The striking part was how the later will get into a trance and lot of things will happen

Just as I finished reading about her, I dozed or maybe I got into a trance.

I was conscious that my phone was just about to drop from my hand to the floor, but
instantly, someone pushed my hand and the phone fell on my bed. Hmmmmm. It was
so real.

I was almost becoming afraid, but remembered the teaching where fear was
emphasized. "...God has not given us the spirit of fear..."

Just after that incident, 3 ladies came into our room. I started feeling my whole body
vibrating on the bed. I was half awake and half asleep. They asked me to pray in the Holy
Ghost. As I began, they said I should press further and engage the. The more I pressed
the more intense the vibration.

Suddenly, I saw myself in another realm. They were still by my side. I was amazed. It was
quite quiet there, no activity, didn't see people. So I turned to them and began telling
them that it's actually better for someone to be there since there was nothing to be
afraid of.

Just then a lion appeeared and was about to pounce on me when one of the ladies
grabbed it in the air. She asked me to pray again in the Holy Ghost. As I did,the claws of
the lion started receding until it disappeared. The lion became incapacitated and then
they left me.

I know that I wasn't asleep while all of these took place.

Is it possible that Maria, Teresa and probably another saint in that category actually
came to explain to me what their lives really were?

By the time I eventually slept, I found myself in a stronghold. A lot of persons were held
captive by a man. The next person in line to be made useless was a man. I gave him a
sword and instructed him to use it without fear because he was the one to kill the evil

Sir, I am just loving this whole new experience.

I thank God for connecting us to you.
Kai! I don't even know how else to express how I feel.

God bless you o the good Dr. Keep giving yourself to the father. Keep changing lives and

This morning while praying, the Holy Spirit instructed me to pray for the people I'll meet
at the salon this afternoon cos I intended to go retouch me hair. When I got there, I met
a dumb boy of about 16 (not from birth.) He was prophesying. He signed while the owner
of the salon interpreted. I started praying in my mind to discern any foul play but

I was saddened by the whole matter. I told him I wanted to pray for him. He signed that
I was marked by God and that I should pray for everybody in the salon. In my mind I said
for where. I held his hand and prayed for him. Then he insisted I prayed for everybody
(5 people were there) that ANGELS are here.

I dragged my chair to a pregnant woman, held her hands and wanted to pray quietly.
The boy said we should all stand, I sing and pray one after the other. Brethren, na so I
so am o. When I got to the owner of the salon, the Holy Spirit came and hugged me. I
became suddenly drunk, staggering, and praying loudly in tongues.

When I was about done, one woman with a baby walked in and requested for prayers.
She said she had a dream where she was swimming and being chased by cult boys. I told
her she needed a relationship with Jesus not prayers, that that's the protection she
needs. When I laid hands on her she fell under the anointing o and landed on the floor.
I said I had killed pesin pikin and mama. That was when I got myself and became aware
of my surrounding. I had my hair washed and ran from there.

Udoka, [21.10.19 19:03]

Now the testimony is I stutter. But I didn't for once while I prayed for all those people.
It was when I called my sister to tell her the story that I began stuttering again. She said
it's obviously not stopping me. And awareness of the angels made be bold. I who would
never leave my chair till I leave a place. That I said hello to Dr Val when I met him was
because my sister was there. I would NEVER have approached him.

This was my first time of praying for people. And in public!

Udoka, [21.10.19 19:05]

I'm sad the dumb boy didn't receive instant healing. I'm certain that things have started
happening in his life though. He asked for my number and took mine. I'll see him again
and lay hands on him again. All I have to do is lay hands.

Dr Val Mystic Medics, [21.10.19 19:06]

[In reply to testifier]
... theres no need to be sad.....
That he didn't talk doesnt mean he hasn't received the ability to..
Secondly...... hmmm.... most of the greatest men and women I know that were used of
God in crazy dimensions started life with a major stutter in their speech....
Benny Hinn
James Earl Jones
Oral Robert's
And these people became powerful orators by the spirit .. with demonstration of
power.Cos in their apparent weakness , they learnt to depend on his power at work in
And we betide you if Dr Val had known you were in a place and didn't come to say hi..
I trust him.. he will even come down from the stage to hug you.

Dr Val Mystic Medics, [22.10.19 07:11]


God is everywhere (Omnipresent).

