3.1 Research Design

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1 Research Design

Research design was a plan used in order to conduct research. This research uses qualitative design.
Qualitative research gave complex details about particular phenomena, which are difficult to be
expressed in quantitative methods. Therefore, the findings of qualitative research was not in the form
of statistical data. Bodgan ( 1889 ) defined qualitative research as a method in which a result of the
data was in the form of written or spoken descriptive data. In this research, the writer use textual
analysis. Textual analysis was used to describe content structure and messages contained in a text.
This research focused on the strategies and the effect of the pandemic for the occupancy in HRVB.

3.2 Research instrument

Instrument of data collection was a way how the writer gathered the data. The instrument of this
research was the writer herself. One of the characteristics of qualitative research was a human being
as the main instrument of the research. In qualitative research a writer becomes the signer, data
collector, interpreter, and also a reporter in order to report the result of the research. Along with this
research, the writer had also used a supporting instrument in the form of a table for taking notes.

3.3 Technique of data collection.

In order to gain the data the writer collected the data could be described as follows :

3.3.1 Collecting the data

According to Miles and Huberman ( 1994), collecting the data meant gaining the data or information
in conducting the research. In this research the data collections that have been used by the writer was
observation and interview.

3.3.2 Identifying

Identifying was the second step of the process; this step contained the process of classifying the data.
The data that was gained by the writer were specified and classified based on the strategies used by
the sales HRVB. In identifying the data the writer also asked the senior staff in HRVB to gather the
data about the strategies and the effect of the pandemic for the occupancy in HRVB. The researcher
then related the data and the theory from the library , journal , and internet.

3.3.3 Describing

In this step, the writer began to explain and describe the data. This step has been done by the process
of noting regarding the theories in the strategies and the effect of the pandemic for the occupancy in
HRVB. In describing data the writer focused on the sample of the strategies which were emphasized
in each category. Those were sleeping accounts, competitor analysis, and branding in social media.

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