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Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro

Department of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Applied Physics (2nd Semester, 1st Year)

Name: Muhammad Hamza Roll Number: 20bscs011

Score: _____________ Signature of tutor: _________________ Date: ___________________

1. To learn about Capacitor, Types of resistors.
2. Capacitor in series combinations of capacitors.
3. Capacitor in parallel combinations of capacitors.
4. Analyzing the charging and discharging process of the capacitors.

Components required:
1) Decade capacitor
2) Digital Multimeter
3) A few hard wires
The basic function of a capacitor is to store charge and thereby electrical energy. A capacitor is a set
of two metal conductors separated by a small distance. Usually some type of dielectric (non-
conducting) material is placed between the two conductors.
An example is the parallel plate capacitor shown in fig. below:
When connected to a voltage source, such as a battery, the two conducting plates become charged.
When the battery is first connected, free electrons inside the top capacitor plate will move toward the
positive terminal of the battery. This continues until the top capacitor plate is at the same potential as
the positive terminal of the battery. A net positive charge, +Q, will then be on the top capacitor plate.
At the same time, free electrons inside the wire connecting the negative terminal to the bottom
capacitor plate will move toward the bottom capacitor plate. This continues until the bottom capacitor
plate is at the same potential as the battery's negative terminal. A net negative charge, –Q, will be
present on the bottom capacitor plate. Fig. 1(a) shows a parallel-plate capacitor connected to a battery
and Fig. 1(b) is the schematic diagram of the same setup. Note that the symbols for a capacitor and a
battery are similar but not the same. Be careful not to confuse them. Note that there are equal and
opposite charges (+Q and –Q) on the two plates of the charged capacitor. For convenience, we simply
refer to the magnitude of the charge and say that the capacitor has a charge Q on it. Also note that
since the top capacitor plate is at the same potential as the positive battery terminal and the bottom
plate is at the same potential as the negative battery terminal, the potential difference between the
capacitor's two plates is the same as the potential difference across the terminals of the battery. The

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Applied Physics (2nd Semester, 1st Year)

amount of charge deposited on a capacitor is directly proportional to the potential difference placed
across its plates. This can be written as: Q=C V
Where the proportionality constant C is known as the capacitance of the capacitor and is measured in
units of Farads (F). The capacitance depends on the particular geometry of the capacitor as well as the
type of dielectric material used. If you were to remove the battery from a charged capacitor, the
charges would stay on the plates, and a potential difference would remain between the two plates of
the capacitor. Therefore, we say that the capacitor "stores" electrical energy. The amount of energy
stored in a charged capacitor can be calculated using the formula.

Fig. 1 (a) capacitor parallel plates connected to a battery (b) schematic diagram Types
of capacitors:
There are many different types of capacitors including electrolyte, non-electrolyte, ceramic, plastic,
sliver mica, and many more:
1. Electrolyte capacitor:
Electrolyte capacitor is a polarized capacitor. Electrolyte capacitor has two legs. One leg has (-) signs
next to it, this is the negative side. The other side is positive, sign (+) this is the positive side.
Electrolyte capacitor provides dc voltage. The value of electrolyte capacitor would be normally
started from 1microfarad. Electrolyte capacitor is used Dc power supply, Computer, TV etc.

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Applied Physics (2nd Semester, 1st Year)

Fig. 2 Electro light capacitor

2. : Non-electrolyte capacitor:
A Non electrolyte capacitor is non polarized. The value starts from Pico farad ranges. In
nonelectrolyte capacitor both legs are equal. Non electrolyte capacitor provides ac voltage. Non
electrolyte capacitor is used in fans, motor etc.

Fig. 3 Non-Electrolyte capacitor

Capacitors Connected in Parallel:

Frequently we want to combine multiple capacitors into one circuit. One way to combine capacitors is
to connect them in parallel as shown in Fig. 2. Note that the top plates of both capacitors are
connected to the positive terminal of the battery, and the bottom plates of both capacitors are
connected to the negative terminal. Therefore, the potential difference across each individual
capacitor will be the same as the total potential difference placed by the battery across the whole
parallel arrangement.

