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Student Code: SE140213

Student Name: Dư Xuân Lộc

Class Name: SE1407

Chapter 1

1/ Question 1: Match the columns

1. Strategic information A. OLTP applications

2. Information crisis B. produce ad hoc reports

3. Information technology C. explosive growth

4. Extract programs D. despite lots of data

5. Data staging area E. data cleaned and transformed

6. Executive information F. users go to get information

7. Order processing G. used for decision making

8. Data warehouse H. environment, not product

9. Operational systems I. for day-to-day operations

10. Information center J. simple, easy to use

Your answer 1:

(A ... J)

1 G

2 D

3 C

4 B

5 E

6 J

7 A

8 H

9 I

10 F
2/ Question 2: Why are operational systems not suitable for providing strategic information? Give three specific
reasons and explain.

Your answer 2:

_ They are responsible to put the data in the database and to collect various types of data.

_ In order to produce reports for decision making, this data is converted to meaningful information.

_ They are required to perform daily based transactions unlike strategic.

Chpater 2

3/ Question 3: Explain data granularity and how it is applicable to the data warehouse.

Your answer 3:

_ The grabularity of the data is the quality of including a lot of small details of the data. It means the data is kept
in the lowest of detail. Analysis begins at a high level and moves down to a lower level of detail.

_ In data warehouse, the effect is to keep data that is summarized at different levels. Depending on the query,
we can go to the specific level of detail and response to the query. The level of granularity in the data
warehouse refers to the level of granularity. We have to decide granularity levels based on the data types and
expected performance for the queries.

4/ Question 4: A data warehouse is subject-oriented. What would be the major critical business subjects for a
domestic hotel chain ?

Your answer 4:

_ Customer

_ Branches
_ Booking

_ Sales

_ Rooms

Chapter 3

5/ Question 5: Describe any one of the options available to integrate ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) with
data warehousing.

Your answer 5:

ERP integration is an enterprise method of connecting ERP software with other applications, ERP in most
companies can be integrated through, there are 3 popular integration methods: Point-toPoint, Enterprise
Service Bus, Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS).

6/ Question 6: Indicate if true or false

A. Data warehousing helps in customized marketing.

B. It is as important to include unstructured data as structured data in a data warehouse.

C. ERP systems may be substituted for data warehouses.

D. Most of a corporation’s knowledge base contains unstructured data.

Your answer 6:





Chapter 4

7/ Question 7: Explain the difference between the top-down and bottom-up approaches for building data
warehouses. Do you have a preference? If so, why?

Your answer 7:

_ Top Down design acts as a data warehouse for all corporate data, data warehouse is designed first and then
data mart is built on a data warehouse platform, data from different sources are standardized becomes 3NF.

_ The Bottom Up design has the first data mart created to provide information for analysis, then the data mart
and data warehouse are created.

I prefer Bottom Up because it can expand the data warehouse for new business units.

Chapter 5

8/ Question 8: Explain business dimensions. Why and how can business dimensions be useful for defining
requirements for the data warehouse?

Your answer 8:

_ The business demension describes the specific objects of the business in the model, such as products,
customers, regions, employees, etc. These dimensions and members are created in the Performance
Management Architect.

9/ Question 9: What are dimension hierarchies (for any subject that you know)? Give three examples.

Your answer 9:

_ People: Age – Job – Sex – Health Condition

_ Area: City – District – Ward – Town

_ Time: Year – Quarter – Month – Week – Date

Chapter 7
10/ Question 10: List five major functions and services in the data storage area.

Your answer 10:

_ Optimize the download process

_ Provide automatic job control service to load data warehouse.

_ Provide backup and recovery for data warehouse databases.

_ Provide the security

_ Perform incremental loads at regular prescribed intervals.

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