A Feasibility Study On Fruit Teapioca Chap 1 To 3

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Feasibility Study: Fruit Teapioca

Presented to the Faculty of the Business and Management Department


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science

In Business Administration

Leonzo Francessco M. Escolar

Michella Mae R. Macaraeg
Syan Daniell D. Apuyan
Rachel Ann S. Pariol
Marjorie R. Terencio
Isobell G. Gomez

The Company’s Product, Fruit Teapioca offers natural fruit Tapioca pearls as a

substitute to the ordinary pearls which has a higher sugar content. Tapioca consists

entirely of starchy carbohydrates. With the widespread consumption of Milk Tea and

other deserts that are complimentary with Tapioca, our product advocates healthier

alternative for Tapioca pearls to prevent known diseases like diabetes, obesity, etc.


Tapioca pearls are gelatinous circle-shaped balls that are made with starch and

sugar syrup. It is also known as “Boba” and it is complimentary with the beverage Milk

tea. The starch made from Boba is extracted with cassava root, a Native South American

vegetable and is a good source of carbohydrates.

The company will be For-Profit type of organization; revenues will be reinvested

to gain scale nationwide. The Organizational Form will be for Limited Partnership;

Teampo will allow multiple partners to invest with limited liability.


a.) Company logo

“Teampo” is a combination of the group member’s surnames who will conduct

the Feasibility study (Terencio, Escolar, Apuyan, Macaraeg, Pariol, and Oton). The

colors of the company logo will be green, signifying healthy lifestyle and well-being.
b.) Product Logo

The graphics that overlaps the text are assorted fruits and the images behind are

the fruit pearls. The researcher’s goal in this design is to entice the consumers of its

colorful and vibrant design.


A. Vision

Teampo aims to be the popular local brand that offers healthier

alternatives to Filipinos.

B. Mission

Teampo aspires to provide quality products that can give the same

customer satisfaction that ordinary pearls provide without compromising their

C. Goals and Objectives


Teampo’s primary goal is to gain scale nationwide and be the popular

supplier of natural Fruit flavored Tapiocas.


1.) The company will focus on customer service. The company will engage

promptly to its customers and clients.

2.) To promote Natural flavored product internationally.

D. Values Statement

The company provides high quality products and services for customer's

needs. The company respect and listen to its people. More importantly, the

company cares for consumer’s health and well-being.


A. Marketing Aspect
The company needs to implement niche marketing to gradually gain

market share. Suppliers of original Tapioca pearls will be hard to disrupt given

that they are already established and well positioned in the market.

B. Management Aspect

Since the company will start small, the capital expenditures will be

minimal and it will not need other investors. Partnerships also entails many

disadvantages such as shared profits, risk of disagreements etc.

C. Operational Aspect

The company offers a range of similar products. The production method

has to cater manufacturing process that can produce smaller quantities of items

produced. Moreover, it must be efficient and cost friendly.

D. Financial Aspect

Raw materials might be costly especially since the product’s packaging

are vacuum sealed plastics. Fruits also change prices depending on the seasonal


E. Socio-economic Aspect

Tapiocas are complimentary with Milk tea. Milk tea beverages are

consumed heavily and the plastic cups might present danger in the environment.


Teampo will implement Network Marketing as a strategy. The company

will look for sales force to sell the product and for every sale and recruit, the

company’s sales people will earn through a commission. For the management

aspect, the applicable organization form for the company will be Limited

Partnership. Each investor is only liable with the amount of capital they put in the


The production method that the company will be used is Batch type. The

products will be produced by Batch per flavor. Subsequently, the products will be

sorted accordingly.

The company will incorporate wholesalers, retailers, merchants, and the

web to distribute the product. The company will utilize all Social Media platforms

to disseminate the product and make the brand known nationwide.

Teampo will minimize cost by assessing the bargaining power to its

suppliers and select one that will help the distribution be efficient and will choose

suppliers that offers quality and cost-friendly product. Lastly, the company aims

to implement initiatives on recycling plastic materials. Milk tea cups also

contributes to the plastic waste in our country. Teampo wants to make sure that

the product will help the environment reduce plastic waste.


