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Membership in the Church of Light

The Church of Light teaches that the astrological chart of birth represents a map of the
soul and reveals the unique qualities and purpose for which each person is created.
When living in harmony with that unique purpose, as indicated by the chart of birth,
the individual will attain happiness, success and spirituality. The Church of Light wel-
comes all to explore the exciting opportunities that membership offers.
Members may study and pass courses in the
three branches of Hermetic Science;
Catalog of Publications

The Brotherhood of Light Lessons

Astrology, Alchemy and Magic.
Our philosophy comes from the Hermetic Tradition as embodied in the Alchemy
21 Brotherhood of Light Courses written by C.C. Zain. Magic
To become a member and enroll for study:
Online: Log on and Register at the Church of Light website: Brotherhood
Send an email with your request to: of
or Light
call 1-800-500-0453 , give us your address and ask for a membership application
and a Literature package will be sent to you  Contemporary
Hermetic Mystery
School Tradition

 Complete Course in
Metaphysical Study
The Church of Light
2119 Gold Avenue SE
 Self-paced
NM 87106-4072
 Perfect home study Tel: 1-800-500-0453
or 1-505-247-1338
Author of the Brotherhood of Light Lessons C. C. Zain is the
pen name used by Elbert Benjamine, the noted astrologer, natu-
ralist and occultist, for those writings done under the aegis of
The Brotherhood of Light during the years 1914 - 1934. This To promote Universal Welfare and the exaltation of humankind, through the teaching and prac-
body of knowledge, referred to interchangeably as The Brother- tices of the Religion of the Stars as outlined in the writings of C.C. Zain.
hood of Light Lessons or The Religion of the Stars, was envi-
sioned by Zain to be a world religion of the future. GUIDING PRINCIPLES:
The mission of Zain’s writing is centered on a nine-point plan to A loving Cosmic Intelligence, of which we are all a part, whose infinite goodness guides us
insure the citizens of the world Freedom from Want, Freedom through undeviating natural law.
from Fear, Freedom of Expression, and Freedom of Religion. To A Divine Plan, manifests through progressive evolution, in which each soul has a unique and im-
obtain these freedoms he encourages the individual to become
portant role.
familiar with the Facts of Astrology, the Facts of Extra-Sensory
A soul is completely moral when, to the maximum extent of its abilities, it adheres to the univer-
Perception, the Facts of Induced Emotion and the Facts of Di-
rected Thinking. The moral code is “Contribute Your Utmost to sal moral code: Contribute Your Utmost to Universal Welfare.
C.C. Zain The realization of the soul’s Mission, and the attainment of Self-Conscious Immortality, is the goal
Universal Welfare.” Within the first half of the 20th century B.
of L. teachings were distributed around the world. Like the writ- (Elbert Benjamine) toward which each soul moves.
ings of Bailey, Blavatsky, Steiner, and Heindl, the works of C. C. 1882 - 1951 Love is the way to life. Unselfish Love alone makes immortality possible.
Zain have impacted the lives of thousands of students of West- Through the proper exercise of one’s mentality, using Directed Thinking and Induced Emotion, it
ern Occultism. Please go to our website:
is possible to control one’s own life and destiny, both here and hereafter.
Elbert Benjamine, was born Benjamin P. Williams in the small Astrology is the Golden Key that unlocks the door to understanding the Soul’s true character
town of Adel, Iowa, December 12, 1882. His family remembered and potential.
his birth because it was the year a comet flashed across the sky.
The safe development of extrasensory perception (Extension of Consciousness) is the best tool
His father was a doctor and a deacon in the Disciples of Christ eBooks and Downloads
for realizing each individual’s mission in the Divine Plan and for verifying the survival of the soul
Church. His interests in occultism and astrology were frowned
Books on Astrology, Alchemy after death of the physical body.
upon in his community. He changed his name to Elbert Benja-
mine upon moving to Los Angeles in order to protect his family. and more Religion is the sister of Science, and it evolves by incorporating new information as it is discov-
ered and verified.
Benjamine’s desire was to be a naturalist. As a boy he spent Jewelry and Tarot Cards
every free hour in the woods observing the habits of wild things, OUR VISION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY:
Calendar of Activities We are a powerful force for good and for spiritual enlightenment, and expand the reach and
an enthusiasm that would continue his entire life. He later held
the position of president of the Southern California Nature Club Ninth House Newsletters experience of our members because:
for 25 years and was responsible for the establishment of a bird We provide reliable and verifiable information regarding the nature of the soul and its relation-
Quarterly Magazines
sanctuary in Los Angeles. Benjamine contacted the Brotherhood ship to Deity and other life forms;
of Light in the spring of 1909 and was commissioned to place the Archived Materials
We seek out reliable and verifiable information regarding life on higher planes of existence, espe-
teachings in writing. In his day Elbert Benjamine was a unique Research Articles cially in regard to the transition we call death, and the nature of the next life;
leader. He opposed hero worship and cult-like behavior. He
discouraged members from taking any of his writings on blind Church of Light TV We develop increasingly advanced tools and training in astrology, extrasensory perception, di-
belief. Instead he encouraged them to subject them to rigorous rected thinking and induced emotion, toward the end of maximizing each person’s happiness,
Online Classes
testing of their own. Church of Light members are given free- usefulness and spirituality;
dom of conscience and encouraged to study as many things and We promote the importance of the four essential freedoms: Freedom from Want, Free-
about religion, science and the mysteries as they can and then Services dom from Fear, Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion;
draw their own conclusions.
Available Live and Archived We build a sense of community and spiritual purpose which uplifts and inspires our mem-
This catalog offers C. C. Zain’s legacy in books. bers to Contribute Their Utmost To Universal Welfare.
Ordered by: ________________________________________ Ship to: ______________________________________________
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Correspondence Study Program
Available in Hard Copy Textbooks,
eBooks and Downloads

