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Information given to court and it can be

divided into three types:


(Testimony upon testimony) Information given by numerous informant
1. Al Hisbah means to do something and effect which preclude the possibility that
(Shahadah based on public opinion)
with an expectation to get reward It is an evidence given by a witness stating that everybody is lying.
from Allah. someone else has attested to the material facts, or Some jurist considered this as hearsay
2. It is when a person giving right which is the cause of the present action. Ibn Qayyim:
shahadah comes forward to give Judge can decide based on khabar
Hearsay evidence is giving evidence
shahadah even the claim is yet to be Therefore , there are two elements for shahadah mutawattir even the informant is unjuct
infront of a judge based on a fact which is
made or being asked for the sake of ala shahadah: person or non Muslim.This is the clearest and
widely spread and well-known w/out
Allah. (a) original witness who actually saw the strongest forms of evidence
seeing/hearing the facts with his own
material fact Here no need to examine the credebility of
3. Sometime the person who give (b) substituted witness- the person who informant.
the syahadah also the prosecutor or replaces the original witness to give It is a kind of evidence which reach the
the claimant. (e.g.) in khalwat evidence in court. Evidence gathered by way of khabar
status of shahadah and not khabar becox
cases, the arresting officer sometime mutawatir can reached the level of yakin, but
there is expression of “ashadu”.
becomes P.O. The admisibility of this type of shahadah is not tetsimony of 2 witnesses may only reached
mentioned in Qur`an or Sunnah but according to the level of ghalabah al-zan or suspicion.
Jurists it is admisibile based on istihsan. 1. The news must be well-known
4. Dr Abd. Karim Zaidan states that (a) Hanafi accepts base on istihsan Whether hadd punshiment can be imposed
2. The news is widely spread among the
shahadah hisbah is admissible in (b) Syafie/Maliki Hambali base on neccesity . for zina case based on khabar mutawattir.
case relating to right of Allah, e.g. if the original witness is incapable of giving The answer is, since zina cases need 4 male
3. Received by way of
consumption of liqour, theft, evidence due to death, sickness, missing or under adil witnesses, so it is unsusual khabar
mutawatir.According to al Kashaf it is not
robbeery, zakat , to free slaves, will enimies custody can give shahadah ala shahadah. mutawatir can applicable.Unless the zina is
a condition that the news must reached by
or wakaf, maslahah al aammah i.e. committed in public, and the authority is
way of mutawatir.Becox it is difficult rto
talaq, rujuk. imformed of it, then can imposed hadd
Types of SAS: reach mutawatir. It is sufficient l male and
Ahmad Fath Bahansi states that there 2 types of 2 women witness or 2 male.
shahadah ala shahadah:
(a) the substitute witness is requested by the AUTHORITY: (b) Khabar Mashor (istifadah)
original witness to give evidence oh=n his This type of shahadah is based on istihsan It is of a lower standard than khabar
behalf.This occurs when the original witness and necessity.Qur`an and Hadith does not mutawattir.
says:”Be witness on my testimony that I mention this. This khabar is information known to public
testify that I saw … or I had….” and spread through mouth.It ranks between
CONDITIONS OF SAS: (b) The substitute witness give shahadah in APPLICABILITY: khabar mutawatir and khabar ahad.
front of the judge that he heard the original It is acceptable only in certain cases : It is considered as one of the clearest form of
1.The original witness must have a witness testify in court as suc and such. He Maliki: appointment kadi, wali , wakil, evidence
valid reason for not giving shahadah give this shahadah w/out request. establsihed nasab/paternity, suckling, Khabar mashor can be admissible in instance
personally. E.g. death, sick, missing, foisterage, transaction,hadiah and will. (a) where husband has to rely on it to be a
custody basis for acusing his wife for zina and the
Applicabilityof SAS:
Abu Yusuf: SAS is also applicable Syafie: paternity, death, wakaf, process of lian.
