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Part 1:
1. The love of life shone______the author’s book, giving me as much inspiration as I
could ever ask for.
A. through B. over C. into D. upon
2. You shouldn’t take ________ more than you can handle, otherwise you’ll suffer
from stress.
A. on B. over C. out D. away
3. He’s so stubborn and stupid. I just couldn’t get ________ him that she can never
make money from gambling.
A. over B. out of C. across to D. out of
4. The success of our project hinges _________ Mike’s ability persuade the locals to
move to the renewal quarter.
A. in B. on C. about D. over
5. The government’s plans to reduce crime came _________ for a lot of criticism from
freedom groups.
A. across B. around D. with
6. Before they open the new factory, a lot of the young people round here were
__________ the dole.
A. on B. in C. over D. above
7. The two countries met at the conference to iron _______ their differences.
A. on B. out C. over D. into
8. He tried to paper _______ the country’s deep-seated problems.
A. over B. with C. into D. down
9. Linda chats so much; she could talk the hind leg _______ a donkey.
A. up to B. over C. off D. under
10. I’m going to put my head _______ for a while as I feel very tired.
A. down B. over C. up D. through
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
1. I had to get through a lot of__________tape, but I finally got the documents I
A. red B. blue C. link D.
2. The hospital staff pulled out all the _______ to make sure the children had a
wonderful day.
A. roadblocks B. barricades C. plugs D. stops
3. Neither side is prepared to _____ an inch in the negotiations.
A. stir B. budge C. push D. bend
4. Congressman Saunders fired the opening _______ during a heated debate on capital
A. salvo B. barrage C. cannonade D. burst
5. I like the way people here always queue up. Back home we just push and shove, and
the devil take the ________!
A. outermost B. foremost C. hindmost D. utmost
6. The manager attached himself to the luncheon club and became a _______ fixture
A. perennial B. enduring C. stable D. permanent
7. I was so hungry, and that meal was absolutely delicious! It was just what the
_______ ordered.
A. scientist B. doctor C. expert D. healer
8. Although the Government has increased allocations to the social sector by as much
as 40 per cent, State funding still falls ________ short of needs.
A. well B. totally C. severely D. abjectly
9. Last week’s violence was _______ condemned by foreign governments.
A. grimly B. roundly C. roughly D. bitingly
10. . Let me know of any pertinent developments, keep me in the ______.
A. sphere B. ring C. circle D. loop

Part 2: . Read the following text which contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes
and write the corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes. (10 points)
0 When it rains, it doesn't always pour. During a typical storm, a comparative
1 small amount of the locking up moisture in each cloud reaches the ground like
2 rain. So the idea that human intervention a rain dance, perhaps - might
3 encourage the sky to give up a little additional water has been around in
4 prehistoric times. More recently, would-be rain-makers have attempted direct
5 intervention, by lobbing various chemicals out of aeroplanes in the effort to
6 wring more rain from the clouds, a practice knowing as 'cloud seeding'.
7 Yet such techniques, which were first developed in the 1940s, are notoriously
8 difficult to evaluate. It is hard to ascertain, for example, how much rain would
9 have fallen anyway. So, though much anecdotal evidence of the advantages of
10 cloud seeding, that has led to its adoption in more than 40 countries around the
11 world, as far as scientists are concerned, results are still inconclusive. That could
12 be about to changing. For the past three years researchers have been carrying out
13 the most extensive and rigorous evaluation to date of a revolutionarily new
14 technique which will substantially boost the volume of rainfall.
15 The preliminary finding of their experiments indicate that solid evidence of the
16 technique's effectiveness is now within the scientists' grasp.

Your answers:

Line Mistakes Corrections


Part 3. For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C
or D) best fits each space. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
boxes provided (10pts).
Oxford is a city with such a mind-blowing reputation that many who come here
find themselves intimidated by the place and can't wait to leave, while others, taking to
it like a (1.)_________ to water, find themselves returning again and again. The college
lawns provide a gorgeous backdrop to serious study, and in the right light, on a sunny
winter's morning say, one feels as if one is (2.)_________ on air, such is the sense of
unreality. Oxford may like to pretend that it is at the intellectual (3.)_________ of
things, but in many ways it is no more than a sleepy backwater where, to mix
metaphors, transitory students, the (4.)_________ of their generation, wait in the
wings, allowing their talents to (5.)_________ before moving off into the industrial or
political fast-lane. Much of this is a myth, of course. Hardship and hard work are very
much part and (6.)_________ of student life. The (7.)_________ get through the three
years' hard (8.)_________ by simply putting their shoulders to the (9.)_________
before going on to fairly average jobs. Only for the tiny minority is Oxford the first
(10.)_________ on the ladder to fame and fortune.
1. A. fish B. duck C. boat D. swimmer
2. A. flying B. gliding C. floating D. swimming
3. A. wheel B. engine C. spoke D. hub
7. A. froth B. cream C. fat D. caviar
5. A. flourish B. open C. spread D. float
6. A. package B. section C. province D. parcel
7. A. level-headed B. hot-headed C. hot-blooded D. kind-
8. A. push B. pul1 C. grind D. roughage
9. A. cart B. wheel C. engine D. boat
10. A. step B. position C. elevation D. ascent
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 4. For questions 1-10, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE
suitable word and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
provided. (10pts)
Until recenly, if psychologists wanted to know in (1) ____________________
way an experience or activity affected us, they had to put their trust (2)
____________________ our ability to remember. With the advent of smartphone apps,
that has changed. Researchers at Havard University have persuaded thousands of
people to take (3) ____________________ in studies in which an app downloaded to
their phones periodically asks (4)____________________ they happen to be in their
city or town, what they’re doing, what they’re thinking and how happy they feel. I’m
one of (5) ____________________.
It’s been an irritating but enlightening experience. More often (6)
____________________ not, I’ve found myself muttering “Leave me alone!” when my
phone beeped at some inopportune moment but it’s also made me aware of how
frequently I’m distracted and how, when distracted, I feel a lot (7)
____________________ contented than I want to be. It seems I’m not the (8)
____________________ one. The researchers have found that whatever we’re doing, if
we’re thinking about something (9) ____________________, we just don’t feel as
happy as we might. So focus! It will (10) __________________ you good.

Your answers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 5. Read the following passage extracted from and select

the best answer to each question below. (10 points)

Culture Shock is not something that people generally get on a holiday but as
soon as your boss calls you into the office and says "Hi John, we value you so much we
want you to head our Hong Kong operations!" you really need to start thinking about
the implications and how you are going to avoid this condition. It is not so much as a
life threatening disease, but it can lead to some very serious problems if you do not take
a few precautions.
Culture shock is definitely a serious condition that needs to be watched, and
checked upon. I personally have suffered from it on numerous occasions and sleep
deprivation, mood swings, and depression are all in there.

Travelling to a new destination with unusual habits and traditions can be a

very traumatic experience. A little research before you leave will help tremendously
but the most important thing is to actually leave with an open mind. A lot of people fly
off without any research and expect things to be done in exactly the same way and at
the same speed as they were at home. Well this just isn't going to happen. And it is very
important to try to understand the culture religion and people of the country that you
are travelling to.

