Be Your Brand

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Copyright © 2015 by Allison Marshall. All rights reserved.

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used their best efforts in preparing this guide and workbook, they make no
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ABOUT ME: I am a blogger + photographer who ADORES creating content for

creative business owners, bloggers and freelancers. I want to help you create a
life + business that you LOVE! Also, I’m a crazy cat lady.
Oh HEY there! So you wanna make your brand stand out by making it one-of-a-kind, eh? I’m
SO glad that you’re here! I made this little workbook of awesomeness to show you how to
infuse your kick-ass personality into your brand to make it truly unique — truly you.
So let’s get started on this fun journey together shall we?


your voice 3
Your STYLE 4
your passions 7


How to use
this workbook
I designed this little workbook as a fun way to teach you how to incorporate different aspects
of your personality into your brand. Doing so will make your brand original, one-of-a-kind and
inline with who you really are!
Branding is so much fun, I promise!
Print these pages and put pen to paper or work through it online, it’s up to you! Work at your
own pace, but I highly recommend that you schedule a little bit of time each day to read and
work through these pages. Feel free to schedule it in as, “super awesome fun time.” Hehehe.

Grab a cup of your favorite beverage (I happen to be a coffee
Get comfortable (pajamas or your favorite sweats recommended)
Turn on your favorite motivating music (or if you prefer the quiet
that’s totally cool too!)
Have fun with it
Take it seriously but not so seriously that you start freaking out
Take breaks if you’re feeling stuck (if you have a pet, feel free to
pet that cutie and lavish it with kisses for at least 5 minutes!)
Let me know how fun working through this workbook and putting
YOU into your brand is

Okay you ready? Let’s go, yo!



If you’re going to infuse yourself with your brand, then the first order of business is knowing
who you are! Don’t try to be some one you’re not. After all, that’s no fun! Plus it’s not original.
And the whole point of being your brand is to make your brand truly unique, after all.
So let’s think about this for a minute. Take a moment to think about what makes you truly
unique! What makes you tick? What do you love doing? What are your personality
characteristics? Creative, funny, passionate- there’s a bazillion words that describe
personality traits! Take a moment to write 3 words that describe you:


Now let’s see what others think! Ask 10-15 people to give you three words to describe your
best personality traits. (Or you can do what I did and ask people through a Facebook status
update- I got a ton of answers!) Once you’ve gotten enough responses, look at them for any
similarities. Write down the 3 most common responses:


So, how’d it go? Embrace your top 3 personality traits and use them to your advantage,
baby! Use those 3 words to filter future brand decisions. Your personality should
permeate throughout all the aspects of your brand to make it consistent and strong.
Wondering how to incorporate them into different aspects of your brand? I’m so glad you
asked! Let me show you …


You know what gets overlooked so often when it comes to the branding process? Your
voice! Your voice- from how you communicate with others to the tone you use- is a
vital component in not only creating a cohesive brand, but also in connecting on a
deeper level with your readers/clients!
First, decide on how you want your readers/clients to perceive you. Are you wanting
your vibe to be formal? Funny? Friendly? Super-extra professional? I have found that
the best way to figure out your voice when it comes to your brand (ie writing on your
blog, social media, etc.) is to pretend like you are talking to just one person- your ideal
client! And to BE YOURSELF.
It’s important to practice using your voice in writing as much as possible. So let’s do a
fun little exercise, shall we? This might seem a bit silly, (eh who cares, silly is
AWESOME!) but just humor me, okay? Grab a paper and pen and for each of these
categories, write down at least 5 statements:

When I write, I want people to feel ______________________.

I like to _____________________________.
I enjoy talking about ________________ way too much!
I would love you insane amounts if you would ________________.
If money were no object, I would ___________________.

Okay, humor me just a wee bit more! Take a moment to write down:

At least 3 instances where you were at your best.

3 of your most face-reddening, embarrassing life stories.
What you would do on your most ideal day ever, and get detailed!

Now that you are getting comfortable writing in your own

voice, it’s time to start using it as a part of your brand! Here’s
a list of items that you should take a look at/revise/start
using your voice in:

- E-mails
- Letters
- Website
- Blog posts
- Pinterest descriptions
- Facebook updates
- Instagram
- Tweets
- Note cards
- Business cards
- Thank-you cards
- Anything else where you talk
Before you hit “publish” on any of these fabulous items,
make sure that you have worded it in your voice. Literally
pretend that you are talking to ONE person (your ideal
reader!) Act like it’s some one you are really comfortable


Ok so … I’m no fashionista. Let’s be honest. Hell, if I’m home alone there’s a 90% chance
that I’m wearing the same dumpy sweats and tee shirt!
I DO actually love picking out outfits that express my personality and quirky sense of style …
even if I prefer to do the majority of my jewelry shopping in the kids section! (Hey, don’t
judge me.) Speaking of judging, whether you like to admit it or not, people do and WILL
make judgements about you based off the way you are dressed. If I see some one wearing
yoga pants, running shoes and an athletic tee, I’m gonna assume that they are the sporty-
athletic type. (At least to a degree.) If I see some one wearing bold pieces like bright pink
leggings and colorful shoes I might assume that they are artsy, confident, like color, etc.
Get mah drift? (Yes that’s “my” but it’s spelled the way I say it!)
Your personal style is another form of self-expression and should definitely be considered
when thinking about your brand! You want your brand to be reflected in your fashion when
doing things like meeting with clients, attending networking events and taking photos for
your blog/social media accounts. For example, if your brand is modern, sleek and
professional then you probably don’t want to show up in said yoga pants and a tee! IF
however you are a personal trainer and your brand is personal and athletic, then that would
be the perfect apparel!