1. It is Unaniimosusly agreed that shahadah ala
eventhough the original witness is marriage,ownership (b) it is permissible for judge to rely on it
shahadah is applicable in all Mal cases.
capable of giving shahadah when passing sentece.
personally. 2. Views On Hudud and Qisas Cases: Not applicable to Hudud and Qisas Cases.
In Hudud and Qisas cases it is the discretion
As for missing person, jurist differs CASES FOR SHAHADAH: of judge whether to accept of deny it.If he
Hambali/Hanifah: SAS is not applicable in hudud
as to distance. I.e. not less than 3 accept he must apply extreme xcaution.
and qisas cases becox:
dayas journey or 2 marhalah. Fathilal v Mohd Ghaffar
Wife apply for ta`lik. She brought 2 Khabar mashur can strengthen a proof in
(a) hudud & qisas cases must be established in the
2. Both witnesses must fulfill witnesses .The husband did not appear qarinah.
state of yakin (certainty)
conditions of giving shahadah and -in SAS there is room for forgetfulness, mistake and missing. So court order wife to take
tazkiyyah may be carried out if the and false testimony yamin istizhar .Kadi confim the divorce.
credibility is not known. -by analogy to the retraction of Iqrar whereby no (C) Khabar Ahad
hadd punishment is imposed. Siti Zainab v Mohd Ishak A form of evidence which is based on a single
3. The substitute witness shopuld (b) The prefered opinion that to conceal aib of Wife applif for taa`lik. She brought 2 person knowledge.It is open to suspicion as
specified the nama, adress of the another is encourage witnesses and additonal two witnesses to its authenticity but may not be
original witness.This is for purpose (c) since SAS is admisibile based on istihsan and and yamin istizhar. Ct granted talaq. necessarily inaccurate so as to render it
of tazkiyyah of orginal witness. no clear text from Q & S , it cannot be made invalid.
Some juritst statest it is permissible admisible in hudud & qisas which is established by Bolkiah v Mydin In Qayyim:
that substitute witness statest that Q & S. Taa`lik case. In this case court rejected Khabar ahad is information received from
originbal witness is adil or admits it. the application by wife becox one of her someone being trusthworthy. In this case
Maliki & Abu Thaur: SAS is admisbile in all cases witness contradict her evidence that she judge will base judgement as an observation
4. The original witness cannot deny including hudud and qqisas becox had went out of house. of the witness` demenaour and he will
that he had requested the substitute (a) since these cases can be established through decide according to qarinah found in the
witness to testify. shahadah of original witness, t/fore it can be Salleh Mawagam v Annuar case.
established through substitute witness. Wife apply for ta`lik. Husband claim she So khabar ahad must be strengthenn with
(b) they also make analogy of SAS to the words of was nushsus but no proof. Court: qarinah.
WITNESS Peg. Pendakwa Maiz v Hj. Adib Datuk Said Conclusion:
Syafie: He differiantiate between right of Allah Besar Sigoh. Khabar is not shahadah unless used the
Bahansi: the number of the and Right of Man. OKT was charged for commiting zina with expression “ashadu”
substitute witness must be more (a)If Rights of Man (e.g. qisas) than SAS is a woman. She had made a complaint to
than the number of original witness. aaceptable. Kadi that she had sex with him. She was No provision in Enactment as to 3 types of
This to ascertain quality and toavoid (b) If right of Allah involves: convicted.In this case the only evidence is Khabar but s. 103 is saving clause.
ambuguity which might arise and (i) cannot be admisbile becox different from right the Iqrar made by OKT to I.O and the
further for necessity & istihsan. of man whereby in right of man there is neccesity shahadah of the woman. During the trial
but in Right of Allah there is no nessesity. OKT denied he had sex.
(ii)It is admissi ble (in hudud and qisas) except in The court rejected both the evidence
cases punishable by stonning (zina).Becox becox:
normally the person who saw the zina is the first (a) the Iqrar was retracted by OKT
one to stone. (b) the Iqrara by co accused is not
binding OKT.
3. T`zir Cases: Jurist agreed that SAS is

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