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Different types and effects of Globalization on my family

Word Count: 1719


Individuals can travel to other countries, watch films and KPOP, and read the

latest news regularly. These occasions have happened because of Globalization.

Globalization is the movement of products, services, and technology from one region to

another (what is Globalization? 2020). Globalization can be perceived in a variety of

ways, including economically, culturally, and politically. The increase of integration

between countries and trade is Economic integration. The transfer of ideas, culture, and

information from one group to another is cultural Globalization. Cross-national

collaboration and the evolution of international law are described as political

Globalization. These can be observed in our everyday lives, especially in my

family. Globalization both has positive and negative effects, and it has a positive

impact on my family.

Economic Globalization

According to National Geographic (2020), Economic Globalization allows

enterprises to manufacture better products at a lesser cost by increasing international

competition, resulting in lower costs and a wider choice of options for purchasers. My

family, for example, In some cases, we buy products overseas because it’s cheaper

than some Filipino products. For example, my watch cost only 6 thousand pesos in

Canada but ranges from 8 to 9 thousand pesos in the Philippines for the same brand

and style of watch. We can buy products in a broader market. With the use of

technology, different internet countries have become closer because of Globalization.

My family can travel to other places worldwide with the help of planes to learn about

new cultures, food, and experience. Our family traveled to Hong Kong and tasted a

variety of cuisines, and learned about new things that are not available in the


A negative result of Globalization, for example, is a competitive market that

harms the local economy. Companies with many resources can grow into other

countries and outperform local businesses. A local pizza chain, for example, may

struggle to compete with a global pizza manufacturer (Masterclass, 2020). An example

is based on my own experience. My father is a fish dealer who finds it difficult to

compete with larger enterprises, although having a reputable business. In comparison

to his previous sales, it is now lower. Another adverse effect of Globalization in the

Philippines is the issue of frequent migration. The economy has suffered from many

talented people fleeing the Philippines due to low salaries, which has become ingrained

in Philippine culture (Asis, 2017). My parents want my siblings and me to work abroad

after graduating from college and believe that working abroad is preferable to working in

the Philippines. Working in the Philippines is worthwhile if government officials enhance

employees' wages and improve people's fundamental requirements; nevertheless, if

those concepts are not realized, working in another nation for the sake of a better living

is preferable. Because of Globalization, we can enjoy items at a better price than in the

Philippines. My family can travel to different countries such as Europe, Asia, the Nordic

region, etc. While I have no opinion on the alienation of local goods, my parents believe

that the government put laws in place for multinational companies not to construct

stores in different areas and jeopardize the livelihood of the locals.

Political Globalization

The positive effects of political Globalization that my family and I saw were

extending our government's political culture. Citizens' thoughts and appraisals of the

country's political system are referred to as political culture. Political culture reflects a

government, but it also incorporates elements from history and tradition that may

predate the current administration (Winkler,2018). Due to new learnings or influence

from other people, my family members have their views on the Philippine political

system. Different points of view can be beneficial to us and our government's political

framework, but it can also be damaging. Debates, for example, can help people like my

family and others figure out which rules improve the system, and voting can help people

figure out if this person is the best candidate for the job, but it may also create ideas that

can be harmful to our country. Another advantage is that Globalization has had a

significant impact on politics, resulting in increased cooperation and laws across a

broader range of issues. Citizens worldwide are encouraged to become more involved

in international affairs by reading worldwide news and participating in global events like

the Paris agreement. The Paris agreement is an international treaty dedicated to

combating climate change by bringing countries all over the world together. This is

beneficial to my family since the Paris Agreement can assist in preventing or mitigating

climate change, which protects my family in case of a natural disaster caused by climate


In comparison, Various countries came together and collaborated during times of

crisis as a result of Globalization. The Covid-19 outbreak, which began in 2020 and is

still ongoing, has wreaked havoc on several countries' economic and governmental

structures, preventing them from functioning efficiently. For example, in the Philippines,

due to inefficient use of finances to focus on health, many hospitals and facilities lack

the necessary equipment to take all covid patients, causing the economy to collapse

due to a lack of workers due to numerous deaths. There are only limited sets of

vaccines because of COVAX. COVAX is a part of UNICEF that focuses on giving covid

vaccines to people worldwide, but because of developed countries trying to buy a

massive amount of vaccines, there are not that many for developing countries such as

the Philippines. Another drawback of political Globalization is that (Berkley, 2020).