Teampo’s Fruit Teapioca will offer Tapiocas that has less sugar content,

less carbohydrates and also less calories that can help Filipinos enjoy it without
compromising their health. It will also help reduced consumption of sugar and

prevent diseases such as diabetes, obesity, etc.


The feasibility study will be conducted by the researchers from September

15 2021 to February 29, 2021. The survey will be answered by 100 respondents

from STI College Las Pinas.


Teampo- This term, it is based in the name of company that creating a words by surname

of team.

Limited Partnership- This term exist when two or more partners go into business

together, but the limited partners are only liable up to the amount of their investment. An

Limited partner as having limited partners and a general partner which has unlimited


For-profit- it’s a term of denoting an organization that operates to make a profit. Its

establish or maintained the purpose of making profit of business.

Organization- This term business organization describes how businesses are structures

and how their structure helps them meet their goals. It is designed to focus on either

generating the profit or improving society.

Suppliers- This term of Teampo company entity that is source for goods or services.


This are related information, thoughts, wrapped up considers, articles, generalization or

conclusions, and other web looks both nearby and remote in several past ponders. This

portion makes a difference in familiarizing important and comparable data

A. 10 Local Literature

Samira, (2020). Indicated in his study the these boba tapioca pearls are small chewy dark

brown black balls that get spooned into the bottom of the bubble teas and made using

tapioca starch flour from the cassava root, brown sugar and hot water. Along with these

boba pearls, drinks can also include popping boba which are filled with flavoured syrups

different jellies, puddings and more. I’m going to take you through a simple DIY for how

to make tapioca pearls, including how to cook tapioca pearls with dark brown sugar and

then even a simple bubble milk tea recipe. If you’re not planning on making your bubble

tea immediately, or you’ve made a massive batch of the boba then these can be stored for

later use. There’s no need to refrigerate them simply keep in an airtight container in a

cool dry area and these are ready to be used for up to 6 months.

Based on the study of Thomas, S. (2021) Tapioca pearls, also sometimes called tapioca

balls or boba, are a product of tapioca a starch that is extracted from cassava root. They

tend to measure between five to ten millimetres and by adding ingredients like sweet

potato powder, water, sugar, or even jelly, it’s possible to make them appear different

sizes and colors. This is what makes tapioca pearls so popular: their excellent versatility.

They tend to be neutral in flavour themselves and can be easily turned into a gel. That in

turn means that they can be used as thickening agents in puddings, gravies, and soups. At

the same time, it means that they can be used to add a range of different flavour’s to other

meals, or to aid the presentation of a fancy meal.

According to the article Tiwari, A. (2021) Bubble Tea, Boba, or Pearl Milk is a single tea

with different monikers. It traces its roots from Taiwan, paced its reach to South East

Asia, and is now taking the rest of the world by delicious storm. Its Taiwanese name is

zhenzhu naicha. It is a go-to chunky beverage of Taiwan and has also got a cult

following in Asia, North America, and Europe. The Bubble Tea consists of tapioca pearls

composed of starch, an extract of the South American Cassava Plant. They are white,

hard, and tasteless pearls that are boiled and steeped in sugar caramelized syrup for a

prolonged period until they transform into black, springy tapioca pearls. These marble-

sized pearls can be found in a variety of shapes and colours Boba Tea is an easy-to-make

go-to beverage, especially when you have Boba Tea Tapioca Pearls handy. You can get

the Boba Tea Tapioca pearls online. Apart from Bubble Tea Tapioca Pearls, you will

need disposable catering supplies to serve the Bubble Tea. You can easily find all this

stuff from a wholesale store of Restaurant Catering Supplies. Besides this, you will also

need sugar, fruit juice, milk, honey, and tea leaves to prepare Homemade Bubble Tea. It

may sound like a lot, but lots of these tea supplies are found right in your home.

