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RAM Concrete Analysis

CONNECT Edition Update 16 – Version 17.02

User Manual
Last Updated: November 16, 2020
Table of Contents
Disclaimer .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................ 6
Chapter 2: RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis ................................................................................7
2.1 Invoking the Concrete Module .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 The RAM Concrete Analysis Status ...................................................................................................................................7
2.3 The Toolbars ...............................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3.1 The 3-D Viewer Toolbar ............................................................................................................................7
2.3.2 The Gravity Analysis Mode Toolbar .....................................................................................................8
2.4 Mode .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 To design per the IS 456 code ................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Criteria ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Code .................................................................................................................................................................10
2.5.2 Analysis ..........................................................................................................................................................10
2.5.3 Column Forces ............................................................................................................................................ 16
2.5.4 Sidesway .........................................................................................................................................................16
2.5.5 Effective Length ......................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.6 Bracing ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.6 Assign .........................................................................................................................................................................................19
2.6.1 Assign Column ............................................................................................................................................ 19
2.6.2 Assign Beam ................................................................................................................................................ 20
2.6.3 Assign Beam Lines .................................................................................................................................... 20
2.7 Process ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.7.1 Analyze .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.7.2 Process Results - Finite Element Model Information ................................................................ 23
2.7.3 Results - Vertical Reactions ................................................................................................................... 26
2.7.4 Results - Member Forces ........................................................................................................................27
2.7.5 Results - Displacements ......................................................................................................................... 29
2.8 Reports ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
2.8.1 Report Destination ................................................................................................................................... 30
2.8.2 Reports ...........................................................................................................................................................30
2.9 View ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
2.9.1 Gravity Loads .............................................................................................................................................. 30
2.9.2 Beam Lines ................................................................................................................................................... 31
2.9.3 Beam Line Numbers (only on the toolbar) .................................................................................... 31
2.9.4 Model Colors / Design Colors toggle .................................................................................................31
2.10 Exiting RAM Concrete Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Chapter 3: Technical Notes ..................................................................................................... 33
3.1 Concrete Design Codes ........................................................................................................................................................33
3.2 Analytical Model ................................................................................................................................................................... 34
3.2.1 Geometry .......................................................................................................................................................34
3.2.2 Model Boundary Conditions .................................................................................................................34
3.2.3 Member Fixity Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 35

RAM Concrete Analysis 2 User Manual

3.2.4 Models with Hanging Columns ............................................................................................................36
3.2.5 Models with Offset Beams and Columns .........................................................................................36
3.2.6 Material Properties ...................................................................................................................................37
3.2.7 Section Properties .....................................................................................................................................39
3.3 Gravity Loads ..........................................................................................................................................................................41
3.3.1 Load Properties ..........................................................................................................................................42
3.3.2 Self-Weight Calculations ........................................................................................................................ 42
3.3.3 Effects of Sloping Framing .....................................................................................................................43
3.3.4 Effects of One Way Slab Deck Orientation ......................................................................................44
3.3.5 Loads on Two-way Slab Deck .............................................................................................................. 45
3.3.6 Loads on Slab Edges .................................................................................................................................. 45
3.3.7 Openings and Penetrations ...................................................................................................................47
3.3.8 Live Load Reduction ................................................................................................................................ 50
3.3.9 Live Load Reduction in RAM Concrete .............................................................................................51
3.3.10 Skip Loading ................................................................................................................................................. 52
3.4 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
3.4.1 Global Coordinate System ..................................................................................................................... 53
3.4.2 Local Coordinate System ........................................................................................................................53
3.4.3 Element Formulations .............................................................................................................................53
3.4.4 Wall Openings and Meshing ................................................................................................................. 54
3.4.5 Two-way Slab Deck .................................................................................................................................. 56
3.4.6 One-Way Deck ............................................................................................................................................ 56
3.4.7 Transfer Columns on One-Way and Two-Way Slabs .................................................................56
3.4.8 Hanging Columns off One-Way and Two-Way Slabs ................................................................. 57
3.4.9 Transfer Walls on One-Way and Two-Way Slabs ........................................................................57
3.4.10 Rigid Floor Diaphragm .............................................................................................................................57
3.4.11 Multiple Diaphragms ............................................................................................................................... 57
3.4.12 P-Delta Effects .............................................................................................................................................58
3.4.13 Rigid End Zones .......................................................................................................................................... 58
3.4.14 Analysis Error Messages ........................................................................................................................ 62
3.5 Gravity Design Forces .........................................................................................................................................................62
3.5.1 Column Gravity Forces ............................................................................................................................62
3.5.2 Beam Gravity Forces ................................................................................................................................65
3.5.3 Wall Gravity Forces .................................................................................................................................. 68
3.6 Deflections ............................................................................................................................................................................... 70
3.7 References ............................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Chapter 4: RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration ................................................... 76
Chapter 5: RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Reports .................................................................82
5.1 General Comments on Reports .......................................................................................................................................82
5.2 Concrete Model Data ........................................................................................................................................................... 83
5.3 Member Analysis Properties ........................................................................................................................................... 84
5.4 Vertical Reactions .................................................................................................................................................................84
5.5 Analysis Criteria ....................................................................................................................................................................84
5.6 Beam Load Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................ 85
5.7 Beam Line Force Envelope ............................................................................................................................................... 85
5.8 Beam Deflection .................................................................................................................................................................... 85
5.9 Column Forces ....................................................................................................................................................................... 86
5.10 Concept Column Forces ..................................................................................................................................................... 86
5.11 Wall Forces ..............................................................................................................................................................................86
5.12 Concept Wall Forces ............................................................................................................................................................87

RAM Concrete Analysis 3 User Manual

Appendix A: RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help ..................................................... 88
A.1 Using the RAM Concrete Analysis Mode ......................................................................................................................88
A.2 Mode ............................................................................................................................................................................................88
A.3 File ................................................................................................................................................................................................88
A.3.1 Model Status ................................................................................................................................................. 89
A.3.2 Save .................................................................................................................................................................. 89
A.3.3 Print ..................................................................................................................................................................90
A.3.4 Print Preview ............................................................................................................................................... 90
A.3.5 Print Setup .....................................................................................................................................................90
A.3.6 File - Notes .....................................................................................................................................................90
A.3.7 Exit ....................................................................................................................................................................91
A.4 Criteria ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 91
A.4.1 Criteria Code .................................................................................................................................................91
A.4.2 Criteria Analysis ..........................................................................................................................................92
A.4.3 Concept Column Forces ........................................................................................................................... 99
A.4.4 Criteria Sidesway .....................................................................................................................................104
A.4.5 Criteria Effective Length Factor ........................................................................................................ 105
A.4.6 Criteria Bracing ........................................................................................................................................ 105
A.5 Assign ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
A.5.1 Assign Size .................................................................................................................................................. 106
A.5.2 Assign Column Sidesway ......................................................................................................................107
A.5.3 Assign Column Effective Length Factor ......................................................................................... 107
A.5.4 Assign Beam Fixity .................................................................................................................................. 108
A.5.5 Assign Beam Line Numbers Automatic ..........................................................................................108
A.5.6 Assign Beam Line Numbers Manual ................................................................................................109
A.6 Process .....................................................................................................................................................................................110
A.6.1 Process - Analyze ..................................................................................................................................... 111
A.6.2 Process Results Finite Element Information ............................................................................... 111
A.6.3 Process Results - Finite Element Model Information ............................................................. 114
A.6.4 Process Results Vertical Reactions .................................................................................................. 117
A.6.5 Process Results Member Forces ....................................................................................................... 117
A.6.6 Process Results Displacements ......................................................................................................... 122
A.7 View .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 123
A.7.1 View - Colors ..............................................................................................................................................123
A.7.2 View Gravity Loads ................................................................................................................................. 124
A.7.3 View Beam Line Numbers ....................................................................................................................124
A.7.4 View - Members .......................................................................................................................................124
A.8 Reports .................................................................................................................................................................................... 125
A.8.1 Reports - Model Data ............................................................................................................................. 127
A.8.2 Reports - Member Analysis Properties .......................................................................................... 127
A.8.3 Reports - Analysis Criteria ...................................................................................................................127
A.8.4 Reports - Beam Load Diagram ........................................................................................................... 128
A.8.5 Reports - Beam Line Force Envelope ..............................................................................................128
A.8.6 Reports - Column Design Forces .......................................................................................................128
A.8.7 Reports - Concept Column Forces .................................................................................................... 129
A.8.8 Reports Wall Forces ............................................................................................................................... 129
A.8.9 Reports - Concept Wall Forces ...........................................................................................................130

