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Ir0n Ivan Games Presents:

Red Sun, Red Death

War Without Mercy in the Pacific Theater. ™
Includes Infantry Platoons, Artillery, Vehicles and Aircraft
of the Imperial Japanese, the USMC, and Chinese Forces

Chalfant Conley

Theater Supplement for

Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers™
Infantry & Vehicle Skirmish Wargaming in WWII
Red Sun, Red Death
War Without Mercy in the Pacific Theater. ™
By Chalfant Conley

Supplement for
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers™
1:1 Scale Infantry & Vehicle Skirmish Wargaming in WWII
Red Sun, Red Death
War Without Mercy in the Pacific Theater
Disposable Heroes and Coffin For Seven Brothers

Red Sun, Red Death

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction 03
2. Timeline 04
3. Red Sun Red Death Optional Rules 07
4. Amphibious Assaults and Landing Craft 09
5. Fortifications 14
6. Imperial Japanese 17

7. United States Marine Corps 35

8. Chinese Forces 53

9. End Notes 65

I. Introduction


II. Timeline

Timeline of Major Battles and Campaigns

The Marco Polo Bridge to the Rape of Nanking:



Chinese Victory and Defeats:

Pearl Harbor and Victory in the South:

Repulse Prince of Wales

The Burma Campaign:



New Guinea and the Kokoda Trail:


Island Hopping:

End of War in China:

Soviets Cross into Manchuria:

Japan’s Surrender and The End of World War II:

III. Red Sun Red Death Optional Rules

1: Optional Close Combat, Revised

The Optional Rules presented in the “Close Combat” section are designed to be used together, but you may decide
to alter them should you decide to only use some of them.

Don’t Test:

Simultaneous Combat:

Charge Bonus:

Defending Cover and Charging Pinned Units:



2: Optional Japanese Morale Reactions

General Play:

Spirited Reactions

Frenzied Reactions

Despaired Reactions


Japanese Officers Auto Rally:

3: Other Japanese Optional Rules

Japanese Infiltrator “Pop-Ups”:

Spider Hole:

Important Note:

Enemy Morale Reactions:

Inferior 6.5mm Ammunition:

4: United States Marine Corps Optional Rules

Firing Rifles While Stationary:

Fire Teams:

5: Chinese Optional Rules

Optional Chinese Big Sword Morale Reactions:

Chinese Big Sword Unit Reactions

Chinese Guerilla Disband:

IV. Amphibious Assaults and Landing Craft

Introduction: were

What is Included and What is Excluded:

How It Works:


Landing Craft Penetrating Hits Results

Hull D10 Result

Helm D10 Result


Bail Into Water Table
Distance From Beach at Time of Bail
D10 Roll 9” or less <9” to 16” <16” to 22” Over 22”



Targeting Survivors




Generic Landing Craft

Universal Landing Craft, Unarmed Barge No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft DM: +4
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear



Imperial Japanese Landing Craft

Shohatsu ( Personnel Landing Craft ) No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft DM: +1
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear



Daihatsu ( Personnel and Vehicle Landing Craft ) No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft DM: +0
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Toku-Daihatsu ( Personnel and Vehicle Landing Craft ) No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft DM: +0
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Daihatsu Gunboat No Points

Open Topped Craft DM: +0
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

United States Navy Landing Craft

LCVP “Higgins Boat” No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft DM: +0
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

LCP(L) Landing Craft, Personnel ( Large ) No Points
Open Topped Landing Craft DM: +0
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

LCI (L) Landing Craft, Infantry ( Large ) No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft, Large Target DM: -3
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

LCM Landing Craft, Mechanized No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft DM: +0
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

LCT Mk V Landing Craft, Tank No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft, Large Target DM: -2
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

LCI (G) Landing Craft, Infantry ( Gunboat Converted ) No Points

Open Topped Craft, Large Target DM: -3
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special


D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

V. Fortifications

Firing Small Arms at Fortifications:

This is the only way small arms

(rifles, MGs, etc) can be used against any Fortification

Firing Main Guns at Fortifications:

Fortification Penetrating Hits Results

D10 Result

Firing Flamethrowers at Fortifications:

Close Assaulting Fortifications:

How Fortifications Fight Back:

Leaving Fortifications:

Close Combat:


I Don’t Like Your Fortifications:

Sample Fortifications:

Japanese AT Loghouse No Points

Bunker DM: +0
Total Crew Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Crew Per Weapon Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Japanese HMG Loghouse No Points

