The Calm Before The Storm by Amanda Whipple

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My eyes flew open and my hand reached for the space in the bed where my husband usually

lays. However, it was met with the cold smooth feeling of our cotton sheets. Where is he?

Looking up, through our bedroom door, I could see the faint shine of a light downstairs.

“Maybe he just wanted a glass of water”, I mumbled. My body relaxed a little. But then what

made that noi….” BANG!” My head flew towards the window Just then, the sky, and the

room, filled with the light of what seemed like a thousand camera flashes. Ohhh. I hadn’t

checked the weather for today, it was clear that it was going to be a stormy one. 

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand to my left. With a light that almost compared to the

one that just lit up my room, I saw the numbers 9 4 8. My mouth involuntarily flew open and

I inhaled, “aaahhhh”. With some hesitation I pushed my comforter off and stood up,

wobbling at first. I slowly walked to the door, my eyes half-closed again and my arms out in

front, searching for any furniture I might have bumped into. I headed down the stairs, only

slightly tripping over my long plaid pajama bottoms a few times. With the gradual adjustment

to light and the blinking of a lizard, my eyes fully opened as I entered the kitchen. I searched

the room for the man that vowed his love to me eleven years ago. All I found was a note on

the countertop next to a jug of orange juice.

My beautiful Sarah, 

Eggs are on the stove, and fresh juice on the counter. The sun isn’t up yet but I know it is

going to be a beautiful day! I will see you this evening. Amor Vincit Omnia.


An involuntary smile spread across my face as i shook my head. “Amor Vincit Omnia”, i

whispered. Love conquers all. This was our way of saying ‘I love you’.. It started on our

honeymoon tour of Europe. Once finished washing up the dishes and changing, I headed out
Amanda Whipple The Calm Before the Storm

the door to my car. I didn’t need to think about a clothes change today, as my everyday outfit

is pretty rain proof. Being a part of the harbour rescue crew, you spend most of your day on

the water.

Arriving at the docks, i carefully parked and ran towards the largest building. Greeting the

room, I grabbed what would be my first coffee of the day and sat at my desk. My radio sat

next to me. I could hear all the feed running through it. A lot seemed to be going on, and

there were people in and out of the door every few hours, changing shifts. However, I took

the later shifts, so my most dire issue at the moment was the stack of reports and files on my

desk. My fingers hit the keyboards. 


Click Clack Click


Click Clack Click 

“There is something over by those rocks there. It looks like an over turned boat. We are

checking for survivors now. Over.” I could hear the crashing of waves against the rescue boat

and the loud whistling of the wind accompanying them. “Can you describe the boat, David,

over”, someone asked across the room. “It’s hard to tell but its white with a green bottom.

The waves are crashing over it, over”. My gaze flew towards my radio. White and green? No.

He wouldn’t. Picking up the radio, I asked hesitantly, “ what is the name on the boat?” He

responded, “Uh, its hard to tell but it looks like it says sere…serena” “SERENITY?” I yelled

into the radio, cutting through any wind that might have drowned out my voice before. I held

my breath for what felt like forever. “Yes, yes serenity, that’s what it sa..wait what’s that”, i

heard him say. “What is going on?”, i demanded. “There is a body in the water, Jamieson is

pulling him in now…. oh shit”, he replied. I felt my heart drop. Is it him? They know what he

looks like, they would if it was. The line cut off and i was left to wonder in my thoughts. He
Amanda Whipple The Calm Before the Storm

wouldn’t be stupid enough to go sailing in a stor…The sun isn’t up yet but I know it is going

to be a beautiful day! Oh shit! 

Ignoring the storm, I ran towards the boat as it docked. My eyes squinted as I looked through

the rain. I could slightly make out the four persons onboard but there laid another figure. “Is

it him!”I yelled. I couldn’t see but when the lightning flashed, it captured their sympathetic

expressions. No. “ i..i…is  he okay?”, i asked hesitantly. Their lack of urgency in the

moment, answered my question for me. I stood limp. It felt like years passing.  All the

raindrops slowed to a halt and the disguised tears running down my face became visible. I

watched them jump out of the boat, carrying him passed me. The lightning captured the

moment like it was a picture. One that was burned into my memory forever. His face. It was

cold and blue. His once passion-filled emerald eyes were now a dark shade of forest green. I

didn’t even realize when david came back and walked me to the building. The building that

held my husband. 

After what seemed like hours and a bottle of tequila later, David took me home. “Are you

going to be alright?”, he asked walking me up to the porch. “Ha! Yeahhhh I I’ll be fiiiiiine”, i

slurred, while opening my front door. “ I’m so sorry, Sar, I’m so sorry”, I heard him whisper

as he cautiously walked back to his car. Stumbling in the house, I dropped my coat and took

off my shoes. The house was dark and i could feel a painful tingly feeling around my eyes

when I widened them. It was probably from all the crying. It was just a house. No longer a

home. Not without him. Oh god, how am I suppose to go on with my entire life without the

one person who made it worth living. I heard the loud whistling of the wind and the back

door swing open. Skulking over, I saw a tall figure with water pooling at their feet. “Who are

you?”, I yelled as I grabbed a nearby frying pan. They lifted their arms walking into the light

of the backyard light reflection. “Amor Vincit Omnia”

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