His protection,provision and manifest presence however, are in your 'calling'!
You are only anointed in your 'Assignment' !
There is something about you that made the father sacrifice His son for you..
There is a place you are called to be....
There was a need that God saw, a vacuum he noticed that birthed the thought of 'YOU'
in His mind!

Find your place!

An Eagle may spend its life among chickens because it was hatched among them.
But its potentials will always distinguish it.
However, the power of choice still belongs to it!
It may decide to live amongst them and try to adapt to their lifestyle.
It'll always wonder though,why it has to struggle even in feeding, seeing that the shape
of its beak is much different from the others.
It'll live in fear and each time a hawk carries one of its 'brethren', he'll wonder when it'll
be his turn.
A sleeping dynamite... Carrying the potentials of a predator, but living like a prey!

What can you do?

What are those potentials that distinguish you?
What do you notice most?
What would you be doing even if you didn't have to be paid to do it?
What gives you joy when its done?
What hurts you when you notice its absence?
What do you do without struggle?

Like the eagle among chickens, perhaps you've spent your whole life trying to fit in when
you were born to stand out!
You feel none has ever gone the path you're being moved to follow. So you decide to
follow other routes. At least , there are people walking those paths.
Why not carve a niche for yourself?
Why not blaze a trail for others to follow?
You are much more than you think you are!
Do you know that God's rain of abundance may be falling for you somewhere while you
are in a different place tilling the hard ground and complaining of famine?!

Children can afford to play with dynamite.........

Right up to the moment it gets ignited!
An understanding of Purpose is the greatest ignition your destiny needs!
When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable!
'The gifts and calling of God are without repentance'(Romans 11:29)
Many gifts........ One Calling!
Many potentials.... One purpose!
The potentials are to fuel the purpose!
The truth is that no matter what a product achieves, if it doesn't meet the need for which
the manufacturer intended, its still a failure in the eyes of the manufacturer!

Three questions we should ask ourselves.....

1. WHO AM I ? (The question of Identity)
2. WHY AM I HERE (The question of Purpose)
3. WHERE AM I GOING TO (The question of destiny and accountability)

Its time to wake up!

Awaken to the reality of yourself!
You are a Star!
Say to yourself,"No one can make me a Star! I add the twinkle to every environment I
find myself."
What makes a star shine doesn't come from 'without'. It comes from 'within'!
You were born a Star!

Like the eagle, you need to acknowledge your discomfort with where you are.
Stretch those wings and flap them.. Hard!
You can fly beyond the fence.
Sometimes that eagle may need the vision of another eagle high in the sky to stir him
He needs to be ignited!
Like a dynamite, you carry unlimited potential.
All you need is ignition!
The word you are reading now is already setting a fire in your bosom.
I know because there's fire in mine and the deep calleth unto the deep!
Wake Up!

You have God...

You are not a failure!
You have an Assignment...
It is not too late!
You have Potentials...
They are seeds!
As long as you have 'TODAY', you can begin to take a step in the direction of your

A great man once said, "The graveyard is the wealthiest place on earth. It is filled with
untapped treasures and unharnessed potentials. It is filled with men who died still full
of the treasures God packed inside them"

But today , we're changing all that.

A new dawn has come. It starts with 'the man in the mirror'.
Wake Up!
Start working on that album...
It'll be a Hit!
Start putting down some of those thoughts in writing....
It'll be a bestseller!
Start that talk show....
DSTV will look for you!
Invest more in counselling pe

Dr Val Mystic Medics, [22.10.19 07:11]

There's a thin line between life and death. You can make that difference!
Join a local football club.....
(I know one day you'll make us proud).
Don't wait for Nolly(holly)wood...
Join the little drama group!
Let nolly(holly)wood look for you!
Begin that youth outreach...
Tomorrow is in the hands of the youths who can 'see' it today! Give them that vision.
Start that NGO...
Give your vision a mission.
United Nations will find you!
Stop running helter-skelter looking for 'prayers' when there are nations waiting for you
to pray for them.

Whatever your calling, whatever your assignment, whatever your passion,begin to

utilize the talents you've been given!
Find your place...
Your time is now!

A new generation is being birthed...

A generation that will not take 'NO' for an answer...
A generation that will not follow the normal routine...
A generation that will place purpose above career and use career to facilitate purpose.....
A generation that will define 'Fulfillment' not in terms of financial or material gain, but
in terms of pleasing the Master.....
A generation that will deny the graveyard of more treasures....
A generation that will live 'full', and die 'empty'!

I am one of that generation!!!........

............ And so are you!

Please share

Dr Val

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