Bunker DM: +0
Total Crew Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Crew Per Weapon Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Japanese Concrete Blockhouse No Points
Fort, Including Indirect Fire( see Artillery listing for more details ) DM: -1
Total Crew Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Crew Per Weapon Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Japanese Reinforced Cave No Points

Bunker DM: +1
Total Crew Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Crew Per Weapon Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

USMC HMG Sandbag Bunker No Points

Bunker DM: +0
Total Crew Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Crew Per Weapon Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

USMC AA Gun Concrete Emplacement No Points

Bunker DM: +0
Total Crew Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear


Crew Per Weapon Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

VI. Imperial Japanese
Rank Names:

Rank IJA SNLF Guts (T) Guts (S) Guts (V) Guts (E)

(S) Standard:
(V) Veteran:

(E) Elite:
(T) Tired:

Gut Scale Point Multiplier

Veteran (V) different

Gut Scale Multiplier

Japanese Infantry Platoons and Support:


Japanese Infantry Weapons:

Japanese Infantry AT: Penetration:

Type DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Japanese Small Arms:
Name Type Range ROF AP MM Special


Japanese Explosives: Penetration:

Type Range DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Special Pole Mine Rules:

Imperial Japanese: Vehicle Crews and Transports

Typical Japanese Vehicle Crew
Vehicle Crew:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon

Vehicle Transports:

Imperial Japanese: The Infantry Platoon

Type B Battalion Formation:

Type A Battalion Formation:

SNLF Battalion Formation:

Dual Grenadier LMG Squads Formation:

Platoon Organization:
1 Platoon Command
2-3 Rifle Squads
0-1 Weapons Squad
0-1 Sniper
0-2 Company Support Teams
0-3 Total Vehicles and/or Regimental Support Units

Platoon Command
Command Section:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 10

Add Radio Team:

Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: +15

Add SNLF LMG Team:

Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: +40

Rifle Squad
LMG Section:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 150

Rifle Section:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon

Grenadier Squad
1st Section:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 145

2nd Section:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon

3rd Section:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon

Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 20

Company Support: Anti-Tank Rifle Team

Type 97 ATR:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 15

Company Support: HMG Section

Type 92 HMG:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 55

Regimental Support: Assault Squad
Assault Squad:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 80

Add Flamethrower Team:

Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon +70

Regimental Support: Medium Mortar Section

70mm Mortar:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 30

Regimental Support: 70mm Infantry Gun

70mm Infantry Gun:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 38

Regimental Support: 37mm Type 94 Anti-Tank Gun

37mm AT Gun:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 29

Regimental Support: 37mm Type 97 Anti-Tank Gun

37mm AT Gun:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

Regimental Support: 47mm Anti-Tank Gun

47mm AT Gun:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 36

Imperial Japanese: The Bamboo Spear Fighters

Platoon Organization:
No Command
1-3 Bamboo Spear Squads
1-3 Militia Squads

Bamboo Spear Squad

Bamboo Spear Squad:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 40

Special Note:

Militia Squad
Militia Squad:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 55

Special Note:

Imperial Japanese: Experimental AT Rocket Teams

Company Support: Anti-Tank Rocket Team

Type 4 70mm AT Rocket Launcher:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 35

Imperial Japanese: AT Grenade Launchers

Name Range DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Imperial Japanese: Artillery
Japanese Artillery:

Artillery Class Chart

Class MR RP DB AP IAT MM DM Example


Naval Gunfire:

Rockets (R) and Naval Guns (N) Points NA

Weapon Class Type Typical # ROF AP MM DM Special


Japanese Infantry Guns

70mm Type 92, Medium Infantry Gun Points 38

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


75mm Type 41 or 99, Medium Infantry Gun Points 51
Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Japanese AA Guns

Twin 13mm, AA Machinegun Points 50

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


25mm, Very Light AA Gun Points 38

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


8.8cm FlaK 35/36, Heavy AA/AT Dual Purpose Gun Points 101
Assigned Crew Size: 6

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


3.9” Naval Gun, Very Heavy AA/AT Dual Purpose Gun (nominal AT, actual Anti Ship) Points 62
Assigned Crew Size: 6

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


5” Naval Gun, Super Heavy AA/AT Dual Purpose Gun (nominal AT, actual Anti Ship) Points 80
Assigned Crew Size: 8

