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Elements of Theory of Machines and Machine Design

Md. Arif Mahmud Shuklo Shoshe

Fall 2020
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Table of contents

1. Definitions

2. Equations Used

3. Problem

Tolerance and Allowance

Upper deviation, ␦u Max. size, dmax

Lower deviation, ␦l Min. size, dmin

International tolerance
grade, ⌬d (IT number)

Fundamental deviation,
␦F (letter)

Basic size, D(d)

Lower deviation, ␦l
Upper deviation, ␦u

Fundamental deviation,
International tolerance ␦F (letter)
grade, ⌬D (IT number)
Min. size, Dmin
Max. size, Dmax

Definitions applied to a cylindrical fit.


Basic size is the size to which limits or deviations are assigned

and is the same for both members of the fit.


Basic size is the size to which limits or deviations are assigned

and is the same for both members of the fit.
Deviation is the algebraic difference between a size and the
corresponding basic size.


Basic size is the size to which limits or deviations are assigned

and is the same for both members of the fit.
Deviation is the algebraic difference between a size and the
corresponding basic size.
Upper deviation is the algebraic difference between the
maximum limit and the corresponding basic size.


Basic size is the size to which limits or deviations are assigned

and is the same for both members of the fit.
Deviation is the algebraic difference between a size and the
corresponding basic size.
Upper deviation is the algebraic difference between the
maximum limit and the corresponding basic size.
Lower deviation is the algebraic difference between the
minimum limit and the corresponding basic size.


Fundamental deviation is either the upper or the lower

deviation, depending on which is closer to the basic size.


Fundamental deviation is either the upper or the lower

deviation, depending on which is closer to the basic size.
Tolerance is the difference between the maximum and minimum
size limits of a part.


Fundamental deviation is either the upper or the lower

deviation, depending on which is closer to the basic size.
Tolerance is the difference between the maximum and minimum
size limits of a part.
Allowance is the amount of designed deviation between two
mating dimensions for a desired fit.


Fundamental deviation is either the upper or the lower

deviation, depending on which is closer to the basic size.
Tolerance is the difference between the maximum and minimum
size limits of a part.
Allowance is the amount of designed deviation between two
mating dimensions for a desired fit.
Hole basis represents a system of fits corresponding to a basic
hole size. The fundamental deviation is H.

Equations Used
Equations Used

For the hole,

Dmax = D + ∆D Dmin = D

Equations Used

For the hole,

Dmax = D + ∆D Dmin = D

For shafts with clearance fits c, d, f, g, and h,

dmax = d + δF dmin = d + δF − ∆d

Equations Used

For the hole,

Dmax = D + ∆D Dmin = D

For shafts with clearance fits c, d, f, g, and h,

dmax = d + δF dmin = d + δF − ∆d

For shafts with interference fits k, n, p, s, and u,

dmin = d + δF dmax = d + δF + ∆d


Problem 1
Find the hole and shaft limits for a medium drive fit using a basic
hole size of 50 mm.

Problem 2
Find the shaft and hole dimensions for a sliding fit with a 34 mm
basic size.

Problem 3
Find the hole and shaft limits for a close running fit using a basic
hole size of 45 mm.


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