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Guelen, Hanna Carmelli V.

ES034 Learning Activity 8


Using our e-library resources, look for a good read material (journal, article, news, case study etc.) and
list down important key points that you learn about leadership.

Important Note: Include the source of the reading material.

If you need any assistance, reach out to our class liaison librarian.

Reference: Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory & practice. Sage Publications.

Note: The following items listed below are not paraphrased and are taken directly from the reference
material. It is written in a note-taking form.

Ways of Conceptualizing Leadership

• Because of such factors as growing global influences and generational differences, leadership
will continue to have different meanings for different people.
• Based on the scheme proposed by Bass, he suggested that some definitions view leadership as
the focus of group processes. This perspective implies that the leader is at the center of group
change and activity and embodies the will of the group.
• Other set of definitions conceptualizes leadership from a personality perspective, which suggests
that leadership is a combination of special traits or characteristics that some individuals possess.
• Other approaches to leadership define it as an act or a behavior – the things leaders do to bring
about change in a group.
• Some define leadership in terms of the power relationship that exists between leaders and
followers. From this viewpoint, leaders have power that they wield effect change in others.
• Others view leadership as a transformational process that moves followers to accomplish more
than is usually expected of them.
• Some address leadership from a skills perspective. This viewpoint stresses the capabilities
(knowledge and skills) that make effective leadership possible.

Components Central to Leadership

(a) Leadership is a process

• Means that it is not a trait or characteristic that resides in the leader, but rather a
transactional event that occurs between the leader and the followers.
(b) Leadership involves influence
• It is concerned with how the leader affects followers and the communication that
occurs between leaders and followers (Ruben & Gigliotti, 2017).
(c) Leadership occurs in groups
• Involves influencing a group of individuals who have a common purpose.
(d) Leadership involves common goals
• Leaders direct their energies toward individuals who are trying to achieve something
Guelen, Hanna Carmelli V. ES034 Learning Activity 8

Leadership and Power

• Power is part of the influence process.

• Power is the capacity or potential to influence.
• People have power when they have the ability to affect others’ beliefs, attitudes, and
courses of action.

Six Bases of Power

• Referent Power
- Based on the followers’ identification and liking for the leader.
Ex. A teacher who is adored by students has referent power.

• Expert Power
- Based on the followers’ perceptions of the leader’s competence.
Ex. A tour guide who is knowledgeable about a foreign country has expert power.

• Legitimate Power
- Associated with having status or formal job authority.
Ex. A judge who administers sentences in the courtroom exhibits legitimate power.

• Reward Power
- Derived from having the capacity to provide rewards to others.
Ex. A supervisor who compliments employees who work hard is using reward power.

• Coercive Power
- Derived from having the capacity to penalize or punish others.
Ex. A coach who sits players on the bench for being ate to practice is using coercive power.

• Information Power
- Derived from possessing knowledge that others want or need.
Ex. A boss who has information regarding new criteria to decide employee promotion
eligibility has information power.

Leadership and Management


• Involves influence
• Entails working with people
• Concerned with effective goal accomplishment


• Was created as a way to reduce chaos in organizations, to make them run more effectively
and efficiently.
• The primary functions are: planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling.
Guelen, Hanna Carmelli V. ES034 Learning Activity 8

• Is to provide order and consistency to organizations


1. Identify specific real-life and FACTUAL scenario in which the Philippine leaders (president,
senators or any government official) shows the following power:

Example: Reward power - President Duterte giving rewards to those who can invent a cure for
COVID 19. (Do not use this example)

a. Reward power – Last May 5, 2020, President Duterte offered Php 30 000 reward
for those who can report those officials that steal Coronavirus aid.

b. Coercive power – On September 23, 1972, Military troops of the Department of

National Defense, acting on behalf of late President Ferdinand Marcos, entered
and seized the ABS-CBN Broadcast Center along Bohol Avenue in Quezon City to
prevent them from being used “for propaganda purposes against the
government and its duly constituted authorities and for any purpose that tends
to undermine the faith and confidence of the people in our Government.” In the
LOI, FM also declared that there is “a criminal conspiracy to seize political and
state power in the Philippines and to take over the Government by force and
violence the extent of which has now assumed the proportion of an actual war
against our people and their legitimate Government.”

c. Legitimate power – Bosses do something to generate wider political support

from voters. The Osmeñas, for example, seem to have little use for violence but
have managed to maintain power thru BOPK. Tomas being the current patriarch
seems to be followed and agreed upon by his partymates and subordinates.

d. Expert power - Health Secretary Francisco play the expert card when he became
in charge of the handling of the COVID crisis response. He’s been called
“incompetent” as the Philippines continues to battle a fierce pandemic. He’s
been criticized for having no sense of honor, blasted by lawmakers for refusing
to resign in the face of failure to deal with a massive health crisis. He’s been
accused of being too political, doing the bidding of presidents, both past and
present. But he is always listened to as he is a doctor, and he alleges that he
knows how to control the situation since he is an expert public health doctor
with lots of experience.
Guelen, Hanna Carmelli V. ES034 Learning Activity 8

e. Referent power - Kris Aquino aka Queen of All media should also be called
"Queen of referent power." Kris has the ability to be identified with other
people who possess money, power, authority, charisma, interpersonal
attractiveness, and all other positive things that you don’t have. She can make
you feel bad and good about yourself at the same time.