Furthermore, in the study of Huy Vu (2021) Taro pearl is typically a boba milk tea that is

flavored with taro whether that is extract or from scratch Taro has a sweet and vanilla

flavor profile similar to sweet potato. Taro has been on my list of boba favourites for

years along with jasmine sea cream boba, hot almond & iced matcha lattes. It started off

with an obsession with taro boba smoothies in the early 2000s, and more recently, fresh

taro from one of my favourite boba shops 7 Leaves Cafe. The taro is probably one of the

best I’ve ever had because you can actually taste taro. It’s been one of the only places in
Orange County that uses fresh taro from my personal experience. After trying many

different types of taro in different tapioca pearl boba. I’ve also been able to notice the

difference in taste between powdered taro and fresh taro. Whereas powdered taro has a

slight metallic and super sweet flavor, fresh taro is lighter and nuttier in flavor and you

can taste the jasmine tea. While powder mix is great if you can’t find any fresh taro

around, I would definitely make taro milk tea from scratch if you get a hold of taro roots.

This recipe will guide you to refreshing, smooth and rich taro purple sweet potato.

Base on the study black tapioca pearls BEBS, (2018). Black tapioca pearls I made my

own black tapioca pearls. The reason for this is because after we came back from our

Taipei trip, Armin seems to be craving for Bubble Tea. And since I was getting fed up

waiting in long queues at milk tea stands whenever we see one, I decided that it is time to

make my own Bubble tea at home. The problem is, I cannot find black tapioca pearls and

believe me we've searched everywhere Maybe they are available in the big city Manila

but not anywhere near where we live. I found the usual dried Sago and even the colourful

ones but no black tapioca pearls. We even went as far as asking the tea shops where they

get theirs and was told it is delivered to them together with the other supplies and that is

all we can get out of them. I was left with but two choices; to use the regular dried sago

or to learn how to make tapioca pearls and I, being me, chose the latter. I have a pack of

the small dried tapioca pearls in my pantry so I looked up what the ingredients are. I was

surprised to see that it only needs one. Tapioca flour now that sounds promising, at least.

I was not able to find tapioca flour though but saw some tapioca starch which is mostly

the same thing.

According to the study Bob's Red Mill (2021). Our Small Pearl Tapioca is naturally

gluten-free, but it is handled in a facility that also processes almonds, walnuts, soy,

wheat, corn, oats, coconut, sesame seeds, egg, and milk ingredients on shared lines.

Despite thorough and stringent cleaning processes, there is a possibility for cross-contact.

Small Pearl Tapioca is most famous for its use in traditional old-fashioned tapioca

pudding, an all-American favourite dessert. Buy online today and try our delicious

tapioca pudding recipe on the back of this package. For a variation, add fruit or chocolate.

Cooked Tapioca Pearls are also used in boba tea or bubble tea, a popular Asian drink. For

something different, try our Small Pearl Tapioca pearls in savoury dishes like vegetable

or cream-based soups and dumplings. You can view a full breakdown of our tapioca

pearls nutrition facts in the tab above.

Likewise, based on the article of Tea Zone Tiny Tapioca (2021) are mini version of our

Tea Zone Tapioca. Tea Zone Tiny Tapioca Pearls are made from tapioca flour starch

which is derived from the cassava root. The flour is rolled into balls and boiled until it

has a chewy consistency. These custard pearls are delicate on the exterior and chewy on

the inside the fixings of these custard boba incorporate: Custard Starch, Water, Adjusted

Starch, Potato Starch, Xanthan Gum, Caramel Color, Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose,

Maple Flavor, Potassium Sorbate.

Apparently, Cabrera, M. (2020). These three ingredient homemade boba pearls do not

contain any artificial food coloring. The cooked tapioca pearls get their rich color from
dark sugar Use this homemade boba for Boba Milk Tea Cake, Boba Cupcakes, or Taho

Filipino sweet tofu dessert. And of course, you can use it to make your own boba milk tea

aka bubble tea! Unlike the packaged dry tapioca pearls typically sold in markets, these

homemade tapioca pearls can be cooked and stored in the fridge. These tapioca pearls can

be reheated to its original glory even days after cooking.

Similarly, the article published by “Palenke” boy (2021). Sago made from tapioca starch

often used in desserts. It has been a while since people have used. sago tapioca pearl to

make a superb drink. sago tapioca pearls available at Alibaba.com are a mix of milk,

fruit, fruit juices, and of course tapioca pearls. sago tapioca pearl is rich in calories and so

people who are watching their weight should limit their consumption of them. sago

tapioca pearl at Alibaba.com are a novel mix of edibles that can be tailored to your tastes.