The culture shock selection of books are a very good starting place, but one that
you will not really understand fully until you are actually in the country mingling with
the locals. One interesting point of this can be found in the book Culture Shock
Thailand. Thai people are among the nicest people in the world but it is a very different
world from, let's say, the UK. The book explains a good deal about Thai culture and
traditions and it explains how Thais smile their way out of an embarrassing situation
and look down on those that don't. The book then puts this into a couple of different
examples to try to ensure that the reader understands. One such example is that if you
are walking down the street and someone throws dirty water over you from a doorway,
you should smile at the person that did this, showing your forgiveness. This should
help clear the air and the person will most likely go out of their way to help you clean
up. Imagine this happening in London! Thais shy away from confrontation, and this is
one of the many aspects that make them such a happy and kind nation.

If as an expatriate you are moving to a country with severe Culture Shock such
as perhaps Cambodia, or Vietnam, then even more research would be needed.
Nowadays you can possibly do a lot more research than ever with the growth of the
internet. You can see pictures of pretty much every destination in the world and even
read restaurant, hotel and bar reviews without having even left your office. It is also
advisable to stay away from a lot of the other expats especially before you leave and
while after you arrive in the destination. A lot of expats can be very negative about a
country, even though they continue to stay there and this is not something that you
need when you have just travelled half way around the world. Instead, leave with an
open mind and make your own judgments about the place after you have started to
understand it a little.

One of the biggest causes, though, of Culture Shock is language. It will make an
enormous amount of difference to you if you learn a little or as much as possible of the
local language before you leave. Take up classes and practice it as much as you can; if
you are studying Thai, eat out at Thai restaurants and try to practice your Thai. This
small step will make your life a lot simpler and will also give you immediate respect
when you arrive in the foreign country, not to mention open many new doors. If you
show an interest in the other person’s language and culture they will show an interest in

If you are being relocated by your company, try to find out a little about the
living conditions in that country and the package that the company offers you. Will
they supply you with hotel accommodation or will you be straight into an apartment or
house? Are you given a housing allowance and allowed to choose the accommodation
yourself? Will the company pay the deposits that the landlord requires? Will you have
maids? What about a car? How many return trips will you have a year to your home
country? Will they be in economy or business class? What about your family rights -
the wife - the husband - the children? How long is the posting for? Will the company
pay for repatriation due to illness, or unemployment? Do they have limits to the amount
of furniture that you can send over but most importantly bring back? Will they cover
these charges? Do they have any restrictions as to how you send these things? Do they
offer you insurance that is suitable for the country that you are travelling to?

When you arrive it is important to fit in, get a feel for the place, the smells and
the sounds. I would suggest just walking for a day or two experiencing the mystique of
the new land you have just discovered. After a while when you are feeling a little more
at home join a club, and make friends socially outside of your regular work patterns,
and try to meet and befriend as many locals a you can, so that you will really get a
deeper understanding of where you and most probably appreciate the differences in
culture a lot more.

Culture Shock basically comes from a lack of understanding and built up

anxiety, and can be caused by the most minute things, building up. One time in Hong
Kong a colleague seemed to be literally screaming at the waitress in Cantonese, I was
very anxious and asked what was wrong, my colleague looked very confused as to why
I was asking the question and she simply replied that she was ordering some water!

All in all every expat has had his or her bad days, and there are times you just
want to get on a plane and fly back, however these days are minimal compared to the
fun, and amazing discoveries that you will make. Once you are bitten by the spirit and
feeling of adventure you are about to embark on, you will have more difficulty
believe it or not, returning "home" than you imagined especially the longer you
stay away.

1. What is the main idea of the reading passage?

A. Travelling abroad has some specific negative effects on your feelings due to
culture shock.

B. It is believed that every expat is certain to encounter culture shock during the
overseas trip.

C. There are always some things one can do to get over anger and confusion
when traveling abroad.

D. There is no point in worrying about culture shock in other countries since it

is not as serious as people thought.

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that _____.

A. people’s expectation that the destination country will bear the similarity to
their home one is useless

B. Most of the countries have unusual habits as one characteristic to help

building up culture shock.

C. More research should be carried out before the trip so as to avoid

understanding unusual habits in a new country.

D. People should be open-minded since what they are going to experience will
not have much difference to that in their country.

3. Which of the following can best replace the word “traumatic” in the third

A. fantastic  B. upsetting  C. unavoidable  D. resembling

4. According to the passage, what should people do when Thais cause some annoyance
to them?

A. Buy a book called Culture Shock Thailand to learn more about the trouble.

B. Try to talk to them about the problem in order to clear the air.

C. Clean up yourself and continue to walk down the street so as not to have
any trouble with them.

D. Give them a smile and be tolerant of the situation.

5. What does the writer advise people to do when they arrive in a new country?

A. People should arrange a short trip a few days earlier in order to get
accustomed to restaurants, hotels and bars in the new place.
B. It’s best not to talk to people who arrived there since they may give irrelevant
and negative comments.

C. People should make their own judgements right before the trip.

D. People should understand the new place a little by staying away from expats
because of their negative points.

6. What does the word “it” in the sixth paragraph refer to?

A. culture shock  B. difference  C. classes  D. language

7. It can be inferred from the seventh paragraph that ______.

A. Shelters should be first considered when people have plans to travel to a


B. Being aware of the situation in which you live and other services is essential
for people’s abroad relocation.

C. As soon as people are relocated by their company, they should ask
themselves some necessary questions in order to prepare for culture shock.

D. People should look down on the offers from the company for the relocation
since all questions have already been dealt with.

8. Which of the following phrases can best replace the word “fit in” in the eighth

A. become involved  B. feel the similarity \

C. control feelings  D. see the point

9. What can be inferred from the writer’s experience in the restaurant with his
colleague during the trip in Hong Kong?

A. He felt very annoyed about his colleague.

B. The waitress in the restaurant was shocked at her colleague’s screaming.

C. A lack of understanding is a cause to culture shock.

D. His anxiety was built up during the trip.

10. In the last paragraph, what does the writer mean by saying “you will have more
difficulty believe it or not, returning "home" than you imagined especially the
longer you stay away”?
A. Once people underwent culture shock, they would find it hard to leave the
destination country due to its extreme annoyance.

B. People would like to stay longer to understand more about the culture shock
since they think it is more interesting than annoying.

C. Culture shock is inevitable and may cause people to want to return home
since the longer people stay the more trouble they have.

D. The difficulty in returning home will make people stay longer in the
destination country than you expected.

Part 6: The reading passage has seven paragraphs,  A–G. Choose the correct
heading for paragraphs  A–G  from the list below.
List of Headings
i Unusual way of hatching the chicks
ii Feeding habit of the red-footed booby
iii Folding wings for purpose
iv Rearing the young
v Classification of boobies
vi Diving for seafood
vii Surviving mechanism during the food shortage period
viii Mating and breeding
ix Origin of the booby’s name
Paragraph C ix
1   Paragraph A
2   Paragraph B
3   Paragraph D
4   Paragraph E
5   Paragraph F
6   Paragraph G

