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Situation: Jane are Jack are trying to help an injured cat.

Jane: Oh look, there's an injured cat on the road! I think it's been

hit by a car.

Jack: Let's see what we can do.

Jane: It's still alive. But, oh! It's in pain!

Jack: Let's ring up the SPCA. The number is 1121.

Jane: What's that?

Jack: That's the "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals".

They'll come over at once and give it medical aid.

Jane: All right, I'll go and find a phone booth.

Situation: Ted is having lunch with his close friend, Helen.

Ted: So how are things going ? Is your boss still giving you a hard

time ?

Helen: Did you have to bring that up while we’re eating ? I’ve had

a terrible morning.

Ted: Forgive me.

Helen: It’s just that I can never seem to do anything right in her


Ted: Do you want to talk about it ? Sometimes it’s better to get it

off your chest.

Helen: I guess you’re right. Well Brenda, my boss, always seems to

be checking up on me to see if
I come to work late or leave early. She’s always asking other
people about me. I’m really sick of it.

Ted: Why don’t you think about looking for another job. If it’s
really as bad as you say,
you should leave.

Helen: Easier said than done, Ted. Don’t forget I have a rent to
pay and food to buy. I have no savings so I can’t afford to be out
of work.

Ted: Why not try talking to Brenda. Be calm and, above all, be
nice. As they say, you always get more with honey than with
Helen: You’re right. I’ll just have to have a more positive attitude

from now on.

Ted: See? Things are improving already !

Situation: Alan is cancelling an appointment with Kevin.

Kevin: Hello, may I speak to Alan, please ?

Alan: Alan speaking.

Kevin: Oh! Alan. I'm ringing to inform you about the football match
we've arranged to go to this afternoon. I'm afraid I can't make it.

Alan: That's all right, but why can’t you make it?

Kevin: Do you know that my grandfather is ill?

Alan: I am sorry to hear that. I'm sure he'll be better soon.

Kevin: Thanks. I'll contact you sometime later. My parents are
going to the hospital now. I have to go along.

Alan: All right. See you later.

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