Your favorite part of the. sago tapioca pearl could be the chewable tapioca pearls, which

in part give it its name. Alternatively, you may enjoy the bubbly feel created by the mix

of. sago tapioca pearl. In addition to the main ingredients, fresh fruit, milk, and ice are

often added to the ingredients in this smoothie. sago tapioca pearl are vigorously shaken

to blend them. This creates an amazing smoothie. Tapioca pearls that are the major part

of. sago tapioca pearl are usually black and sometimes transparent or white in color. This

makes the drink resemble a passion fruit. sago tapioca pearl are individually sweet,

refreshing, and cool. When these ingredients are mixed together, you get a drink full of

A research authored by Judy, (2019). In recent years, tapioca pearls have become a

favourite in bubble tea, shaved ice desserts, and sweet dessert soups across Asia and in

Asian communities in the West some store-bought tapioca pearls can be cooked in a

matter of minutes but dried white tapioca pearls require longer cooking.

We noticed that these packaged tapioca pearls often come with few to no instructions on

how to prepare them, so we thought we should publish a post specifically about how to

do it. Then you can add them to milk tea to make bubble tea or whatever dessert you like.

B. 10 Foreign Studies

According to the article written by Victoria, Y. (2021). Boba balls homemade boba pearls

are an absolute must if you love drinking bubble tea. Making boba balls from scratch will

give you more control over the size, texture, and flavour. This is something you won’t be

able to control with store-bought ones. Our recipe will show you how to make the perfect

boba in under 30 minutes. no more crispy centred, mushy or hard boba pearls We’ll also

show you how to make tapioca pearls with matcha, mango, lychee and even rose ones at

the end. In Taiwan, the texture of tapioca boba pearls is referred to as Q or QQ. The term

itself is hard to translate. However, it attempts to describe the mouth feels of the soft yet

resilient or bouncy texture. The high percentage of starch in cassava root is the reason

behind this chewy texture. Other dishes which are also described in Taiwan as Q include

fish balls, mochi, taro balls, and tangyuan.

Kaise, A. (2018) indicated in his study the Tapioca is a starch extracted from the cassava

root. The extraction process includes toxin removal, grinding and drying stages. It is then
processed into the iconic and popular spherical shape, although tapioca can also be used

in other foods in the form of powder, flakes or sticks. Before cooking, the pearls are

thoroughly soaked to rehydrate the starch. Once they are boiled, they become soft and

translucent. A common misconception is that tapioca is originally black due to the color

of the pearls found in tapioca tea, but this is wrong. Tapioca is originally white, as seen in

the photo above, but it is dyed black by caramel to be used in bubble tea.

The Tapioca Starch market report according to an article published by the express wire

(2021) delivers a comprehensive analysis of the market share, emerging market trends,

and market scope. The research study offers a proper market estimation, top vendors, and

production analysis with different important key players are - National Starch &

Chemical (Thailand) Limited, Quality Starch & Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd, American

Key Food Products (AKFP), Ciranda, Inc., Authentic Foods, Inc. The Global “Tapioca

Starch Market” 2021 research report provides an in-depth overview of product

specifications, as well as the future growth opportunities, market risks, and more. The

report offers a thorough study of the global Tapioca Starch market size, provides full

coverage of the regional market and sub-markets. Detailed knowledge of business,

market segments, recent and past trends, prospects, dynamic factors during the forecast

period of 2026. So, the market participants can take advantage of market growth. The

Tapioca Starch market report covers each country, major manufacturers, trading

activities, consumption patterns, and distribution channels in the market.

According to Collab Working Lifestyle, which is the Xing Fu Tang master franchisor in

Peninsular Malaysia Boba feed with the perpetual hunger for content, bubble milk has

been successfully riding on the rising wave of social media influencers and online

lifestyle publications. Bloggers and influencers in particular, have been playing a major

role in reigniting consumer’s interest towards the boba pearls trend. The speed of

information about bubble tea drinks, promotions, and brands influences the sales of

bubble tea brands and how long their queues are. Of course, it’s also about the feed itself.