Blue-footed Boobies 2
A   Boobies are a small group of seabirds native to tropical and subtropical oceans
throughout the world. Their diet consists mainly of fish. They are specialized fish
eaters feeding on small school fish like sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and flying fish.
When their prey is in sight, they fold their long wings back around their streamlined
bodies and plunge into the water from as high as 80 feet, so streamlined they barely
make a splash. They travel in parties of about 12 to areas of water with large schools of
small fish. When the lead bird sees a fish shoal in the water, it will signal the rest of the
group and they will all dive together. Surprisingly, individuals do not eat with the
hunting group, preferring to eat on their own, usually in the early morning or late
B   There are three varieties on the Galapagos: the blue-footed, red-footed, and masked
boobies. They are all members of the same family, and are not only different in
appearance but also in behaviours. The blue-footed and red-footed boobies mate
throughout the year, while the masked boobies have an annual mating cycle that differs
from island to island. All catch fish in a similar manner, but in different areas: the blue-
footed booby does its fishing close to shore, while the masked booby goes slightly
farther out, and the red-footed booby fishes at the farthest distances from shore.
C   Although it is unknown where the name “Booby” emanates from, some conjecture
it may come from the Spanish word for clown, “bobo”, meaning “stupid”. Its name was
probably inspired by the bird’s clumsiness on land and apparently unwarranted
bravery. The blue footed booby is extremely vulnerable to human visitors because it
does not appear to fear them. Therefore these birds received such name for their
clumsiness on land in which they were easily, captured, killed, and eaten by humans.
D    The blue-footed booby’s characteristic feet play a significant part in their famous
courtship ceremony, the ‘booby dance’. The male walks around the female, raising his
bright blue feet straight up in the air, while bringing his ‘shoulders’ towards the ground
and crossing the bottom tips of his wings high above the ground. Plus he’ll raise his bill
up towards the sky to try to win his mate over. The female may also partake in these
activities – lifting her feet, sky pointing, and of course squawking at her mate. After
mating, another ritual occurs – the nest-building which ironically is never used because
they nest on the bare ground. When the female is ready to lay her eggs, they scrape the
existing nest away so she can nest on exposed ground. Sun-baked islands form the
booby’s breeding grounds. When ready the female Blue Footed Booby lays one to
three eggs.
E    After mating, two or three eggs are laid in a shallow depression on flat or gently
sloping ground. Both male and female take turns incubating the eggs. Unlike most
birds, booby doesn’t develop brood patches (areas of bare skin on the breast) to warm
the eggs during incubation. Instead, it uses its broad webbed feet, which have large
numbers of prominent blood vessels, to transmit heat essential for incubation. The eggs
are thick-shelled so they can withstand the full weight of an incubating bird.
F   After hatching, the male plays a major role in bringing fish home. He can bring
back a constant supply of small fish for the chicks, which must be fed continuously.
The reason is that the male has a longer tail than the female in relation to his body size,
which makes him able to execute shallower dives and to feed closer to shore. Then the
female takes a greater part as time proceeds. Sooner or later, the need to feed the young
becomes greater than the need to protect them and both adults must fish to provide
G   When times are good, the parents may successfully fledge all three chicks, but, in
harder times, they may still lay as many eggs yet only obtain enough food to raise one.
The problem is usually solved by the somewhat callous-sounding system of
“opportunistic sibling murder.” The first-born chick is larger and stronger than its nest
mate(s) as a result of hatching a few days earlier and also because the parents feed the
larger chick. If food is scarce, the first born will get more food than its nest mate(s) and
will outcompete them, causing them to starve. The above system optimizes the
reproductive capacity of the blue-foot in an unpredictable environment. The system
ensures that, if possible, at least one chick will survive a period of shortage rather than
all three dying of starvation under a more ‘humane’ system.
Questions 7-10 
Complete the summary below, using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  from the
reading passage for each answer.
The courtship of the Blue-footed Booby consists of the male flaunting his blue feet and
dancing to impress the female. During the dance, the male will spread his wings and
stamp his feet on the ground with his bills
7  …………. After mating, the booby’s unusual demeanor continues with
ritual 8 ………… that really serves no purpose. When the female Booby lays eggs, the
parental boobies incubate the eggs beneath their 9 …....… which contain 10  …………
to transmit the heat, because of the lack of brood patches.
Part 7: Answer questions 1-10, by referring to the magazine article in which four
successful career women talk about emigrating to New Zealand.

A) Nicky Meiring B) Jenny Orr

C) Sarah Hodgetts D) Lucy Kramer

Which woman...

1. mentions a negative point about a job she has had? 

2. explains an advantage of choosing to pursue her career in New Zealand? 

3. appreciates the approach to achieving goals in New Zealand? 

4. expresses a sense of regret about leaving her country? 

5. appreciates the honesty she feels exists in New Zealand? 

6. denies conforming to a certain stereotype? 

7. appreciates New Zealand for its sense of calm and normality? 

8. mentions her move to a different area in the same field? 

9. states that her original nationality puts her in an advantageous position? 

10. recommends that New Zealanders take more pride in their country? 

The Brain Gain

With New Zealand becoming renowned as a great place to live, it was the first-choice
destination for a new generation of talented migrants looking for a better life. Sharon
Stephenson talks to four of them.

A) Nicky Meiring, Architect

Listen to Nicky Meiring talk about South Africa and it soon becomes evident that she’s
mourning for a country she once called home. ‘The current economic situation has
made South Africa quite a hard place to live in,’ she says, ‘but I do miss it.’ Nicky first
arrived in Auckland in 1994 and got a job in an architectural practice in Auckland
where she soon settled in. She says ‘New Zealand often feels like utopia. I just love the
tranquillity and the fact you can lead a safe and ordinary life.’ She lives and works
from a renovated factory where her mantelpiece is littered with awards for the design
of her summer house on Great Barrier Island. ‘Although the design of buildings is
fairly universal, houses here are generally constructed of timber as opposed to brick
and when it comes to the engineering of buildings, I have to take great heed of
earthquakes which isn’t an issue in South Africa,’ she says. “But the very fact that my
training and points of reference are different means I have something to offer. And I’m
so glad I have the opportunity to leave my stamp on my new country.”

B) Jenny Orr, Art Director

American Jenny Orr’s southern accent seems more at home in the movies than in New
Zealand’s capital, Wellington. ‘I’m from Alabama, but no, we didn’t run around
barefoot and my father didn’t play the banjo!’ she jokes, in anticipation of my
preconceptions. Having worked in corporate design for ten years in the USA, she was
after a change and thought of relocating to New Zealand. It didn’t take long for her to
land a job with an Auckland design firm, where she was able to gain experience in an
unfamiliar but challenging area of design -packaging -and before long, she was
headhunted to a direct marketing agency which recently transferred her to Wellington.
While she admits she could have the same salary and level of responsibility at home, ‘it
would probably have been harder to break into this kind of field. I’m not saying I
couldn’t have done it, but it may have taken longer in the US because of the sheer
number of people paying their dues ahead of me.’ Ask Jenny how she’s contributing to
this country’s ‘brain gain’ and she laughs. ‘I don’t see myself as being more talented or
intelligent but opposing views are what make strategies, concepts and designs better
and I hope that’s what I bring.’

C) Sarah Hodgetts, Creative Planner

What happens when all your dreams come true? Just ask Sarah Hodgetts. Sarah says
that she had always dreamed of a career in advertising. ‘But I was from the wrong class
and went to the wrong university. In the UK, if you’re working class you grow up not
expecting greatness in your life. You resign yourself to working at the local factory and
knowing your place.’ New Zealand, on the other hand, allowed her to break free of
those shackles. ‘It’s a land of opportunity. I quickly learned that if you want to do
something here, you just go for it, which is an attitude I admire beyond belief.’ Within
a month of arriving, she’d landed a job in customer servicing with an advertising
agency. Then, when an opening in research came up, she jumped at the chance. ‘My
job is to conduct research with New Zealanders,’ she explains. ‘So, I get to meet people
from across the social spectrum which is incredibly rewarding.’ Being a foreigner
certainly works in her favour, says Sarah. ‘Because a lot of my research is quite
personal, respondents tend to see me as’ impartial and open-minded and are therefore
more willing to share their lives with me.’ She certainly sees New Zealand in a good
light. ‘I wish New Zealanders could see their country as I do. That’s why it saddens me
that they don’t think they’re good enough on the global stage.’

