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Iqrar is considered by the majority jurist Art 1588 – It is unlawful to go back from admisson concerning the
as the strongest evidence in Islamic law (1) AL QUR`AN s. 17(1) of EPSE (Kel) states that (1) The Admission is made by a person who is right of people (civil)
of evidence. al Imran: 81 “Behold! God took the Iqrar is a statement made orally or directly involved in a particular case. This means in matters pertaining to right of man, once aIqrar is
covenant of the prophets saying: I documentary or using gesture… made and proofed, then it cannot be retracted. It is valid and
The root word for Iqrar is ‘Qara or Iklan give you a Book of Wisdom, then (2) Admission made by an Agent: binding in civil matters.
which means acknowledgement comes to you an apostle (i) Oral Admission
and admission or sometime known as confirming what is with you, do ye “oral admission” should be made (a) By al Wasi (Legator) Hanafi: In matters involving right of Allah (criminal cases), Iqrar can
recognition. believe in him and render him by one who can speak.It is Admission made by al Wasi on behalf of al Muusi be retracted.This is based on Maiz`s case, whereby He admit
Technically Iqrar is known as a help? God said: “Do ye agree and encourage for those who can (legasee) as regards to property matters is valid.It committing the zina and was convicted by the Prophet s.a.w. But
notification of right of another against take this my covenant as binding speak. becox his position as a trustee authorised him to when the sahabah rhm wants toi execute the punishment by
oneself. on you.” They said: “ We agree” deal with subject matters in a will and make an stoning, he ran away. They arrested him and stone to death. They
Art. 1572 (M) def Iqrar an admission of (aqrarnaa) …” (ii) Written Admission admission to that effect. came back and reported to the Prophet . The Prophet said why
a right enforceable against oneself for “written admission” also can be don`t you let him go away or bring him to me.
the benefit of another. Here Allah asked from the people accepted even it is made by those (b) By al Wali (Guardian) The EESC (Kel) is silence as regards to retraction of iqrar, but in
their iqrar as such Allah approved who can speak. This type of Admission by Wali on behalf of a his vot is void case law retraction is allowed.
ESPE (KEL)s. 17(1) def Iqrar as Iqrar as a form of evidence. admission can by either by official because an infant or unsound person is not Faridah v PP
“a statement , oral, documentary or or unofficial. subject to legal accountability. She admitted commiting zina with her father.During trial, she wants
using gesture, made by a person that he Al Nisa: 135 “O ye who believe, If admission is made officially(by to retract the admission but was refused by the trial court on
is under some obligation to another stand out firmly for justice, as lawyer) then there is a (c) By Wakil (Lawyers) grounds (1) a person who give evidence on his iqrar can be
person in respect of some right, and witnesses for Allah, even as presumption that such iqrar is It is also called Wakil Bil Khusumah.Some time we punished(2)If the court accept the retraction, it will affect the status
which is made by any persons and against yourselves…” subject to verification in order to appoint someone to represent us in our litigation: & reputation of court(3) a very serious case involve father and
under any circumstance here in after avoid ambiguity. (i) Criminal matters - admission made by a Wakil daughter(5)it may reduce maksiat.
mentioned.” Al Qiyamah: 14 –15 “Nay, Man will (lawyer) is VOID But on appeal Held:Retraction accepted .Mufti refered to Kitab Al
be evidence against himself even Bahimsy say that if iqrar on hudud (ii)Civil Matters – There differences in view: Mughni al Raudhah:
(eg) “I admit I ore B $100,000.Here the though he were to put his cases, made in written document Hanafi & Art. 1517 Majelle :Admission in civil (1)it is recommended on one who has admitted to zina and drinking
right of B is upheld. excuses.” but it was refuted during trial then cases by wakil is valid if it is made before court. liqour to retracthis admission
the written document must be Hambali, Syafie & Zuhfal: Admission in civil (2) Fathul Wahhab: One who was convicted for zina on an
Definition of Iqrar By Juritsts: SUNNAH rejected. matters is void even it is made in court becox duty admission made, later he retract the admission, judgement can be
of wakil is to contest the case not to make quashed.
SYAFIE: Maiz had committed adultery with Art. 69 (M) : Corrospondence by admission. Che Lah v Pendakwa Jenayah kelantan
(i) Iqrar is a statement of the existence a slavewoman. He came to the writing is like talking to one Maliki:Wakil can make admission if he is On trial admission for zina was made but later iqrar was retracted.
of a proved right against the maker of Prophet s.a.w. and confessed another. authorised to do so by his client. Appeal:Issue was ehter he can be convicted base on the iqrar.Held
the admission himself. infront of him ., the Prophet s.a.w. As such it is like an oral evidence The admission can`t be taken into consideration as a proof in zina
said: “ It has come to my also. (3) Admission made must be free from coercion, case but it can amount to khalwat becox retraction made by him.
