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reiations messages to the various *xternal

5 the prinary m e d i u m u s e d to
dellr pllbiie
boue ad
corporate identity ads
D n e s releases

E)pubue eice anhouncenen

Objectire 3.3: List common publie relations tools and their functions.

Diffculty Easy
AACSB: W t e n and orAl co
6:) which category of publae relations
tools news

3) corporate
D) earned
E) owned

Learning Objectire: 33: List eommon publie relations tools and their Funetions.
Ditbeulty: Moderate

at a l 1s based on an editors judgment of its

Tae whch eee
A) timeliness
D) umat Lere
Ansrer E
Lengec 9:
LIt comot puibic relations and tneir
hubc tions.
AACSB Wntten and oral commnication

telerision nemseast
contain video footage for a

V1deo ne reieaes
e news releases

E) Documerals
Answer: A
Learning Objectire 3 3: List common pabic relations tools and ther func tions.
Diffeulty: Easy

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63) Wlhat is used to sell edutors ou ideas for feature stories, which are human-nterest storns

tner taan ard n e s

A) personalselling
Oiteh lete
D) feature summary

S 3: LIst common
Objecte publie relations tools And their tunetions.

AACSB WTitten and oral communcatnon

o chot the tolowmgsa component of effectit*e n e s release?


B)tis writen is the 5Wfoat Oal

of aditinalsounalism
C) tis at least 1,000words.
sent all listed n the "To" ine.
E) 1 has
to mmiple recipients,
a subjectline that aks a
Learning Objectire 3.3: List common public relations tools and their funetions.
Diffieulry Moderate
A A D W e n ana oTal commincation

7) A(a). a n g e event at wtacs a company spok=sperson makes a statement to

media representatires
A) meda tour
P s Conterence
C)Sponsored ent
E) peaker's ibureau

ADsr u t common pubhe reiaions tools and ther functions.

AACSBW nten and aral
comuEC aIO
3) What do companies protide to the meda. erther betore or aftera press conference, that

p o a n t background intormation
B) collateralmaterial
C) 1ideo news release
r e a lefter
Obectie 3.3: Lst common public relatious tools and ther tunctions
AACSB: Witten and oral cammnication

apyigir & 2019 Peuson Education. Inc

0 ) wich or the folowng inoltes a a r e l n g spokesperson maing announcements and

speeches. holding prevs couferences to explain a promotional effort, and offering interrzews

a serbreau
C dasplays andmedia
D coniroled
E) media to

ning Objeetire 33: List common publie relations tools and their functions
DifBeulty Easy
AACSB Wntten and oral communication

70) What t blica ed yby the5> * t e i

e aDd Exehange Commission (SEC)
from each pubicr beld eoa
A) colateral material
) media la

El controled message
Learuing Objectie 33: List common publie relations tools and their funetions.
Difñeulty Moderate

71)Ho are most press releaves distributed"

A) by ma
B) by tAx
postal serrice

E) n pervo
Ans. List common publie relations tools and their fAunctions,
Learning ObjecteS:
*D ntOmanon technology

) Material that is publisbed to support a company's marketng publhc relahons etforts is known

B)a media it
) collateral matenal
E) an a
Ta Dbjectire 3.3: List commou publie relatioas tools and their funetion
Diffieulty Easy

Copyruh1 & 2019 Pearvon Edocation. Inc

3) A FOp ot mtomed well-ipoken people in a compABy who wu divcuss topics af the
A) to a
B) publie serrice Foup

D) peaker bureau
E) collateral group

Learning Objectire 33: List common public relations tools and their
Diffieulry Easy
AACSB: Wntten and oral communication

4) Whaeh of the following is ued to facilitate internal marketng and proride an opportunity for

esennnon o soie major proj ect, initate, or 1sue and irite

employees to diseuss it
A) town hal forum
D) press conretece
C) trade show

El pitch reom
Answer 3 : L1st comnmou public relathons toals znd ther
Le ecte functions
Dithieulry Noderare
t e n and orl commnication
75) Which type of netrork connects people withun an organization"
A) Imternet

E) intemal

Answ 3.3: LIst

Learning ecte common pubic reiatnons tools and tneir unctions.
Lntomanot tCDnolof

0which type ot neftork comnects people In one busness with its business parmers

A ternet

D)social network
E) aternawo
Learing Objeetre: 3 : List conmon public zeiations tools and ther tunc tions

AACSB Information technolog

Capyrighr ® 2019 Pearson Education. Ia

)A company's anmual report 15 tar geted to
y media
D social media

Learming Objecre3 5: List common publie relations tools and their functions.
Difieulry: Moderate

T5) High-quality brocbures and sales kits xe examples 01-

3) collateral
C 2mes
D) real-tume marketung

Learning Objectitre: 3 3: List commou public relations tools and their functions
Difieulty: Moderate

9) B.n c a
p portant at. NDere sone companes may talke

A) speakers bureaus

L l reports

ade conferences
aung t e 3 : Lst commou prublic relations tools and their funetions
Ditheuiry oderate

50) Before rersing or dereloping a new public relati 15

intermal d t I
1 o r m a l backrOUnd researeh a s e the

S t e t anizanans audences, objectres, competitors. and past results.

he is doitng t a i s to ensure taat the curtent campain is on track And p e r t o r m i n g a5 intended

AN no uhusgate
or publue elations
3) the manitorng of a company's reputation
p s 0r e o p D g a public commnicaton campaugu

e process ot dereloping a media kt

a news release
Learuing Objectire:3 3: List commou publie relations tools and their functions.
Dittieulty: Moderate
AACSB Analytical thinking

CopyTighi2019 Pearson Educatiou lnc

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