D) Lucy Kramer, School Director

Born in Sydney, Australia, Lucy Kramer left for London when she was 23 to further
her career as a stockbroker. ‘London certainly lived up to my expectations and I had a
very exciting, very hectic lifestyle,’ Lucy explains. But after four years she felt burnt
out and was becoming increasingly disillusioned with her job. ‘People at work were far
too competitive for my liking,’ she says. It was at this time she made two life-changing
decisions. ‘I signed up for a teacher- training course and shortly after that met my
partner, Graeme. He asked me to come back to New Zealand with him and I didn’t
hesitate.’ It wasn’t long before she found work in a large Auckland school and, since
then, she has rapidly worked her way up to a management position. ‘It’s fair to say I’m
not earning what I used to but my New Zealand colleagues are much more easy- going.
A good atmosphere more than makes up for the drop-in salary. Another thing that
impresses me is that you can leave your stuff on a seat in a cafe and it’ll still be there
half an hour later. People are pretty trustworthy here. Sometimes it bothers me that
we’re so remote -you can feel a bit cut off from what’s going on in the rest of the
world, but on the whole, I’d say it’s one of the best moves I ever made.’

Part 8:
1. When she accepted the job, the au pair girl assumed that she would be free every
When she accepted the job, the au pair girl took ...........................................................................
2. In the summer, there are thousands more tourists than locals.
In the summer, the locals are vastly ...............................................................................................
3. He has an obsession about the dishonesty of lawyers.. BEE
He ......................................................................................
4. You can’t compare tabloids with quality newspapers.FISH
Tabloids ..........................................................................................................................................
5. It is her father who is Italian.HALF
She ........ .........................................................................................................................................
6. Nobody knows what annoyed our boss. (CHEESED)
→ Why .............................................................................................................
7. It was not until he lost the last match that he realized he was a little too old for
competitions. (LONG)
→ Hardly ...........................................................................................................
8. The serious look on his face stopped us revealing the secret. (CAT)
→ Hadn’t it ...............................................................................................
9. It was unwise of you to try to do so many things without being aware of your
shortcomings. (THIN)
→ You shouldn’t ..............................................................................
10. He would spend his very last penny trying to ingratiate himself with his father-in-
law. (EXPENSE)
→ In his ..............................................................................................
Part 9: Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion on the following
issue (30 pts)
Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information
available through the Internet, and they can study just as well at home.
What is your own opinion?
Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your knowledge
or experience. You may continue your writing on the back page if you need more space

Part 1:
A. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6.A 7. B 8. A 9.C 10. A
B. 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D
1. The love of life shone______the author’s book, giving me as much inspiration as I
could ever ask for.
A. through B. over C. into D. upon
Shine through = If a quality shines through, it is strong and easy to see, usually in a
particular situation
2. You shouldn’t take ________ more than you can handle, otherwise you’ll suffer
from stress.
A. on B. over C. out D. away
Take on = begin to have, use, or do something
3. He’s so stubborn and stupid. I just couldn’t get ________ him that she can never
make money from gambling.
A. over B. out of C. across to D. out of
Get across to = manage to make someone understand or believe something
4. The success of our project hinges _________ Mike’s ability persuade the locals to
move to the renewal quarter.
A. in B. on C. about D. over
hinge on/upon sth=If one thing hinges on another, the first thing depends on the second
thing or is very influenced by it
5. The government’s plans to reduce crime came _________ for a lot of criticism from
freedom groups.
A. across B. around D. with
Cam in for = hứng chịu,nhận ( chỉ trích,kết quả không tốt0
6. Before they open the new factory, a lot of the young people round here were
__________ the dole.
A. on B. in C. over D. above
On the dole =sống nhờ tiền trợ cấp của chính phủ
7. The two countries met at the conference to iron _______ their differences.
A. on B. out C. over D. into
Iron out= put something into a finished state by solving problems, removing
differences, or taking care of details
8. He tried to paper _______ the country’s deep-seated problems.
A. over B. with C. into D. down
Paper over = hide an unpleasant situation, especially a problem or disagreement, in
order to make people believe that it does not exist or is not serious
9. Linda chats so much; she could talk the hind leg _______ a donkey.
A. up to B. over C. off D. under
Talk the hind leg off a donkey = nói lải nhải,chuyện không đâu
10. I’m going to put my head _______ for a while as I feel very tired.
A. down B. over C. up D. through
Put one’s head down =sleep
1. I had to get through a lot of__________tape, but I finally got the documents I
A. red B. blue C. link D.
Red tape = official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results
2. The hospital staff pulled out all the _______ to make sure the children had a
wonderful day.
A. roadblocks B. barricades C. plugs D. stops
pulled out all the stops = do everything you can to make something successful
3. Neither side is prepared to _____ an inch in the negotiations.
A. stir B. budge C. push D. bend
Won't budge an inch' nghĩa là không động đậy, không nhúc nhích; ngoài ra còn nghĩa
bóng là không thay đổi ý định, ý đã quyết -> không suy chuyển/lay chuyển
.4. Congressman Saunders fired the opening _______ during a heated debate on capital
A. salvo B. barrage C. cannonade D. burst
opening salvo formal=the first in a series of questions, statements etc that you use to try
to win an argument
5. I like the way people here always queue up. Back home we just push and shove, and
the devil take the ________!
A. outermost B. foremost C. hindmost D. utmost
The devil take the hindmost' = ác quỷ sẽ bắt người chạy sau cùng, vậy nên bạn phải
chạy thật nhanh -> mỗi người phải tự thân tìm kiếm thành công cho chính mình, đặc
biệt trong các tình huống gặp phải cạnh tranh
6. The manager attached himself to the luncheon club and became a _______ fixture
A. perennial B. enduring C. stable D. permanent
be a (permanent) fixture=to be always present and not likely to move or go away
7. I was so hungry, and that meal was absolutely delicious! It was just what the
_______ ordered.
A. scientist B. doctor C. expert D. healer
just what the doctor ordered=exactly what is wanted or needed
8. Although the Government has increased allocations to the social sector by as much
as 40 per cent, State funding still falls ________ short of needs.
A. well B. totally C. severely D. abjectly
fall well short of =to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped
for, causing disappointment:
9. Last week’s violence was _______ condemned by foreign governments.
A. grimly B. roundly C. roughly D. bitingly
roundly condemn/criticize etc=to condemn, criticize etc someone strongly and severely
10. . Let me know of any pertinent developments, keep me in the ______.
A. sphere B. ring C. circle D. loop
keep sb in the loops: cập nhật thông tin cho ai đó biết
Part 2:
Line Mistakes Corrections
1. 1 locking locked
2. 2 like as
3. 3 in since
4. 5 the an
5. 5 knowing known
6. 9 though despite
7. 9 that which
8. 11 changing change
9. 13 revolutionarily revolutionary
10. 15 finding findings
Part 3. For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or
D) best fits each space. (10 points)

