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Risk Severity Likelihood Gross Risk Those at Risk Control Measures Control Measures (Software – Information,

without (Hardware; ) Instruction, Training and Supervision)

Falling from high ledge. 4 3 12 - Medium Crew N/A Ensure that the crew are aware of high ledge. There
are guard rails around this ledge so it may make it a
little easier to notice. 

If any of the crew for any reason need to go near the
ledge, the rest of the crew should be aware and
prepared to take action should anything happen.
Possible Cars around the Road 4 3 12 - Medium Crew If we set up any shots on Ensure that crew are aware of the road, cars and any
Area at Workington Marina. the road, considering getting other vehicles in the area.
visibility jackets or portable
traffic barriers.
Drone Blades moving at high 3 3 9 - Medium Crew Consider getting operation Making sure that the Drone’s rotor blades have come to
speeds could cause some pain or Gloves for Drone user. a full stop before going to pick it up.
injury if touched
Crossing a very busy road at 4 4 16 - High Crew Consider getting visibility Ensure that crew are aware of the large risk of Crossing
Siddick. Jackets. the road and be prepared to take action if necessary.
Crossing a frequently used Railway 5 4 20 - Very Crew Consider getting visibility To maximise our potential safety options, we can look
line. High Jackets. to when the trains will be coming. Be hyper vigilant of
when the trains are coming, thankfully the trains are
really loud on the line, so if you use all senses it should
be fine.
Slips and trips;

Water on ground / Puddles 2 3 6 - Low Crew Ensure that crew wear Ensure that crew are aware of the water and should
appropriate footware. take action if necessary. Its very low risk, but tripping
can lead to another risk.
Loose Ground Titles 1 2 2 - Low Crew Its very low risk, but tripping can lead to another risk.

Unstable Ground Conditions (Sand, 2 2 4 - Low Crew Ensure that crew wear Ensure that crew are aware of the loose ground and
Dirt, etc.) appropriate footware. should take action if necessary.

Possible Drone Safety Issues.

Risk Severity Likelihood Gross Risk Those at Risk Control Measures Control Measures (Software – Information,
without (Hardware; ) Instruction, Training and Supervision)
Drone falling from height 1 4 4 - Low Equiptment The Drone, spends most of Having operators who are vigilant of these problems is
its time at height, so it is our first priority. Sam Horton, my Drone operator has
always at risk of falling, from had many hours flight time with it, so he knows the
a number of factors;
 nuances to the Drone. However there is more that can
- Battery Death.
 be done.
- Collision with Object
disabling the Rotors. 
 One of the most useful parts with having two people
- Flying to far away from the when we’re using the drone is we can have one
controls can also cause persons “spotting” and one person operating. This is
issues, can lead to the double person operation is far safer than having one
Drone falling. 
 person. Should any issues appear as thought they are

 about to show their head, then having a person on both
A few of the solutions these views of the Drone will be helpful.
are fixed with the Drones in-
software auto-return, but its
something that we shouldn’t
have to rely on.
Drone Entering Water 4 4 16 - High Equipment N/A At some point we will be flying over water. 

Possibly Crew 

One thing that the on board computer cannot count for
is if the drone enters water. If this happens; two things
might could happen. To recover the drone we may need
to go into the water. Or two, the Water is too deep and
then the Drone & Footage is lost. 

The best way to combat this is too possibly have
someone who is a good swimmer prepared to go in the
Risk Assessment for 9th of May Drone Shoot.

Risk Matrix Severity: Risk Matrix Likelihood: Gross risk (Severity x Likelihood)
1. Superficial Injury 1. Very low likelihood 1-8 – Low
2. First aid injury 2. Low likelihood 9-14 – Medium
3. Over 3 day injury 3. Medium likelihood 15-25 – High
4. Major injury 4. High likelihood
5. Fatality or multiple fatalities 5. Very high likelihood

Workington Marina & Siddick Beach

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