RAM Concrete Analysis 4 User Manual

The software and related documentation, including this documentation, are protected by both United States copyright
law and international treaty provisions. Any unauthorized copying or reproduction is strictly prohibited and subject to
civil and criminal penalties. Please refer to the License Agreement (EULA) for authorization to make a backup copy of
the software. You may not sell this software or documentation or give copies of them to anyone else.
Except as expressly warranted in the License Agreement (EULA), Bentley Systems, Incorporated disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, with respect to the software, the accompanying written materials, and any accompanying hardware.
All results should be verified to the user's satisfaction. The contents of these written materials may include technical
inaccuracies or typographical errors and may be revised without prior notice.

RAM Concrete Analysis 5 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis is used to calculate all gravity concrete beam and column forces. The gravity
forces are calculated using finite element analysis of each floor in a structure. The reactions from each floor's
analysis are carried down and automatically applied to the analysis of the floor below. A quadrilateral finite
element mesh is generated for a floor if it contains a two way deck within a slab edge loop on that floor. The
program automatically considers skip loading for live loads on the beam lines lying under one way decking if
desired. A beam line lying under a two way deck can have skip loading cases only if line and point live loads are
applied directly on it. Currently, the surface loading applied to two way decks does not generate any skip loading
cases on beam lines. The live load reduction may also be applied if desired and can be applied to beams, columns
and walls. For concrete columns, the forces include the effect of skip loading at the top and bottom of the column.
For beams, the envelope of all the skip-loaded live loads is obtained. These column and beam gravity forces can
then be combined with lateral forces from RAM Frame and used for design in the RAM Concrete Column and
Beam modes.
RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis (on page 7) provides an overview of the program and its commands, and
gives a brief description of the output reports available. It explains basic principles of the RAM Concrete Gravity
Technical Notes (on page 33), Technical Notes, provides an explanation of the technical issues, assumptions,
and code interpretations implemented in RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis. It is critical that the engineer studies
and understands this chapter very well to gain insight into how these assumptions affect the analysis.
RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration (on page 76) discusses the integration of column and wall
forces from RAM Concept into the RAM Concrete Analysis.
RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Reports (on page 82) provides a description of the information in the Reports
in this mode.

RAM Concrete Analysis 6 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis
RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis allows the engineer to obtain concrete beam and column forces from all gravity
loads applied to the structure, using finite element analysis.
This chapter is an overview of the Concrete Gravity Analysis mode (hereafter referred to as the Concrete
Analysis Mode) along with a brief discussion of its use. More specific information on each of the commands is
available in the on-line help.

2.1 Invoking the Concrete Module

Icon Description

The RAM Concrete Analysis mode is accessed through the RAM Manager. This can be
accomplished by clicking the RAM Concrete button on the Module toolbar or by selecting
RAM Concrete from the Design Menu.

2.2 The RAM Concrete Analysis Status

The RAM Concrete Analysis mode makes use of data from the RAM Modeler, RAM Steel and RAM Frame. For this
reason, any changes to the model from either of these modes will affect the RAM Concrete Analysis status.
Issuing the command File > Model Status will bring up a dialog box that explains the current status of the
model. If the model is in a state such that it cannot be analyzed or that the beam and column post-processors
cannot be accessed, then an explanation of the reasons for the current status is provided.
For more information on Model Status, see the RAM Manager manual Model Status chapter.

2.3 The Toolbars

RAM Concrete Analysis 7 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis
The Toolbars

2.3.1 The 3-D Viewer Toolbar

The top toolbar in the RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis mode is common among all the RAM Concrete modes and
the 3D-Viewer. For more information on this toolbar, please see the 3-D Viewer Manual.

2.3.2 The Gravity Analysis Mode Toolbar

Icon Menu Item

Concrete Mode

Assign - Column Size

Assign - Beam Size

Assign - Concrete Gravity Beam Fixity

Assign - Beam Line Numbers - Automatic

Assign - Beam Line Numbers - Manual

Assign - Column Sidesway

Assign - Column Effective Length


Results - View Finite Element Model

Results - View Vertical Reactions

Results - View Member Forces

RAM Concrete Analysis 8 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

Icon Menu Item

Results - Displacements

View - Gravity Loads

View - Beam Lines

Display Beam Line Numbers (toolbar only)

2.4 Mode
The Mode menu is used for changing between the Concrete Analysis, Concrete Beam, Concrete Column and
Concrete Shear wall modes. A checkmark appears beside the mode that is currently active. The drop-down
combo box located on the tool bar can be used for this purpose as well.

Note: For IS 456 design, upon completing the analysis you may export the analyzed concrete structure to RCDC.

2.4.1 To design per the IS 456 code

To design concrete building elements per the IS 456, you can export analytical model data from RAM Structural
System to RCDC.
You must select IS 456 in the Code Criteria dialog.

Note: You must have RCDC installed on the computer using RAM Structural System.

1. Perform an analysis by either:

select Process > Analyze.
select the Analyze tool.
2. Select IS 456 Design from the Mode drop-down.
The RCDC New Project dialog opens.
3. Type the Project Details: Project, Client, and Engineer.
4. Select the Design Code.
5. Select the Design Element you want to export to RCDC.
6. Select the Level containing design elements you want to export to RCDC.
7. Click Create New Project.

RAM Concrete Analysis 9 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

The RCDC application opens and imports the selected design elements from the selected level.
Proceed with the design process in RCDC. Refer to the product help in that application for further details.

2.5 Criteria
The criteria set in the criteria dialog boxes are global criteria that affect all structural members unless they are
overwritten using one of the assign commands or the View/Update dialog box.
When any criteria are changed, it invalidates the analysis and any design that was done in Concrete Column or
Concrete Beam. Designs that were "frozen" in Concrete Beam or Concrete Column will be saved and checked
against the new criteria when the next design is performed.

2.5.1 Code
The code selection option is made in the RAM Concrete Analysis mode. To change the design code, select Code
under the Criteria menu.

2.5.2 Analysis
Select Criteria > Analysis to display the analysis criteria dialog box. Analysis criteria allow you control over the
analytical model that is created, as well as the number of load cases that are generated. These criteria also
control the quantity of forces that are extracted for the design modes as described below. For detailed technical
information refer to the technical chapter of this manual.