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Japanese AT Guns

37mm Type 94 ATG, Light AT Gun Points 29

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


37mm Type 97 ATG, Light AT Gun Points 33

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


47mm Type 1 ATG, Light AT Gun Points 36

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Japanese Field Guns

75mm Type 90 Howitzer, Medium Field Gun Points 49

Assigned Crew Size: 4

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


105mm Type 91 Howitzer, Very Heavy Field Gun Points

Assigned Crew Size: 6

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


150mm Type 4 Howitzer, Extra Heavy Field Gun Points

Assigned Crew Size: 8

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Imperial Japanese: Vehicles
Japanese Armored Vehicles

Type 94 Tankette Points 25

Tankette, Small Late 1934, Uncommon DM: + 2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 97 Te-Ke Tankette Points 33

Tankette, Small Late 1937, Uncommon DM: + 2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 92 Tankette Points 25

Tankette, Small Early 1933, Uncommon DM: + 2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 95 Ha-Go Points 33

Light Tank Late 1936, Common DM: + 1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 98 Ke-Ni Points 48
Light Tank Early 1942, Uncommon DM: + 1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 89 Chi-Ro Points 34

Medium Tank Early 1932, Common DM: + 0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 97 Chi-Ha Points 41

Medium Tank Early 1937, Common DM: + 0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 97 Shinhoto Special Points 82

Medium Tank Late 1942, Uncommon DM: +0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 1 Chi-He Points 105
Medium Tank Late 1943, Uncommon DM: +0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 2 Ho-I Points 65

Medium Tank, Support Gun (+1 Acq/Fire vs. Inf/Art) Late 1942, Rare DM: +0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 3 Chi-Nu Points 114

Medium Tank Late 1944, Rare DM: +0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Ho-Ro Points 38
Medium Open Topped Assault Gun, Support Gun (+1 Acq/Fire vs. Inf/Art) Late 1944, Uncommon DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew Top

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Ho-Ni I Points 85
Medium Open Topped Tank Destroyer Late 1943, Uncommon DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew Top

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 92 Armored Car Points 25*

Armored Car, Small Late 1933, Uncommon DM: + 1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

AA Conversion Type 98 Points 35

Light Tank, Open Topped Early 1943, Uncommon DM: + 1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Japanese Soft Skinned Vehicles and Transports

Toyota KB Medium Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport Early 1941, Abundant DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Isuzu Type 94 Medium Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport Late 1934, Common DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Nissan 80 Light Truck Points 20
Light, Soft Skinned, Small Open Topped Transport Early 1937, Abundant DM: +3
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Kurogane Type 95 Light Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Small Open Topped Transport Early 1938, Common DM: +3
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Ho-Ka Halftrack Points 45

Light Open Topped Transport, Halftrack Early 1941, Uncommon DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Horse Limber:



Japanese Amphibious Vehicles (Armored and Transport)

Type 2 Ka-Mi Points 43

Light Tank, Amphibious (Water 4” ) Late 1942, Uncommon DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Type 3 Ka-Chi Points 105
Medium Tank, Amphibious (Water 3” ) Early 1944, Rare DM: +0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Imperial Japanese: Aircraft

Common Aircraft Data Cards:

Class Weight RP DB AP IAT DM MM

Aichi E13A ( “Jake” ) S D

Reconnaissance/Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Kawanishi H8K ( “Emily” ) S S W D

Reconnaissance/Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Nakajima Ki-27 ( “Nate” ) W D
Interceptor/Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Nakajima Ki-43 IIB ( “Oscar” ) S D

Interceptor/Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Mitsubishi A5M ( “Claude” ) S D

Interceptor/Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Mitsubishi A6M 2 Zero-Sen ( “Zeke” ) W W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Mitsubishi A6M 5a ( “Zeke” ) W W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Nakajima Ki-84 IA ( “Frank” ) S S D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Nakajima Ki-84 IC ( “Frank” ) S S D
Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Kawasaki Ki-100 ( “Tony” ) S W W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Mitsubishi Ki-30 ( “Ann” ) W D

Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Nakajima B5N 1 ( “Kate” ) S D

Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Aichi D3A ( “Val” ) W W D

Ground Attack/ Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Kawasaki Ki-48 ( “Lily” ) W W D

Ground Attack/High Altitude Bomber Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Mitsubishi Ki-21 ( “Sally” ) W W D
High Altitude Bomber
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration

Features D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Mitsubishi G4M ( “Betty” ) W W W D

High Altitude Bomber
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration

Features D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Kokusai Ku-7, Ku-8 W W D