Books are Available to All

Only Members may submit Exams

Purchase Downloads Course I

at our website:
Laws of Occultism
Domestic Shipping: All books shipped USPS First Class or Media
$6.00 for the first book plus $1. each book added (Priority or Insurance upon request) The word “occult” literally means hidden or unseen.
International Shipping varies by weight and Country — Payment: Credit Card or US dollars This course reveals the unseen natural laws which im-
Payment Method: •Cash • Check • Cr.edit Card pact all of life. Various types of psychic phenomena
Credit Card # ______________ _______________ ______________ _______________ such as spirit apparitions, séances, automatic writing,
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and astral travel are explored. Of special interest is the
information on how the inner plane affects the outer
Signature on Card _______________________________________________________
plane and impacts the individual’s ability to attract
DELIVERY: Usually 7-14 days. Sometimes due to unusual circumstances it can take longer. health, wealth, and happiness.
INTERNATIONAL: We accept all Major Credit Cards or Checks & Money Orders in US dollars. REF CS1 $22.95
Please contact us for current shipping costs. ISBN 978-0-87887-500-9
RETURN POLICY: Return damaged books in original packing material within 30 days for
replacement or credit. 176 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
PRICES: Every effort is made to make The Brotherhood of Light course books affordable for all
interested in studying this material. From time to time price changes occur due to increased costs to Available online as a Download eBook
The Church of Light. Therefore all prices are subject to change without notice. PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
GENERAL INQUIRY: Our public office hours are Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, 9 am to 5:30 pm MT.
Our voicemail will take your order at anytime we are not available. Purchase at our website:
Order: Online from our secure website at , Email:,
Phone: Toll free: 800-500-0453 Local: 505-247-1338 or Fax: 505-814-7318
Page 4 Page 25
Course II
Astrological Signatures 3 Branches of Study
This is our best book for those wanting to learn the Seven Astrology Courses
basics of astrology. The emphasis is on the four factors
 Course 2, Astrological Signatures
of astrology; the signs of the zodiac, the planets, the
mundane houses, and the aspects. Of special interest  Course 7, Spiritual Astrology
are the chapters concerning reincarnation and the an-  Course 8, Horary Astrology
cient Ritual of Egyptian Initiation.  Course 10, Natal Astrology: Part 1, Delineating the Horoscope
REF CS2 $22.95 Course 10, Natal Astrology: Part 2, Progressing the Horoscope
ISBN 978-0-87887-501-6  Course 13, Mundane Astrology
212 pp 8 1/2 x 11 Student Format Paperback
 Course 15, Weather Predicting
Available online as a Download eBook  Course 16, Stellar Healing
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95 Seven Alchemy Courses
Purchase at our website:  Course 3, Spiritual Alchemy
 Course 9, Mental Alchemy
Purchase Downloads Course III  Course 12, Natural Alchemy: Part 1, Evolution of Life
at our website: Spiritual Alchemy Course 12, Natural Alchemy: Part 2, Evolution of Religion
 Course 14, Occultism Applied
Through the allegorical language of transmutation the
 Course 17, Cosmic Alchemy
ancient alchemists sought to describe the immortality
of the soul. The alchemical metals of lead, tin, iron,  Course 19, Organic Alchemy
copper, mercury, silver, and gold are symbols of the  Course 21, Personal Alchemy
many and varied life experiences the soul must undergo Seven Magic Courses
in order to build a spiritual body. Also included are
 Course 1, Laws of Occultism
techniques for achieving higher consciousness.
 Course 4, Ancient Masonry
REF CS3 $22.95
ISBN 978-0-87887-502-3  Course 5, Esoteric Psychology
172 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback  Course 6, The Sacred Tarot
 Course 11, Divination & Character Reading
Available online as a Download eBook
 Course 18, Imponderable Forces
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
Purchase at our website:  Course 20, The Next Life
Comprehensive Integration of the Esoteric Art/Sciences
To Order Call: 1-800-500-0453 or 505-247-1338 or email:
Page 24 Page 5
Astrological Lore of All Ages Course IV
Ancient Masonry
By Elbert Benjamine
This course discusses the rituals and symbols of Free-
Astrological Lore of All Ages Elbert Benjamine (C.C. Zain)
masonry. For the modern Mason this is an unprece-
traces the origins of the Religion of the Stars from mythical
dented work revealing the esoteric and spiritual signifi-
Atlantis and Mu to its most significant manifestations in the
cance of the symbols of rituals performed in the lodge
occult lore of Egypt, Chaldea, pre-Inca, Maya, Aztec and
room. The astrological significance of Masonic symbol-
American Indian. There emerges an astounding pattern of
ism and their relationship to soul development are
traditional knowledge enhanced by new age discoveries. Beau-
thoroughly discussed.
tiful 6x9 rendering of this classic on astro-mythology. Learn
about the astrological significance of all the holidays. Discover REF CS4 $25.95
when the Aquarian Age really started and what its horoscope ISBN 978-0-87887-503-0
300 pp 8 1/2 x 11 Student Format Paperback
looks like.
REF 72 Available online as a Download eBook
Price $9.95 PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
ISBN 978-0-87887-366-1 Purchase at our website:

192 pp 6 x 9 Trade Paperback Course V

Esoteric Psychology
Esoteric psychology is the study of the inner workings
Five Ways You Can Order of the mind. It describes how the astral body is thought
-built and why it is essential to learn to think construc-
1. Online: Log onto our website at
tively. This book discusses the language and value of
2. Call us at: 505.247.1338 or 800.500.0453 dreams, how to use subliminal thinking, creative imagi-
3. E-mail us at: nation, and affirmations in order to achieve successful
4. Fax your order to 505.814.7318
REF CS5 Student Format Paperback
5. Mail your order to: ISBN 978-0-87887-504-7
The Church of Light 280 pp 8 1/2 x 11 $25.95
2119 Gold Avenue SE
Available online as a Download eBook
Albuquerque, NM 87106-4072
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
Purchase at our website:
To Order Call: 1-800-500-0453 or 505-247-1338 or email:
To order online go to:
Page 6 Course VI The Light of Egypt Page 23
The Sacred Tarot By Thomas H. Burgoyne
Timeless.... This timeless volume draws comparisons be-
tween the Tarot and Kabala, Astrology, Alche-
my, Magic, Numerology, Mystery School Initia-
tion, Bible Study, and Free masonry. This pro-
fusely illustrated book is indexed and contains
descriptions for twelve different tarot spreads.
Also included is a table of correspondences
which draws correlations between the tarot Two Volume Set
arcanum and herbs, gems, minerals, the He-
brew, Egyptian, and Roman alphabets, numbers,
and astrological symbols.