∇ V1=∇ V2=∇ V

Each individual capacitor will store different charges, Q1 and Q2. The total charge placed on the entire
parallel arrangement by the battery is then: QTotal = Q1+Q2

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Applied Physics (2nd Semester, 1st Year)

Fig. 4 capacitors connected in parallel combination

The total capacitance of the parallel arrangement, CTotal = C1 + C2 + C3 + ... + CN.

Capacitors Connected in Series:

When connected to a battery, the bottom plate of the first capacitor C1 will store a charge –Q and the
top plate of the second capacitor C2 will store a charge +Q. We see then that the total charge placed
on the overall series arrangement by the battery is Q. Notice that the top plate of C1 and the bottom
plate of C2 are connected by a conducting wire, forming a single H-shaped conductor. This conductor
is not connected to the battery, so the battery cannot directly provide charge to it. Instead, the
negative charge –Q on the bottom plate of C1 and the positive charge +Q on the top plate of C2 will
cause free electrons in the H-shaped conductor to move to the top. The result is an induced net charge
of +Q on the top plate of C1 and an induced net charge of –Q on the bottom plate of C2. Therefore,
both capacitors will have the same charge Q, which is the same as the total charge on the entire

QTotal = Q1 = Q2

Fig. 5 Capacitors connected in series combination

The bottom plate of C1 is at the same potential as the negative terminal of the battery, and the top
plate of C2 is at the same potential as the positive terminal

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Applied Physics (2nd Semester, 1st Year)

Q total, 1/C1 +1/C2………

Fig. 6 Capacitor circuit connected with digital power supply trainer

Circuit diagram of capacitor store electric city (charging and discharging)

Fig .7 Circuit diagram of capacitor in series

Fig.8 Circuit diagram of capacitor in parallel

Observation table: Fill the following observation table:

S.No Capacitance in s Capacitance in parallel
. serie
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Applied Physics (2nd Semester, 1st Year)

C1 C2 C3 CT C1 C2 C3 CT
1. 1f 2f 3f 0.5454f 3f 2f 1f 5f
2. 2f 3f 4f 0.923f 4f 5f 6f 15f
3. 3f 4f 5f 1.277f 2f 3f 6f 11f
4. 6µf 7µf 8µf 4f 5f 8f 17f
5. 9µf 10µf 11µf 3.311µf 1f 8f 9f

Experimental procedure:
1. Make the necessary connections as shown in the given Fig. 9
2. Set the dc voltmeter to its 10 V range.
3. Set the dc milli-ammeter to its 1 mA range.
4. Switch on the power supply and adjust the dc power supply' to obtain a 10 V reading on
the voltmeter.

Fig. 9 Experimental circuit for charging and discharging of capacitor

Review Questions:

1. What are the applications of Electrolyte and nonelectrolyte capacitor?

ANS: Electrolyte capacitor:
Typical applications of electrolytic capacitors include filtering
and smoothing rectified alternating voltage and alternating voltage components, buffering

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Applied Physics (2nd Semester, 1st Year)

and interim storage for direct voltage supplies, uninterruptible power supplies, the
intermediate circuit of frequency transformers, energy storage in flash devices
Nonelectrolyte capacitor:
Nonelectrolyte capacitors are capacitors without positive or
negative polarity. The two electrodes of non-polarized capacitors can be randomly
inserted into the circuit, and will not leak. They are mainly used in circuits of coupling,
decoupling, feedback, compensation, and oscillation
2. What is a main function of capacitor?

ANS: The main function of capacitor is to store the charges.

3. How the capacitor store energy in circuit? Justify with example.

ANS: Stored in a capacitor is electrostatic potential energy and is thus related to the
charge Q and voltage V between the capacitor plates. A charged capacitor stores energy
in the electrical field between its plates. As the capacitor is being charged, the electrical
field builds up.
1. Check your equipment materials before you leave.
2. Return all equipment and materials to their proper storage area.
3. Submit your answers to questions.


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