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Higher Nationals in Computing

UNIT 13: Computing Research Project

Learner’s name: Nguyễn Huỳnh Triệu Tỉ
ID: GCS190914
Class: GCS0804A
Subject code: 1639
Assessor name: Ho Hai Van
Assignment due: Assignment submitted:
Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number UNIT 13: Computing Research Project

Assignment title Proposing and conducting a research project

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Unit Tutor Ho Hai Van

Issue date Submission date

IV name and date

Submission Format:

Format: The submission is in the form of 1 document

You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing at
1.3. Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm. The reference
follows Harvard referencing system.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by
the Tutors. The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from
books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference properly,
and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get failed

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process
LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a computing research project
LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Page 2
Introduction to theme
Remote Working
The option to work remotely was already being embraced by some businesses in the pre-pandemic era.
These businesses were making some progress to adapt their working practices to accommodate remote
working by allowing those in certain job roles to take the opportunity to work from home, albeit a day or
two a week. However, on the whole there had been a reluctance to have staff working remotely and this
has largely centred around productivity concerns, security implications and technology issue. The global
pandemic however necessitated and accelerated the move to remote working.
The vast majority of businesses have now shifted some or all of their operations online, and almost all of
their staff are working from home. The enabling force behind this necessary shift has been the different
technologies and platforms that facilitate workers to achieve business goals remotely.
The biggest issues remote workers face is being frequently disconnected from corporate networks, slow
file downloads, poor quality of video meetings and long response times when loading apps. As a result,
building secure, effective and integrated technology capability, to continue this flexibility in the workforce,
has now become a priority for all organizations

Choosing a research objective/question

Students are to choose their own research topic for this unit. Strong research projects are those with
clear, well focused and defined objectives. A central skill in selecting a research objective is the ability to
select a suitable and focused research objective. One of the best ways to do this is to put it in the form of
a question. Students should be encouraged by tutors to discuss a variety of topics related to the theme
to generate ideas for a good research objective.
The range of topics discussed could cover the following:
• Digital transformation strategies
• Monitoring and productivity tools, their uses and implications
• Key security concerns when working remotely
You have to set you own research question in the research proposal base on the previous range of topic.
The research question must be specific enough example: the audience of the research (job, age..), kind of
devices(personal devices, household appliances, or combination of some kinds)

Page 3
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of

the research process

P1 Produce a research proposal that M1 Evaluate different research LO1 & 2

clearly defines a research question or approaches and methodology and D1 Critically evaluate research
hypothesis supported by a literature make justifications for the choice of methodologies and processes in
review. methods selected based on application to a computing research
philosophical/theoretical frameworks. project to justify chosen research
methods and analysis.
P2 Examine appropriate research
methods and approaches to primary
and secondary research.

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a computing research


P3 Conduct primary and secondary M2 Discuss merits, limitations and

research using appropriate methods pitfalls of approaches to data
for a computing research project that collection and analysis.
consider costs, access and ethical

P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools,

analyse research findings and data.

LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified D2 Communicate critical

stakeholders analysis of the outcomes and
make valid, justified
P5 Communicate research outcomes M3 Coherently and logically
in an appropriate manner for the communicate outcomes to the
intended audience. intended audience demonstrating
how outcomes meet set research

Page 4
Table of contents
Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Table of Figure .............................................................................................................................................. 6
ASSIGMENT 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 8
P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis supported by a
literature review. .......................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 8
2. Propose of project................................................................................................................................. 9
3. Objectives of the project....................................................................................................................... 9
4. Research methods of others research projects .................................................................................... 9
5. Literature review................................................................................................................................. 10
P2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research. .......... 11
1. Research Methods .......................................................................................................................... 11
2. RESEARCH RESULTS, DISCUSSION ................................................................................................... 14
3. Primary Research ............................................................................................................................ 18
4. Survey Questions ............................................................................................................................ 19
P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a computing research
project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.. .............................................................................. 23
P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyse research findings and data. .............................................. 27
P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience. .................. 35
1. Evaluate........................................................................................................................................... 35
2. Limitations of the research project ................................................................................................. 37
3. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 37
References .................................................................................................................................................. 38