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A
Oxford is a city with such a mind-blowing reputation that many who come here find
themselves intimidated by the place and can’t wait to leave, while others, taking to it
like a duck to water, find themselves returning again and again. The college lawns
provide a gorgeous 1______ to serious study, and in the right light, on a sunny winter’s
morning say, one feels as if one is 2______ on air, such is the sense of unreality.
Oxford may like to (88)______ that it is at the intellectual hub of things, but in many
ways it is no more than a sleepy 3______where, to mix metaphors, transitory students,
the 4______of their generation, wait in the 5)______, allowing their talents to 6______
before moving off into the industrial or political fast-lane. Much of this is a myth, of
course. Hardship and hard work are very much part and 7______ of student life.
The8______ get through the three years’ hard grind by simply putting their shoulders
to the 9....... before going on to fairly average jobs. Only for the tiny minority is Oxford
the first 10______ on the ladder to fame and fortune.
86. A. backdrop B. curtain C. scene D. screen
backdrop: the general conditions in which an event takes place
scene: the place where something happens, especially something unpleasant
87. A flying B. gliding C. floating D. swimming
float: to move slowly on water or in the air
glide: to fly using air currents, without the birds moving their wings or the aircraft
using the engine
88. A. pretend B. act C. dissemble D. produce
to claim to be, do or have something, especially when this is not true
89. A. backwater B. stream C. tributary D. watershed
backwater: ) a place that is away from the places where most things happen, and is
therefore not affected by events, progress, new ideas, etc.
90. A. froth B. cream C. fat D. caviar
the cream of something: the best people or things in a particular group
91. A. pavilion B. dressing room C. wings D. foyer
in the wings: ready to take over a particular job or be used in a particular situation
when needed
92. A. flourish B. open C. spread D. float
93. A. package B. section C. province D. parcel
Part and parcel of: phần quan trọng,thiết yếu của cái gì
94. A. level-headed B. hot-headed C. hot-blooded D. kind-hearted
level-headed: calm and sensible.
95. A. step B. position C. elevation D. ascent
the first step on the ladder : bước đầu tiên trên nấc thang( đạt tới danh vong,thành

Part 4. For questions 1-10, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and write
your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (10 points)

1. what 2. in 3. part 4. where 5. them

6. than 7. less 8. only 9. else

Part 5. (10 points)

Items Correct answers Points Items Correct answers Points
1 B 1 6 D 1
2 A 1 7 B 1
3 B 1 8 A 1
4 D 1 9 C 1
5 B 1 10 B 1

Part 3. Read the following passage extracted from and select

the best answer to each question below. (10 points)

Culture Shock is not something that people generally get on a holiday but as
soon as your boss calls you into the office and says "Hi John, we value you so much we
want you to head our Hong Kong operations!" you really need to start thinking about
the implications and how you are going to avoid this condition. It is not so much as a
life threatening disease, but it can lead to some very serious problems if you do not take
a few precautions.

Culture shock is definitely a serious condition that needs to be watched, and

checked upon. I personally have suffered from it on numerous occasions and sleep
deprivation, mood swings, and depression are all in there.

Travelling to a new destination with unusual habits and traditions can be a

very traumatic experience. A little research before you leave will help tremendously
but the most important thing is to actually leave with an open mind. A lot of people fly
off without any research and expect things to be done in exactly the same way and at
the same speed as they were at home. Well this just isn't going to happen. And it is very
important to try to understand the culture religion and people of the country that you
are travelling to.

The culture shock selection of books are a very good starting place, but one that
you will not really understand fully until you are actually in the country mingling with
the locals. One interesting point of this can be found in the book Culture Shock
Thailand. Thai people are among the nicest people in the world but it is a very different
world from, let's say, the UK. The book explains a good deal about Thai culture and
traditions and it explains how Thais smile their way out of an embarrassing situation
and look down on those that don't. The book then puts this into a couple of different
examples to try to ensure that the reader understands. One such example is that if you
are walking down the street and someone throws dirty water over you from a doorway,
you should smile at the person that did this, showing your forgiveness. This should
help clear the air and the person will most likely go out of their way to help you clean
up. Imagine this happening in London! Thais shy away from confrontation, and this is
one of the many aspects that make them such a happy and kind nation.

If as an expatriate you are moving to a country with severe Culture Shock such
as perhaps Cambodia, or Vietnam, then even more research would be needed.
Nowadays you can possibly do a lot more research than ever with the growth of the
internet. You can see pictures of pretty much every destination in the world and even
read restaurant, hotel and bar reviews without having even left your office. It is also
advisable to stay away from a lot of the other expats especially before you leave and
while after you arrive in the destination. A lot of expats can be very negative about a
country, even though they continue to stay there and this is not something that you
need when you have just travelled half way around the world. Instead, leave with an
open mind and make your own judgments about the place after you have started to
understand it a little.

One of the biggest causes, though, of Culture Shock is language. It will make an
enormous amount of difference to you if you learn a little or as much as possible of the
local language before you leave. Take up classes and practice it as much as you can; if
you are studying Thai, eat out at Thai restaurants and try to practice your Thai. This
small step will make your life a lot simpler and will also give you immediate respect
when you arrive in the foreign country, not to mention open many new doors. If you
show an interest in the other person’s language and culture they will show an interest in

If you are being relocated by your company, try to find out a little about the
living conditions in that country and the package that the company offers you. Will
they supply you with hotel accommodation or will you be straight into an apartment or
house? Are you given a housing allowance and allowed to choose the accommodation
yourself? Will the company pay the deposits that the landlord requires? Will you have
maids? What about a car? How many return trips will you have a year to your home
country? Will they be in economy or business class? What about your family rights -
the wife - the husband - the children? How long is the posting for? Will the company
pay for repatriation due to illness, or unemployment? Do they have limits to the amount
of furniture that you can send over but most importantly bring back? Will they cover
these charges? Do they have any restrictions as to how you send these things? Do they
offer you insurance that is suitable for the country that you are travelling to?

When you arrive it is important to fit in, get a feel for the place, the smells and
the sounds. I would suggest just walking for a day or two experiencing the mystique of
the new land you have just discovered. After a while when you are feeling a little more
at home join a club, and make friends socially outside of your regular work patterns,
and try to meet and befriend as many locals a you can, so that you will really get a
deeper understanding of where you and most probably appreciate the differences in
culture a lot more.

Culture Shock basically comes from a lack of understanding and built up

anxiety, and can be caused by the most minute things, building up. One time in Hong
Kong a colleague seemed to be literally screaming at the waitress in Cantonese, I was
very anxious and asked what was wrong, my colleague looked very confused as to why
I was asking the question and she simply replied that she was ordering some water!

All in all every expat has had his or her bad days, and there are times you just
want to get on a plane and fly back, however these days are minimal compared to the
fun, and amazing discoveries that you will make. Once you are bitten by the spirit and
feeling of adventure you are about to embark on, you will have more difficulty
believe it or not, returning "home" than you imagined especially the longer you
stay away.

1. What is the main idea of the reading passage?

A. Travelling abroad has some specific negative effects on your feelings due to
culture shock.

B. It is believed that every expat is certain to encounter culture shock during the
overseas trip.

C. There are always some things one can do to get over anger and confusion
when traveling abroad.

D. There is no point in worrying about culture shock in other countries since it

is not as serious as people thought.

1. Ý chính của đoạn văn đọc là gì?

A. Đi du lịch nước ngoài có một số tác động tiêu cực cụ thể đến cảm xúc của bạn do
sốc văn hóa.
B. Người ta tin rằng mọi người nước ngoài đều chắc chắn gặp phải cú sốc văn hóa
trong chuyến du lịch nước ngoài.

