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SECTION 3: Name the cohesive devices for the underlined words/phrase in the
following text

Text 1
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Type A personalities are
characterized by ambition, impatience, and competitiveness, and (1) thought to be
susceptible to stress and heart disease. (Type B, meanwhile (2), is defined by being
relaxed, patient and having behavior that (3) could decrease a risk of heart disease (4)).
A pair of American cardiologists came up with the term in the 1950s to describe
white middle-class men who (5) had certain personality traits that (6) made them (7)
more susceptible (8) to coronary heart problems (9). (One report in 2012 in the
American Journal of Public Health asserted that the research was heavily bankrolled
by the cigarette industry to avoid any claim that smoking (10) is bad for you)

Text 2
People believe Santa Claus flies around the Christmas sky in a sled powered by
his1 magical reindeer, or cold-resistant. He delivers presents to each child's house
in the process. He2 places gifts3 underneath a Christmas tree or a pine tree
decorated with ornaments and or lights. Christmas tree4 has been used to
represent the holiday. In the Western Christian tradition, people variously erect
the Christmas trees on days such as the first day of Advent or even as late as
Christmas Eve depending on the country. Modern Christmas trees have been
related to the "tree of paradise" of medieval mystery plays. They5 were given on
24 December, the commemoration and name day of Adam and Eve in various

1. his:
2. He:
3. gifts:
4. Christmas tree:
5. They:

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