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Main Purpose:
It is the teacher's skills to stimulate the students, increase their
active participation, enthusiasm and spirit of study, to avoid
boredom and apatism

A. Teacher Movement/Gerak Guru

The teacher's overall physical movement with the purpose of covering
t h e whole class and creating better and more intimate atmosphere in
the teacher-student interrelationship


1. Move freely and relaxedly to avoid fear and to control the

2. Never write on the board while talking;
3. No explanation while walking around all the time;
4. No looking downstairs or upstairs while teaching; look around the
to see the situation; look into the students' eyes;
5. Move away from the student asking a question so as to involve the
6. To observe the whole class, move slowly from the back to the front.

B. Teacher Gesture/lsyarat-Sasmita Guru

The teacher's gestures - the teacher's body movements - which
communicate certain meaningful ideas to the students.

1. Move hands and fingers to describe things, measurements, etc;

2. While talking with the students, show agreements by nodding
heads so
as to encourage the students to go on explaining;
3. Show adoration or wonder by raising eyebrows high so as to
interest in what the students are talking about;
4. Use mimics to show agreements, disagreements, wonder and
anger, or uncomprehension, etc;
5. Clasp hands to attract the students' attention or to show
wonder etc.

C. Teacher Voice/Suara Guru


1. Speak using different speech patterns to avoid boredom;

2. Do not be monotonous;
3. Speak attractively and energetically;
4. Speak loudly enough for the students at the back to hear
what the
teacher is saying, but not too loud so that the students at
the front
get shocked;

D. Teacher Silence/Diam Sejenak


1. Make use of short pauses properly to attract the students'

attention and
to increase the students' desire to listen further to what the
teacher is
talking about; do not talk in a hurry so as to lose breath;
2. When asked, do not directly answer the question; let the student
his question first so as to give time to you to prepare for a
suitable and
right answer; do not cut off the student's question or
E. Interaction Style/lnteraksi Guru
There are three interaction styles worth noticing, use them
invariably at the right time and situations; do not stick to one
style only all the time;

1) Teacher-Students Interaction Style

The teacher has a dialogue with the whole class,

communicates to the students as a whole, not to individual
2) Teacher-Student Interaction Style

The teacher has a dialogue with a certain student, communicates the

students as individuals;

3) Students-Students Interaction Style

The teacher is not involved in the students' activities; Functioning as

an observer, he lets the students discuss in groups;

F. Eye Contact & Movement/Kontak Pandanq &


As part of teacher gestures, eye contact and movement is stressed

on the controlling interaction between the teacher and the students
through emotional expressions

How ?

1. Look at the student's eyes while explaining something so as to

that the teacher does not want to be interrupted, etc;
2. Look at the student's eyes sharply and investigatingly w h i l e the
is explaining something so as to show disbelief, enthusiasm, etc.

G. Focussing/Penajaman Topik

1) Verbal Focusing/Penajaman Verbal

Examples: 1. Look!
2. Listen to the story, please!
3. Open your eyes and look at this picture!

2) Gestural Focussing/Penajaman Gerak

Examples: 1. Use a finger to point at something the teacher is

2. Put a hand on the back of the ear to show the inability

to hear what the student is saying;

3) Switching Sensory Channel/Alih Guna Indra

Examples: 1. Listen - Look - Listen
2. Listen - Practise
3. Look - Touch - Smell - Rub, etc;

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