C. Luôn có một số điều người ta có thể làm để vượt qua sự tức giận và bối rối khi đi du
lịch nước ngoài.

D. Không có gì đáng lo ngại về cú sốc văn hóa ở các nước khác vì nó không nghiêm
trọng như mọi người vẫn nghĩ.

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that _____.

A. people’s expectation that the destination country will bear the similarity to
their home one is useless

B. Most of the countries have unusual habits as one characteristic to help

building up culture shock.

C. More research should be carried out before the trip so as to avoid

understanding unusual habits in a new country.

D. People should be open-minded since what they are going to experience will
not have much difference to that in their country.

2. Nó có thể được suy ra từ đoạn thứ ba rằng _____.

A. kỳ vọng của mọi người rằng quốc gia đến sẽ giống với quốc gia của họ là vô ích

B. Hầu hết các quốc gia đều có những thói quen khác thường như một đặc điểm giúp
xây dựng nên cú sốc văn hóa.

C. Nên nghiên cứu thêm trước chuyến đi để tránh hiểu những thói quen bất thường ở
một đất nước mới.

D. Mọi người nên cởi mở vì những gì họ sẽ trải nghiệm sẽ không có nhiều khác biệt
với những gì ở đất nước của họ.

Clue: A lot of people fly off without any research and expect things to be done in
exactly the same way and at the same speed as they were at home. Well this just
isn't going to happen. And it is very important to try to understand the culture
religion and people of the country that you are travelling to.( Một chút nghiên cứu
trước khi bạn rời đi sẽ giúp ích rất nhiều nhưng điều quan trọng nhất là bạn phải
thực sự rời đi với một tâm hồn cởi mở. Rất nhiều người bay đi mà không có bất
kỳ nghiên cứu nào và mong đợi mọi thứ được thực hiện theo cùng một cách và
cùng tốc độ như ở nhà. Điều này sẽ không xảy ra. Và điều rất quan trọng là bạn
phải cố gắng hiểu được văn hóa tôn giáo và con người của đất nước mà bạn đang
đi du lịch.)
3. Which of the following can best replace the word “traumatic” in the third

A. fantastic  B. upsetting  C. unavoidable  D. resembling


4. According to the passage, what should people do when Thais cause some annoyance
to them?

A. Buy a book called Culture Shock Thailand to learn more about the trouble.

B. Try to talk to them about the problem in order to clear the air.

C. Clean up yourself and continue to walk down the street so as not to have
any trouble with them.

D. Give them a smile and be tolerant of the situation.

Clue: One such example is that if you are walking down the street and someone
throws dirty water over you from a doorway, you should smile at the person that
did this, showing your forgiveness(Một ví dụ như vậy là nếu bạn đang đi bộ xuống
phố và ai đó ném nước bẩn lên người từ ngưỡng cửa, bạn nên mỉm cười với người
đã làm điều này, thể hiện sự tha thứ của bạn)

5. What does the writer advise people to do when they arrive in a new country?

A. People should arrange a short trip a few days earlier in order to get
accustomed to restaurants, hotels and bars in the new place.

B. It’s best not to talk to people who arrived there since they may give irrelevant
and negative comments.

C. People should make their own judgements right before the trip.

D. People should understand the new place a little by staying away from expats
because of their negative points.

Clue: A lot of expats can be very negative about a country, even though they
continue to stay there and this is not something that you need when you have just
travelled half way around the world.( Rất nhiều người nước ngoài có thể rất tiêu
cực về một quốc gia, mặc dù họ vẫn tiếp tục ở lại đó và đây không phải là thứ bạn
cần khi bạn vừa mới đi được nửa vòng trái đất.)

6. What does the word “it” in the sixth paragraph refer to?

A. culture shock  B. difference  C. classes  D. language

7. It can be inferred from the seventh paragraph that ______.

A. Shelters should be first considered when people have plans to travel to a


B. Being aware of the situation in which you live and other services is essential
for people’s abroad relocation.

C. As soon as people are relocated by their company, they should ask
themselves some necessary questions in order to prepare for culture shock.

D. People should look down on the offers from the company for the relocation
since all questions have already been dealt with.

Clue: try to find out a little about the living conditions in that country and the
package that the company offers you.( hãy cố gắng tìm hiểu một chút về điều kiện
sống ở quốc gia đó và gói dịch vụ mà công ty cung cấp cho bạn)

8. Which of the following phrases can best replace the word “fit in” in the eighth

A. become involved  B. feel the similarity \

C. control feelings  D. see the point

9. What can be inferred from the writer’s experience in the restaurant with his
colleague during the trip in Hong Kong?

A. He felt very annoyed about his colleague.

B. The waitress in the restaurant was shocked at her colleague’s screaming.

C. A lack of understanding is a cause to culture shock.

D. His anxiety was built up during the trip.

Clue: Culture Shock basically comes from a lack of understanding and built up
anxiety, and can be caused by the most minute things, building up(Cú sốc văn hóa
về cơ bản xuất phát từ sự thiếu hiểu biết và tích tụ sự lo lắng, và có thể do những
điều nhỏ nhặt nhất gây ra.)

10. In the last paragraph, what does the writer mean by saying “you will have more
difficulty believe it or not, returning "home" than you imagined especially the
longer you stay away”?
A. Once people underwent culture shock, they would find it hard to leave the
destination country due to its extreme annoyance.

B. People would like to stay longer to understand more about the culture shock
since they think it is more interesting than annoying.

C. Culture shock is inevitable and may cause people to want to return home
since the longer people stay the more trouble they have.

D. The difficulty in returning home will make people stay longer in the
destination country than you expected.

Clue: All in all every expat has had his or her bad days, and there are times you just
want to get on a plane and fly back, however these days are minimal compared to the
fun, and amazing discoveries that you will make(Nói chung, mọi người nước ngoài đều
đã có những ngày tồi tệ, và có những lúc bạn chỉ muốn lên máy bay và bay về, tuy
nhiên những ngày này là rất ít so với niềm vui và những khám phá tuyệt vời mà bạn sẽ
thực hiện.)

Part 6: The reading passage has seven paragraphs,  A–G. Choose the correct
heading for paragraphs  A–G  from the list below.
1. vi 2.v 3. viii 4. i 5. iv
6. vii 7. skypointing 8. nest-building 9. webbed feet 10. blood vessels

Paragraph C ix
1   Paragraph A
2   Paragraph B
3   Paragraph D
4   Paragraph E
5   Paragraph F
6   Paragraph G

Blue-footed Boobies 2
A   vi Diving for seafood
Boobies are a small group of seabirds native to tropical and subtropical oceans
throughout the world. Their diet consists mainly of fish. They are specialized fish
eaters feeding on small school fish like sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and flying fish.
When their prey is in sight, they fold their long wings back around their streamlined
bodies and plunge into the water from as high as 80 feet, so streamlined they barely
make a splash.( Khi con mồi ở trong tầm nhìn, chúng sẽ gập đôi cánh dài của mình lại
xung quanh cơ thể thuôn dài và lao xuống nước từ độ cao 80 feet, đến mức sắp xếp hợp
lý chúng hầu như không tạo ra một tia nước.) They travel in parties of about 12 to areas
of water with large schools of small fish. When the lead bird sees a fish shoal in the
water, it will signal the rest of the group and they will all dive together(Khi con chim
đầu đàn nhìn thấy một bãi cá trong nước, nó sẽ báo hiệu cho những người còn lại trong
nhóm và tất cả chúng sẽ cùng nhau lặn xuống). Surprisingly, individuals do not eat
with the hunting group, preferring to eat on their own, usually in the early morning or
late afternoon.
 Lặn để tìm hải sản