Analysis An analysis station is a single location along the length of a beam at which forces are calculated
Stations for consideration in the beam design mode (see Section 3.5.2 (on page 65)). You can control
the number of stations along each concrete beam. These stations are also the locations at which
the design checks will be performed. The larger the number of stations the more forces are
saved and checked in design for each beam.
The number of stations on any span will be based on the controlling of the two criteria in this
frame (see example below). For beams spanning between columns, the stations are always
calculated based on the clear length (face-to-face of columns). For beams supported on girders
the stations are calculated based in the center-to-center span length.
Minimum number of stations per beam : Specify the minimum number of stations per span of
each physical beam. For a cantilever beam the cantilever and back-span are considered separate
spans for the purposes of these criteria.
Maximum spacing between stations : Specify the maximum spacing you want between any
two adjacent stations.
Minimum number of stations per beam = 10

RAM Concrete Analysis 10 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

Maximum spacing between adjacent stations = 12" (250mm)

Resulting number of stations on the cantilever

English: maximum( 10, 72"/12" + 1 ) = 10
SI: maximum (10, 1800mm/250mm + 1) = 10

Resulting number of stations on the back-span

English: maximum( 10, 288"/12" + 1 ) = 25
SI: maximum( 10, 9000mm/250mm + 1 ) = 37

For the cantilever span the minimum number of stations controls the number of stations, for the
back-span the maximum spacing criteria controls the number of stations.
The number of stations will have an effect on the force diagrams produced as illustrated in
figure below.

Rigid End Whether or not to consider the effects of rigid end zones is declared in the Rigid End Zone box.
Zones The engineer may choose to ignore these effects by clicking the Ignore Effects option button. To
include the effects, click the Include Effects option and either enter a percent reduction
(between 0 and 100%) in the edit box or accept the default value of 0%. The percentage
provided reduces the rigid end zone from the full length (full length is considered to be half the
column dimension in the direction of the beam). See the Technical Notes (on page 33) for
more information on Rigid End Zones.
Beam There are several references that indicate that concrete members will typically exhibit
Torsion significantly less torsional stiffness than might be calculated using the full cross sectional
Stiffness properties (see Material Properties (on page 37) For more information on the references). In

RAM Concrete Analysis 11 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

RAM Concrete the torsional stiffness J is calculated based on the dimensions of the web of the
beam (not including flange overhangs).
The torsional stiffness of the beam can then be reduced on a beam-by-beam basis based on the
torsion cracked factor assigned to the member in the RAM Modeler OR the engineer can select
to reduce the torsion stiffness for all concrete beams by the magnitude specified in this dialog.
Note if using the value specified in this dialog the gross member torsion stiffness will be
multiplied by (1.0 - Specified reduction %) to determine the final beam torsion stiffness. Note
that for all other stiffness properties (flexure and axial stiffness) the cracked factor assigned to
the both beams and columns in the Modeler are considered to reduce the associated stiffness
Loading The loading criteria directly relates to the number of load cases that are generated by the
program and applied to the analysis of each story. Note that the larger the number of load cases
the longer the analysis time.
Skip load the live load on beam line beams : Select this option to skip load the live load on
beams that have assigned beam line numbers. (See Assign Beam Lines (on page 20) for a
description of beam lines.) When selected, the program creates one load case per unique live
load type (storage, reducible, un-reducible and partition) per beam span. Dead load and Roof
live load are not skip-loaded. Also, for beam lines in the two way regions only live loads applied
directly to the beams is considered for skip loads.
Skip load the live load on non-beam line beams : Select this option to skip load the live load on
beams that do not have beam line numbers. This option can be selected to obtain skip loaded
concrete column forces where the concrete column supports beams without beam line numbers.
Selecting this option could increase the number of load cases generated (and hence increase the
analysis time).
Consider Live Load Reduction : Select this option to have the live load reduction applied to the
forces calculated from each span. The program calculates a live load reduction factor for each
live load type (roof, reducible and storage) on each member (beam and column). Refer to the
RAM Steel manual for a description of the different load types (reducible, unreducible, storage,
roof and partition).
The analysis is performed for each live load type independently (i.e. different load cases) if this
option is selected. This is to allow the program to reduce the resulting member forces by its
corresponding live load reduction value before combining. Where no live load reduction is to be
considered all live load types on a beam span can be applied in a single load case for analysis,
and no reduction is made to the resulting forces. Refer to the technical chapter for details on
how live load reduction is calculated.
Consider Load Polygons as Load Cases on Two-way deck (for pattern loading) : Select this
option to skip-load the surface live loads on two-way regions. When selected, the program
creates one load case per unique live load type (storage, reducible and un-reducible) per surface
load polygon. Dead load and Roof live load are not skip-loaded. Also, if there are any partition
surface live loads they are treated similar to un-reducible live load by the program and they
show up in un-reducible live load component.
All loads are live loads and beam self wt (dead load) is also applied. The table below shows the
number of load cases that will be generated based on the user-selected skip load and live load
reduction criteria.

RAM Concrete Analysis 12 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

Number of load cases generated (based on the user-selected criteria)

Skip load Consider DLa LLb roof LL reduce. LL unred. LL Total

beam Live Load Storage
Lines Reduct.

Yes Yes 1 1 2c 2 2 8

No Yes 1 1 1d 1d 1d 5

Yes No 1 1 2e 0 0 4

No No 1 1 0 1f 0 3

a. Never skip load dead load

b. Never skip load roof live loads
c. Both LL reducible loads applied in one load case per span
d. Each live load type is its own load case to allow for live load reduction to be considered.
(see Gravity Design Forces (on page 62) for more information on Design Forces)
e. All live load types applied in one load case per span as LL reduction is not being
f. All live loads from all spans are in one load case as no skip loading or live load reduction is
being considered.

Analysis Several options are available to control finite element model that is created in the RAM Concrete
Constraints Gravity Analysis.

Pin base of The analysis of each story (per ACI318-02 8.8.3, BS8110, AS
concrete gravity 3600, EN 1992) fixes the ends of the concrete columns above and below
columns each story that is analyzed. However, you can choose to pin (release) the
gravity concrete columns where they are at the foundation. This option
will result in less rotational stiffness than would otherwise be calculated
at the joints above these columns.
Pin base of The engineer has the option of considering the base of a gravity column
column on as pinned (released) when it sits on transfer beam or wall. Selecting this
Transfer Member option will consider the gravity concrete column pinned at its base in
this situation.
Pin Top of A column that is continuous at its top that has gravity beams that are
Concrete Gravity pinned and supported on the column will induce bending moments in
Columns the top of the column due to the eccentricity between the beam end
positions and the column centroid (refer to the Technical Section for

RAM Concrete Analysis 13 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

more information). To remove any moment being induced in the top of

the column the engineer can select this option to pin the top of the
gravity columns (for bending). Note that if all the members framing into
the column are also released for flexure a situation of instability could
arise. At least one member must provide stiffness in each of the six
degrees of freedom to prevent an instability.
Remove Rigid The rigid diaphragm constraint is applied in a horizontal plane even for a
Diaphragm sloped floor. For members not located in the horizontal plane of a floor
Constraint on the rigid diaphragm constraint may introduce unrealistic bending
Sloped Floors moments and torsion forces. Note that this behavior is not a program
error but rather an inherent finite element limitation of applying a
horizontal rigid diaphragm constraint to nodes not located in the plane
of the diaphragm. This option is provided to remove the horizontal rigid
diaphragm constraint on the floor for sloped diaphragms. When selected
if any node in a diaphragm (single slab edge) is not located at the
elevation of the story then none of the nodes in that diaphragm will be
constrained (slaved to a master node).
Ignore wall This option may be selected to ignore the stiffness of the walls at the
stiffness above level above. This selection will result in a more flexible analysis.
Include Out-of- This option may be selected to include the out-of-plane stiffness for one-
Plane Stiffness for way decks in hybrid slabs. The default selection is always yes.
One-Way Decks in
Hybrid Slabs

Hanger Convergence Tolerance (% Change)

This convergence tolerance value is used to determine the termination of hanging column load
iteration. The load iteration is performed to achieve convergence in the load coming through
hanging column from level below to the level above. The smaller this tolerance gets the program
may take more number of iterations to converge. The default value of this tolerance is set to 5%.
Speed Save An option is available in RAM Concrete Analysis to allow you to speed up the
Results for analysis if desired. By selecting “Save results for display purposes” (the default)
display the program will save all display results and will not experience any difference
purposes in speed or functionality over previous versions. If unselected the program will
not save display results during the analysis. That is, the program will not save
member forces, reactions etc that were used to allow you to view the results of
the analysis on the screen. The design forces are still saved and all reports as
well as the column and beam design modules will function as before. However,
there will be no on-screen display available through the Process > Results
menu command. This option should significantly increase the time to complete
the analysis particularly for structures with significant number of load cases.