Student Format
REF CS6 $25.95 This is an important book for any earnest student of the occult sciences. Burgoyne was a member of
ISBN 978-0-87887-505-4 the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, the precursor to The Brotherhood of Light, which became a
308 Pages 8 1/2 x 11 public organization incorporated as The Church of Light in 1932. First published in 1900, this work
was, in part, a response to H. P. Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled" in which she introduces western occultism
REF CS6H Hardbound to the Hindu concepts of karma and reincarnation, published in 1877.
$25.95 CS6 eBook $9.95 The Light of Egypt is one of the first books to fully present the hermetic (occult) sciences that
ISBN 978-0-87887-255-8 Download Online as an eBook formed the basis of The Brotherhood of Light. This book is an occult library in itself, a textbook of
448 pp 5½ x 8 PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95 esoteric knowledge, setting forth the ancient “Wisdom Religion” as taught by the adepts of hermetic
philosophy and science.
Volume I includes chapters on the science of the soul, the mysteries of sex, karma and reincarnation,
mediumship, the sacred cycles known as La Clef Hermetique, astrology and alchemy.
Volume II covers astrology, astro-theology, astro-mythology, alchemy, talismans, ceremonial magic,
The Tablets of Aeth and the Mysteries of Eros.
REF 24 $42.00
Vol I ISBN 1-58509-051-4 Vol II ISBN 1-58509-052-4
506 pp 6 x 9 Trade Paperback
Hermetic Mystery School Tradition Applied to Modern Living....

To Order Call: 1-800-500-0453 or 505-247-1338 or email:

To Order Call: 1-800-500-0453 or 505-247-1338 or email:
Page 22 Page 7
Church of Light Jewelry

Cast pendants with the engraved Brotherhood of Light symbol.

The Brotherhood of Light
Available in Sterling Silver and Bronze.
(Bronze is a combination of copper and tin) Egyptian Tarot Cards
Combine this pendent with your most harmonious gemstones to create a personalized
amulet or talisman. Full Color
See CS6 the Sacred Tarot for insights on choosing appropriate stones.
Handmade in New Mexico.
Available as an individual Pendent or as a Necklace. Tarot cards are a system of symbolical pictograph writing through which Egyptian initiates
conveyed spiritual ideas derived from a still more ancient past. These cards indicate the
Pendent on Round Black Leather Necklaces corresponding astrological symbolism and numerological symbolism associated with the
Sterling Silver with Sterling Clasps
Roman, Hebrew, and Egyptian alphabets.
20” or 24” length for $46.
or These new exquisite full-color tarot cards are a system of symbolical pictograph through
Bronze on 14/20 Gold Clasps which Egyptian initiates conveyed spiritual ideas derived from a still more ancient past. As
20” length for $26.
astrology is the Golden Key and the tarot is the Silver Key, this is the only deck that cor-
Please specify metal and length when ordering. rectly indicates the astrological correspondence on each card and the numerological sym-
bolism associated with the Roman, Hebrew, and Egyptian alphabets.
The deck contains a booklet outlining the history of the Egyptian tarot deck, descriptions of
the cards and instructions for use including various spreads.
A more detailed exposition and instructions for use in divination and spiritual science can
be found in (CS06) The Sacred Tarot by C. C. Zain — REF#CS6H (see opposite page).
REF CARDS $18.00
ISBN-13: 978-0-87887-0004-2
78 Cards 2 1/2 x 4 1/4

Sterling Silver
Bronze Pendent $46.
Pendent $40.

To order online go to: To order online go to:

Page 8 Page 21
Course VII Secret Symbolism of the Tarot
Spiritual Astrology
The enlightened ones of ancient times sought to inter- By Doris Chase Doane
pret the word of God in the starry script of the heav- Doane takes the reader on a spiritual journey unveiling the astro-
ens. The ancient Egyptians and Chaldeans identified 48 logical significance of the tarot in a way that illuminates the begin-
constellations as possessing key spiritual significance. ning student and provides valuable insights for advanced students of
This volume traces the relationship of astrology to my- the tarot as well. Exploring the subject as a path toward the devel-
thology, folklore, scripture, and the origin of religious opment of the soul. Describing the tarot cards in minute detail, she
holidays. reveals the esoteric meaning of all the images and symbols, their
relationship to the neophyte’s initiation, biblical references and the
REF CS7 Price $25.95 esoteric meaning of numbers thus leading to a deeper understand-
ISBN 978-0-87887-506-1 ing of the tarot's many mysteries.