Page 5
Table of Figure
Figure 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 6 ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7 ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8 ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 11 ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 12 ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 13 ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 14 ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 15 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 16 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 17 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 18 ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 19 ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 20 ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 21 ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 22 ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 23 ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 24 ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 25 ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 26 ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 27 ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 28 ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 29 ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 30 ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 31 ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 32 ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 33 ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 34 ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 35 ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 36 ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 37 ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 38 ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 39 ..................................................................................................................................................... 29

Page 6
Figure 40 ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 41 ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 42 ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 43 ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 44 ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 45 ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 46 ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 47 ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 48 ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 49 ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 50 ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 51 ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 52 ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 53 ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 54 ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 55 ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 56 ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 57 ..................................................................................................................................................... 34

Page 7
P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis
supported by a literature review.
1. Introduction
To prevent covid-19, many consumers have chosen to buy online, pay online instead of
going directly to stores and supermarkets. According to a study by New York University,
there are about 3,000 different bacteria per coin, potentially causing infectious diseases.
Meanwhile, the virus that causes Covid-19 can survive outside the host for up to 9 days and
cling to the surfaces of the item.
This information has consumers concerned about traditional payment methods, as cash can
become a potential source of infection if someone infects and transmits the virus into the
money through contact. Many consumers tend to switch to payment technologies that limit
contact as much as contactless cards, especially through e-wallets on mobile phones.
Besides, during this epidemic season, the number of people shopping online on e-
commerce sites has also increased. Items from medical masks, hand sanitizers to
electronics, essential appliances, and household items are the most chosen by many people.

Online shopping and payments "ascended to the throne" during the Covid-19 pandemic.
(Photo illustration)

Figure 1

Page 8
2. Propose of project

The purpose of this research paper is to show users' views on online payment tools in the
survey. From there, this study will analyze the data collected from experienced front-runners in
combination with data sources and functional information tools to provide solutions for users.
Learn more about Online Payments tools. And in the end, we will make our own decisions
about which tools to use in our living environment. Here are the walls to learn in the project.

• Provides a brief overview of online payments in everyday life.

• Essential features of online payment have been improved.
• Assess the impact on people when using the service
• Clarifies the problems the application encounters during implementation.
3. Objectives of the project

The project mainly aims to design a fully secure online access system for domestic applications
and shopping malls. Security is a larger concern for an individual or an organization. Aware of
people's health and convenience needs, we have developed an access system by phone
application and a payment system at the discretion of the customer in the environment where
the service is required. With users. This project uses just using the mobile application of the
developer associated with the bank to pay for the services. Since our applications rely on core
products to innovate, in this project we simulate some of the functions we develop and try to
develop them more.

4. Research methods of others research projects

In order to be able to start researching this topic, we have found aggregated data as a basis for
the problem we will study. Some of the methods that we have taken it as a reference are:
Primary research method combined with quantitative and qualitative methods in the research
paper: online payment of people in modern life.
We have collected the main data source directly from the surveyor, the content of the research
project will be more realistic, the user data will be more effective, so it takes time and energy to

Page 9
do it presently. Collected data will use quantitative and qualitative methods for data research
and development.
The quantitative method is based on the number of surveys from which a statistical table can
be drawn to describe the current situation and risks in the tool development process.
The qualitative method relies on the survey's information to indicate the user's point of view
during use.

5. Literature review

On the other hand, this online payment project is carried out through a secondary method such
as referencing official external documents such as: Finding information on the internet and
video footage of people who have been successful before.
Result. When using this method, the information that is not true is not realistic compared to
the main method because the data is obtained from other people. However, it does have some
benefits, such as: less time and energy, and more information than primary research.
For the purpose of the research project, we determine the priority of users over businesses by
confirming the opinions of users through a survey. The user then chooses the best online
payment instrument in his case. Therefore, the research methods used in the project include:

Primary research: we will collect data in the project then have statistics to say which
issue users are most interested in
Secondary research: to make the project more convincing, we decided to crawl the
major forums. And the people who went before us made us to develop.
Quantitative: By taking data from the survey to make a clear statistical table from which
to draw conclusions that are lacking in the project
Qualitative: This method will use 2 sources for analysis. First, it will use the above
quantitative information to address specific issues in our research paper.
Our project is a study on online payment tools (namely vnpay, Zalo and MOMO) so we will refer
to some resources such as:

Electronic payments and users' money: A research study on the influence of electronic
payments on modern life.

