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Real conditional sentences with “if” clauses

Possible situation + simple present Consequence + future with will, may, or might
If you kill a person, you will be punished.
If you don’t have to work a lot, you’ll have a lot more free time.
If you study hard in school, you might get into a good university.
If you read a lot, you may enjoy the theater.

1. If you eat less sugar, … a. you may feel more relaxed.
2. If you walk to school all the time, … b. you might feel healthier.
3. If you don’t sleep enough, … c. you’ll stay in shape without joining a gym.
4. If you own a cat, … d. you’ll have more money to spend.
5. If you don’t get married, … e. you won’t be able to stay awake in class.

1. If people watch less TV, ______________________________.

2. If children watch a lot of violent programs on TV, ______________________________.
3. If people work only four days a week, ______________________________.
4. If people have smaller families, ______________________________.
5. If a woman works outside the home, ______________________________.
6. If a woman becomes the leader of a country, ______________________________.
7. If cities provide free public transportation, ______________________________.
8. If there is a heavy fine for littering, ______________________________.
9. If teachers don’t give tests, ______________________________.
10. If teachers put all their lessons on the Internet, ______________________________.

Unreal conditional statements with “if” clauses

Unreal conditional statements describe imaginary situations.
In the form of If + subject + simple past verb, subject + modal + verb.
What would you do if you won €1,000,000?
If I won €1,000,000, I would / I’d go to Italy on vacation.
I could buy lots of expensive clothes.
I might give some to my grandmother.
I wouldn’t get a sports car.

1 A: If your doctor ___________ (tell) you to get more exercise, which sport
. __________ you __________ (choose)?
B: I don’t know, but I _____________ (go) swimming three or four times a

2 A: If you __________ (have) two months to travel, where __________ you

. ___________ (go)?
B: Oh, that’s easy! I ____________ (fly) to Paris. I’ve always wanted to go

3 A: What ___________ you ___________ (do) if your motorcycle

. ______________ (break down)?
B: If I wasn’t able to fix it, I ____________ (have to) walk everywhere.

4 A: How __________ you ___________ (get) into your house if you

. ___________ (lock) yourself out?
B: If I _______________ (not have) a spare key, I _______________ (ask) a
neighbor for help.

5 A: ___________ you ___________ (return) a lost wallet if you ____________

. (find) one on the street?
B: Yes, I ____________ (give) it to the police.

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