2. Write down two people that you consider to be effective leaders. Make a bulleted list of the
leadership characteristics/traits these individuals exhibit that you think make them effective


Good looking and smart
Public trust
Good governance
Good crisis manager
Economic savvy
Communication skills
Role model for youth and
aspiring politicians
Poster boy for being a good son
and citizen


Go to Answer the 12-item

assessment honestly. After answering, click the “Calculate My Total” button and answer the following

1. How much is your score and what is the interpretation?

My score is 24.
Guelen, Hanna Carmelli V. ES034 Learning Activity 8


I lean toward a democratic or participative style of leadership. I tend to set the parameters
for the work and have the final say on decisions, but I actively involve your team members in the

This style can build trust between me and my people, as they'll likely feel engaged and
valued. But it's not great in a high-pressure situation that requires a fast turnaround, as it will
slow me down. And, if I dislike disagreement or conflict, I might struggle with how people
respond to consultation.

2. What could you do to improve your leadership style?

I need to carefully judge whether I need to use a more autocratic approach even for a brief
time. This allows me to make decisions efficiently especially when it is involves time constraints.

Self-Assessment: Resiliency Quick Test

Managerial control is all about how to make sure things go right for organizations even as they deal with
lots of complexities. It is the same for us. We need to be managed, we need to exercise control, and we
need staying power to perform for the long term. A person’s success in life and work depends a lot on
resiliency. This is the ability to call upon inner strength and keep moving forward even when things are
tough. Think of resiliency in personal terms—caring for an aging parent with a terrible disease or single
parenthood with small children. Think of it in career terms—juggling personal and work responsibilities,
continuously attending to e-mails, voice mails, instant messages, and rushing to many scheduled and
unscheduled meetings.

Resilient people face and identify their challenges; they do not hide or back away from them. They
develop strategies, make plans, and find opportunity even in bad situations. “Resilient people are like
trees bending in the wind,” says Dr. Steven M. Southwick, professor of psychiatry at Yale University.
“They bounce back.” Does this description fit you . . . or not?

Resiliency Quick Test

Score yourself 1 (do not agree) to 5 (totally agree) on the following items:

I am an upbeat person for the most part. 4
Uncertainty and ambiguity do not much bother 2
I tend to adapt quickly as things change. 3
I can see positives even when things go wrong. 4
I am good at learning from experience. 5
I am good at problem solving. 4
I am strong and hold up well when times are 3
Guelen, Hanna Carmelli V. ES034 Learning Activity 8

I have been able to turn bad situations into 3

positive gains

Total: 28

Resiliency Quick Test Interpretation

The control process is one of the ways managers help organizations best use resources and systems to
achieve productivity. In many ways our daily lives are similar quests for high performance, and the
control process counts there too. We need to spot and understand whether things are going according
to plan or going off course. We need to have the courage and confidence to change ways that aren’t
working well. And, we need to have the resiliency to hold on and keep things moving forward even in
the face of adversity. The way we use, or don’t use, positive self-management makes a substantial
difference in the results we achieve in work and personal affairs. It all begins with a strong commitment
to both planning— getting the goals clear and right—and controlling—making sure that we are always
moving forward to accomplish them.

Go back to the week-opening Resiliency Quick Test. If you have not already taken it, do it now. A score
of 35 or better suggests you are highly resilient; with any lower score you should question how well you
hold up under pressure.


You are an Engineering Manager in Company XYZ and the CEO wanted you to choose ONE of the
following projects that you will lead:

a. The construction of a bridge

b. The manufacture of microchips
c. The installation of a power plant
d. The manufacture of tricycle

The CEO wanted you to identify the following:

1. List down the control activities according to the controlling process that may be useful to your
chosen project.
2. From the control activities you identified in item #1, which of those activities are considered as
feedforward, concurrent and feedback controls?
3. How important is controlling to your selected project? Justify your answer
Guelen, Hanna Carmelli V. ES034 Learning Activity 8

The installation of a power plant

Control Activities

Feedforward Control

1. Prepare manual for plant quality, corresponding quality assurance, and quality ontrol
2. Prepare quality assurance plans based on the required ISO standard.
3. Develop QA & QC procedures and guidelines.
4. Train the personnel for different actions control.

Concurrent Controls

5. Supervise ongoing work and adhere to technical rules

6. Manage on/off site manufacturing and installation for mechanical and electrical equipment,
instrumentation and control, and civil constructions.
7. Develop of technical specifications.
8. Assist in equipment calibrations.

Feedback Controls

9. Develop start-up procedures for production or manufacture.

10. Review start-up final reports.
11. Prepare preventive maintenance procedures.
12. Assist in internal/external audit of activities.

Controlling is highly important in my selected project because installing a power plant is a huge job.
There are so many things that needs overseeing especially since it involves resources that needs to be
maximized in terms of its usage. Controlling is very important to ensure that the goals of the project are
met and that the installation is properly executed to avoid accidents, injuries, maintenance problems,


INETEC. (n.d.). Quality Assurance & Quality Control - Quality Assurance & Control. Retrieved
October 23, 2021, from

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