Design Consider slenderness Per ACI318-02 ( 10.12, 10.13(.5) ), BS8110 3.8.3 column forces
(Option in ACI Only, must be increased where a slender column exists. By selecting this
Always applies to option column slenderness will be checked and where necessary
BS8110, CP 65) column forces will be magnified. The engineer should ensure that

RAM Concrete Analysis 14 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

beams on slender columns have sufficient capacity to resist the

required increase in end moments.

Solver Type Several types of solvers are offered in the program. Basically they are categorized in two flavors:
in-core and out-of-core solvers. With in-core solvers, the global building stiffness matrix is
assembled, stored and solved in the physical memory (RAM) of the computer. As long as there is
enough memory available for the solution of the models, this choice always gives the best
performance/solution time. However, for very large models, the in-core solver might run into
out-of-memory errors. If this is the case, it is suggested to switch to out-of-core direct solver.
With the out-of-core solver, the program assembles stores and solves building stiffness matrix
using files that are stored on the hard-drive of the computer. Thus, it involves repeated access to
the hard drive, which may substantially increase analysis time. It is always recommended that
models should first be run with the in-core solvers and if an out-of-memory error is detected,
then the out-of-core should be used. Also, one should note that the results remain unchanged
whatever solver is used in the analysis.

Use In-Core User may select this option for a moderate size problem.
Direct Solver
Use Out-of-Core While not a common occurrence should a large model experience an out-
Direct Solver out-of-memory error during analysis the engineer can select this option
to activate the use of the out-of-core solver. As mentioned this solver will
utilize the hard drive in its solution process so while it may be a little
slower it will be able to effectively analyze larger structures.
Use In-Core User may select this option for all types of problems. This is the fastest
Sparse Solver solver in the library if the required RAM is available for usage.
Use Out-of-Core This solver provides another out of core option to be used when the
Sparse Solver model runs out of memory. This solver is substantially faster than the
out-of-core direct solver.

Analytical Merge Node This value is used to set a tolerance for merging close nodes after the mesh is
Model Tolerance generated. Any two nodes closer than this specified tolerance is assumed to be
the same node and they are merged.
Mesh Maximum This option allows you to define the maximum distance
Controls Distance between nodes in slab decks and walls. Note that the
Allowed program may generate some nodes closer than user
between entered value, but it is never allowed to be larger than
Nodes that.
Geometric This value is used to set a tolerance for geometric
Tolerance calculations. This tolerance is required while performing
various geometric computations prior to meshing i.e.
finding if the point is inside a polygon or point is same as
another point etc.
Hard Node This factor is used to determine mesh density around
Density hard nodes which are always located inside slab decks. A
Factor hard node is defined as a node where a column, beam or a
wall is attached. For most cases, a value of 1.0 is a good

RAM Concrete Analysis 15 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

estimate to obtain relatively good mesh density around

hard nodes.

2.5.3 Column Forces

RAM Concept column forces can be integrated into the concrete gravity analysis but only for levels which are not
affected by hangers. The interaction between RAM Structural System and RAM Concrete occurs through the RAM
Model. To track the current state of the forces and the interaction between the programs select the Criteria-
Column Forces command to display the Column Design Forces dialog. Please note that the levels which are
affected by hanger column forces are not shown in the dialog box.
To use RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis column forces (ignore any RAM Concept forces) select the Use RAM
Concrete Analysis Forces at all levels. If RAM Concept forces are available to be used the user can select the ‘Use
RAM Concept Analysis Forces at Selected Levels’.
The columns of the table provide the following information:
Use : Select the stories for which Concept forces are to be used. Note that only stories with a green or yellow
status (see description of status below and in technical notes) can be selected.
Story : The RAM Structural System story.
Source Story : This represents the story that was originally read by RAM Concept and whose analysis results
were exported to this story. RAM Concept can export member forces into any story that is of the same layout
type as the story it originally imported. For example if 2nd and 3rd story in the RAM Structural model use floor
type A, then Concept can read the data from story 2nd, analyze the floor and provide forces back to both stories
2nd and 3rd in the Structural System (even though no data was ever imported from story 3rd into Concept).
Read : This represents the time that RAM Concept last imported the major information (geometry) from this
Saved : This represents the time that RAM Concept last exported member forces for this story.
Concept File : The name and path of the Concept file that was used to produce the forces sent back to the RAM
Structural System.
Status : Indicates the current state (synchronicity) between the RAM Structural System model and the RAM
Concept model. Only stories whose status is Current (green) or Not Current (yellow) can be selected to have
their forces integrated with RAM Structural System. Stories that have a state of Not Available (red) cannot be
selected. If the use RAM Concept force is selected, clicking on any of the status dots will report the reason for the
current state. Refer to the RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration Chapter for more detailed

2.5.4 Sidesway
Selecting the Criteria -Sidesway command will cause the Column Sidesway dialog box to appear. This dialog
box is used to specify globally (for the entire structure) if the columns are braced or unbraced against sidesway
(sway or non-sway columns). The third option, "partially braced", refers to the case where a structure is braced
against sidesway in only one direction e.g., a moment frame in the x-direction and a shear wall in the y-direction.

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An example of a partially braced setting is provided below. Note that this criterion is not utilized unless the user
has selected to consider column slenderness in the Criteria-Analysis dialog box (see Section 2.5.2 (on page 10)).
The side sway affects the column slenderness calculation determining if the column is a sway (unbraced))
column (ACI 10.13, BS8110, EN1992 (3)) or a non-sway (braced) column (ACI 10.12, BS8110, AS3600, EN1992 (3)).
Clicking OK will save the Sidesway setting. Modifying the Sidesway criteria after an analysis or code check has
been performed will invalidate the results of that analysis and/or code check.
Clicking Cancel will close the dialog without changing the Sidesway criteria.
The engineer can also assign sidesway on a member-by-member basis, overriding the global criteria, using the
Assign-Column-Sidesway command.
Example Partially Braced Columns
A "partially braced" structure is one that is braced against sidesway in only one direction.
To consider ONLY the columns in the Global X OR Global Y directions as being braced against sidesway:

Select the Partially Braced option button.

Check Global X +/- check box OR the Global Y +/- check box.
Accept "0" as the number of degrees in the Degrees box.

To include frame columns which are rotated off the Global X OR Global Y axes as being braced against sidesway:
1. Select the Partially Braced option button.

Check Global X +/- check box OR the Global Y +/- check box.
Enter the appropriate angle in the Degrees box.

Note: The degrees angle refers to the angle between the global axis indicated and the lateral member's local

For example: To consider Column A (see Figure below) to be braced against sidesway in its major axis, and B in
its minor axis:
1. Select Partially Braced
2. Check Global X +/-
3. Enter 20 in the Degrees box.