Considering the “camera eats first” culture, the labour for the perfect #foodstagram and

the constant feed of the most trending news such as bubble tea creations, it is no surprise

that a big part of the bubble tea market is kept aflame by online publications and lifestyle

bloggers. Feng Cha, a bubble tea brand from China, believes so, and thinks pretty is

power. It appears mainstream consumers are seeking eye-catching visual presentation in

an aesthetics driven era.

A research authored by Okwu, L. (2019). Explained that a boba pastry from Tino’s Pizza

shop Considering the amount of chewing already involved, it’s no surprise that boba

pearls are now starring in a number of culinary applications, working their way into

everything from soufflé pancakes, sandwiches, hot pot soup, pizza, creme brulee, and of

course the stalwart, shaved ice. For those who wish for their boba stiff, there are now

boba cocktails, made with vodka, tequila, gin, rum, or bourbon. Bars throughout Taiwan

and beyond are experimenting with these alcoholic boba concoctions, and Los Angeles

even has a boba-centric bar dedicated to liquor-filled spins on traditional boba flavours.

And then, go ahead, smear boba all over your face if you want. Taiwan now offers

lotions, facial blotting tissues, candles, and even boba milk tea face masks with real boba
pearls inside all boasting the signature, sticky-sweet fragrance of boba milk tea.

Gimmicky, sure, but anything in the name of beauty and boba.

Similarly, the article published by Elaine, (2020). Make Boba Pearls at Home Caution

firstly, this is a time consuming recipe due to the time rounding process. Make this in

your leisure time for example during watching TV. To make this chewy small balls, we

only need three ingredients, brown sugar or dark brown sugar, tapioca starch and water.

Sound quite easy and healthy. You can use this homemade boba pearls to make a

traditional Chinese style boba milk tea. My mom always complains milk tea brings her

insomnia because of the tea included. And this is her new way of enjoying boba in milk

only using brown sugar syrup for flavouring. This is also a new star Chinese boba

drinking on street.

In the study by Parkinson, R (2021). Pearl balls are a fun finger food made with sticky

rice and ground pork. The meat, along with minced water chestnuts, green onion, and soy

sauce, are formed into small meatballs. Instead of being wrapped in a dumpling wrapper,

the meat is coated in sticky glutinous rice what makes this appetizer stand out are the

grains of rice which turn a pearly color when cooked. The interior is meaty and tender,

while the outside is chewy making the pearl balls fun to eat. Serve your homemade pearl

balls with soy sauce for drizzling or dipping. Note that while the preparation and cooking

time for pearl balls is under an hour, be sure to allow several hours for soaking the

glutinous rice. The easiest method is simply to soak it overnight. Then it will take less

than an hour to prepare and steam the dish.

According to the study Lam, D. (2019). When it comes to Japan's tapioca craze it seems

the third time may be the charm. Currently in the midst of a boom that has already

outstripped the previous two waves, demand for tapioca drinks, also known as bubble tea

or pearl tea, is still going strong. A starch extracted from the cassava root, tapioca first

won fans in Japan in the 1990s as a key ingredient in a coconut milk dessert. It then

popped up again when milk tea using tapioca balls shaped like large, black pearls

boomed in the 2000s. The drink fad made its return in 2015 and shows few signs of

slowing down this time around, with a growing number of tea shops competing to offer

their own unique takes on the customizable beverage. The current boom has even spurred

the creation of new vocabulary such as the verb "tapiru," which means to drink a tapioca

beverage, and "tapikatsu," which loosely equates to "tapioca hunting," echoing similar

phrases for "job hunting" and "marriage-partner hunting."

According to the study by Jamila, (2021) the tea comes in many flavours from Japanese

matcha (green tea), brown sugar, and even strawberry. Despite the huge popularity of

boba tea in Japan, this tasty treat actually originated in Taiwan in the early 1980s. The

drink is known locally in Taiwan as zhenzhu naicha there are two different categories of

boba tea; teas with milk and teas without milk. While the most common drink flavors are

green or black tea, the popularity of the drink has spawned other fruit-based flavours as

well. The signature of boba tea is the black tapioca balls that come with the drink. Those

tapioca balls are sweet, chewy, and make the perfect addition to this refreshing beverage.