304 pp 8 1/2 x 11 Student Format Paperback "After studying this book, the secrets of Tarot are not only re-
vealed, but the mind seems to open up to the symbolic messages of
every day life." Allyn McCray, Church of Light Hermetician and Cer-
Available online as a Download eBook tified Teacher.
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
REF 76 $21.95
Purchase at our website:
ISBN 978-0-86990-430-8
Course VIII 161 pp 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 Paperback
Horary Astrology
A horary chart is a map of the mental factors active at Blending Astrology, Numerology & the Tarot
the time and place a question is asked. This branch of
By Doris Chase Doane
astrology is used to discern the nature of the past, pre-
sent, and future of the matter inquired about. This The grand dame of astrology, demonstrates how the interrelated-
course is often chosen by beginning students of astrol- ness of these three subjects greatly improves your ability to inter-
pret card readings and the hidden influence of names and numbers.
ogy for its technical lesson “How to Erect a Horo-
This book contains an easy and enlightening approach to getting the
scope” as well as for its clearly organized system for
most out of reading tarot cards.
judging any horoscope.
14 different spreads using keywords to give a smooth, informative
REF CS8 Price $22.95 interpretation for every card in the tarot deck.
ISBN 978-0-87887-507-8
212 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Paperback This book is filled with information, a great reference book.
REF 109 $22.95
Available online as a Download eBook ISBN 0-86690-462-X
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95 183 pp 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 Paperback
Purchase at our website:

To Order Call: 1-800-500-0453 or 505-247-1338 or email: To Order Call: 1-800-500-0453 or 505-247-1338 or email:
Course IX Page 9
The Brotherhood of Light Egyptian Tarot Coloring Book
Mental Alchemy
C. C. Zain, author of The Sacred Tarot, says that symbolism is Character is composed of thought cells built and orga-
the universal language of the soul transcending culture and nized on the inner plane. These thought cell formed
time. Imagine the powerful insight to be gained by connecting
with the universal symbolic language of the tarot through the before birth and represented by the chart of birth, con-
act of coloring. stitute a person’s unconscious mind. They continue to
This coloring book, based on the Major Arcanum from The be modified after birth by experience and dominant
Sacred Tarot, offers the tarot student the opportunity to trends of thinking. This book reveals the inner nature
personalize larger images of the 22 archetypes central to The of poverty, failure and disease, and how to find and ap-
Brotherhood of Light initiatic process. ply a mental antidote.
The process of coloring these images will deepen your under- REF CS9 Price $22.95
standing of the symbolism of the tarot Arcanum ISBN 978-0-87887-508-5
172 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
and better commit them to memory. This coloring book is one
more tool in your spiritual practices' toolbox.
Available online as a Download eBook
REF T-Color-Book $14.95 PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
Published by the Church Of Light.
Purchase at our website:

From the Brotherhood of Light lessons. Decanate Cards Course X-I Purchase Downloads

The Full Set of 48 Cards made up of Natal Astrology: at our website:
36 Decanates and 12 Sun Signs. Delineating the Horoscope
Each card has the Constellation, Spiritual Text (from CS7 Every astrological student needs to know what an as-
Spiritual Astrology) and the mythological story behind the trological chart can and cannot do. Delineating the
Decanate. Horoscope presents the Hermetic system of astrologi-
These full color cards are a great tool for deeper learning cal interpretation in a step by step fashion. Chapters
and meditation. REF Decanate Cards $26.00 discuss the 36 decanates of astrology — judging tem-
perament, disposition and mental ability — business,
Constellation Sun Sign Greeting Cards finances and vocational selection and how to determine
love, marriage and partnership through a chart.
Boxed set of 12 - 4¾ x 6½ Antique Star Charts Cards REF CS 10-1 Price $22.95
with envelopes ISBN 978-0-87887-509-2
Based on the 12 signs of the zodiac with text from CS7 Spiritual 200 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
Astrology by C. C. Zain inside the front cover of each card.
Blank opposite page for your personal message. Available online as a Download eBook
REF Greeting Cards — Signs $15.95 PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
Purchase at our website:
To order online go to: To order online go to:
Page 10 Page 19
Course X-2 How To Read Cosmodynes
Natal Astrology:
Progressing the Horoscope By Doris Chase Doane
The progressed aspects of natal astrology reveal proba- An excellent book on how to delineate and interpret a chart
ble future trends through indicating the manner in using Astrodynes/Cosmodynes (the names are interchangea-
which an individual’s thought cells will work to attract ble), a method developed by the Church of Light for quanti-
activities and events. With this information the individ- fying the power, hamony and discord of planets, signs and
houses in an astrological chart based on house position and
ual may take precautionary action and recondition
planetary aspects.
mental energy to achieve a more desirable outcome.
This book discusses how to calculate and interpret the
Hermetic system of major and minor progressions, and REF 22
how to rectify a horoscope when the exact birth time Price $12.95
is unknown. ISBN 978-0-86690-073-7
REF CS 10-2 Price $22.95 84 pp
ISBN 978-0-87887-510-8 7 1/2 x 9 1/4
200 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
Available online as a Download eBook
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
Delineation with Astrodynes

