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Jan Vier B.

Javier BSN – 2B 10/25/21

Picture of Stomatitis, Glossitis, Cheilosis, Petechiae

Condition Description
Stomatitis, a general term for an inflamed
and sore mouth, can disrupt a person's
ability to eat, talk, and sleep. Stomatitis
can occur anywhere in the mouth,
including the inside of the cheeks, gums,
tongue, lips, and palate.

Symptoms of Stomatitis: Canker

Sores and Cold Sores

Canker sores:
 Can be painful
 Usually last 5 to 10 days
 Tend to come back
 Are generally not associated with

Cold sores:
 Are usually painful
Stomatitis  Are usually gone in 7 to 10 days
 Are sometimes associated with
cold or flu-like symptoms
Glossitis is a problem in which the tongue
is swollen and inflamed. This often makes
the surface of the tongue appear smooth.
Geographic tongue is a type of glossitis.

 Problems chewing, swallowing, or
 Smooth surface of the tongue.
 Sore, tender, or swollen tongue.
 Pale or bright red color to the
 Tongue swelling.

Cheilosis is swelling and fissuring of the
lips. It is painful and results in bleeding.
Angular stomatitis is fissuring and
ulceration at the angles of the mouth.
Other symptoms include dermatitis and a
rash on the scrotum or vulva.

 Redness
 Pain
 broken skin at the corners of the

Petechiae are pinpoint, round spots that
appear on the skin as a result of
bleeding. The bleeding causes the
petechiae to appear red, brown or purple.
Petechiae commonly appear in clusters
and may look like a rash.


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