While not essential, the consistency of the tapioca balls can make or break the quality of

the drink.
Consequently, US Sosa Company (2021) Tapioca Boba aka pearls/bubbles are a chewy

traditional drink addition, that is a characteristic of traditional bubble milk tea. Our US

Boba is exclusively made in the US! It is unsweetened but comes brown sugar colored

and flavoured. You can add additional sugar or honey to sweeten it. It is 2.3cm in

diameter after cooking. The U.S. Boba Company is the first company in the world to

make our own boba outside of Taiwan, and we are doing it because nothing tastes better,

or feels as genuine, than homemade.


Samira, (2020) Traditional boba then a black tea base is the norm Retrieved August 10,


From https://www.alphafoodie.com/homemade-boba-tapioca-pearls-bubble-milk-tea/

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Huy Vu (2021). Taro Tea Recipe w/ Tapioca Pearls (Boba) Retrieved May 4, 2021

From https://www.hungryhuy.com/taro-milk-tea/
BEBS, (2018). To make Black Tapioca Pearls for Bubble tea Retrieved September 18,

2021 from https://www.foxyfolksy.com/how-to-make-black-tapioca-pearls/

Bob's (2021). Our Small Pearl Tapioca is naturally gluten-free Retrieved Food safety &

Quality sustainability 2011 from https://www.bobsredmill.com/small-pearl-tapioca.html.

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Protection Retrieved October 27,2021 from https://www.burket.ph/product/883/tapioca-


Judy, (2019). An Elite cafe media food mini Pearls Retrieved August 17, 2020 from


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Retrieved Oct 21, 2021 from https://www.honestfoodtalks.com/how-to-make-tapioca-

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The researchers will conduct a survey questionnaire in Las Pinas. The respondents will be

the students of STI College Las Pinas and they will answer it online through Google

Forms. The researchers aim to know the respondent’s preferences of flavor, whether they

are inclined to switch to the product and whether they like the idea of natural fruit

flavored Tapioca pearls.



The company will implement Network Marketing as a strategy. The

company will look for sales force to sell the product. For every sale and recruit,

the company’s sales people will earn through a commission.


a.) Business Location Analysis

Production facility and Office of the company will be in Las Pinas.

b.) Opportunity and Threat analysis



* Low supplier * High bargaining * Low competition * Low entry * High Threat to
power because raw power for Milktea because Fruit Teapioca barriers. Copycats substitution due to
materials are easily shops as they can will be the pioneer can easily make the variety add ons that
sourced. implement backward brand in natural product because not can be added to
integration and make flavored tapioca much specialized beverage Milk tea.
the own product. pearls. skill and knowledge * Other deserts that
* Original Non- are required in are complimentary
Flavored Tapioca producing it. with our product like
pearls are the main Fruit salad, Taho,
competitors of Fruit Buko Pandan etc. has
Teapioca. There are a lot of substitutes to
also few well the product.
established brands.

The Porters analysis shows that bargaining power of buyers are high and they can

easily implement backward integration. Bargaining power of suppliers are low because

raw materials like cassava starch, fruits, can be easily sourced in the market. Competitive

rivalry is low since the company will be the first one to introduce Natural Flavored

tapioca pearls in the market. Lastly, the Threats of new entrants and substitutes will be

the biggest challenge of the company. To address this, the company must invest heavily

in branding and establish a low cost structure business.

STRENGHTS  Huge Capital for Advertising
 Pioneer Brand for Natural Required.
Flavored Tapioca.
 Less Sugar Content.
 Variety of Flavors.
 Low-cost Product.

 Growing demand for Milk tea.  Competitors who will copy the
 Complimentary with other product and concept.
Food/desserts/Beverages (i.e.  New Entrants to the market.
Taho, Sago’t gulaman, Fruit
salad, etc.,)
 No known competitors as to

a. Demographic Environment.