B   v Classification of boobies
There are three varieties on the Galapagos: the blue-footed, red-footed, and masked
boobies(.Có ba giống trên Galapagos: boobies chân xanh, chân đỏ và đeo mặt nạ.)
They are all members of the same family, and are not only different in appearance but
also in behaviours. The blue-footed and red-footed boobies mate throughout the year,
while the masked boobies have an annual mating cycle that differs from island to
island. All catch fish in a similar manner, but in different areas: the blue-footed booby
does its fishing close to shore, while the masked booby goes slightly farther out, and
the red-footed booby fishes at the farthest distances from shore.
  Although it is unknown where the name “Booby” emanates from, some conjecture it
may come from the Spanish word for clown, “bobo”, meaning “stupid”. Its name was
probably inspired by the bird’s clumsiness on land and apparently unwarranted
bravery. The blue footed booby is extremely vulnerable to human visitors because it
does not appear to fear them. Therefore these birds received such name for their
clumsiness on land in which they were easily, captured, killed, and eaten by humans.
D    viii Mating and breeding
The blue-footed booby’s characteristic feet play a significant part in their famous
courtship ceremony, the ‘booby dance’. The male walks around the female, raising his
bright blue feet straight up in the air, while bringing his ‘shoulders’ towards the ground
and crossing the bottom tips of his wings high above the ground. Plus he’ll raise his bill
up towards the sky to try to win his mate over. The female may also partake in these
activities – lifting her feet, sky pointing, and of course squawking at her mate(Con đực
đi xung quanh con cái, giơ bàn chân màu xanh lam sáng của mình lên thẳng trên
không, đồng thời đưa ‘vai’ của mình xuống đất và bắt chéo đầu dưới của đôi cánh lên
cao so với mặt đất. Thêm vào đó, anh ấy sẽ nâng mỏ của mình lên trời để cố gắng thu
phục người bạn đời của mình. Con cái cũng có thể tham gia vào các hoạt động này -
nhấc chân, chỉ tay lên trời, và tất nhiên là chồm hổm vào người bạn đời của mình)..
After mating, another ritual occurs – the nest-building which ironically is never used
because they nest on the bare ground. When the female is ready to lay her eggs, they
scrape the existing nest away so she can nest on exposed ground. Sun-baked islands
form the booby’s breeding grounds. When ready the female Blue Footed Booby lays
one to three eggs.
 Giao phối và sinh sản

E    i Unusual way of hatching the chicks

After mating, two or three eggs are laid in a shallow depression on flat or gently
sloping ground. Both male and female take turns incubating the eggs. Unlike most
birds, booby doesn’t develop brood patches (areas of bare skin on the breast) to warm
the eggs during incubation. Instead, it uses its broad webbed feet, which have large
numbers of prominent blood vessels, to transmit heat essential for incubation(Cả con
đực và con cái thay phiên nhau ấp trứng. Không giống như hầu hết các loài chim,
booby không phát triển các mảng lông chim bố mẹ (vùng da trần trên vú) để làm ấm
trứng trong quá trình ấp. Thay vào đó, nó sử dụng bàn chân có màng rộng, có nhiều
mạch máu nổi rõ, để truyền nhiệt cần thiết cho quá trình ấp trứng). The eggs are thick-
shelled so they can withstand the full weight of an incubating bird.
 Cách ấp trứng khác thường

F iv Rearing the young

  After hatching, the male plays a major role in bringing fish home. He can bring back a
constant supply of small fish for the chicks, which must be fed continuously(.Sau khi
nở, cá đực đóng vai trò chính trong việc đưa cá về nhà. Anh ta có thể mang về nguồn
cung cấp cá nhỏ liên tục cho gà con, chúng phải được cho ăn liên tục) The reason is
that the male has a longer tail than the female in relation to his body size, which makes
him able to execute shallower dives and to feed closer to shore. Then the female takes a
greater part as time proceeds. Sooner or later, the need to feed the young becomes
greater than the need to protect them and both adults must fish to provide enough
 Nuôi con non .

G   vii Surviving mechanism during the food shortage period

When times are good, the parents may successfully fledge all three chicks, but, in
harder times, they may still lay as many eggs yet only obtain enough food to raise one.
The problem is usually solved by the somewhat callous-sounding system of
“opportunistic sibling murder.”( nhưng trong những thời điểm khó khăn hơn, chúng
vẫn có thể đẻ nhiều trứng nhưng chỉ kiếm đủ thức ăn để nuôi một con. Vấn đề thường
được giải quyết bằng hệ thống nghe có vẻ hơi nhẫn tâm là “giết anh chị em theo cơ
hội”) The first-born chick is larger and stronger than its nest mate(s) as a result of
hatching a few days earlier and also because the parents feed the larger chick. If food is
scarce, the first born will get more food than its nest mate(s) and will outcompete them,
causing them to starve. The above system optimizes the reproductive capacity of the
blue-foot in an unpredictable environment. The system ensures that, if possible, at least
one chick will survive a period of shortage rather than all three dying of starvation
under a more ‘humane’ system.
 Cơ chế sinh tồn trong giai đoạn thiếu thức ăn

Part 7: Answer questions 1-10, by referring to the magazine article in which four
successful career women talk about emigrating to New Zealand.

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D

6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C

A) Nicky Meiring B) Jenny Orr

C) Sarah Hodgetts D) Lucy Kramer

Which woman...

1. mentions a negative point about a job she has had? 

2. explains an advantage of choosing to pursue her career in New Zealand? 

3. appreciates the approach to achieving goals in New Zealand? 

4. expresses a sense of regret about leaving her country? 

5. appreciates the honesty she feels exists in New Zealand? 

6. denies conforming to a certain stereotype? 

7. appreciates New Zealand for its sense of calm and normality? 

8. mentions her move to a different area in the same field? 

9. states that her original nationality puts her in an advantageous position? 

10. recommends that New Zealanders take more pride in their country? 

The Brain Gain

With New Zealand becoming renowned as a great place to live, it was the first-choice
destination for a new generation of talented migrants looking for a better life. Sharon
Stephenson talks to four of them.

A) Nicky Meiring, Architect

Listen to Nicky Meiring talk about South Africa and it soon becomes evident that she’s
mourning for a country she once called home. ‘The current economic situation has
made South Africa quite a hard place to live in,’ she says, ‘but I do miss it(kể về Nam
Phi và có thể thấy rõ rằng cô ấy đang thương tiếc đất nước mà cô ấy từng gọi là quê
hương. Cô nói: “Tình hình kinh tế hiện tại đã khiến Nam Phi trở thành một nơi khá khó
khăn để sinh sống, nhưng tôi rất nhớ) Q4.’ Nicky first arrived in Auckland in 1994 and
got a job in an architectural practice in Auckland where she soon settled in. She says
‘New Zealand often feels like utopia. I just love the tranquillity and the fact you can
lead a safe and ordinary life.’(Cô ấy nói 'New Zealand thường cảm thấy như không
tưởng. Tôi chỉ yêu sự yên tĩnh và thực tế là bạn có thể có một cuộc sống an toàn và
bình thường) Q7She lives and works from a renovated factory where her mantelpiece is
littered with awards for the design of her summer house on Great Barrier Island.
‘Although the design of buildings is fairly universal, houses here are generally
constructed of timber as opposed to brick and when it comes to the engineering of
buildings, I have to take great heed of earthquakes which isn’t an issue in South
Africa,’ she says. “But the very fact that my training and points of reference are
different means I have something to offer. And I’m so glad I have the opportunity to
leave my stamp on my new country.”

