01 - Module 1 B.S.ed. English 2A - Velasco

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: PROFED2-1STSEM-2021-2022

Name: Floribel T. Velasco Date of Submission: October 29, 2021

Year and Section: B.S.Ed. English -2A Modality of Learning: Online

Module No. 1
Lesson 1: Teaching as a Profession


Directions: Answer the following, comprehensively and scholarly.

1. By the use of a graphic organizer, present the elements of a profession creatively.


The professionals will be completing a
four year course of their chosen filed.

Accreditation Making sure that the graduates of the

university programs that are approved by
regulatory body will begin their lives as
competent professionals.

Licensing The graduates must passed the license

examinations to be licensed professionals.

Maintaning professional knowledge and
learning to assure his\her competency.

Proffesionals must be involved inthe
community and be a part of it.

Code of
Ethics Professionals must act like one. They must
fulfill the code of ethics and incorporate it in
their lives no matter what.

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: PROFED2-1STSEM-2021-2022

2. By way of an ACROSTIC, explain the elements of a profession

P reparing professionals through finishing their years of studies in their

chosen fields.
R equires a lot of effort in order to pursue development.
O pen to more knowledge acquisition, ideas and learning.

F ollows ethical standards and rules in the chosen field.

E ffectively exercising technical standards and rules in the chosen field.
S Urely passed in board examinations to have license.
S aw themselves as minded individuals with dedication and passion in their
work or field.
I nfluencing others and teaching them professionally.
O ffers herself with a heart to be a tool in order to educate others.
N ot arrogant and incompetent but always abiding in the given laws.

Analysis: Let’s analyze:

What does the word “professional” mean as used in the instances given

In the first case, the word professional mean “skillful” because of having the
action done without mistake. Along with it is the second and third case that talks about
the capability to do the job in the absence of error. The competence was expressed and
the excellence to do the work was seen. On the other hand, the word professional in the
fourth, fifth and sixth cases implies the ethical standards and moral principles that a
professional must possess. These are govern by the code of ethics in order to make
sure that a professional follows it all.

A. The Historical Development of Teaching as a Profession in the Philippines

FALSE 1. As early as the Spanish period, teaching was considered a profession.
FALSE 2. It was the Americans who elevated teaching in the Philippines as a
TRUE 3. Teaching was elevated to a profession only in 1994 with the passage of RA
FALSE 4. There is no other legal documents that professionalized teaching other than
the Teachers’ Professionalization Act of 1994.

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: PROFED2-1STSEM-2021-2022


1. Present the historical development of teacher preparation and professionalization in the
Philippines from pre – Hispanic Philippines to 1996 by way of a GRAPHIC ORGANIZER.
Discuss briefly.

The Historical
The Historical DevelopmentofofTeaching
Development Teaching as a
as a Profession in the Philippines
Profession in the Philippines

Pre- -No formal schooling and preparation for teachers.

Hispanic -Parents and tribal leaders served as teachers at home and in
Period the community.

-By virtue of Educational Decree of 1863, free public school

system was established and there came one school for girls
Spanish and another one for boys in every municipality. Their teachers
are the Spanish.
- (August 4,1765) Kings Charle's Royal decree came requiring
to have one "maestro" in each village.
-(November 28, 1772) The qualifications of teachers was

-The American soldiers served as first teachers.

1901 -Law act 74 was enacted by the Philipppine comission whicc
(American (a)created the department of public instruction, (b)laid the
Regime) foundations of the public school systems and (c)offered free
primary education for Filipinos.
-600 Thomasites came due to urgent need of teachers who
taught Filipino students who are called the Pensionadas.

-Republic Act 7836 otherwise known as Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994 was passed.

1976 -Presidential Decree 1006 issued by President Ferdinand E.

Marcos has professionalized teachers in the Philippines.

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: PROFED2-1STSEM-2021-2022

2. PORTFOLIO MAKING: Interview 2 LET passers now teaching who did not go through the 4-
year teacher education course. They are graduates of other four – year course but not teacher
education. Ask them the following questions:
a. What difficulties are they experiencing in teaching?
b. Do they agree that a four – year teacher education course is a better preparation for the
teaching profession?


Instructor: Sir Jonathan P. Pasion
Student: Floribel T. Velasco_B.S.Ed.
English 2A


Floribel T. Velasco

1. Angelique Ducay Rodriguez

2. Sir Alestair Jet Dasalla Vicente

Modality of Interview:

Facebook Messenger

PORTFOLIO MAKING: Interview 2 LET passers now

teaching who did not go through the 4-year teacher education
course. They are graduates of other four – year course but
not teacher education. Ask them the following questions:
a. What difficulties are they experiencing in teaching?
b. Do they agree that a four – year teacher education course
is a better preparation for the teaching profession?

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: PROFED2-1STSEM-2021-2022

Ma’am Angelique D. Rodriguez is a former student who

graduated in college with the course Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration Major in Banking and Finance. She is now a Senior
High school teacher in Alfonso Castaneda National High School
located in Alfonso Castaneda, Nueva Vizcaya. Here are her answers
in the two questions I’ve asked.

1. What difficulties you are experiencing in teaching?

 “Not knowledgeable about the different approach to make the
teaching-learning process more effective in a classroom setting.”
 “Not familiar about the proper strategies and techniques that will hint
students’ interest during class.”
 “Difficulties in understanding and making lesson plan, curriculum
guide and learners guide.”
 “Everything is new the people you would deal off co-teachers and the
different behavior of each students that you need to deal.”