Page 10
Lifetime Payment Services During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Student Perspectives
Compare vnpay, Zalo and MOMO
Survey on online and distance training
With the use of the above sources, it not only provides information and strengthens the view of
the research objective, but also helps us to come up with new hypothesis to meet the goal.
Objectives of the research project
In short, our research project will aim to answer the following questions:

• What are the benefits of online payment?

• What is the essential feature to use online payment?
• What is the impact on the user?
• What difficulties do users encounter while using the tool?
The type of research approaches and methods you are likely to use and the reasons for your
choice: What your field of study will include:
So we try to develop in a way of further development that is more convenient for users.We
used primary method and second method for our project, because we do in-depth research,
gathering a lot of information also needs to be practical and highly effective. Furthermore, we
methods together make us very powerful in our research on this project.

P2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary

1. Research Methods

Reports on the situation of using and paying via e-wallets in Vietnam such as: world payment
report 2017; EBI Report 2017; statistics of 25 non-banking organizations licensed by the State
Bank to provide intermediary payment services ... the websites of some electronic payment
gateways in Vietnam, were used to collect secondary data. grant.

Page 11
Descriptive statistics method: use this method to declare the level of the phenomenon,
study the fluctuations of the phenomenon, determine the relationship between the
Comparative statistical method: This method is used to analyze the chart and compare
wallet payment channels of current e-wallet providers from 2008 to 2017.

Figure 2

MoMo e-wallet is integrated with 24 Vietnamese banks in the country and international
payment networks including Visa, MasterCard and JCB. When using, customers will enjoy
payment utilities such as payment for electricity, water, Internet, phone top-up, movie tickets,
air tickets, trains, cars, installment loans ...

In addition, users can easily transfer money, receive money and enjoy many other attractive
incentives. When there is a need to install the MoMo app, you just download the app and
follow the instructions. MoMo is now available on both iOS and Android.

ZaloPay e-wallet

Just like MoMo ZaloPay is also a popular used e-wallet, bringing many utilities to users. You can
use ZaloPay to pay for all transactions anywhere. For forms of money transfer, withdrawal, bill
card deposit ... Even during the holidays, it is done quickly.

Page 12
Figure 3

ZaloPay e-wallet

Just install ZaloPay, you can easily control the transfer, withdrawal activities ... When using you
will be completely assured because ZaloPay is highly secure, every payment must confirm the

An account can link to multiple bank cards without filling out information for the next time.
When there is no need to use anymore, you just need to delete it.

Viettel Pay e-wallet

Viettel Pay e-wallet is a mobile payment application developed by Viettel and launched in June
2018. Although launched not long ago, Viettel Pay quickly covered the country with more than
9 million registered customers. The scope of operation of the application is not only in urban
areas but also towards remote areas, islands ...

Figure 4

Page 13
Basically, Viettel Pay e-wallet works like other types of wallets such as payment of goods and
services, phone card top-up, game cards ... In addition, Viettel Pay is also a digital bank when
integrating a diverse ecosystem of services and entertainment, supporting some banking
features such as money transfer, withdrawal, savings deposit, card opening ... It's very


More than 23% of direct comments expressed their satisfaction with the app, with only 50% of
users satisfied with the experience. That is, up to half of users are not happy, there is still a lot
of work to improve the user experience that brands have to do.