Course XI by Ken Stone

Divination & Character Reading How-to Manual for assessing Birth Charts using Church of Light
Divination is the ability to extend one’s consciousness Astrodynes. The use of Astrodynes provides a method that
greatly facilitates astrological analysis in all departments of life,
to the inner plane in order to acquire desired infor-
and is one of most important astrological tools developed in
mation. Clairvoyance — precognition — telepathy — modern times. Learn to interpret dominant factors for health,
the divining rod — teacup and coffee cup methods are compatibility, vocation and more.
just a few of the divinatory techniques discussed in this
Written by a past Church of Light President.
book. The last four chapters are devoted to character
reading based on physical characteristics. REF 35
REF CS 11 Price $22.95
ISBN 0-86690-002-0
ISBN 978-0-87887-511-5
176 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
91 pp
5 x 8½
Available online as a Download eBook Trade Paperback
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
Purchase at our website:

To Order Call: 1-800-500-0453 or 505-247-1338 or email: To Order Call: 1-800-500-0453 or 505-247-1338 or email:
Page 18 HOROSCOPE with Astrodynes Page 11
Course XII-1
for Windows & Mac Natural Alchemy: Evolution of Life
Software As human beings we live in kinship with all life forms,
Horoscope is a fast and accurate PC astrology program that uses The animate and inanimate. This book explores how and
Brotherhood of Light methods for chart construction and analysis. why the soul evolves by attracting increasingly more
General features: complex forms which enable it to achieve greater de-
grees of consciousness — ultimately arriving at Self
Fully integrated Natal and Progressed Astrodynes
Conscious Awareness as a human. The Religion of the
Chart wheel view/print includes natal, major, minor and Stars offers a unique interpretation of how natural se-
transit options
lection and adaptation is influenced by Psychokinesis,
Declinations ESP and the Inner Plane.
Aspect grid (with power/harmony/discord for each aspect) REF CS 12-1 Price $22.95
Astrodyne Report includes power, harmony/discord of ISBN 978-0-87887-512-2
Planets, Houses, Signs, Societies, Trinities, Elements and 196 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
Available online as a Download eBook
Progression Wheel with options for major, minor and
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
transit longitudes & declinations graphic
Purchase at our website:
Progression Report includes majors, minor and transits with
user selectable filters and options showing start and end Course XII-2 Purchase Downloads
dates for all aspects Natural Alchemy: Evolution of Religion at our website:
Minors calculated correctly according to C.C. Zain
Contemporary religious beliefs and rituals have evolved
Built-in ACS US/International atlas from a more ancient past. Evolution of Religion traces
User specified color schemes the origins of the most primitive religions and shows
Video Tutorials and more details available at how these and their cultures gradually developed into
Minimum system requirements: today’s more complex systems of belief. This book of-
fers a comparative analysis of several present-day reli-
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
gions such as Native American, Islam, Hinduism, Bud-
Requires that Windows be installed to run on a Mac. dhism, Judaism, and Christianity as well as sets forth
Item: HOROSCOPE-CDrom $205.00 the basic tenets of The Religion of the Stars.
Available online as a Download REF CS 12-2 Price $22.95
ISBN 978-0-87887-513-9
Purchase Downloads at our Website: 188 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
Item: CD Rom UPDATE $95.00
Available online as a Download eBook
Item: Download UPDATE $85.00 PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95
Update only for owners of previous versions Purchase at our website:
To order online go to: To order online go to:
Page 12 Page 17
Course XIII Brotherhood of Light 21 Courses eBooks
Mundane Astrology
Mundane astrology is the study of stellar influences af-
fecting nations, cities, communities, and groups. World
For iOS, Android and Kindle.
trends can be studied through the use of Cycle charts Full Sets:
of the planets. Knowledge of astrological trends ena- Over 5000 pages!
bles us to take precautionary actions and arrange our Containing all illustrations, tables and birth charts.
personal affairs accordingly. This book is one of the
Full set Formats available for Kindle (Mobi)
rare technical manuals on covering the astrology of
world affairs — also includes major conjunctions of or
the planets, moon cycles and eclipses. iOS and Android Devices (epub)
REF CS 13 Price $25.95 Download available only online at $149.95
ISBN 978-0-87887-514-6 CD-Rom — $159.95 plus $6.00 shipping and handling total for $165.95
240 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback or
Available online as a Download eBook Individual ebooks formats:
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95 PDF, Kindle, iOS Download available only online $9.95
Purchase at our website: These can be purchased on our Website:
