Name: Indah Sari Hamid Class: B NPM: 06211711031: Biography

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Name : Indah Sari Hamid

Class : B
Npm : 06211711031

Let’s Preserve Our Nature

( by Arjun )

The sun is shining

The sky is blue
The birds are flying
And the breeze is so cool.

Mother nature is trying her best

To give nothing but beautifulness But what we do ?
Make her a mess.

Let’s make her the best

By polluting less and less And preserve her green dress
For our kids and the best.

Biography :

This poem is created by a kid that really like to write poems, and he thought he'd
make a nice little poem about nature for his school magazine. It's one of his best
poems. The reason why this poem is created by a kid because we see at this age
children are ready to learn and practice based on material and experience. For
example Greta thunberg saves the earth. He opened the eyes of the world and
screamed aloud over the words she wrote on her protest board. It criticized the
government's sluggish approach to tackling the climate change crisis. On fridays, she
consistently protested in front of the Swedish parliament building and Aeshninna
azzahra, the environmental activist from Indonesia who writes a solution to reduce
waste for Donald Trump

Extrinsic :

Value element in the story is about environment. This poem is about preserving
nature. People should aware of preserve nature, because this is very important for
their lives. Especially for their children or generation.

The poet tells us about the importance of preserving nature. He describes how
beautiful nature is. But unfortunately, people make nature mess. They often polluting
nature. Therefore, he asks us to protect nature by stopping pollution. We should keep
the nature and do not damage it. Who else will keep nature if not us.

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