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The most successful aspects in my planning and research for my documentary, will have to
come to a few specific aspects. One of them is the textual analysis that I completed, the
textual analysis helped me see different examples of the same topic that I was working on.
The examples helped me because I was able to compare and contrast between a
professional production which was carried out by channel 4 and also a school much like
mine carried out by a student in a Scottish school talking about problems in the Scottish

         I completed three
textual analysis and the most helpful one in my Pre production was my textual analysis four

        ! This particular textual
analysis helped me a see a professional approach to my topic, because it was broadcasted
on channel 4. The reasons why this program helped is because it spoke about the reasons
the England national team failed to qualify for the World Cup in 1994 from a very reliable
source The England manager at that time Graham Taylor.

In this program it spoke about the English youth system and the problems of it, which is a
problem that is still evident today. The textual analysis that i carried out helped me see the
strengths and weaknesses in both programs. Showing me what features help such as
conventions that I can use in my productio n.

Another successful aspect in my Pre - production I feel is picking the right topic to take into
production. When completing my initial ideas I took into consideration three topics grime
music, illegal drug use and youth development in football. Picking youth development in
football helped me because its a topic that i have a lot of knowledge on, which made my
research easier, for example when researching and thinking about the types of questions to
ask in my questionnaire.
Which would also be r elevant to my topic and target audience and the types of questions
that would trigger the best responses as well, I already had knowledge on because of me
being a football fan. The part of my Pre production that this decision was made was in my
rationale, where I looked at all the strengths and weaknesses of all three of my topics and
picked one. 

In my production stage there were many aspects that I feel were successful, starting with
different locations that I filmed at in my interviews. All the interviews that I have filmed
have been at relevant locations a point that was picked up by class mates when analysing
the rough draft of my work
The different range of shots that I used in my interviews was also I point that I think that I
particularly did well in, because I think that it would give my documentary in some sense
more reliability. Because in my interviews I have different shot types such as two -shots and
close up, with close ups if the audience are able to see the contributors facial expressions
they can see that what they are saying has truth behind it. Oth er filming aspects that I fell
was a success was my vox pops, I fell that the Tottenham supports were very helpful and
answered the questions with real intent to get there points across.

The Italian fan that I spoke with told me genuine information about how the Italian youth
system worked which helped me deliver another point that I wanted to accomplish in my
      The other vox pop
that I filmed in my with a football I feel will make my documenta ry better because it
entertains the audience, another point that set out to achieve in my treatment

       And the reason why it would
entertain my audience is because that was the feedback I received from my class mates in
my rough daft feedback.

In this stage of my production the most successful aspects was my editing, because in my
documentary I planned to have many cutaway shot during interviews. Also when asking the
question, and i fell that i was able to achieve this because of my editing skills. Another
successful aspect I fell was my archive footage, I thought that having two sets of archive
would create more of a distinguished in my topic meaning that it will show young English
players to show that there are some good players, and another to show the premier league
in general being a great league.

Also in this stage another aspect that I thought helped me wa s the feedback that I received
from my class mates, during my rough edit feedback. I thought this exercise was key in
helping develop my final production. Because during the feedback session improvements
were pointed out to me that I did not realize whilst editing for example my class mates and
my teacher did not see a clear enough link between the English youth system and England's
failings in the 2010 FIFA world cup 

I used these improvements very carefully and I kept to them when I continued to edit. One
of the changes I made was to create a link between the youth system and the world cup,
and I did this by adding graphics stating what the FA introduced to improve the English
youth system after the failings of the world cup.

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In this stage of my production I feel that I kept to the time allocated to me almost perfectly,
I say almost because I completed all my other production paperwork on time and was happy
with it. Except for my shooting script where I had to go back and change a few things that I
thought that I was not going to be able to film.

The parts of my script that I was concern about were some of the locations that I was
supposed to film at, one of those being on a bus.

reason why I want to film on a bus is to give my docu mentary I continuation feel, meaning
that I wanted it to look like I was actually traveling to the different locations. And I also want
to have a presenter piece to camera talking about what was going to happen next in my

I was going to change before consulting with my teacher who told to try and film on a bus
saying if I was able to pull it off would be a good feature in my documentary so I deci ded to
try and film on a bus.