Glider Transport
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Kokusai Ku-1 W D
Glider Transport
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Mitsubishi Ki-57 “ Topsy” ) W W D

Air Transport
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Nakajima L2 Type 00 “ Tabby ” S W W D

Air Transport
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

VII. United States Marine Corps

USMC Platoons and Support:


Rank Names:

Rank Guts (E) Guts (V)

(E) Elite:

(V) Veteran:

Gut Scale Point Multiplier


Gut Scale Multiplier

USMC Infantry Weapons:

USMC Infantry AT: Penetration:

Type DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


USMC Small Arms:
Name Type Range ROF AP MM Special

US Explosives: Penetration:
Type Range DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


United States Marine Corps: Vehicle Crews and Transports

Typical USMC (or USN Transport) Vehicle Crew

Marine (or Sailor) ACC CC Guts Weapon

Vehicle Transports:

United States Marine Corps: Late War Rifle Platoon


Platoon Organization:
1 Platoon Command
2-3 Rifle Squads
0-1 Sniper Team
0-4 Company Support Teams
0-4 Total Vehicles and/or Regimental Support Units

Platoon Command
Command Section:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 51

Add Radio Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 17

Rifle Squad
1 Fire Team:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 202

2nd Fire Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon

3rd Fire Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon

Sniper Team
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 35

Company Support: Bazooka Team

Bazooka Team:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 43

Company Support: HMG Section

M1919A4 HMG:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 77

Company Support: Mortar Team

60mm Mortar:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

Regimental Support: Recon Team

Recon Team:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 44

Regimental Support: Forward Observer Team

FO Team:
Marine (or Sailor) ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 44

Regimental Support: 37mm Anti-Tank Gun

37mm AT Gun:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

United States Marine Corps: Early War Rifle Platoon


Platoon Organization:
1 Platoon Command
2-4 Rifle Squads
0-1 Sniper Team
0-3 Company Support Teams
0-3 Total Vehicles and/or Regimental Support Units

Platoon Command
Command Section:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 44

Add Radio Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 17

Rifle Squad
Rifle Section:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 121

BAR Section:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon

Sniper Team
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

Company Support: HMG Section

M1917 HMG:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 77

Company Support: Mortar Team
60mm Mortar:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

Regimental Support: 37mm Anti-Tank Gun

37mm AT Gun:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

United States Marine Corps: Assault Engineer Platoon


Platoon Organization:
1 Platoon Command
2-3 Engineer Squads
0-4 Vehicles

Engineer Platoon Command

Command Section:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 51

Add Radio Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 17

Engineer Squad
1 Engineer Fire Team:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 143

2nd Engineer Fire Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon

3rd Engineer Fire Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon

United States Marine Corps: The Raider Platoon


Platoon Organization:
1 Raider Platoon Command
2-3 Raider Rifle Squads
0-1 Sniper Team
0-4 Company Support Teams


Raider Platoon Command
Command Section:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 22

Add Radio Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 17

Raider Rifle Squad

1 Fire Team:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 121

2nd Fire Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon

3rd Fire Team:

Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon

Sniper Team
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

Company Support: HMG Section

M1917 HMG:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 77

Company Support: Mortar Team

60mm Mortar:
Marine ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

United States Marine Corps: Artillery
USMC Artillery:

Artillery Class Chart

Class MR RP DB AP IAT MM DM Example


Naval Gunfire:

Rockets (R), and Naval Guns (N) Points NA

Weapon Class Type Typical # ROF AP MM DM Special


.50 M2 Browning Quad Mount, AA Machinegun Points 75

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


37mm, Light AA Gun Points 28

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


40mm Bofors, Light AA Gun Points 38
Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


3” AA, Medium AA Gun Points 48

Assigned Crew Size: 4

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+



37mm, Light AT Gun Points 33

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


57mm, Light AT Gun Points 40

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


USMC Field Guns

75mm M1A1 Pack Howitzer, Medium Field Gun Points 47

Assigned Crew Size: 4

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


75mm M1897/1917A4, Medium Field Gun Points 55

Assigned Crew Size: 4

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


105mm M2, Very Heavy Field Gun Points 109
Assigned Crew Size: 6

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


155mm M1, M1918, Extra Heavy Field Gun Points 215

Assigned Crew Size: 8

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


USMC Mortars

4.2” Mortar, Very Heavy Mortar Points 90

Assigned Crew Size: 6

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration: Indirect Only


United States Marine Corps: Vehicles

M3 Stuart Points 74
Light Tank Early 1941 , Abundant DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Hull Crew

