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Exercise 1:

Lend, Draw, Devote, Put, Pull, Hold, Put Through, To, Above, Against

1. I _________it _______ him that he refused to help me

2. The laboratory research will ________ significance _______the police analysis of the crime
3. Joe was lucky that his parents _________ him _______college
4. The young doctor _______himself_______helping the poor and sick
5. If you lead someone on, you _________ self-interest _______truth
6. Tom’s family ______ him _______the difficult period following his wife’s death.

1- Hold 2- lend to 4- put him through


8- devote… 9-put….above 10-pulled…


Exercise 2:

Think, Stand, Cut, Turn, Single, Break, Put, Take Up, out, by, off, over, to

1- Turned out 2- cut off 3- Stood by 4- broke out

5- think it over 6- took to 7- singles out 8- put them up
1. Giving
up my job to go and live abroad _______to be the biggest mistake I’ve ever made
2. There was so much snow that our village was completely _______and food had to be brought in by
3. Jane has always _______her brother even when he was accused of murder and everyone else refused
to speak to him
4. We were on holiday there when the civil war _______
5. You don’t have to give me an answer right away. ______ it _______and let me know tomorrow
6. “What did little Patrick think of his first visit to the swimming pool?” – “Oh, he _______it like a
duck to water”.
7. My karate instructor always _______David to demonstrate techniques as he’s the best in the class.
8. As they didn’t have anywhere to stay, we _____ them _______for the night.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

Count Call, Go, Bring, Get, Head, Break, Drop Over, Out, Through, back, up, into,
around, towards

1- Heading towards 2- Go 3- Bring me back 4- Called me up

5- Broke into 6- Count… 7- Drop over 8- Get around
1. They were _______ the German border.
2. He promised to marry her, but now he doesn’t want to _______ with it
3. If I go with you in your car, will you be able to _____me _______?
4. Who ______ me _______ while I was out?
5. Jane _______the conversation and told us what she knew
6. You can _______ Jane _______. She hates playing poker
7. _______ any time you feel like talking
8. It’s easy to _______ town with public transportation.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

Let, Tear, Turn, Turn, Go, Go, Put, Tear, Look Off, on, down, with, away, up

1. As two of the staff here have _______ _______ flu, we can’t finish the work today
2. This milk smells horrible. It must have _______ so you will have to put lemon in your tea
3. Without any warning, the dog, which has been lying quietly on the grass, _______ the postman
and bit him
4. The concert was so popular that people who had not bought tickets in advance were _______ at
the door.
5. The man is so rude that I can’t _______ _______ his behavior any longer
6. He tore _______ his shirt to make dressing for the cut
7. I’m sorry that I ______ you _______ by arriving so late

1-gone down with 2- gone off 3- turned on 4- turned away

6-put up with 7- tore up 10- let you down

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

Back, clean, Fade, fill, Back, catch, draw Out, in, up, with, away

1. I thought he was mad and _______ nervously

2. He wasn’t walking very fast. You’ll _______ _______ him if you start at once
3. It would be safer to get your solicitor to _______ the contract
4. The music _______ in the distance at the street players moved on
5. All passengers must _______ this disembarkation form before they leave the ship
6. He supported the idea at first but _______ when he found he’d have to contribute towards the
7. This stove must be _______ once a week or it gets choked with ashes

1-backed away 3- catch up with 4- draw, up

6-faded away 7- fill in/ fill up Backed out Cleaned out

Exercise 6: Complete the sentences with the suitable phrase verbs

Drop, Tell, Take, Get, Call, Put, Go, Come, Bring, Stand On, out, of, with, apart, for, about,
round, off

1. I must go on a diet. I ___________ a lot of weight while I was on holiday

2. That’s not the way to solve the problem. You are ___________ it the wrong way
3. So you’ve passed your driving test. This ___________ a celebration!
4. I try to be friendly but it’s hard to ___________ some of my colleagues
5. I’d better take one of my pills. I think I’ve got a headache ___________
6. The plane ___________ and was soon flying high over the town
7. After he was knocked out, it took a long time to ___________
8. What do the initials LTP ___________?
9. As they’re identical twins, it’s difficult to ___________
10. One of them was injured so the team had to ___________ the competition.

1-put on 2- going about 3- calls for 4- get on with 5- coming on

6-took off 7- bring him round 8- stand for 9- tell them apart 10- drop out of

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the correct verb and preposition

Hold, Comply, Stand, Put, Lay, Come, Live With, in, out, down, up, to, for, across

1. I _______ several old friends at the meeting

2. The company has _______ strict procedures for this kind of situation
3. I need someone to _______ me at the ceremony
4. She’s not very good at__________ her views _______
5. The holiday didn’t _______ our expectations
6. We don’t _______ much hope that the price will fall
7. When I was a child, it would never have occurred to me not to _______ the rules.

1-came across 4- laid down 5-stand in for

7- putting her 8- live up to 9- hold out 10- comply with

view across

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb that includes the word UP

Stand, Take, Make, Do, hold, UP

1. They bought an old house and _______ it up

2. I don’t believe a word of your story. I think you’re just _______ it up
3. The publication of his new book was _______ up by a strike
4. This piece of equipment is very well made and will _______up _______ the roughest treatment.
You won’t have any trouble with it.
5. He _______ up tennis in order to get fit.

1-did it up 2- made it up 3- held up 4- stand up to 5- took up

Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition

Pass, Cut, Set, Read, Call, Learn, Keep, Look, Chase Up, from, off, through, away, to, with

1. I read _______ botany as I am interested in plants

2. The ship has to pass _______ the Suez Canal to reach Hormuz
3. The electrical supply was cut _______ because we forgot to pay the bill
4. They will set _______ for Cameron Highlands tomorrow morning
5. The monster was chased_______ by the brave knight
6. Nobody looked _______ the beggar
7. The deal was called _______ because the seller thought the price was too low
8. Hanson has learnt _______ his irritating roommate
9. The coach was very happy and encouraged the players keep _______ the good work

1-read up on 2- pass through 3- cut off 5- set off

6- chased away 7- looked up to 8- called off 9- learnt up with 10- keep up

Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with a verb and suitable preposition

Come, Ingratiate, Exert, throw At, In, With, to, for

1. He tries to ______himself_____ everyone by paying them compliments

2. No matter how angry he was, he would never _______ violence
3. The police _______ a good deal of criticism over their handling of the demonstration
4. I am fully prepared for my interview and I am confident that I can answer any questions they may
care to _______ me.

5. When he saw the police behind him, he________ a run.

6. If the expenses and income of a company are equal, the company ________. If it earns more
money, it has made a profit.

7. A general election was called after negotiations between the government and the

8. After the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was ________

9. In "Jurassic Park", there is panic and chaos when the carnivorous dinosaurs________ of their

10. Go slowly in that new car for a few days. You need to___________ the engine.

1-ingratiate 2- exert to 3-came in for 4- throw at 5- broke into

himself with
6- breaks even 7- broke down 8-Broken up 9-broke out 1- Break in

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