Course XIV or from Amazon, Google Play or iTunes
Occultism Applied Fully indexed to make searching fast and convenient.
This book describes how every individual is being Headers and footers included with book, chapter and page numbers.
trained to perform a unique job in God’s Great Evolu- A great research tool for Hermetic students.
tionary Plan. It offers practical lessons on how to be
happy, how to create personal prosperity, how to keep Brotherhood of Light Hermetic eBooks by Series
young, how to gain employment, how to have friends,
and how to be successful in marriage. By changing one’s Each series contains the related seven eBooks.
habit systems one can learn to live a truly constructive
Astrology Series eBook
REF CS 14 Price $22.95 Alchemy Series eBook
ISBN 978-0-87887-515-3
280 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
Magic Series eBook
Available online as a Download eBook Downloads $59.95
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Course XXI Course XV
Personal Alchemy Weather Predicting
The most important function of any religion is to give Studying the art of weather predicting using astrological
instruction on how best to live. Personal Alchemy is a methods is a valuable tool particularly useful for those
self development manual providing keys by which the involved in agriculture, aviation, travel or planning
spiritual aspirant may experience greater health, happi- events. Weather charts may be used to determine vari-
ness, and spirituality and thus contribute more to uni- ations from normal weather patterns by comparing
versal welfare. Important topics include cultivating spir- Temperature, Wind and Moisture charts for a given
itual trends in personal conduct, spiritual hindrance by location and time. Astrological weather predicting uses
family and friends, and how to keep mentally and physi- the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and Mercury to draw cor-
cally fit. relations between astral and physical weather condi-
REF CS 21 Price $24.95 tions. It is the only text available entirely devoted to
ISBN 978-0-87887-522-1 astrological influences on the weather.
240 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback REF CS 15 Price $22.95
Available online as a Download eBook ISBN 978-0-87887-516-0
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95 184 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
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Course XVII
Cosmic Alchemy Organic Alchemy
Each individual is a member of a world society and All forms of life come under one uniform and universal
needs to learn how to work energetically towards the law of soul progression. Human beings differ from spe-
realization of God’s Evolutionary Plan. Cosmic alchemy cies of animals and plants only by degree of evolution.
seeks to transform the energies of society as a whole All forms of life encounter the problem of securing ad-
into channels of action that cultivate the highest devel- equate nutrition, securing protection from enemies and
opment of its members. This can best be done by ob- the environment, finding a suitable mate, and providing
taining spiritual values and education. Cosmic Alchemy for the needs of the offspring. This course instructs
unmasks the often misunderstood concept of spirituali- how pleasure and pain are not rewards or punishment
ty. by God but merely Nature’s way of informing any life
REF CS 17 Price $22.95 form whether it is successful in adapting itself to its
ISBN 978-0-87887-518-4 environment.
212 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback REF CS 19 Price $22.95
Available online as a Download eBook ISBN 978-0-87887-520-7
PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95 168 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
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Course XVIII PDF, iOS/Android or Kindle Versions $9.95 Purchase Downloads
Imponderable Forces Course XX at our website:
Imponderable Forces explains how transits, minor pro- The Next Life
gressed aspects, major progressed aspects and other Life on Earth is but one phase of Being. Physical life
astrological conditions have the power to impact us. It gives us necessary schooling so the Soul may function
also describes the proper attitude one may take to- effectively on higher planes where it is less restricted.
ward astrological weather conditions. It discusses in By understanding the nature of the life to come the
detail how to work with birthstones, numbers, names individual is better prepared to live in this life as well as
and environmental vibrations. It shows how to avoid the next. This course book provides illumination on the
being influenced by black magic, suggestions and inver- conditions and activities of life after physical death. It
sive propaganda. describes the various levels of the afterlife from astral
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ISBN 978-0-87887-519-1 REF CS 20 Price $22.95
172 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback ISBN 978-0-87887-521-4
Available online as a Download eBook 236 pp 8½ x 11 Student Format Trade Paperback
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