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Notice that the 20 degrees refers to the angle between the global axis and the local major or minor axes of the
columns. This will result in Column A being braced against sidesway in the major axis and Column B in the minor

2.5.5 Effective Length

Selecting the Criteria > Effective Length command will cause the Column Effective Length dialog box to appear.
Note that this criterion is not utilized for ACI unless the user has selected to consider column slenderness in the
Criteria-Analysis dialog box (see Analysis (on page 10)). The Effective Length affects the column slenderness
calculation in accordance with ACI318-02, BS8110 AS 3600 10.5.3.
Per ACI 10.13.1 The Effective Length Factor for sway frames will be limited to a value larger than or equal to 1.0
when the nomograph is selected in the Effective Length Factor Criteria Dialog Box. Cracked section properties as
defined by the user in the RAM Modeler are considered when calculating member stiffness for the purpose of
calculation of effective length (k) factors using the nomograph approach.
The Effective Length Factor can be indicated in one of two ways: entering specific values for the major axis and
minor axis or allowing the program to choose these values. To enter Major or Minor axis values for columns,
click the Use button and then enter values in the edit boxes. To have the program calculate the Effective Length
Factors based on the Nomograph Values, click the Use Nomograph Values button. Effective Length Factor can
also be set in a column by column basis by selecting Assign-Column Effective Length Factor command. If Use
Nomograph (ACI) or Use Sec 2.5:BS8110:Part2 (BS8110) is selected, the effective length will be calculated based
on the nomographs of 10.12.3 (ACI), the same formulas are used for the AS3600 design, or equations of
BS8110:Part2:1985 Section 2.5 (BS8110) depending on if the column is sway or non-sway in the axis being
Clicking OK will save the settings. Modifying this criterion after an analysis or code check has been performed
will invalidate the results of that analysis and/or code check.

2.5.6 Bracing
Selecting the Criteria > Bracing command will cause the Column Bracing Criteria dialog box to appear, with the
current default settings shown.
The bracing of a column in a particular direction affects the analytical model that is created. The dialog is used to
set criteria by which the program will calculate the stories at which the columns are braced in each axis by
beams and/or the slab. An option is provided for the slab to automatically brace the column. When selected, the
column will be considered braced if it falls within the slab at a particular level.
Additionally, beams framing into columns may cause the columns to be braced. The maximum angle (0 - 90
degrees) for which a beam braces a column may be specified in the edit box provided. If the angle between a
given column axis and the beam exceeds the value specified, the beam does not provide bracing to that column
in the axis specified.
Refer to Section 3.2.2 (on page 34) of this manual for more information on the affect of column bracing on the
boundary conditions of the finite element model.
This criterion is used to determine the bracing for all concrete columns. Steel and other columns are braced
according to the bracing criteria for steel members specified in the RAM Steel Column Mode. Refer to the RAM
Steel Column Mode for more information.

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To change the bracing criteria, click on the desired bracing options and/or enter a new maximum angle in the
edit box. Clicking the Cancel button will cancel any changes made. To accept the changes, click the OK button.

2.6 Assign
The assign commands are for overriding the global criteria. Most assign commands can be issued in Single, Fence
or All mode.
When a command is issued in Single mode, the arrow cursor turns into a target cursor for the selection of the
desired member. In Fence mode, the arrow cursor turns into the rectangle cursor that allows the selection of
multiple members at a time. In All mode, the cursor remains the arrow cursor but the assignment is made to all

2.6.1 Assign Column

Column Using the Assign > Column Size, sizes can be assigned to any concrete column. The size list in the
Size dialog box displays the column sections available for assignment to columns. Concrete column
sections are defined in the RAM Modeler. Clicking on a section in the list box selects it for
assignment. Clicking the Single, Fence or All buttons closes the dialog box in the selection mode as
described above. The status bar displays a prompt that tells the user what needs to be done to
make the size assignment.
Sidesway Selecting the Assign-Column-Sidesway menu command causes the Sidesway dialog box to be
displayed. From this dialog box the engineer can override on a member-by-member basis
(concrete only) the global sidesway criteria specified under Criteria-Sidesway (see Section 2.5.4
(on page 16)). This criterion is not utilized unless the user has selected to consider column
slenderness in the Criteria-Analysis dialog box (see Analysis (on page 10)).
The sidesway affects the column slenderness calculation by determining if the column is a sway
(braced) column (ACI 10.13, BS8110:Part2:1985:Sec2.5, AS3600 10.5./ or a non-sway
(unbraced) column (ACI 10.12, BS8110:Part2:Sec2.5, AS3600 10.5). Select the appropriate
sidesway criteria for each local axis of the member (or specify that the global criteria are to be
used for that axis).
After the appropriate values are specified the engineer can assign the criteria to a single concrete
member (click on Single), to multiple members (click on Fence) or to all concrete members (click
on All). If Single is selected the dialog box will close and a target cursor will be made available.
Click on each member to which the criteria should be applied. If Fence is selected the dialog box
will close and a fence cursor will be made available. Click and drag a rectangle around all the
members to which the criteria should be applied. Note that the criteria are only assigned to
concrete members. To return to the dialog box to select a different sidesway criteria click the right
mouse button.
To view which member axes are using the global criteria and which have been overridden select
the appropriate option from the View-Members Dialog box.

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Effective Selecting the Assign-Effective Length Factor menu command causes the Assign Effective Length
Length dialog box to be displayed. From this dialog box the engineer can override, on a member-by-
Factor member basis (concrete only), the global effective length factors specified in the Criteria- Effective
Length dialog box. This criterion is not utilized unless the user has selected to consider column
slenderness in the Criteria-Analysis dialog box.
Select the appropriate values from the dialog box (see Section 2.5.5 (on page 18) for more
information on the various options). The engineer can choose to override the global criteria in one
or both axes of the member. The criteria are applied to the columns local axes.
After the appropriate values are specified the engineer can assign the criteria to a single member
(click on Single), to multiple members (click on Fence) or to all members (click on All). If Single is
selected the dialog box will close and a target cursor will be made available. Click on each member
to which the criteria should be applied. If Fence is selected the dialog box will close and a fence
cursor will be made available. Click and drag a rectangle around all the members to which the
criteria should be applied. Note that the criteria are only assigned to concrete columns. To return
to the dialog box to select a different effective length criteria click on the right mouse button.
To view which member axes are using the global criteria and which have been overridden select
the appropriate option from the View-Members Dialog box.

2.6.2 Assign Beam

Beam Using the Assign > Beam Size, sizes can be assigned to any concrete beam. The size list in the
dialog box displays the concrete sections available for assignment to beams. Concrete beam
sections are defined in the RAM Modeler. Clicking on a section in the list box selects it for
assignment. Clicking the Single, Fence or All buttons closes the dialog box in the selection mode as
described above. The status bar displays a prompt that tells the user what needs to be done to
make the size assignment.
Gravity Gravity concrete and material type ‘Other’ beams can be manually assigned fixity for consideration
Beam in the finite element analysis in RAM Concrete. In RAM Concrete Analysis mode the user can assign
Fixity beam fixity conditions to the gravity concrete beams by selecting the Assign > Beam > Fixity menu
command. Gravity, concrete beam fixities can also be assigned along with the beam line number in
the Assign > Beam Line > Manual or Automatic menu command as previously described in the
Assign Beam Lines Section.

Note: Beam end fixity impacts the beam design envelope but does not directly impact the reinforcement layout.
The reinforcement is designed without regard to beam end fixity.

2.6.3 Assign Beam Lines

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Selecting the Assign > Beam Lines > Automatic command causes the Assign Beam Lines dialog box to display.
This dialog box allows the user to establish criteria by which the program will automatically assign beam lines to
all concrete beams on all stories.

