ملزمه الانسجه الجهاز اللمفاوي

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‫‪Prof. Dr. Sabah N.

‫االستاذ الدكتور صباح ناصر العلوجي‬
Lymph vascular system
 The lymphatic system is :

a- a part of the circulatory system ,

b- a vital part of the immune system,

 It carries a clear fluid called lymph

directionally towards the heart.
Lymph vascular system
 The lymph system is a network of:

 organs : Tonsils , Adenoids , spleen and

thymus .
 lymph nodes,
 lymph ducts,
 lymph vessels
Lymph vascular system

 Function of lymph system:

To make and move lymph from tissues to

the blood stream.

Lymph vascular system

 Lymph system starts by the lymphatic

capillaries in the connective tissue of
different organs.
 They collect the excess interstitial fluid
(lymph) from the tissues and return it to
the vein by lymph vessels.
Lymph vascular system

The lymph vessels are :

A- thoracic duct ,

B- right lymphatic duct.

Lymph vascular system
 The endothelium in lymph capillaries and
vessels is extremely thin , to allow greater

 The structure of larger lymph vessels is similar to

that of veins except that their walls are much
Lymph vascular system
 Lymph movement in the lymphatic vessels
is similar to that of blood movement :

 Contraction of surrounding muscle

& valves .
Lymph vascular system
 Lymph vessels are found in all tissues except:

 the central nervous system,

 cartilage,
 bone and bone marrow,
 thymus,
 placenta,
 teeth.
Lymph vascular system
Lymphoid organs

 The lymphoid system:

 Collects excess interstitial fluid into lymphatic

 Transports absorbed lipids from the small intestine,

 **Responds immunologically to invading foreign

-Lymphoid organs -

 The main function of the lymphoid organs

is to protect the organism against invading
pathogens or antigens (bacteria, parasites,
and viruses).
Lymphoid organs

 The immune response occurs when the organism

detects the pathogens, which can enter the
organism at any point.

 For this reason, lymphatic cells, tissues, and

organs have wide distribution in the body.
Lymph nodes in the neck
Lymphoid organs

The lymphoid system includes :

all cells, tissues, and organs in the body that

contain aggregates of immune cells called:
Lymphoid organs
Distribution of lymphocytes in the body
- as single cells ,
- as isolated accumulations of cells,
- as distinct non encapsulated lymphatic nodules in the
loose connective tissue of digestive, respiratory,
and reproductive systems,
- or as encapsulated individual lymphoid organs.
Lymphoid organs

 The major lymphoid organs are :

 Lymph nodes,
 Tonsils,
 Thymus,
 Spleen.
 Bone marrow
Lymphoid organs
 Lymph nodes :
 soft, small, round- or bean-shaped structures.
 cannot be seen or easily felt.
 located in clusters in various parts of the body, such as
 Neck
 Armpit
 Groin
 Inside the center of the chest and abdomen
Lymph node ( lymph flow in the vessles)
Lymphoid organs

 Lymph node :
 Surrounded by capsule and trabeculae to the
 It contains :-

 A-an outer cortex composed of:

 - A network of reticular fibers ,
 - spherical, non encapsulated aggregations of
lymphocytes ( lymphoid nodules ).
Lymph node
Lymphoid organs

 Some lymphoid nodules exhibit lighter-

staining central areas called germinal
Lymphoid organs

 B- inner medulla composed of :

 medullary cords : reticular fibers filled with

plasma cell , ( capillary like channels)

macrophages & lymphocytes separated by
Lymphoid organs

* Lymph enters the lymph node via afferent

lymphatic vessels which penetrate the capsule on
the convex surface.

* It flows through the medullarly sinuses and gets out

from the opposite side via the efferent lymphatic
Lymphoid organs

 The spleen is a large lymphoid organ with a

rich blood supply.
 A connective tissue capsule surrounds the
spleen and divides its interior into
incomplete compartments called the
splenic pulp.
Lymphoid organs
 The thymus gland is :

 a soft, lobulated lympho-epithelial organ

located in the upper anterior mediastinum
and lower part of the neck.
Lymphoid organs

 The thymus gland is surrounded by a

connective tissue capsule,
 under that there is a dark-staining cortex .
with an extensive network of
inter- connecting spaces.
Lymphoid organs
 Thymus gland…………………….
 Colonies of immature lymphocytes accumulate in the
inter-connecting spaces .
 They come to these spaces from hemopoietic tissues in the
developing individual to undergo maturation and
differentiation .
 That is why thymus gland is more active during

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