2. Do you agree that a four – year teacher education course is a better

preparation for the teaching profession?
“Yes, because base on my own experienced it is hard to teach when you are
not prepared to something. But if you will put your heart in whatever you
do you, can conquer everything. I believe that being a teacher is a calling
because this profession is not just about the knowledge you have
gained in your 4-year degree but it’s about being compassionate
and dedicated to the path you chose. "I loved my students" this line
serves as my anchor in my teaching profession. At the end of the day, I
would say that I am proud to be a teacher not by degree, but by
heart's choice to be a teacher by profession because I know that I have
the power to influence the lives of every students-Youth is the Hope of

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: PROFED2-1STSEM-2021-2022

Sir Alestair Jet Dasalla Vicente is a former student who

graduated in college with the course Bachelor of Science in
Hospitality and Tourism Management, Major in Hotel and
Restaurant Management. He is now a Senior High school
teacher in Solano National High School in Solano, Nueva
Vizcaya. Here are his answers in the two questions I’ve asked.

1. What difficulties you are experiencing in teaching?

“When it’s my 1st month of teaching, I encountered so many
difficulties because in the 1 st place it’s not the course or the career
where I trained before, it’s not like you will cook a food or serve your
customer in a restaurant. In this career you have to think an approach
to your students on how to catch their attentions, and you have also to
deal with different types of many paper works. In my experience, it is
very hard because we don’t have a background on how to teach, what
is the approach to be use, how to make an assessment and I also
experience that I walk out to one of my classes because I can’t handle
their behavior, but as the time flies, with the help of my colleagues and
department heads, It is now my 4th year in teaching.”

2. Do you agree that a four – year teacher education course is a better

preparation for the teaching profession?
“In my own opinion, it is better to take a 4 year course
of Education, because in that 4 years, you will learn the theories
and principles of teaching. They will teach you how to handle
students, and the advantages is, you have an off campus practice
teaching, that you will be trained how to teach your students
before you graduate.”

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: PROFED2-1STSEM-2021-2022


 Watch “Discovering Your Life’s True Calling – Lou Sabrina Ongkiko at YouTube. Based on the
video that you just watched, what is our life’s true calling? How many can you apply that in your
calling to teach? Make a reflection on this.

Living in this world is exciting and it will be more wonderful to live if we know our
purpose why we are living our life.
Teaching is not only about the word passion because it is a lot more than that.
We often said that we wanted to teach because we are inclined to it or because we like
it but the real meaning of the word passion is that we wanted to teach because we
wanted to pass on everything that was passed to us. According to the video, when we
breakdown the word pass-I-on, we can see that the letter that lies at the middle is “I”. So
when we will teach, the reason is that “we want to give are students everything that has
been given to us”. We will love them because we our loved before, we will care for them
because they cared for us first and we will believe to our students’ capabilities because
in the first place someone believe in us.
Moreover, passing the knowledge and giving them what we’ve got is all because
of the Tagalog word of “pass” which is “pasa”- “pasasalamat”. I will give my best to
teach my future students because it will be my way of thanking those who gave
everything for me to learn. Through this, I will also be able to show my gratitude
because of the sacrifices of my educators like my parents and teachers in order for me
to achieve what I want in my life. Further, the speaker emphasize the real meaning of
success in the side of the teacher. According to her, being as a successful a teacher
means your students have learned something from you. It is not how smart you are as
the teacher but it is how the students became knowledgeable because of you as a
teacher. If the students really learned and understand the lesson you’ve taught, it is a
teachers’ real success. Withal, I’ve learned from the video the context where in the
students have the same things yet different. For instance, the opportunity of learning is
the same but the status in life is the difference. A rich students and a poor one both
wanted to be an excellent reader but only the former can access all the resources he
needed like books or tutors. This made me understood how the gap between the
learners like me is affecting my life as a student. But still, I’m here doing my best to fulfill
my dreams just like how my teachers before, and today are giving all their might for me
to learn. The video has also made me realize how great it is to believe and hope for a
better future than today. As one of the students, who came from a poor family, I believe
that someday I will be able to achieve my dreams in life. It is what I believe and it is
what I wanted to fulfill. So as a future educator, I will always believe in my students that
they will be able to get what they deserve in their life in God’s perfect timing.
My calling to teach became much clearer, I wanted to teach not only because I
like it and it’s my dream but because of the three reasons. First, it’s my way to thank my
former teachers because of sharing everything that they have to me. Through this, I
may be able to show them how thankful I am for their patience in giving me the wisdom
that I have now. Secondly, it’s my way to help my country out of poverty because as
one of those poor students who will get a job and will be uncoated with too much
poverty, I will be a great help in my country. I wanted to be role model to my students
who are affected by the gap or the context and I would be truly grateful if I will become a
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: PROFED2-1STSEM-2021-2022

part of my students’ success. Lastly, I wanted now to answer the calling to teach
because it will be my way to show my love with all my heart and without judgement. I
will always trust and believe that my future students can be able to continue learning
despite of the hardships and challenges in life. I will teach them with love because in the
bottom of my heart – it is my real purpose and I will be going to do this because it’s my
life true calling.

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