In this stage I feel that I kept to the time allocated to me well, because I completed all my
filming before the rough draft edit deadline with the exception of one interview(which I
explain in my week 11 reflection), 
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  I discussed this with my teacher to received permission from
him to film that interview at a later date. Because the interviewee Jason Twum was not able
to do my interview because he was revising for his exams, so he told me that he would not
be able to do it, so I looked at other possible people interview who were young footballers,
and the main person I tried to pursue was ConorOkus who is a young Dagenham &
Redbridge footballer. But it ultimately never materialized and I was able to interview Jason
Twum after he became available again.

My time management in post production was not an issue, I editing all the footage that I
wanted to use. The main reason for this I feel is because that I edited every lesson after
every footage I filmed 
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    .The reason for this is because I did not want any deadline
problems when it came to the latter stages of my post production stage, and I feel that this
technique worked very well. Other ways that i tried to ensure that I would have a complete
documentary was that I came to edit in my free periods and also after school

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). This ultimately allowed me to hand in my documentary on time with the rest of my
I feel that if I had more time to edit, by finishing before the deadline time I could have more
creative elements by using final cut pro. I also did not get a chance to watch my
documentary one more time before burning it of and handing it in, because after I watched
it on YouTube I noticed a one or two errors mainly in during two of my interviews, where
there were little sound cuts because the sound moved around when I cut some of my
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Getting contributors was a little ticker than I first thought it would be, and I feel the reason
for that was that I was maybe a little to ambushes. Because the first contact sheet that I
right up included names such Richard Scudamore (chief executive of Premier League) Sir
Trevor Brooking (head of youth development) and also Gareth Southgate who also works in
youth development. I pursed long and hard to try and contact these people but never got
the chance, because finding ways to contact them was almost impossible.

Then when I started to look at people that did not that high of a status, but knew all about
youth development of football. I gather some names of people that were willing to put
some time aside for me to interview them. Some of the contributor s that I spoke with
included Chris Evans (Essex county FA), Wayne Burnett (Dagenham& Redbridge academy),
ConorOkus ( footballer), Doug Williams ( Leyton Orient). These people were easier to
contact because most of their emails were on the team's website. S o after I contacted them
and they were all willing to do so write there names down, and submitted it. I also decided
to presenter my own work, because I wanted to be something that I am very passionate
about, and the other member of my crew would be David Vaughan and also Shaun Lennon.

During my production stage one of the first things that I filmed was an interview at the West
Ham training ground with one of their academy managers. The way that I got this interview
was all down to luck, because me and my class mate Davis Vaughan were just walking past
there training ground and decided to try and get an interview with someone. We walked in
and found someone that was willing and we did the interview.

The rest of my interviews where very ticker in the terms of them, happening at the times
that I originally booked them. The interview that I did with Wayne Burnett was probably the
only interview that I filmed at the time that I booked it in pre production. The interview that
took the longest amount of time to metalized was the interview that I did with Chris Evans,
that interview was postponed about three times some on his behalf and some on mine. The
main reasons that it was postponed was because he was ill for about two weeks and the
other time it got postponed was because I got lost when going to Chelmsford.

Another interview that was filmed after the proposed date was my last interview with Jason
Twum, I did this interview during the last week of productions. Initially I was able to film the
interview but when I watched it over again I realized some sound problems so I wanted to
film it again. But that clashed with Jason revision for his exams, so I told him not to worry
about it and he was able to book another date with me which was in the last week of
production (this date was agreed with my teacher).

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In the post production stage, I edited all my work, and added music and also did the
majority of my voice over's. Except for one who was done by my teacher because one of my
vox pops was done by an Italian man who was the Tottenham and AC Milan game at Whi te
Hart Lane before that I went over to the languages block and asked Miss Jones (languages
teacher) to translate what the Italian man was saying, And she was kind enough to do it. The
other voice over in my documentary was done by my teacher Mr Philipson, who did his
voice over, over the Italian fan to let the audience know what he was saying.



