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BSMT DECK 12 3-2 G


Assignment no.2 Date : 10 March 2021


a) What is the procedure in beaching a vessel and its purpose.
A vessel may be beached for many reasons, maybe to save it from foundering in
deep water or to flood her, at a recoverable location, in the event of an uncontrolled fire,
or simply to carry out underwater repairs, inspections, or cleaning of a foul bottom.
 select the beaching site carefully (if the time permits, consider the type of
bottom, how level is it, obstructions/obstacles present)
 Check details of tide (tidal heights, direction, tide times)
 beach the vessel at 90o to the beach line (level ground)
 beach approximately 1-2 hours after high water (to ensure sufficient water to
refloat). If unable to beach around this time period. Ballast the vessel to its
maximum draft by whatever reversible means needed to refloat it/
 stop engines prior to making contact (cooling water intake protection)
 once vessel has grounded, lay out anchors (fore and aft depending on
weather conditions)
 if vessel is moving on bottom, add extra weights, if deep keel vessel, consider
shoring up (prevent vessel lying into the sea for refloating purposes).

b) What is the procedure in refloating a vessel.

 attempt to refloat as soon as vessel reaches flotation draft, remove ballast if it
was added - maintain an even trim
 bleed cooling systems
 use anchors to kedge the vessel.
a) What are the actions to take when your vessel is grounded or
 sound the alarm to muster the crew/passengers (7 short, 1 long)43
 account for all personnel and check for injuries
 stop engines and auxiliaries if grounding is severe
 sound bilges and inspect void areas
 take bearings and plot your position - then attempt to determine reason for
 from the charts
 survey the area around the grounding (from chart)
 determine the tide and tidal stream
 check weather predictions for the area
 sound around the vessel to determine the extent of the grounding
 check for hull damage (if severe damage has occurred, it may be best to stay
 grounded)

b) With partial grounding.

 move passengers and crew to lighten the grounded section of the vessel, jettison
any weights possible
 use astern power sparingly, pay attention to the pumping of mud/sand under the
due to excess astern propulsion.
 if rocky - astern propulsion can damage the hull lay out anchors to assist
in refloating or preventing vessel going further aground
 request assistance (if necessary). consider a tow
 display appropriate signal `vessel aground'.

3. What are the points to consider in refloating the vessel?

 If time permits select the beaching site carefully (consider type of bottom, how
level it is, obstructions etc.)
 If possible, beach after high water (1-2 hours). This should ensure sufficient
water to refloat next tide. If ballasting is possible this needs to be considered.
 Try to beach vessel at right angles to the shoreline.
 Consider dropping an anchor over the stern to help in refloating.
 Stop engines prior to going ashore to stop fouling cooling water intake.
 Extra anchors laid out after beaching.
 If vessel is deep keel consider how it will lie when up on the shore

4. What are the reasons for beaching a vessel?

A vessel may be beached for many reasons, maybe to save it from foundering in
deep water or to flood her, at a recoverable location, in the event of an uncontrolled fire,
or simply to carry out underwater repairs, inspections, or cleaning of a foul bottom.

5. Explain briefly what are the actions to take after vessels

Inform the Master and Engine room: This is obvious, but make sure you inform
the Master, if he is not on bridge. Inform the engine room and stop the engine. The
officer on watch should not hesitate to call the master even if he has the slightest doubt
about any given situation

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