Dissatisfaction accounts for more than 49%,which shows that users are not completely satisfied
with the e-wallet they are using, there are still limitations in using e-wallets. Specifically, users
are not satisfied with the issues:

Figure 5

Difficulty in using: accounting for more than 34% of negative feedback, including bank
card linking, registration, OTP code, etc. this is a major risk for e-wallet applications as
users become increasingly impatient. The difficulties in this initial registration will hinder

Page 14
the increase in the number of new users. Brands need to improve more in the steps of
using the app, the features work more smoothly.
Support from the service provider: users complain about not receiving a response,
waiting for support for a long time, not answering the question correctly. Improving
user support will add peace of mind when using.
Promotions: Difficulties in participating in promotions, or partner promotions also affect
the user experience.
Transfer activity: The transfer failed or the transfer period was long. The transfer feature
is of great interest to users, service providers need to improve the transfer time as well
as the ability to transfer, transfer money to more banks, more options for transfers
richer for users.

Besides the poor feedback, more than 50% of users are satisfied. More specifically about user
satisfaction opinions in the experience of using the application:

Figure 6

Convenience in payment activities: Using e-wallets to pay on many different channels,

convenience in the process of online shopping, not having to move is the biggest scoring
strength for e-wallet users.

Page 15
Many attractive promotions: current activities attract new users interested in discussing
and expressing wanting to use.
"High discount" and "low surcharge": e-wallet users are satisfied when used in payment
activities, transfers with low or free surcharge and high discount for phone top-up
activities, scratch cards.

Figure 7

Figure 8

Page 16
The strengths that the 4 major brands are conquering in the purpose of using customers' e-

Momo wallet:

Promotions: "Share Momo", "Bank card link", "Buy CGV 9k tickets with Momo" and
Momo's Minigame are of great interest to many users.
Online payments: users who make online purchases on Facebook use Momo Wallet to
pay sellers.
Buy a phone scratch card: along with Viettelpay, this e-wallet is still chosen by users for
this feature because of the high discount (from 5-6%)


Transfer: users choose Viettelpay because they can transfer through many different
Buy a phone scratch card, Recharge your phone: high discount (from 5-6%)

Zalopay, Airpay:

Buy Game Online scratch card: users choose this wallet to buy a game scratch card
because the owner is also two major online game publishers in Vietnam, with high
discounts and incentives.


Order food: users choose Airpay to pay for online food ordering activities thanks to free
shipping promotions on Foody and Deliverynow.

Figure 9

Page 17
More specifically, potential users often refer to the following factors:

Payments on eCommerce sites: e-wallets can make payments on 2 major e-commerce

platforms at the present time are also of interest to users. Brands should link payment
gateways to well-known e-commerce sites so users can make more convenient online
Buy scratch cards, top up directly into Game Online: with phone cards banned from
being used to load into online games, users are switching to the form of loading or
buying cards through e-wallets. Brands may consider combining with online game
providers to create more options for e-wallet users in the online scratch card, Game
Online card.
"Discount" and "Surcharge": 2 factors that users are interested in and refer to between
e-wallets. Besides promotions, service providers can attract users with high and
reasonable discounts along with low operating surcharge to impress new users.
Bank card linking: linking e-wallets to bank cards is a factor for users to choose which e-
wallet is suitable for their current bank card to avoid having to register another bank

3. Primary Research

From the p1 section werely on these questions to study the topic we choose 2 primary reseach
and secondary researchers. In our research, the main data is collected through a survey that we
will generate using Google Forms application to collect user opinions, it will be sent to diverse
users of epayments . This is to understand their acceptance, usage, issues and impact on
organizations. Secondary data is also used as research material.

This section explains the research methodology aimed at answering the following research

• What are the benefits of online payment?

• What is the essential feature to use online payment?
• What is the impact on the user?
• What difficulties do users encounter while using the tool?

