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Hello Mr/Mrs.


My name is Mackenzie Thomas, and I am a junior at the University of Mount Union. I

am majoring in Middle Childhood education with focuses in math and science. I am very excited

to be working with you and your class this semester and I am very thankful that you are allowing

me to come into your classroom. In my past field experiences, I have observed elementary,

middle, and high school classrooms in many different districts. My most recent field experience

was at Louisville Middle school where I observed and taught lessons in a sixth-grade science

classroom. I feel that with these experiences and classes I have taken I am capable of doing the

following activities in your classroom: assisting with lesson prep, walking around the room and

helping students who may be struggling, teaching or co-teaching lessons, and any other activities

you would like help with.

During my time in your classroom, I will need to complete the following requirements

for my course: send a brief letter of introduction with students’ home (with your approval) and a

case study working with one student on literacy assessments. Throughout the semester if there is

ever a time you need to contact me my email is and my phone

number is 330-988-3341. I always try to respond quickly but of course there are times I am

unable too. I am very glad to be in your classroom this semester and cannot wait to learn more

from you!


Mackenzie Thomas
Hello Parents/Caregivers,

My name is Mackenzie Thomas, students refer to me as Miss Thomas, and I will be

observing in your students eight grade science classroom this semester with Mr/Mrs.________. I

am currently a junior at the University of Mount Union majoring in Middle Childhood Education

with focuses in math and science. I am a member of the sorority Alpha Xi Delta and the

education honor society Kappa Delta Pi. Along with my studies, I spend my free time playing

tennis and volunteering at animal shelters. I am very excited to be working with your students

this semester and I cannot wait to learn more with them!


Miss Thomas

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