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Behavior Management Plan

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

My name is Ms. Thomas and I will be teaching 6th grade Science this year. Here is a list
of daily routines, rules, and consequences for this upcoming year in my class.
Daily Routine
• Students will enter the classroom, sit in their assigned seats and get out their materials
• Student’s desks will be set up in rows all facing the front of the classroom, if working in
groups desks will be arranged in square groups of four (subject to change)
• If a student needs any materials or to sharpen their pencil they will raise their hand first,
after receiving permission they will go to the table in the back of the room and grab what
they need quietly
• During assemblies, students will walk quietly to the location of the assembly and stay
quiet during the assembly
• While there are guests in the classroom, students will be respectful, listen to the guest,
and do what they are asked
Rules and Procedures
• Be respectful to yourself, others and class materials
• Show up to class on time and prepared
• Be ready to learn
• Listen and follow directions
• Raise your hand to speak
• Always do your best
• Participate in discussions
• Ask questions
• Use technology only at the teacher’s discretion
• Turn your work in on time
• Work hard, be positive, and have fun
• First offense: Verbal warning/ redirection
• Second offense: Move student to desk near teacher
• Third offense: Talk with student privately in the hallway
• After three offenses:
1. Student given lunch detention
2. Talk with guardians
3. Student given after school detention
4. Talk with school counselor
5. Talk with Principal
Communication with me
You can email me at:
Check the Remind 101 app or Google Classroom
Call me at my school number: 330-XXX-XXXX
Schedule a conference with me via Zoom or in person
If you have any questions, please contact me using the email or phone number above.
Let’s have the best school year possible!

Ms. ______

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