Page 18
E-wallet is a new electronic payment mechanism that has just been invented and may be
regarded a type of electronic service. By changing the initial parameters of the scale, the quality
of e-wallets may be assessed using research and the quality of other electronic services.
As a result, in order to assess the quality of e-wallet services, the research author advises using
the E-SERVQUAL scale, which has been used by a number of firms to assess service quality from
the perspective of customers. Researchers and applicators use it to assess the quality of
internet services. The E-SERVQUAL measure is made up of four core scales: efficiency,
reliability, commitment, privacy, and a representative remedial scale. Responsiveness,
Compensation, and Contact are three things to consider (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Malhotra;
2000, 2002). The author uses a quantitative research approach based on a questionnaire to be
able to measure depending on the scale.

4. Survey Questions

Figure 10

Figure 11

Page 19
Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Page 20
Figure 15

Figure 16

Figure 17

Page 21
Figure 18

Figure 19

Figure 20

Figure 21
Page 22
P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a computing
research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues..
These are user metrics, we did the survey through google form primary reseach method tool to
make it easier to analyze more specific data.

Figure 22

Figure 23

Page 23
Figure 24

Figure 25

Figure 26
Page 24
Figure 27

Figure 28

Figure 29

Page 25
Figure 30

Figure 31

Figure 32

Page 26
Figure 33

P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyse research findings and data.

We used the Tableau tool to complement specific data analysis in more detail.

Figure 34

What is your gender?

Figure 35

Page 27
In this firstquestion, it shows that the majority of men are more interested, besides women are
no less.
Your age?

Figure 36

18- to 25-year-olds use more because they are more aware of their responsibilities and will be
more concerned about services.
Monthly income:

Figure 37

1. Reasons for buying online?

Figure 38

Page 28
Figure 39

It can be seen that individuals make the most of online shopping in order to get the greatest
convenience and discounts. The variety of products available, products that are delivered to
your home, or making online payments regardless of different payment options or keeping too
much cash at home are all examples of convenience.

Figure 40

Figure 41

Page 29
People prefer to buy events or movies online and pay utility bills online, as shown in the graph
above. It's worth noting that, in addition to buying online, individuals prefer to pay their power
and water bills online rather than standing in line, owing to the convenience of doing so.

Figure 42

Figure 43

From the preceding facts, it is clear that the majority of individuals choose Cash on Delivery
(CoD), although the following interpretations apply to alternative payment choices.

Figure 44

Page 30
Figure 45

There are a variety of reasons why consumers prefer cash-on-delivery (CoD) over online
payment systems; the following are some of them.

Figure 46

Figure 47

We can see that people favor prepayment discounts the greatest, and that payments that can
be traced highlight the time savings even more. From an organizational standpoint, this aids in
the development of trust and loyal employees.

Page 31
Figure 48

Figure 49

It is clear that friends and family have the greatest effect in influencing consumers to use online
payment methods. The payment services have been impacted by word of mouth in this case.
Many organizations have restricted epayment platforms, so if a customer wants to buy
something from that website, they must pick from the accessible platforms alone, therefore
ecommerce platforms impact the situation to some level. For example, at Myntra, if a product
is purchased and must be returned, we must download the PhonePe App to receive a refund.

Figure 50

Page 32
Figure 51

Figure 52

From the preceding, we may deduce that individuals prefer online payments to cash payments.
Many people are already utilizing the above-mentioned applications, which are also available
through mobile phones, in many places where we go, utilize their services, or buy any
merchandise. So there's no need to carry cash or a credit card, so it's more like carrying apps in
your trousers.

Figure 53

Page 33
Figure 54

Figure 55

Figure 56

11. Mobile apps will help you get details about your purchases for future budgeting?

Figure 57

Page 34
Even if some individuals are concerned about security, internet users are ready for the next
step in the digital evolution. Users are progressively shifting toward cashless payments, and
businesses want online platform providers to give budget projections to help them manage
their finances. As a result, organizations may assist consumers in planning their budgets when
purchasing or prior to purchasing any product in the future.
We can see from this survey study that both men and women are quite interested in online
payments, and that the majority of them are between the ages of 18 and 25, a very young age
that indicates that young people are particularly engaged in this subject. A steady income
makes life more generous, and it makes this payment more easy for each family's living
expenditures. The most at the 5 to 10 million VND income level. And we can see that the most
common reason individuals utilize online payment is because of the numerous promotional
savings available during our transactions, as well as their ease.
Electricity and water bills, as well as movie tickets, music, and other items, are frequently paid
for online. And the majority of customers prefer to pay directly through the app they're using to
place their order or through mobile banking. As you can see from our team's survey, people
favor online payments because they want to save more time in payment convenience and since
there are often numerous coupons when we pay online. According to the report, the MOMO
app is now trusted and utilized by a large number of individuals.