Selecting the Assign > Beam Lines > Automatic command causes the Assign Beam Lines dialog box to display.
This dialog box allows the user to establish criteria by which the program will automatically assign beam lines to
all concrete beams on all stories.
Beam lines and beam line numbering are a fundamental concept utilized throughout the program. Only concrete
beams with assigned beam line numbers can be designed in RAM Concrete Beam.
Beam lines can also be assigned and modified manually using the Assign > Beam Lines > Manual command.
Note that the gravity beam fixities can be assigned to the gravity concrete beams at the same time the beam line
numbers are assigned or manually at any later time. Select the appropriate assignment of fixity from the Assign
Beam Line dialog.

Include Beams The angle specified in this edit box defines the maximum angle, between two contiguous
with Variance beams, for them both to be assigned the same beam line number. Any angle larger than
Angle Less Than this and the beams will be assigned different beam line numbers.
Beam offset to This distance defines the offset that can exist between two continuous beams for them to
accept as be assigned the same beam line number. The beams in this case need not be truly
continuous continuous as some offset exists between the ends of each, but they will be designed as
one continuous beam.
Gravity Beam When assigning or removing beams from a beam line the program can automatically
Fixity assign end releases or fixity to the selected gravity, concrete beams. To have the program
automatically assign beam fixities the Automatically Assign Beam Fixities checkbox
must be selected. Select between Fix all beams and Release All Beams to have the
program Fix or Release, respectively, the ends of the subsequently selected gravity,
concrete beams. Fixed beams will be considered continuous in the analysis. Pinned beams
will be considered released for bending at each end but will remain fixed for torsion.

The beam line numbers shown below will be generated for the indicated criteria.

Include Beams with Variance Angle Less Than 40 Degrees

Beam Offset to accept as continuous = 3 inches

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Note that the beams offset 3 inches are assigned the same beam line number, but not those offset 6
inches. Also the beams that are within 40 degrees of each other are assigned the same beam line

Selecting the Assign > Beam Lines > Manual command opens the Select Plan dialog box, unless the model is
already shown in plan view. The selected story will then be displayed and the Assign Beam Lines Manual
dialog opens. This dialog box allows you to create new beam lines or modify existing beam lines.
Beam lines and beam line numbering are a fundamental concept utilized throughout the program. Only concrete
beams with assigned beam line numbers can be designed in RAM Concrete Beam.
There are rules associated with assigning and deleting beam line numbers to and from beams. If any of these
rules are violated the program will issue a detailed description and prevent the action. For example, only beams
that are continuous (or within a small offset) can be assigned the same beam line number. If the engineer tries to
assign or delete a beam line number that will result in this rule being violated, the program will issue a warning
and not perform the selected action.
When assigning or removing beams from a beam line the program can automatically assign end releases or fixity
to the selected gravity, concrete beams. To have the program automatically assign beam fixities the
Automatically Assign Beam Fixities checkbox must be selected. Select between Fix all beams and Release All
Beams to have the program Fix or Release, respectively, the ends of the subsequently selected gravity, concrete
beams. Fixed beams will be considered continuous in the analysis. Pinned beams will be considered released for
bending at each end but will remain fixed for torsion.

Add new By selecting this option and clicking Single or Fence the dialog box will close and the cursor will
beam line change to the target or fence cursor respectively. Select the member/s to which a new beam line
number will be assigned. Note that the beam line number that is assigned is automatically
determined to be the next available beam line number for that story. To assign the next higher
beam line number, right click the mouse (to redisplay the Assign Beam Line Number Manual
window) and choose the mode (Single or Fence) in which to assign the next beam line
numbers. The beam line number to be assigned is automatically incremented each time the
window is displayed.

Important: Note the order in which members are assigned to a beam line is important. The
beams must be selected in a continuous row so none of the beam line rules are violated.

Add beams To add additional beams to an existing beam line select this option and choose an existing beam
to beam line line number from the drop down list. By clicking Single or Fence the dialog box will close and
number the cursor will change to the target or fence cursor respectively. Select the member/s to which a
new beam line number will be assigned. Note that the beams assigned the selected beam line
number must be continuous with an existing beam of the same beam line number.
Remove To remove one or more beams from a beam line, select this option. Click Single or Fence to
from beam close the dialog box and be presented with a target or fence cursor. Select the member/s to be
line removed from a beam line. Beams can only be removed from the ends of a beam line to prevent
the creation of a discontinuous beam line. Only beams specifically selected will be removed
from beam lines.
Remove all Select this option to remove the beam line number from all the beams in any beam line that is
beams in selected. Click Single or Fence to close the window and be presented with a target or fence
beam line cursor. Select the beam/s with beam line numbers to remove from the model. The beam line

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number will be removed from all beams that have the same beam line number as the selected

2.7 Process

2.7.1 Analyze
The Process > Analyze command invokes the generation of finite element models for each story, the calculation
of loads, and the analysis and computation of column and beam design forces. For each story the process is
broken into three phases, namely: preprocessing, analysis and post-processing. During the pre and post-
processing of each story, a status log will be displayed. Intermittently another progress dialog will appear which
indicates that the actual finite element analysis is being performed.
Once all stories are analyzed (successfully or unsuccessfully) the user can scroll through the progress log for a
summary of each story's analysis. In case of models which have hanging columns the story analysis data will be
present repeatedly. The repetitions are performed only on the levels which are affected by hanging column
forces. The repetitions are equal to the number of times the iteration is performed to achieve the convergence in
hanging column forces. Select Close to hide the log dialog box. Following an analysis the menu commands under
the Process-Results menu will be available.
To stop the analysis before it is completed, press the Cancel button on the status log dialog.

2.7.2 Process Results - Finite Element Model Information

Following an analysis you can select Process > Results > FE Model Info to display the finite element model that
is created for each story of the analysis.
Refer to the Technical Notes (on page 33) Chapter for information regarding the Finite Element model created
for each story.
Each story in the structure is analyzed independently. You can use this dialog box to view the model that was
analyzed on each story. If the analysis reported an error, it will report a member number, node number or a
coordinate. You can use this dialog box to view the story that was being analyzed when the error occurred, so
that the location of the error might be observed and action taken to correct the problem.

Note: The display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this dialog box is displayed. The
dialog box can be moved and the screen printed or manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.

Click Apply to have the selected options display on the screen.

Story Select the Story for which to display the Finite Element Model that was analyzed. When the Apply
button is clicked, only the members that were part of the analysis of this story will be displayed.
Mesh Select this option to display the finite element mesh of the selected story. A quadrilateral element
mesh is automatically generated using the criteria specified in the mesh controls. The mesh is

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always generated for the story at which there are any two way slab-decks. The slab deck mesh is
not generated for stories which have only one way slab deck. A slab-deck may have one or more
openings defined in the layout. The meshing procedure considers columns as point constraints,
beams and walls (above and below) as line constraints and hence always a conformal mesh is

Beam Select this option to display the fixities that are assigned to each physical member for the analysis.
Fixity The fixities assigned may differ from those observed using the View-Members window as they are
modified according to the following:
Gravity beams in general are all considered released (pinned) about the major and minor axis at
each end, but fixed for torsion. However, gravity (concrete and material 'other') beams can have
fixity assigned in RAM Concrete Analysis or in RAM Modeler (see Member Fixity Conditions (on
page 35). Frame beams all utilize the fixity they were assigned by the user in the RAM Modeler or
RAM Frame. If instability occurs at nodes of frame members their fixity may need to be modified in
the RAM Modeler or RAM Frame.
The display convention for beam fixity is 0 = released and X = fixed. The order the fixities are
displayed in the following figure:
Torsion Torsion
Major Axis Bending Major Axis Bending
Minor Axis Bending Minor Axis Bending

Column Select this option to display the fixities that are assigned to each physical column for the analysis.
Fixity The fixities assigned may differ from those observed using the View-Members window as they are
modified according to the following:
Gravity columns are assumed continuous above and below the story being analyzed. However, the
gravity (non-concrete) columns above the story are assumed pinned (released) at the level of the
story being analyzed. Concrete gravity columns are continuous through the story being analyzed.

