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Perawat : Dewi

Anak magang :Tiwi

Pasien : Rizki
Keluarga pasien :Ratna
Dokter : Sovia
Apoteker :Rifa
Adm :Yuri
Narasi :Beni

In a hospital there is a patient who has been treated for 5 days, the patient is suffering from


Then for the last day of the patient, the nurse asked the nurse intern to give the medicine that

had been prescribed by the doctor

Dewi : please give this medicine to the patient in the rose room

Tiwi: ok uni

Dewi : ask the patient to drink after he finishes eating and later if the medicine reacts stronger

ask the patient's family to report to the nurse here

Tiwi : ok unu, I will give it to the patient and ask the patient to do it

After receiving orders from the nurse the intern went to give medicine to the patient in the

rose room

Tiwi : assalamualaikum sis,,, here is a medicine for adek. This medicine can be taken after

eating. have you eaten?

Rizki : not yet

Tiwi : then sister, please eat first and after you finish eating you can take this medicine.

Rizki : ok bro..thank you sis

Tiwi: okay, later if there is a strong reaction after taking this medicine, you can report it to the

nurse in front

Rizki: ok bro

Ratna : I'm sorry bro, may I know when can my child come home?

Tiwi: I'm sorry mom, if it's about the return of your child, I don't know mom too

But later I will ask the nurse union in front

Ratna : ok deck

After finishing talking with the patient's family, the intern said goodbye to go back to the

front room and asked the nurse for the return of the patient who was in the rose room.

Tiwi : sorry uni, I have given the medicine earlier to uni. And earlier the patient's family also

asked about uni's return

Dewi : ok .. I'll check the patient's condition first okay

Tiwi : ok uni,

After the intern asked about the patient's return, the nurse immediately checked the patient's

condition and the intern followed the nurse

Dewi : Assalamualaikum sis.. how is your condition now?

Rizki : wass... alhamdulillah it's starting to get better bro.. I don't feel anything else sis

Ratna : can my child go home already?

Rizki: Wait a minute, ma'am, I will check your child first and later after we check, we will

consult with the doctor first

Ratna : ok bro, hopefully my child can go home

Dewi : Brother can you help me to check the patient's saturation?

Tiwi: can uni..

Nurses and interns also check the patient's condition.. and after they finish checking the nurse

also provides information to the patient's family and patient

Ratna : is my child's condition has improved my child healthy nurse?

Dewi: from the results I checked, your child has started to improve

Ratna : can my child go home nurse?

Dewi : it is possible that the mother's child can go home, 2 hours later the doctor will visit the

mother's child to do a re-examination and provide certainty regarding the patient's return

Ratna : ok nurse

After finishing talking with the patient's and patient's family, the nurse and the intern said

goodbye and not long after that the doctor came to check the patient's condition and ensure

the patient's return

Sovia : Assalamualaikum brother, how is your condition now?

Rizki: wass..Alhamdulillah I'm getting better doc. I don't feel anything anymore doc

Sovia : has your appetite returned to normal?

Rizki: alhamdulillah doc.. I already feel good eating

Sovia : do you still feel nauseous?

Rizki: no doc, I don't feel anything else doc

Sovia : ok.. then I will check the condition of my sister first ok?

Rizki: ok doc

Sovia : Thank God your condition has improved..and today you can go home
Raizki : ok doc

Sovia : later I will give you a prescription and later you can redeem this medicine to drink at


Ratna : ok doc..thank you very much doc

Sovia : yes.. i hope you get well soon and take care of your health

After the doctor checks the patient's condition and the patient is allowed to go home, the

doctor also gives a prescription to the patient's family for the patient at home

Rifa : Is there anything I can help you with?

Ratna : yes nurs, I want to redeem medicine for my child

Rifa : ok this the patient who is in the rose room with the doctor's patient (..)

Ratna : yes nurs

Rifa : ok ma'am.. I will prepare it first. Before you can sit down first

Ratna : ok nurse

Rifa : mother… here are some medicines that must be taken by your child

there is ciprofloxacin drug, this drug is used to treat bacterial infections. This drug is taken

3x1 and the second is azithromycin this drug can be taken 3x1.

Ratna : ok bro, I will drink it to my child according to the rules given

Rifa: yes, I hope your child will get well soon

Ratna : thank you sus

After the patient's family redeems the drug, the patient's family also pays the cost of caring

for their child at the ADM section

Yuri: Is there anything I can help you with?

Ratna : yes nurse, I want to pay for my child's care, nurse

Yuri: has your child been allowed to go home to the doctor?

Ratna : it's okay, my child has been allowed to go home and now I want to pay for the


Yuri : ok boo,, I'll check it first

Ratna: ok nurse

Yuri: the cost of caring for the mother's child is Rp. 4,500,000

Ratna : ok nurse, here is the money

Yuri: ok, I'll register first

Ratna : oke nurse

Yuri : here's the registration, sis...hope your child gets well soon

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