TEST 22/4 I. Put The Adjectives in Brackets Into The Comparative or Superlative Form

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TEST 22/4

I. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative

or superlative form.
Dear Robert,
I'm writing to tell you about our new house. It's lovely!
It's (1) nicest (nice) house I have ever seen. It's much (2)
bigger (big) than our last one but also (3) the most
expensive (expensive). The house looks very modern.
There are many rooms with large windows and wooden
I finally have a room that I don't have to share with my
(4) youngest (young) brother. My bedroom is on the
second floor and I have a great view. (5) The best (good)
thing about this house is that it has a lovely garden. There
are lots of flowers and trees around which make the place
much (6) the most colourful (colourful).
The new house is in a peaceful area. It's actually (7) the
quietest (quiet) area I've ever lived in. The neighbours are
also very kind. Can you believe they organised a party for
us? They are definitely (8) the most friendly(friendly)
people I have ever met.
Well, that's all my news. I hope you'll visit me soon. I
can't wait to show you the new place.
II. For each gap, choose an adjective from the list
given and turn it into an adverb.
A. sudden, exact, fortune, slow
Tom was (1) slowly walking out of his favourite cafe
when a notice board (2) exactly caught his attention.
"Frateriny", a local band, was holding auditions for a new
drummer in a week's time. It was (3) fortune what he was
looking for. (4) suddenly Tom had been practicing
regularly and was ready to perform!
B. strong, lucky, fast, unfortunate
Simon loved extreme sports. So, when he got his new
snowboard, he went down a dangerous mountain
incredibly (1) fastly (2) unfortunately he fell and hurt his
knee. It took many months but (3) he recovered from his
injury and was able to snowboard again. Today, he is a
snowboard instructor who (4) strong advises his students
not to take risks.
III. Put the adjectives / adverbs in brackets into the
comparative or superlative form, adding any
necessary words.
1. Travelling by car is far more expensively (expensive)
than travelling by bus.
2. The Yangtze River Dolphin is one of the rartest (rare)
mammals in the world.
3. Recycling is the most important (important) to help
protect the environment.
4. I can't understand you. Can you please slow down and
speak more clearly (clear)?
5. Dolphins are actually smarter (smart) than
6. The Mona Lisa is the most valuable (valuable) painting
in the world.
7. It is more difficult (difficult) to find work in the
countryside than in the city.
8. Jill was tired last night, so she went to bed earlier
(early) than usual.

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