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The user can choose to release the base of gravity columns where they frame into the foundation
(refer to Criteria-Analysis Section 2.5.2 (on page 10)). Frame columns all utilize the fixity they were
assigned by the user in RAM Modeler or RAM Frame.
The display convention for column fixity is 0 = released and X = fixed. The order the fixities are
displayed in the following figure:
Minor Axis Bending
Major Axis Bending

Major Axis Bending
Minor Axis Bending

FE Nodes The physical model created in the RAM Modeler is automatically converted to create a finite
element model for the analysis. At each location that a member is intersected by any other members
it is given a node. By selecting this option all the nodes for the selected story's finite element model
will be displayed. Note that there may be many nodes displayed interior to slab decks and walls.
These nodes represent the locations at which the slab deck and wall has been meshed. A size slider
is provided to change the size of the nodes during the display of the finite element model.

Node Select this option to display the node numbers assigned for the analysis. Many of
Numbers the error messages that may be issued during the analysis refer to the nodes by
Node After a successful analysis of a story the node restraints can be displayed by
Restraints selecting the option to Show Restraints. This will display one of the following two
symbols at the restrained nodes.

When the longitudinal axis is horizontal, this symbol indicates that the node is
restrained against translation in the direction of the longitudinal axis and
restrained for bending in the same direction (about a horizontal axis
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis). When the axis is vertical, the symbol
indicates restrained against translation in the direction of the longitudinal axis
and restrained for bending in the direction around this axis (preventing twisting
of columns around their own axis).

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The longitudinal axis of the restraint illustrated above is always horizontal and
indicates that the node is restrained against translation in the direction of the
longitudinal axis. This restraint is typically applied to the support nodes of walls
at the levels above and below the story being analyzed.
In general a vertical support is provided to each column and wall directly under
the story being analyzed. This node is also restrained for torsion around the
vertical axis (columns cannot twist). In addition, translational and rotational
restraints are provided to the column stack (above and below the story) where
they are braced. Refer to the Criteria-Bracing Section 2.5.6 (on page 18) and
Model Boundary Conditions in the Technical Notes Chapter for information on
how column bracing is determined.

2.7.3 Results - Vertical Reactions

Following a successful analysis of one or more stories, you can select Process > Results > Vertical Reactions to
display the Vertical Reactions of each story's analysis. These results can be used to independently verify the
results of the analysis for each story's analysis. Note that reaction forces at each story are reversed and applied
as loads to the supporting story for the next stories. Only significant reactions (larger than some small
magnitude) are shown for each load case. Reactions are scaled relative to each other but the scaling is not exact.
The display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this dialog box is displayed. The dialog box
can be moved and the screen printed and model manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.
Click Apply to have the current selections displayed on the screen

Story Select the Story for which to display the reactions from the analysis. When a story is selected, all of the
analyzed load cases for that story will be available for selection in the Load Case drop-down. When the
user clicks Apply, only the members that were part of the analysis of this story will be displayed
Load Select the load case for which to view reactions. Refer to the Analysis Criteria (see Analysis (on page
Case 10)) for more information on how load cases are generated. Click Apply to have the load case
reactions displayed on the screen. The beams or surface load polygons (in the two-way deck region)
that are loaded in the selected load case are highlighted. If no beams are highlighted then the selected
load case is one in which the columns are loaded (loads from story above or user applied column point
Load Cases are labeled according to their type (Dead Load = DL, Live Load Reducible = LLred, Live
Load Unreducible and Partition = LLunred, Live Load Storage = LLstor, and live load roof = LLroof).
Where there are multiple load cases of one type, (LLred1, LLred2 etc) they represent all the different
load cases in which loads of that particular type (live load reducible) was applied.

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2.7.4 Results - Member Forces

Following a successful analysis of one or more stories you can select Process > Results > Member Forces to
display the Member Forces and Beam/Column force diagram from each story's analysis. These results can be
used to independently verify the results of the analysis and duplicate the calculated beam and column design
forces. Forces and diagrams are only displayed on members that have significant forces for the selected load
case. Click Apply to have the current selections displayed on the screen.
The display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this dialog box is displayed. The dialog box
can be moved and the screen printed and model manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.
Click Apply to have the current selections displayed on the screen.

Story Select the Story for which to display member forces from the analysis. When a story is selected
all the analyzed load cases for that story will be available for selection in the Load Case drop-
down. When you select Apply, only the members of the structure that were part of the analysis
of this story will be displayed
Load Case Select the load case for which to display member forces. Refer to the Analysis Criteria (see
Section 2.5.2 (on page 27)) for more information on how load cases are generated. Click Apply
to have the member forces displayed on the screen for the current load case. The beams that
are loaded in the selected load case are highlighted. If no beams are highlighted then the
selected load case is one in which only the columns are loaded (loads from story above or user
applied column point loads).
Load Cases are labeled according to their type (Dead Load = DL, Live Load Reducible = LLred,
Live Load Unreducible and Partition = LLunred, Live Load Storage = LLstor, and live load roof
= LLroof). Where there are multiple load cases of one type, (LLred1, LLred2 etc) they
represent all the different load cases in which loads of that particular type (live load reducible)
was applied.
Beam Forces Select this option to display beam forces on the screen for the currently selected story and
load case. Forces are displayed along the length of the beam according to the Sign Convention
(see Section 3.4.2 (on page 53)). Beams will always be oriented from the lower to the higher
numbered node (Node I is the lower node number on the beam span). All forces are displayed
at the face of the beams (i.e. not at center-line) except for beams continuous over girders in
which case a knife-edge support is assumed for the beams. Select the Show At Quarter Points
option to display the forces at beam ends, and three points along the span. The distance to
quarter and mid-span force is calculated based on the centerline span length. Select the type of
force (Moment, Shear, or Torsion) to display. Click Apply to have the selection displayed on
the screen. Note that forces will only be displayed on beams that have significant force (above
some small limit) for the selected load case and story.
Beam forces for live load cases display the unreduced live load forces. These forces are
reduced according to the members Live Load Reduction Factor (see Section 3.3.9 (on page
51)) when determining a beams design forces. The Beam Line Force Envelope Report (see
Section 5.7) (on page 85) is based on the reduced live load forces.
A Note on The computation of beam gravity deflections is performed during the analysis. Dead and Live
Beam Load deflections are calculated at 20 stations along beams with associated beam. No deflection
Deflections: data is computed or available for non-beam line beams. The selection of skip-loading and live

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load reduction in the Analysis - Criteria menu has a significant effect on the computed
deflections as described in the technical section. No additional user input is necessary. The
deflection values are not available from the screen only from the Reports Menu.
Column Select this option to display column forces on the screen for the currently selected story and
Forces load case. Forces are displayed at each end of the column in accordance with the Sign
Convention (see Section 3.4.2 (on page 53)). Columns are oriented from top to bottom
(upper node to the lower node). All forces are displayed at the face of the columns where they
are continuous. Select the type of force (Moment, Shear or Torsion) to display. Click Apply to
have the selection displayed on the screen. Note that forces will only be displayed on columns
that have significant (above some small limit) force for the selected load case and story.
Column forces for live load cases display the unreduced live load forces. These forces are
reduced according to the member's Live Load Reduction Factor (see Section 3.3.9 (on page
51)) when determining a column's design forces. The Column Forces report (see Section 5.9
(on page 86)) is based on the reduced live load forces.
Wall Forces Select this option to display column forces on the screen for the currently selected story and
load case. From this dialog, select the wall force (Shear, Moment or Axial) to display for the
currently selected story and load case. Walls are meshed prior to analysis but the wall forces
reported are the cumulative resultant of all the finite elements in the physical wall. This is true
even for wall with openings that exist through the entire height or width of a physical wall,
essentially breaking it into two or more physical walls. All live load forces are unreduced.
Reported forces for wall members include axial force, major axis shear and major axis bending
moment (overturning moment). The figure below shows the positive direction of wall member

Axial forc

Major sh

Show Force Select this option to display force diagram on the screen for the currently selected story, load
Diagram case and members. Forces are displayed only for beams and columns along their length
according to the sign convention (see Section 3.4.2 (on page 53)).
Scale Factor Scale factor value is used to scale the member force diagram on the screen. The scale factor
number is only used for representation. One may also specify a negative value of scale factor to
show the diagram on the tension face of beams and columns.

