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Our Guide

For the parents:

1. Please guide your child while he is studying and
answering the task provided in this module.
For the learners:
2. Remind your child about his study time and
1. Read carefully
schedule so hethe
finish theso that you will know
Let toyour
do. child answer the module activities
2. If independently
there are directions or topics
however, in thehim
assist module
onlythat are
difficult for you to understand, feel free to ask from
4.your parents
I will call onora companions
certain time at home.
based However,
on the schedule if
you still could
to explain thenot understand,
lessons you can
in the module . tell me at this
number ____________ so I could explain it to you
3. Answer the activities in the module on the specific
day for the subject.
4. Write important concepts in your notebook
regarding your lesson. This will help you in your

At the end of the lesson, you will able to:

What I
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This means is to “transfer of something.”

a. Conductors
b. Conduct
c. Insulator
d. Heat
2. It allows the energy to flow, pass or get through.
a. Conduct
b. Insulator
c. Conductors
d. Thermal
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of conductors?
a. Copper
b. Gold
c. Steel
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following illustrations is an example of conductors?

a. b. c.
5. In insulators materials are ________ allowed electric current.
a. Not
b. Yes
c. True
d. None of the above
6. Which of the following is NOT an example of insulators.
a. Papers
b. Diamond
c. Paper clip
d. Oil
7. Does not allow electric current to pass through.
a. Convection
b. Radiation
c. Conduction
d. Insulators
8. What are the two types of conductors?
a. Heat and Electricity
b. Heat and Water
c. Electricity and Water
d. Water and Fire
9. Which of the following illustrations is an example of insulators?

a. b. c.
10. Scissors =_______________; plastics = insulators
a. Insulators
b. Convection
c. Conductors
d. Heat

Lesson Conductor and

1 Insulator

A. Directions: write C is the picture is an example of conductor and I if it is an
insulator. Write your answer on the space provided.
________1. ____________2.

________3. ____________4.


B. Directions: Group the following words to their category.

Iron Gold Tissue Notebook

Glass Rubber band Coins Steel

Conductors Insulators
What is


Conduct means to transfer of something. While the materials that

transfer something through themselves was called “Conductors.”
Conductors are divided into two categories:
a. Heat
b. Electricity

What is a conductor?

Conductors allows energy to pass, flow or get through. A thing

that conducts heat or electricity.
A substance or medium that conducts heat, light, sound, or especially an
electric charge.
Here are some examples of conductors:
Copper Silver

Scisso Wate
r r
Paper Steel

Iron Gold

What is an insulator?

Insulator are any materials that does NOT allow electric

current. A substance which does not readily allow the passage of
heat or sound: "Cotton is a poor insulator."
Insulators aim to prevent the transference of energy, so good insulators have small
thermal conductivity values. The thickness of the insulator is also important.

A good insulator is one that prevents most of the incoming energy from
being transferred. The measure of a material's ability to conduct energy
through it is called thermal conductivity.

Here are an examples of insulators:

Glass Wood

Rubber Oil
Plastics Paper

Activity 1.
Directions: Classify the following pictures if it is CONDUCTOR or INSULATOR.
_______________ _______________ ________________

_______________ _________________

Activity 2.
Directions: Enumerate the following:
1. Differentiate conductor and insulator.
2. Give 5 examples of conductor.
3. Give 2 examples of insulator
4. What are the 2 categories of conductors?

Activity 3.

Make a Venn diagram about the examples of conductors and insulators.

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