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

M3A1 Stuart Points 74
Light Tank Early 1941 , Abundant DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Hull Crew

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

M3 Satan Points 78
Light Tank, Flamethrower Early 1943 , Rare DM: +4
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Hull Crew

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Sherman M4A2 Points 171

Medium Tank Early 1942 , Abundant DM: +0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Hull Crew

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

POA Sherman Points 122
Medium Tank, Flamethrower Late 1944, Uncommon DM: +3
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Hull Crew

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

M7 Priest Points 139

Medium Open Topped Self Propelled Artillery Late 1942, Abundant DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew Top

Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


USMC Soft Skinned Vehicles and Transports

GMC CCKW ( or Mack ), Heavy Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport Early 1942 Abundant DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Ford ( or Chevy ), Medium Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport Early 1942 Abundant DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Chevy 1 ½ Ton ( or Dodge ), Medium Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport Early 1941, Abundant DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Dodge WC, Light Truck Points 20
Light, Soft Skinned, Small Open Topped Transport Early 1943, Abundant DM: +3
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Dodge Command, Light Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Small Open Topped Transport Late 1942, Abundant DM: +3
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Jeep Points 20
Light, Soft Skinned, Small Open Topped Transport Late 1941, Abundant DM: +3
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

M2, M2A1 Halftrack Points 50

Light Open Topped Transport, Halftrack Early 1941, Abundant DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

M3 “Gun” Halftrack Points 125

Light Open Topped Halftrack Early 1942, Uncommon DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

USMC Amphibious Vehicles (Armored and Transport)

DUKW, Medium Amphibious Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport, Amphibious (3”) Early 1943, Abundant DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

M29 Weasel, Light Amphibious Tractor Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport, Amphibious (6”) Early 1944, Common DM: +3
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

LVT 1 Points 50
Light Open Topped Transport, Amphibious (4”) Early 1941, Common DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special


LVT 2 Points 65
Light Open Topped Transport, Amphibious (5”) Early 1942, Abundant DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special


LVT 4 Points 80
Light Open Topped Transport, Amphibious (5”) Early 1944, Abundant DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special


LVT (A) 2 Points 70
Light Open Topped Transport, Amphibious (5”) Early 1944, Uncommon DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special


LVT (A) 1 Points 47

Light Tank, Amphibious (5”) Early 1944, Uncommon DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

LVT (A) 1 Flamethrower Points 75

Light Tank, Flamethrower, Amphibious (5”) Early 1944, Uncommon DM: +4
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

LVT (A) 4 Points 47

Light Tank, Open Top, Support Gun ( +1 Acq/Fire vs Inf/Art ), Amphibious (5”) Early 1944, Com DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

United States Marine Corps: USMC and USN Aircraft

Common Aircraft Data Cards:

Class Weight RP DB AP IAT DM MM

Brewster F2A-3 Buffalo W W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Grumman F4F Wildcat S W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Grumman F6F Hellcat S W W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Vought F4U-1C Corsair S S W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Douglas SBD Dauntless (A24) W W D
Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Curtiss SB2C Helldiver (A25) S W D

Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Vultee 72 A31 Vengeance S W D

Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Consolidated Vultee PBY Catalina W W W D

Maritime Reconnaissance/Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration

Features D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Consolidated Vultee PB4Y Privateer S W W D

Maritime Reconnaissance/High Altitude Bomber
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration

Features D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

VI. Chinese Forces

Rank Names:

Rank Chinese Name Guts (U) Guts (T) Guts (S) Guts (V)

(U) Untrained:
(T) Trained:
(S) Standard:
(V) Veteran:

Optional Note:

Gut Scale Point Multiplier

Trained (T) different

Gut Scale Multiplier

Chinese Infantry Platoons and Support:



Chinese Infantry Weapons:

Chinese Infantry AT: Penetration:

Type DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Chinese Small Arms:

Name Type Range ROF AP MM Special


Chinese Explosives: Penetration:

Type Range DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Chinese Forces: Vehicle Crews and Transports

Typical Chinese Vehicle Crew

Vehicle Crew:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon

Western Trained Chinese Vehicle Crew

Vehicle Crew:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon

Vehicle Transports:

Chinese Forces: The Infantry Platoon

Platoon Organization:
1 Platoon Command
2-4 Rifle Squads
(2-3 Big Sword Squads)
0-2 Company Support Teams
0-2 Total Vehicles and/or Regimental Support Units