There have been situations where the world health organization (WHO), whose

information has been irrational and occasionally unhelpful, such as when the United

States opted to close its borders in February and WHO executives criticized their

actions. There were rumblings that large organizations like the WHO was influenced by

another country's interests (Schaefer, 2020). A similar incident occurred in the

Philippines, where every country closed its borders while the Philippines continued to

open its borders to Chinese citizens, resulting in the infection of many citizens, which

has ramifications for my family. The number of cases of covid in the Philippines has

increased due to this incidence, which has become a problem for my parents because

my father runs a business that can't function properly due to a shortage of buyers,

resources, and rising material prices. This demonstrates that any government will follow

or listen to countries that are powerful and wealthy. People with proper credentials

should be placed in the positions.

Cultural Globalization

The unity and closeness of diverse communities to ours are benefits that cultural

Globalization has had on my family. Because cultural globalization aids in disseminating

ideas, cultures, and knowledge among people from other countries and communities.

For example, my family members incorporated international dishes into Filipino food.

Another advantage that cultural Globalization provides for my family is bringing people

from all around the world together and learning other people's cultures and behaviors to

reduce the likelihood of racism or prejudice. Being exposed to different cultures

provides us an open-mindedness to people with other appearances, rather than being

bigoted towards them. We should welcome them into our community. In my experience

in Starbucks shops, I saw a Chinese having trouble communicating in English, and I,

who is well versed in Chinese, assisted him in communicating with the cashier. He was

shocked that despite my appearance, I am very good at speaking in Chinese. We

converse, and he said that you just choose your beverages in a kiosk and pay them to

the cashier in China. Because of this, it helps me learn the differences between the way

people buy drinks at Starbucks differ from other countries since Starbucks or other fast-

food chains rarely use kiosks in the Philippines.

The negative effect of cultural Globalization is the Prioritization of different

cultures rather than their own culture. Because few people are interested in it, the

progress of local culture is faltering. This can be seen. For instance, in my own family,

Instead of listening to Filipino music, my family chooses to listen to western romance

music. I primarily listen to foreign music such as Japanese, Korean, and others, and I

rarely or never listen to Filipino music. From my experience, some Filipino music are

internationally known after getting recommendations from my friends. Another

disadvantage of cultural Globalization is the proliferation of dangerous or violent

ideologies worldwide. Islamists can use this as a result of the terrorist group Taliban

capturing Afghanistan and changing the country's whole cultural and political

framework. Women in Afghanistan, for example, have limited rights, such as being

required to stay at home and care for the house, and are mistreated (Astor & Hassan,

2021). Who says this kind of thing can't happen in countries like China, the United

States, or North Korea? I cannot imagine experiencing my rights being taken away from

me since I come from a democratic family. My family and I keep an open mind when it

comes to different cultures. We should constantly keep an open mind and not condemn

others based on their appearance. For the sake of preserving our cultural legacy, I'll try

to listen to Filipino music that my friends recommend or that I enjoy. My family answers

that it provides us with information about what is going on in the world and allows us to

devise solutions that will aid our family if a crisis similar to this occurs in the future.


Economic, political, and cultural aspects of Globalization are all present. The

benefits of economic Globalization include the ability to purchase items from foreign

countries at lower prices than in the Philippines. However, one of the negative

consequences is the loss of jobs for locals due to significant corporations. The help of

Covax brings favorable effects, such as the Philippines having extra vaccines. However,

the negative impact of political Globalization is that their actions are based on profit

rather than their duty. The positive effect of cultural Globalization is that my family will

be more informed and aware of other people's cultures and appearances due to cultural

Globalization. The negative impact of cultural Globalization is the preference of foreign

culture over local culture. Globalization has positive and negative effects. Learning from

my experience helps me have a critical mind about the events around the world and

how this affects my family. 

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