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Fertility in Morocco
A Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.1 represents the Replacement-Level Fertility; this is
described as the number of children, on average, per woman needed for a generation
to replace its parent generation exactly, not needing the international immigrants in
Morocco. A rate lower than 2.1 means the number of immigrants are not accurately
replaced, and hence the population would fall.

Population of Morocco (2020)

 Taken on Saturday, May 8 2021, the current Moroccan population is 37,280,793,
recorded by the World meter elaboration of the latest UN
 Moroccan population in the mid-year of 2020 is estimated at 36,910,560, recorded by UN
 0.47% of the total world population is made up by the Moroccan people.
 Morocco is the 40th country in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
 83 per Km2 (214 people per mi2) is the Moroccan population density.
 The total land area in Morocco is 446,300 Km2 (172,317 sq. miles)
 63.8 % Moroccans live in urban areas (23,551,599 people in 2020)
 The median Moroccan age is 29.5 years.
Life Expectancy in Morocco
See also: Countries in the world ranked by Life Expectancy

77.4 years
(Life expectancy at birth, both genders combined)

78.7 years
(Life expectancy at birth, women)

76.2 years
(Life expectancy at birth, men)
Life expectancy is the average period of time a person may expect to survive. An average Moroccan can
expect to live an average of 77.4 years, with the men living an average of 76.2 years and women of 78.7


Most Moroccans follow Islam with a huge majority are Sunni Muslims; they belong to the
Maliki School of Islamic jurisprudence. The remaining population follow religions like
Christianity, Judaism and Bahaism.

Islamic practices and philosophy dictates most aspects of daily life, since about 99% of
Morocco's population is Muslim.
The Arabic word "Islam" means "submission to God," and the primary faith is the belief that
there is only one God (Allah) who should be worshiped. This means it is a monotheistic religion.
The religion tells us, in a line of prophets who included Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, John the
Baptist, David, and Jesus, Mohammed was the last and most definitive. Muslims believe that
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are basically the same. However, earlier prophets’ messages
have been corrupted and that Mohammed was chosen by God to revive, refine, and purify His

National currency
The current series of banknotes issued in the reign of Mohammed VI, circulates together with the
series issued in the reign of his father and former monarch, King Hassan II. Although both series
circulate together normally, the notes issued under the previous ruler are being slowly replaced by
the new ones. Both series have the same color, only the design of the new series varies with the
figure of the new monarch, its more modern graphic design and more recent security measures.

Electricity rate
 In 2030, the country targets to decrease energy consumption by 15%, compared with a BaU
scenario, and to reach 52% renewable energy.
 The electricity sector is partly liberalized in both for generation and distribution.
 Most of the power generation is done by the National Electricity Office (ONEE). They hold a
monopoly on transmission.
 IPPs provides a growing share of the electricity production.
 Since 2015, Morocco has added 2.5 GW of new power capacity. It is primarily from coal and
renewables, and four years later the country became a net exporter (in 2019).
 The country imports a huge majority of oil, coal and gas (100% of the oil and coal
consumption and 90% of gas consumption).
 In 2020, fuel prices lowers by around 10%. The country aims to decrease the influence of
global oil prices on its budget.
 Since 2010, the development in energy consumption has slowed, dominated by oil products,
which account for around 60%.
 Morocco plans to install greater than 10 GW of renewables by 2030 (4.5 GW solar, 4.2 GW
wind, and 1.3 GW of hydropower, reaching over 52% of renewables).
 Morocco plans to build a large infrastructure as it aims to improve imports of fossil fuels, in
particular LNG.
 Around the country, numerous renewable energy projects are still under development.

Tax rate

The corporate tax applies to income and profits of:

 Companies regardless of form or their purpose (barring de facto companies comprising only
individuals, fiscally transparent real estate companies and Economic Interest Groups);
 Public institutions and other legal entities performing profit-making activities;
 Associations and organizations recognized by law;
 Fund made by law or by agreement;
 Coordination centers of non-resident corporations.


The income tax applies to income and profits of individuals and legal entities, choosing not to be
subjected by corporate tax.

Incomes subjected to such tax are:

 business income ;
 agricultural income ;
 wages, salaries and similar income ;
 income and profit from rent ;
 income and profit from movable capital.


The value added tax, a tax on turnover, applies to industrial, commercial or artisanal activities, or to
the performance of professional services, in Morocco, and to imports.

In Casablanca, a city on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, the climate is very mild, like that of the
coast of Southern California. Alongside Atlantic Ocean, a cool current runs, which can cause
certain morning fogs and is able temper the summer heat. The climate on its own would be
great. However, unfortunately, the city is polluted. Pollution is helped by the constant weather,
mainly in spring and summer.
The average temperature varies from 13 °C (55.5 °F) in January to 23 °C (73 °F) in August.
The average temperatures are below.
Rabat the capital, along the Atlantic coast of Morocco, has a temperate Mediterranean climate with
mild winters and dry, hot summers. In winter, from late November to early March, average
temperatures range from 48°F (9°C) to 66°F (19°C). Temperatures tend to drop in the evenings and
reach lowest temperature as low as 32°F (0°C) on winter nights. An extra layer of clothing is required
in these nights. At summer, from late June to September, mean temperatures reach approximately
77°F (25°C). The summer months are commonly extremely dry, but thru the winter the capital does
faces numerous sporadic thunderstorms. Wettest month, with an average rainfall of about three
inches (76mm), is December. As the city is nearby the sea, Rabat experiences a light to medium sea
breeze all around the year.
 Through May and October, you are most likely to face good weather with pleasant mean
temperatures that drop between 20 degrees Celsius (68°F) and 25 degrees Celsius (77°F).
 The warmest season / summer comprises of June, July, August and September.
 The months of January, February, March, April, November and December have a high
probability of rain.
 June, July, August and September make up the dry season.
 The warmest month, with an average maximum temperature of 34°C (93°F), is July.
 The coldest month, with an average maximum temperature of 14°C (57°F), is January.
 February is the rainiest month, avoided at all cost by people not fond of rain.
 August is the driest month.
 The sunniest month is July.

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