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1. 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 = ?  
A. 45
B. 28 
C. 24
D. 82
E. 44
2. (-5)103 = ?
A. Negative answer
B. Positive answer
C. None of these
3. 103   [    ]    310  
A. >
B. <
C. =
4. (53)4 
A. 57
B. 512 
C. 125
D. 125 X 125 X 125
5. (1000)0  = ?
A. 0
B. 1
C. Infinite
D. None of these

6. Choose the correct scientific notation of the following number.


A. 2 x10 15
B. 2 x 10 16

C. 2 x 10 17

D. 2 x 10 18

7. How many 9's are there between 1 and 100?

A. 10

B. 99

C. 13

D. 20

8. What is half of two plus two?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

9. How many letters are in alphabet?

A. 5
B. 20
C. 8
D. 14
10.Look at the picture, What is the number
A. 11
B. 20
C. 14
D. 10


A. 20
B. 10
C. 5
D. 15
12.Find the missing numbers.

A. 6 and 4
B. 5 and 15
C. 1 and 7
D. 0 and 8

13.How many animals are there in this image?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

A. 1
B. 7
C. 10
D. 5

15.What goes up but never comes down?

A. You Height
B. A Tower
C. You Age
D. The Sky
16.Which is true?
A. 2 > -2
B. -2 < -4
C. 2 < -4
D. -4 > 4
17.True or False , All sides of scalene triangle have the same length.
A. True
B. False
18. What is the next prime number after 7?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
19. Simplify as fully as possible 28:42
A. 14:21
B. 3:2
C. 2:3
D. 21:14

20. In a class of 10 boys and 14 girls the ratio of girls to boys is

A. 10:14

B. 7:5

C. 5:7

D. 14:10

21. What ratio is equivalent to 3:5

A. 30:500
B. 13:15
C. 9:15
D. 1:2
22. Simplify as fully as possible 18 : 24 :30
A. 9:12:15
B. 2:3:4
C. 6:8:10
D. 3:4:5


26. Whose nose grew when he told a lie (Pinocchio)

27. What does ring a ring a roses refer to ( The Black death)
28. Who has won the most Oscars (Walt Disney)
29. Which company is owned by Bill Gates (Microsoft)
30. La Giaconda is better known as what ( Mona lisa)
31. Which country has the longest coastline in the world? ( Canada )
32. What is the world's most populated country? (China)
33. What is the capital of the Philippines? (Manila)
34. The Great Barrier Reef is off the coast of which country? (Australia)
35. What is the World's Smallest Country? (Vatican City)
36. In which country is the world's highest waterfall? (Venezuela)
37. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
38. In which country is Mount Fuji located? (Jepang)
39. In which country is the Cape of Good Hope? (South Afrika)
40. What country has the greatest number of active volcanoes? (Indonesia)
41. The Sierra Madre Oriental is a mountain range in which country?(Mexico)
42. Where was the hottest temperature ever recorded? (Libya)
43. Which of these countries uses the Shilling as its currency? (Kenya)
44. Which of these countries has three national capitals? (South Africa)
45. Flags of the world round: Can you name the countries these flags belong to?
46. Distance round: Can you guess the distances between these two cities? London & New York?

47. What percentage of the human body is water? (66%)

48. A human's thumb is as long as his or her nose. (True)
49. Speakingof humans, there are about
__________________ of us in the U.S. right now. (300
50. A sneeze occurs at about 100 miles an hour. (True)
51. Cells
related to _________ divide remarkably faster
than other cells in the body. (Hair)
52. The smallest bone in the human body is about the size
of: (A grain of rice)
53. The smallest bones in the human body are found in
the... (Ears)
54. We humans get an entirely new skeleton every 12 years.
55. The word "pain" is rooted in a Latin word that means
punishment. (True)
56. Sweat is the main cause of body odor. (False)
57. How many taste buds are on your tongue? (Nine
58. What is the largest organ of the human body? (The


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