P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience.

1. Evaluate

We can show that the majority of projects match the bulk of the standards using survey data
from two methods: p3 and p4. The study question, in particular, has satisfied three of the four
prerequisites previously specified. We employed two ways to discover an answer to the
following study issues by filtering data to obtain information from reputable websites. We
continue to go in a favorable direction, in addition to leveraging the information search engine
of previously completed projects to enhance research based on that.

Page 35
From the research questions in P1 we have found a way to solve the current situation problem.

What are the benefits of online payment?

Help customers save travel time, minimize costs for traditional forms of payment when paying
electricity, water, Internet, cable TV bills .Limiting the purchase and sale of products on the
online website is interrupted for reasons such as physical distance, delayed payment .Users can
be assured, trust a quick payment service with high information security, strict security
standards at the same time, the electronic payment gateway also provides a detailed payment
history to have a legitimate basis to be able to resolve complaint issues later.Online payment
gateway makes online trading, online shopping, pre-booking entertainment services (movie
ticket book, game ticket book,...), booking service, booking becomes much simpler, much

What is the impact on the user?

E-commerce is a trend and strongly impacts consumers' consciousness and consumer behavior.
Businesses or businesses have been building online payment systems that allow customers to
make cashless, fast, convenient and secure payments. Consumers can shop online or in person
but non-cash payments, which are more secure than using cards. What's more, today,
customers have easy access to the internet with personal electronic devices. In particular, with
the current epidemic situation due to Covid-19, the more people choose from shopping and
non-cash payments.

What difficulties do users encounter while using the tool?

Difficulty in using: accounting for more than 34% of negative feedback, including bank card
linking, registration, OTP code, etc. This is a major risk for e-wallet applications as users become
increasingly impatient. The difficulties in this initial registration will hinder the increase in the
number of new users. Brands need to improve more in the steps of using the app, the features
work more smoothly. Promotions: Difficulties in participating in promotions, or partner
promotions also affect the user experience.

Page 36
2. Limitations of the research project

The study article has certain limits. For starters, there isn't enough time, and the research
resources are limited to fundamental research that isn't environmentally friendly. Affecting
customers' perceptions of the quality of online payment services, therefore I propose that the
next study path should draw on a variety of additional research models, including e-wallet
service quality scales. Investigate and assess some of Vietnam's most popular online payment
methods. But, in truth, there are many more systems that have yet to be mentioned.

Due to the small number of respondents polled, the data gathered only addresses a portion of
the problem. There are a lot of numbers that aren't accurate.

When there is no comparison, alternatives to increase service quality are limited.

The study's primary disadvantage is its small sample size, thus further research with a bigger
sample size is needed to more precisely pinpoint the elements impacting service quality and so
decrease mistakes. Because of the tiny sample size, there are a lot of numbers in the analysis.

The study's data was gathered from a specific sort of e-wallet service. Applying the model and
quality scale to other service settings (such as expense management) should be done with
caution and will need more research.

3. Conclusion

In this survey, we researched the payment tool a developer does better, with this tool we
proceeded to filter out the things that the customer most needed to grow by.

However, as the product is being tested, the safety information and accuracy of these tools are
still lacking, so we will continue to expand the scope of testing and development soon. New
features for future users as well as the digital transformation industry is being developed as
strongly as it is today.

Page 37
1. Konvoi (2021). Thị trường ví điện tử trong ngành bán lẻ năm 2020
[online].Available at:
nganh-ban-le-nam-2020/ [Accessed 24 October 2021].

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