Last 2019, Philippines ranked second among the countries with the most

number of bubble tea drinkers in Southeast Asia. According to a research by

Grab, Philippines has an average consumption of five cups of Bubble Tea every

day. Data also shows that the favorite topping are pearls. Fruit Teapioca will

appeal more to millennial consumers ages 25 to 40 years old because older

generation may find it hard to digest.

b. Economic Environment.

Fitch Solutions’ Philippines food and drink report forecasted an uptick in

food and non-alcoholic drinks spending growth in 2021 despite the high base

effects from 2020. Fitch solutions forecasted continued growth in the market,

driven by an improving economic outlook, better employment and increasing

household incomes.

This Data is a good indicator that Filipinos has a growth in spending on

beverage. This can make them more inclined in buying Milk tea which is

complimentary to the product Fruit Teapioca.

c. Natural Environment.

The company will source Fruit Teapioca’s raw materials from cassava

roots, which has a large production in the Philippines. According to Philippine

Statistics Authority, During the second quarter of 2021, production of cassava

was recorded at 692.60 thousand metric tons. It declined by -4.2 percent,

from 722.79 thousand metric tons in the same quarter of 2020. This Data shows

that the main ingredient of the company’s product will be sustainable. The

company will also use vacuum sealed bioplastics for its packaging material to

reduce carbon footprint.

d. Technological Environment.

The company will use technologies used in Batch type of production. The

Natural Fruit Tapiocas are similar in shapes, sizes and can be categorized by color

in batch process approach. The company will also use Social Media Platforms and

Technology to advertise the product.

e. Political Environment.

The company will comply with Food, Labor, accounting, and internal

marketing laws such as RA 7394 Consumer act of the Philippines, RA 10667

Philippine Competition Act, RA 10611 Food and Safety Act of 2013, Labor code

of the Philippines, RA 9003 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

More importantly, the company will be in compliant with the rules and

regulations of BIR.

f. Legal Environment.
The company must secure License to operate permit, Sales Promotion

Permit, Business Permit, all the necessary permits of Food and Drug

Administration and Department of Trade and Industry. Fruit Teapioca will

comply to all the necessary consumer protection laws, health and safety laws, and

licensing regulations.


a. Proposed Target Market

Fruit Teapioca aims to supply to popular Milktea shops, and Individual

consumers who are health conscious. Fruit Teapioca aims to be the prevalent

supplier of Tapiocas in other popular local desserts that is complimentary with the

product. (e.g. Taho, Fruit Salad, Buko Pandan, Halo-Halo etc.)

b. Product Strategy

Fruit Teapioca will have 3 package sizes (small 100g, Medium, 500g,

Large 1kg) with five (5) flavors including orange, mango, pineapple, apple,

watermelon and winter melon. Fruit Teapioca also offers single flavored and

assorted flavored packages. As per the packaging, it will be contained in a

vacuum sealed plastic. The product will have the same texture and quality as the
ordinary Tapiocas. The only difference is; the product will come with a variety of

fruit colors.

c. Price Strategy

Fruit Teapioca will use cost based pricing as a strategy. The company will

determine the overall unit costs and place a reasonable markup. The main goal is

to create a marketable design for the product that can increase the Customer

Perceived Value. Once the CPV increases, the company aims to increase the price


d. Place Strategy

Raw materials
Direct to Suppliers Batch type of production in Las Pinas
from provinces

Distributor E-commerce Platforms




Milk Tea Shops

The above diagram illustrates the Supply chain of Fruit Teapioca. The

company will look for bundle suppliers of fruits and other raw materials

necessary. The product will then be manufactured using Batch Type process. It

will be distributed to three platforms: E-commerce, Retailers, and Milk tea shops.

Finally, consumers can either shop to retailers, buy Milk tea beverage, or shop


Promotion Strategy Advertising

The company will advertise the product using social media apps. It will

also use the two most popular e-commerce platform such as Lazada and Shopee

to sell the product. Moreover, bulk discount will be offered to the clients. Before

the introductory phase of the product, the company will perform beta testing and

gather feedback.