Remember those 3 words that you wrote down earlier in the “Know Yourself” section? You
want to make sure they are reflected in your wardrobe.
Fun Fashion “home work”
I’m not gonna lie, I get really overwhelmed when it comes to picking out clothing some
times. Like, I LOVE going shopping and buying new clothes. But when it comes to actually
getting dressed, I have a tendency to get overwhelmed the second I open my closet! And
that overwhelm leads me to grab the same tee and pants c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y.
So if you get overwhelmed like me and/or you’re just not sure what looks good, time to
create an inspiration board! (Oh for the love of all things holy I love creating inspiration
Go ahead. Jot down the names of your favorite style icons and do a bit of research via
Google, Pinterest and Instagram! (I know I know, slightly stalkerish but who cares!)

Make a board on Pinterest and title it “My Fashion Inspiration” (p.s. you can totally
make this board private!)
Now the fun part: Start pinning! Search for bloggers, celebrities, types of clothing and
styles that you think you might like and pin the ones that really resonate with you.
Once you’ve pinned a decent amount of fashion inspiration, grab a pen and write
down all the elements that they have in common. I’ll bet you my last cup of coffee that
the characteristics you write down the most frequently are the ones you most relate to
and that capture your vibe the best!
Create a list of of a few staple pieces that you see yourself pinning the most. If you
don’t have any of these items in your closet, put them on your shopping list and get
them when you can! (And you don’t have to break the bank- thrift stores are awesome
and so are less expensive places like Target and Forever 21!) Just make sure that the
items you put on your list are consistent with your 3 personality/brand words.
I just included SHOPPING as a part of your homework.
You’re welcome.
Now the next time you meet a client, attend a networking event, take photos of yourself for
your blog/other materials etc make sure that you’re wearing your swanky new brand-
appropriate clothes.


You’re quirky and you knoooooow it!
You might not think you are, but I bet on my cat’s fluffy tail that you have some little
personality quirks lurking within! Maybe you like to pretend like you’re on a cooking
show when you’re preparing meals and give a full out narrative as you cook? Perhaps
you love talking in a particular accent just for the heck of it? Maybe you’re the type of
person that just HAS to eat all the french fries before you can touch your burger?
Take a few minutes to just jot down some of your quirks, past or present!

Now that you’ve gotten real with yourself and jotted down a
few of your charming quirks (LOVE IT!) it’s time to
incorporate them into your brand. Here are some areas
where you can sneak them in:

- The “about” page on your blog

- Your photos & selfies (hehe)
- Blog features
- Blog posts
- Any videos that you make
- Social media bios
Embrace your quirks. Weird is rad. Seriously.



Your story is one-of-a-kind and sharing it not only helps to differentiate you from other brands,
but it also helps you connect with people on a deeper level! So how can you use it to your
What’s your story? Why do you do what you do? Take a few minutes to write it out.
Now list 5-10 turning points in your life that are relatable to your ideal customer/reader.
Things to ponder include; your first job, losing some one important to you, why you
started your business, overcoming a huge obstacle etc.
Those “turning points” that you just listed? Welp, those are your connection points! (Aka
bits and pieces of your story that you can use to better connect with your ideal
customer/reader.) Find ways to incorporate these connection points in:
- Your about page
- Blog posts
- Product ideas
- Service ideas



What are you passionate about? What gets you reeeeally excited? Have you thought about
it lately? Are you unsure of WHAT you’re passionate about? (Sorry I’m just pummeling you
with questions!) I’ve got some ideas of where you can infuse your passions into your brand,
but if you’re unsure of what you’re passionate about, then answer these questions first!
(Hell, answer them anyway even if you think you ARE sure!)
What did you love doing as a child that you maybe no longer do now?

How would you spend your time if money were no object?

What gets you so excited that you forget to eat?
Yes, list out your passions with PASSION! I wanna see you feverishly scribbling out your
deepest, truest passions in a passion-infused FRENZY!!!! Ehem.
Alright. Make sure you’ve listed at least 3 passions! (Go crazy and list way more if you’re
truly passionate about lots of things.) Now here’s WHERE you can incorporate them into
your kick-ass brand:
Your overall brand mission statement. Your business should be something that you
are passionate about. Make sure your mission statement reflects this! Or else. (Hehe,
just kidding. I’m not scary I promise!)
Your services. Are there any services that you could add to your business that are
related to any of the passions that you listed?
Blog content. Things that you’re passionate about might make excellent content for
your blog, as long as it’s fitting for your ideal reader!
Collaborations with other creatives. Can you find some one else whose equally
passionate about something in particular? Team up on a creative project!
Community awareness (Is there a cause you could bring awareness to using your
Unexpected gifts to readers/clients (I’m passionate about coffee and that’s why I have
a habit of giving out coffee re-lated gift cards!)
Daaaaaaang look at you, you just completed the entire workbook! Thanks so much for
using this little #BeYourBrandWorkbook, I hope you enjoyed it! I had so much fun
spending 13 hours straight on a Saturday creating it while wearing my Hello Kitty
pajama pants and eating an entire bag of Sour Patch Kids!
I hope your brand is feeling more personal, unique and kick-ass than ever before!
Please feel free to drop me a line on Instagram to share any insights or hilarious
moments that you had while completing this.
I love stories.
And Sour Patch Kids.

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