In this phase of my production there was not really a need for me to take out equipment,
but what I did do was plan what I would need when the time came where I had to take out
equipment. In pre production the main equipment that I would use was a PC, wher e I
planned my script and also contact list. And also submitted my work in relation to my
documentary (textual analysis, questionnaire, internet research). In the production stage is
where I am going to use a range of equipment to create my documentary. I would using
equipment such as camera, tripod, dolly, microphones (regular and boom microphones) and
also headphones.

I will also make sure that there are fully charged batteries in the cameras when I will be
using them, and I will make sure that I have a battery charger with me when I did book out
equipment. In post production I will use a few different equipment, equipment such as
Apple Macintosh, headphones, camera and also sound recorders.


Being fortunate during this stage of my production I was able to get equipment without
giving any notice because my media class was the only media class at this moment in
production stage. The majority of my filming was filmed on a Panasonic camera and in all
my interviews and all my presenters͛ pieces to camera I used a boom microphone, because I
felt that this microphone was best microphone in sound quality.

Towards the end of my production other classes started to enter their production stage so
the luxury of booking equipment at any time was gone. So I had to book my equipment least
two days in advance and also return the next day at a specific time (8.45). I anticipated this
because of my experience as a media student, and already filmed all my interviews which is
the main bulk of my documentary. And when the booking system came all I had left was just
a few vox pops and a little presenter piece to camera, where I used the cannon camera. The
cannon camera was little different from the Panasonic camera the white balance of the
camera was a little higher than the Panasonic camera, which can be seen in my vox pops
that I filmed.


In this stage I was assigned to a apple mac (not a laptop) where I did not have to use with
any other media student. This therefore meant that I had as much time I wanted to fully edit
my work. I was able to use my mac after school and also during other lesson because none
of the media students used the same mac as me. The software that I use was I movie HD.



Creating a budget was a relatively new experience for me, because I have never needed to
make a budget before whilst planning a production. At the start I went over budget because
I did not look for the right prices and just went with the first price tag a saw. Knowing this
would be a problem because I had to have a £500 contingency plan, some I worked on my
budget looking for the cheapest but good prices using sites such as eBay and Amazon and I
completed it.

During production I realized that I would save lot money on travel because, I would not
need to travel by train. My primary source of travel was bus and that is free due to my
oyster card, and after planning the only time that I would travel a far distance would be my
interview with Chris Evans (Essex FA) and that interview I would get a ride from my older
brother who drives. When it comes to filming I feel that I did go over board with equipment
booking, and using a camera to film. As you can see in my week 11 reflections I was still
filming (albeit because of the circumstances
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Ultimately the reasons why I think that there was a lot of expenditure was because of re
filming Interviews with Jason Twum and also the cancellations between me and Chris Evans.

In this stage of my production I again over spent the figures that were on my budget, on
editing time. Where I did state that this was a successful part I knew that it would be
detrimental to my budget. This was mainly due to me showing editing after every time I
filmed, which was a tactic that I set out to do from the begging, knowing that I would be
detrimental to the budget that I produced .

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Other reasons that I edited were because I kept showing my three teachers constantly were
I was up to and they would tell me the improvements that I would have to make, before it
was perfect.


In pre ʹproduction the aspects of my production that I deem the least successful would be
that fact that I took a long time trying to find contributors that I would not get in reality. I
feel that this took a lot of time of me, where I could have been contacting people that I
could get a hold of.

I feel that I was not very efficient when I booked out equipment because there were times
when I had equipment but nothing to film. This was mainly down to my time management
and finding the right times for interviews. So I feel if I did use the equipment every time I
had it, it would have helped me. 
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Another part that I feel negatively work against in the stage the fact that I had to cancel
some of my interviews, mainly the one with Chris Evans (Essex FA). If I could have done
those interviews on time I feel that I would have more time to edit at the e nd.

In this stage I feel that every time I did edit I got significant amount of work done, but I think
that editing all the way until the deadline did not work in my favour because I should have
watched my work over a least one more time before submitting it. This was mainly down to
the fact that I had to cancel some interviews as I stated in the production stage.

The reason for this is that when I watched my work again on YouTube I some faults not
major but faults were there such as, little sound cuts and maybe the background music was
a little too loud.

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