B) Jenny Orr, Art Director

American Jenny Orr’s southern accent seems more at home in the movies than in New
Zealand’s capital, Wellington. ‘I’m from Alabama, but no, we didn’t run around
barefoot and my father didn’t play the banjo!’ she jokes, in anticipation of my
preconceptions. Having worked in corporate design for ten years in the USA, she was
after a change and thought of relocating to New Zealand. It didn’t take long for her to
land a job with an Auckland design firm,( Từng làm việc trong lĩnh vực thiết kế công
ty trong mười năm tại Hoa Kỳ, cô ấy sau khi thay đổi và nghĩ đến việc chuyển đến
New Zealand. Không mất nhiều thời gian để cô ấy nhận được một công việc tại một
công ty thiết kế Auckland,) Q8where she was able to gain experience in an unfamiliar
but challenging area of design -packaging -and before long, she was headhunted to a
direct marketing agency which recently transferred her to Wellington. While she
admits she could have the same salary and level of responsibility at home, ‘it would
probably have been harder to break into this kind of field. I’m not saying I couldn’t
have done it, but it may have taken longer in the US because of the sheer number of
people paying their dues ahead of me.( Tôi không nói rằng tôi không thể làm được,
nhưng có thể sẽ mất nhiều thời gian hơn ở Mỹ vì số lượng người đóng phí cao hơn tôi
rất nhiều) Q1’ Ask Jenny how she’s contributing to this country’s ‘brain gain’ and she
laughs. ‘I don’t see myself as being more talented or intelligent but opposing views are
what make strategies, concepts and designs better and I hope that’s what I bring.’("Tôi
không thấy mình tài năng hay thông minh hơn nhưng những quan điểm đối lập mới là
điều khiến các chiến lược, khái niệm và thiết kế trở nên tốt hơn và tôi hy vọng đó là
những gì tôi mang lại.") Q2

C) Sarah Hodgetts, Creative Planner

What happens when all your dreams come true? Just ask Sarah Hodgetts. Sarah says
that she had always dreamed of a career in advertising. ‘But I was from the wrong class
and went to the wrong university. In the UK, if you’re working class you grow up not
expecting greatness in your life. You resign yourself to working at the local factory and
knowing your place.’ New Zealand, on the other hand, allowed her to break free of
those shackles. ‘It’s a land of opportunity Mặt khác, New Zealand cho phép cô ấy thoát
khỏi xiềng xích đó. "Đó là một vùng đất của cơ hội. )Q3(. I quickly learned that if you
want to do something here, you just go for it, which is an attitude I admire beyond
belief.’ Within a month of arriving, she’d landed a job in customer servicing with an
advertising agency. Then, when an opening in research came up, she jumped at the
chance. ‘My job is to conduct research with New Zealanders,’ she explains. ‘So, I get
to meet people from across the social spectrum which is incredibly rewarding.’ Being a
foreigner certainly works in her favour, says Sarah.( Vì vậy, tôi được gặp gỡ mọi người
từ khắp các vùng xã hội, điều này thật vô cùng bổ ích.” Là một người nước ngoài chắc
chắn sẽ có lợi cho cô ấy) Q9 ‘Because a lot of my research is quite personal,
respondents tend to see me as’ impartial and open-minded and are therefore more
willing to share their lives with me.’ She certainly sees New Zealand in a good light . ‘I
wish New Zealanders could see their country as I do. That’s why it saddens me that
they don’t think they’re good enough on the global stage.’ Q10

D) Lucy Kramer, School Director

Born in Sydney, Australia, Lucy Kramer left for London when she was 23 to further
her career as a stockbroker. ‘London certainly lived up to my expectations and I had a
very exciting, very hectic lifestyle,’ Lucy explains. But after four years she felt burnt
out and was becoming increasingly disillusioned with her job. ‘People at work were far
too competitive for my liking,’ she says. It was at this time she made two life-changing
decisions. ‘I signed up for a teacher- training course and shortly after that met my
partner, Graeme. He asked me to come back to New Zealand with him and I didn’t
hesitate.’ It wasn’t long before she found work in a large Auckland school and, since
then, she has rapidly worked her way up to a management position. ‘It’s fair to say I’m
not earning what I used to but my New Zealand colleagues are much more easy- going.
A good atmosphere more than makes up for the drop-in salary. Another thing that
impresses me is that you can leave your stuff on a seat in a cafe and it’ll still be there
half an hour later.( . Một điều nữa gây ấn tượng với tôi là bạn có thể để đồ đạc của
mình trên một chỗ ngồi trong quán cà phê và nó sẽ vẫn ở đó nửa giờ sau đó. Mọi người
khá đáng tin cậy ở đây) Q5 People are pretty trustworthy here. Sometimes it bothers me
that we’re so remote -you can feel a bit cut off from what’s going on in the rest of the
world, but on the whole, I’d say it’s one of the best moves I ever made.’

Part 8:
1. When she accepted the job, the au pair girl took it as read / for granted that she
would be free every weekend.
Take ít as read=take sth fot granted : cho điều gì là đúng,là hiển nhiên
2. In the summer, the locals are vastly outnumbered by the tourists.
Outnumber : to be greater in number than someone or something
3. He has a bee in his bonnet about the dishonesty of lawyers.
Have a bee in one’s bonnet: ám ảnh về điều gì
4. Tabloids are a different kettle of fish from quality newspapers.
Diffrent kettle of fish: hoàn toàn khác biệt,khác với ai/cái gì
5. She is half-Italian on her father’s side.
6. → Why our boss was cheesed off is not known.
Cheese off: anger or irritate someone
7. Hardly had he lost the match when he realized he was long in the tooth for
Be long in the tooth: quá tuổi,quá già
8. Hadn’t it been for the serious look on this face we would have let the cat out of the
let the cat out of the bag: tiết lộ bí mật
9. You shouldn’t have spread yourself too thin.
spread yourself too thin: ôm đồm làm quá nhiều viê ̣c cùng mô ̣t lúc
10. In his effort/attempt to ingratiate himself with his father-in-law, he would spare no
Spare no expense : spend as much money as necessary to make something good,
without worrying about the cost
Part 9: The mark given to part 3 is based on the following criteria:

1. Task achievement

a. ALL requirements of the task are sufficiently addressed.

b. Ideas are adequately supported and elaborated with relevant and reliable
explanations, examples, evidence, personal experience, etc.

2. Organization

a. Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and unity.

b. The essay is well-structured:

• Introduction is presented with clear thesis statement.

• Body paragraphs are written with unity, coherence, and cohesion. Each body
paragraph must have a topic sentence and supporting details and examples when

• Conclusion summarises the main points and offers personal opinions

(prediction, recommendation, consideration,…) on the issue.

3. Language use:

a. Demonstration of a variety of topic-related vocabulary

b. Excellent use and control of grammatical structures

4. Punctuation, spelling, and handwriting

a. Correct punctuation and no spelling mistakes

b. Legible handwriting

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