Platoon Command
Command Section:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 24

Add Personal Bodyguard:

Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: +12

Rifle Squad
Rifle Squad:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 120


Big Sword Squad
Big Sword Squad:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 120


Company Support: HMG Section

MG 08 HMG:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 40

Regimental Support: Medium Mortar Section

3” Mortar:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 20

Regimental Support: Sniper

Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 16

Regimental Support: 3.7cm PaK Anti Tank Gun

3.7cm PaK AT:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 33

Chinese Forces: Communist Guerilla Platoon

Platoon Organization:
1 Platoon Command
2-4 Guerilla Squads
0-2 Support Teams

Platoon Command
Command Section:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 23

Guerilla Squad
1 Cell:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 81

2nd Cell:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon

3rd Cell:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon

Guerilla Support: HMG Section

Maxim HMG:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 45

Guerilla Support: Heavy Mortar Section

82mm Mortar:
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 41

Chinese Forces: Artillery

Artillery Class Chart

Class MR RP DB AP IAT MM DM Example

Chinese AA Guns

2cm FlaK 30/38, Very Light AA Gun (Available Early War) Points 22
Assigned Crew Size: 2

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


40mm Bofors, Light AA Gun (Available after 1942) Points 38

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Chinese AT Guns

3.7cm PaK 35/36, Light AT Gun (Available Early War) Points 33

Assigned Crew Size: 3

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Chinese Field Guns

75mm M1A1 Pack Howitzer, Medium Field Gun (Available Early War) Points 47
Assigned Crew Size: 4

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


7.5cm leFK16 , Medium Field Gun (Available Early War) Points 50
Assigned Crew Size: 4

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


105mm M2, Very Heavy Field Gun (Available after 1942) Points 109
Assigned Crew Size: 6

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


155mm M1918, Extra Heavy Field Gun (Available after 1944) Points 215
Assigned Crew Size: 8

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Chinese Mortars

4.2” Mortar, Very Heavy Mortar (Available after 1942) Points 90

Assigned Crew Size: 6

Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration: Indirect Only


Chinese Forces: Vehicles

Chinese Armored Vehicles

SdKfz 221 25*

Armored Car, Small Early War DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

SdKfz 222 33
Armored Car, Small Early War DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

White Scout Car Points 60

Armored Car, Small, Open Topped Late War Only DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special


Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


PzKmpf I A/B 25*

Light Tank Early War DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+


Vickers 6 Ton Type E Points 26

Light Tank Early War DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew
Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

FT-17 (MG) Points 25*
Tankette Early War DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew
Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

FT-17 (37mmL21) Points 25*

Tankette Early War DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew
Hull Crew
Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

T-26B M1933 41
Light Tank Early War DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Hull Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Stuart M3A3 Points 82

Light Tank Late War Only DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Hull Crew

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Sherman M4A4 Points 155
Medium Tank Late War Only DM: +0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Turret Crew

Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Hull Crew

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Chinese Soft Skinned Vehicles and Transports

Buessing-Nag Heavy Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport Early War DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Ford ( or Chevy or GMC ), Medium Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport Late War Only DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Morris Light Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Small Open Topped Transport Early War DM: +3
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew

Bren and Universal Carrier Points 35

Light Open Topped Transport Early War DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear

Hull Crew
Weapon* Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Horse Limber:



Chinese Forces: Aircraft

Common Aircraft Data Cards:

Class Weight RP DB AP IAT DM MM

Gloster Gladiator W D
Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Polikarpov I-16 Type 4 W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Fiat C.R. 32 W D
Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Curtiss P-40 B Tomahawk S W D

Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Curtiss P-40 C Tomahawk S W D
Interceptor Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

DH98 Mosquito FB VI S S D
Interceptor/Ground Attack Aircraft
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration

Features D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Consolidated Vultee B-24 Liberator S W W D

High Altitude Bomber
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration

Features D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Tupolev TB-3 Type 1932 S S W W D

High Altitude Bomber
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Main Gun Penetration

Features D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Douglas DC-3/C-47 S W W D
Air Transport
Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special

Features Main Gun Penetration

D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

IX: End Notes




How to Field Commonwealth Forces:

How to Field US Army Forces:

Chinese Small Arms:

Fielding Chinese Miniatures:

Future plans

Suggested Reading and/or Partial Bibliography


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Links of interest

Thanks for playing, and happy gaming!

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themselves, Comrade. Have fun.

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