The applicable organization form for the company will be Limited

Partnership. Each investor is only liable with the amount of capital they put in the



Teampo must secure License to operate permit, Sales Promotion Permit,

Business Permit, all the necessary permits of Food and Drug Administration and

Department of Trade and Industry. Fruit Teapioca will comply to all the necessary

consumer protection laws, health and safety laws, and licensing regulations before


The Feasibility study started las September 2021 up until January 2022.

The operating period will start on March, 2022.


The applicable form of business ownership in the company is Limited Liability

partnership. The company will allow for a partnership structure where partner’s liabilities

are limited to the amount of investments they put into the business.


For the one who serves as the general manager of the business, the person

elected for this position is Leonzo escolar. The partners agreed to contribute

capital in the form of cash. Moreover, the capital contribution amounting to ₱100,000

will be gleaned from the fellow partners of the partnership.

The following persons are the originators of the business and each respective capital

contributions are shown below:

Total Capital Contribution

Type of Partners Position
Names As to As to in the
Liability Contributio Company
1. Escolar General
General Capitalist ₱16,666.66
2. Macareg General Capitalist ₱16,666.66
3. Apuyan General Capitalist ₱16,666.66
4. Pariol General Capitalist ₱16,666.66
Industrial Product
5. Oton General ₱16,666.66
- scheduler
6. Terencio General Capitalist ₱16,666.66
Total ₱ 100,000.00


a. Manpower Requirements

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER - The CEO is in charge of the overall performance of

a corporation or other organization, as well as making top-level administrative decisions.

For a company's success, the Chief Executive Officer reports directly to and is

accountable to the Board of Directors.

CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER - The CFO's responsibilities include cash flow

tracking and financial planning, as well as reviewing the company's financial strengths

and weaknesses and recommending remedial steps.

Accounts and tax returns must be prepared. Spending and budgets are being monitored.

Financial performance auditing and analysis Financial and budget reports must be

compiled and presented. Ensure that financial statements and records are in accordance

with applicable laws and regulations.

PRODUCT MANAGER - Production managers are responsible for ensuring that

production operations are reliable and efficient. Organizing and planning production

schedules determining the project's and resources' needs estimating, negotiating, and

agreeing on budgets and timelines with clients and management

QA OFFICER - The QA Officer is a critical member of the Examinations Team who is

in charge of developing, implementing, monitoring, and reviewing QA processes. The

QA Officer is also in charge of assuring the administration of QA records and supporting

paperwork, as well as their correct and suitable recording and preservation.

PRODUCT SPECIALIST - Product experts collaborate as part of a team to achieve

high-quality product delivery. They have extensive understanding of a product or range,

as well as the ability to assess market trends, design sales, pricing, and profitability plans,

propose improvements, find opportunities, and boost revenue.

CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER- CMOs are often in charge of establishing,

implementing, and monitoring the overall firm marketing strategy. Market research,

pricing, product marketing, marketing communications, advertising, and public relations

are some of the responsibilities.

MARKETING OFFICER - Responsibilities of a Marketing Officer include managing

and implementing marketing strategies.

 Data research and analysis to discover and define target audiences.

 Organizing promotional events.

 Organizing and disseminating financial and statistical data.

 Supervising social media efforts.

HR HEAD - HR directors are in charge of HR systems, employee relations, maintaining

regulatory compliance, managing budgets, analyzing staffing needs, hiring people,

establishing training programs, and developing pay plans.


 Working with recruiting managers to identify personnel requirements.

 Resumes are being reviewed.

 Conducting face-to-face and phone interviews with prospects.

 Administering suitable corporate evaluations.

 Checking references and doing background checks

 Making employment suggestions to the company's hiring supervisors.


Online sellers who buy the product direct to suppliers and sell them in retail.

b. Organizational Chart


Product manager CMO HR HEAD


Accountant Advertisement Milk Tea Shops Grocery/Retail HR RECRUITERS

QA Officer
Product Specialist Marketing Officer Resellers Resellers

Our organizational chart will be functional structure. It will consist of 4 functions:

Finance, Marketing and sales, Operations and Human Resource Department. Our sales

department will sell in milk tea shops, Groceries, and other retail outlets.

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