(ii) An Iqrar may also means a testimony knowledge that you have had forced or promise. As such it is immaterial whether
of the existence of a right detrimental to sexual relations with a certain (iii) Admission By Gesture(Sisa) an admission is made inside or outside court. Note: If the case is solely based on Iqrar alone, then if retracted ,
the interest of the maker of Iqrar. slavewoman?” Maiz replied: “Yes” Admission by gesture only can be H/ever according to the jurist as regards to he cannnot be punsihed. But there are other suppoorting evidence
He admitted the fact four times made by a person who is unable to admission made outside court ,they look into the such as syahadah etc then even he retract , he cannot be
HANAFI: andd as such it was ordered that speak or dumb.This is based on nature of case: punished.
(i) In al Hedaya: an aknowledgement or the punishment of stoning be Art 1586 (M):Admission made by (i) Civil cases , admission made outside court can
admission of the existence of a right or inflicted on him.” non gesture sign of a dumb be accepted if it is witnessed by 2 male Kelantan Enact of Syariah Criminal Code
interest of another person as against the person will be held good provided witnesses.It is so becox civil cases involve right of s. 45(1) A confession may be retracted by an accused at any time.
maker of the of admission himself. In another Hadith the Prophet that the gesture used must be man. (eg) if OKT retract before execution or during execution of
(ii)al Qadaa` Fil Islam: Testimony of the s.a.w. said: known to other person. (ii)Criminal cases- admission must be refered to punishment, it must be stopped.
existence of a right or interest for the “ O Unais! Proceed with haste to But if a person who can speak the court, becox it involve right of Allah.There is a s. 45(4) Retraction by conduct i.e. ran away during execution) is
benefit of another person and the woman and ask her whether uses sign gesture , it cannot be possibility of duress etc. if made outside court. allowed.
detrimental to the right or interest of the she admits and if she admits then accepted except for lineage cases
maker of the admission himself through stone her.” The woman then made (Nasab). H/ever base on Unais case admission made EFFECT OF ADMISSION
the use of a specific word. a confession and thereafter she outisde court in criminal cases(except zina) if A valid Iqrar will only bind the maker of the Iqrar himself and not
was stoned.” There are two views on iqrar by witnessed by 2 witnesses can be accepted by another person i.e. co accused. This is based on Hadith by Ahmad
(iii) art 1572 al Mejele: Admission of a dumb person in zina cases: court. and Abu Daud from Shahl b. Saad to the effect that a man once
right enforceable against oneself for the IJMA ULEMA (a) Syafie/Maliki states such s.17(2)-Admission made outside court my only be appeared before the Prophet s.a.w. and confessed that hhe had
benefit of another. The Ulema are unanimous that iqrar is accepted in zina accepted if it is made be4 2 adil witnessed.(For committed zina with a woman. The Prophet s.a.w. then
Iqrar is a proof in Islamic evidence. cases and hudud other hudud case) messengers to the woman to corroborate the statement of the man
In short we can conclude that the aim or punishment may be s.17(4) – admission of adultery accepted only if who had confessed.The woman denied that she had comitted zina
objective of the jurist are that Iqrar: QIYAS imposed. made in court with the man and as such the Prophet s.a.w. did not impose any
“a form of admission to establish the Dr Wahbah al Zuhaily said that by (b) Hanafi : Hudud punishment punishment on the woman.
right or interest of another person analogy if we accept the testimony cannot be imposed on such (4)The court must examine the admission made
against the maker of the admission for iqrar then acceptance of iqrar iqrar because it is not with great care and caution before admitting the Maxim:Evidence is proved which has a trasitif effect and admissiin
himself. It will bind the person who itself is more appropriate. certain. admission. is a proof which has restrictive in its effect.
makes the Iqrar and liability.” The court must ensure that the person who makes Maxim: By his admissionn one is condemned.
ADMISSION v CONFESSION Therefore Iqrar is supported by the the admission knew the effect of the admission.In Mokhtar B. Panget v PP JAWI
In Islamic Law Iqrar is considered as Qur`an, Sunnah, Ijmak and Qiyas. Maiz`s case Prophet asked him whether he knows OKT confessed he had zina with woman Ct convicted him base on
both admission and confession both in the effect and consequence of his admission. the admission.
civil and criminal cases. But under Civil PP Muis v Hj Adib Datuk Said Besar(The girl admit zina with OKT
law admission is for civil and confession (5) The judge also have to observed the capasity of .She was convicted but theman was acquieted)
for criminal. the person who makes such admission ,including
the physical nature. Civil Case: Admission of a person in certain sitruation may effect
indirectly the interest of other people.
Unknown eternity married women admit she is daughter of her
father in law and he admits it. Dissolve even it prejudice the

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