RAM Concrete Analysis 28 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

2.7.5 Results - Displacements

Following a successful analysis of one or more stories, the user can select Process > Results > Displacements
to display the global displaced shape and displacement contours from each story's analysis. Click Apply to have
the current selections displayed on the screen.
The display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this dialog box is displayed. The dialog box
can be moved and the screen printed and model manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.

Story Select the Story for which to display the displaced shape from the analysis. When a story is
selected all the analyzed load cases for that story will be available for selection in the Load
Case drop-down. When the user selects Apply, only the meshed elements of the structure
that were part of the analysis of this story will be displayed.
Load Case Select the load case for which to display the nodal displacements. The load case in the
drop down menu are the applied loads in the modeler and does not contain any skip
loading cases. Click Apply to have the nodal displacements displayed on the screen for the
current load case. Load Cases are labeled according to their type (Dead Load = DL, Live
Load Reducible = LLred, Live Load Unreducible and Partition = LLunred, Live Load
Storage = LLstor, and live load roof = LLroof).
Show Select this option to see the global displacement contours on the meshed elements (two-
Displacement way floor slab elements). A color palette shown at the bottom shows different colors used
Contour in the displacement contour display (see description below for more info).
Show Displaced Select this option to view the displaced shape of the story.
Animate Select this option to animate the displaced shape of the story.
Show Mesh Select this option to view the finite element mesh.
Scale Factor This scale factor is provided to scale the displacements in the generated view.
Transparency This transparency slider is provided to control the transparency of the displacement
Slider contours.
Color Palette A color palette shows the range of colors associated with showing deflection contours of
Legend different magnitudes on the screen (see Show Displacement Contours above). The
palette is centered on zero deflection (dark green) with negative (downward)
displacement values extending to color red and upward, positive values to dark blue. The
maximum displacement value for the selected story and load type is indicated on the ends
of the slider in the unit indicated in the dialog title (mm or in). The engineer can also
adjust the range of colors associated with the deflection values by clicking and dragging
the slider (small triangle) located at each end of the color palette. As the slider is dragged
the displacement value will show on the slider. Using this control an engineer can
establish a displacement limit, drag the triangle slider to that limit, and the program will
color all elements with displacement larger than the limit in the extreme color (red or

RAM Concrete Analysis 29 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

2.8 Reports

2.8.1 Report Destination

The first four options under the Reports menu are used to control the destination of the selected report. A check
mark is placed beside the current selection. This selection is relevant to the current model in RAM Concrete
Analysis only. To change the report destination on a global level, use the Tools > Report Styles command
located in RAM Manager.

2.8.2 Reports
Various reports are available in the Gravity Analysis mode. These reports are used to gain information about the
model and its analysis. For more information about the individual reports, see Chapter 5.
Various reports are available in the Gravity Analysis mode. These reports are used to gain information about the
model and its analysis. For more information about the individual reports, see RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis
Reports (on page 82).
Some of the reports can be generated on a member-by-member basis using a single or fence action. To generate
a specific report for a single member select the Specific Report-Single command (where available on the menu),
and click on a member. To generate reports a specific report for multiple members select the Specific Report-
Fence command and fence the members.

2.9 View

2.9.1 Gravity Loads

The View-Gravity Loads command is used to display the member gravity loads that are automatically
calculated by the program. This is only presented for loads applied on one way decks. (Refer to the RAM
Manager for more information about member self weight). Select View-Gravity Loads to display the View-
Gravity loads dialog box.
Select one of the load types shown in the dialog box and click Apply to have the selected gravity loads displayed
on the screen. Note that only those load types defined in the RAM Modeler are displayed in this list. If a load type
is defined in the RAM Modeler but not assigned to the model, selecting that load type will not display any

RAM Concrete Analysis 30 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis

member loads. It may be preferable to be in low resolution (see View-Resolution menu command in the 3D
Viewer manual) or in elevation view when observing applied loads on large structures.

2.9.2 Beam Lines

The View-Beam Lines command is used to display the beam lines on a selected story. Select the dialog box
displayed below appears when the command is invoked. See Assigning Beam Lines (Section 2.6.3 (on page 20))
for more information on beam line numbers. Select options from the dialog box and click Apply to display the
selected options on the screen. Close will hide the dialog box, select View-Reset Model to remove the beam line
numbers and highlighted members that are displayed on the screen.

Story From the story list, select the story for which to display beam line numbers. When selected,
the list of beam line numbers will be updated to show all the beam line numbers currently
assigned on the selected story.
Select Beam Line Select one or more beam line numbers from the list of beam line numbers. Depending on the
Numbers selection, the beams with the selected beam line numbers will be highlighted and/or
numbered, when Apply is selected. By clicking Select All (Unselect All), all the beam line
numbers in the list will be selected (unselected).
Show Beam Line Select this option to display the beam line number on each beam that is assigned a beam
Numbers line number equal to the numbers selected in the list.
Highlight Beam Select this option to highlighted each beam that is assigned a beam line number equal to the
Lines numbers selected in the list.

2.9.3 Beam Line Numbers (only on the toolbar)

Select this toolbar button to toggle all the beam line numbers, on all beams in the structure, on and off. Refer to
the analysis toolbar description (see Section 2.3.2 (on page 8)) for the location of this toolbar button.

2.9.4 Model Colors / Design Colors toggle

Icon Description

A 'Model Colors' / 'Design Colors' toggle button and associated menu items have been
added to the RAM Concrete modules. Both the RAM Concrete Column and RAM Concrete
Beam modules change the display colors of the members to reflect their current design
status. Clicking the 'Change to Model Colors' button, or selecting 'Colors - Model Colors'
from the 'View' menu will switch display colors back to the default colors assigned for
each type. This can make it easier to identify the specific type of member by its color.

While the Model Colors/Design Colors button appears on the toolbar, it will not change the color of the
members. This is because no design results are available in analysis mode.

RAM Concrete Analysis 31 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis
Exiting RAM Concrete Analysis

Icon Description

After clicking the 'Change to Model Colors' button, the button graphic will toggle to the
'Change to Design Colors' button. Clicking this button or selecting 'Colors - Design
Colors' from the 'View' menu will toggle the color display back to 'design' colors.

The graphic displayed on the button reflects the current model display colors, which are the opposite of the
mode that will be toggled to by clicking the button.

2.10 Exiting RAM Concrete Analysis

The Mode menu or drop-down combo box on the toolbar can be used to exit the Concrete Gravity Analysis mode
and navigate to another RAM Concrete mode.
The File > Close command is used to exit RAM Concrete. Issuing File – Close will return the user to the RAM

RAM Concrete Analysis 32 User Manual

Technical Notes
Within the RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis mode the beam and column gravity forces are generated. There are
several steps to the computation of gravity design forces from the original building model. First the full
structural model is broken into multiple finite element models, one for each story in the structure. Each finite
element model is then loaded with the appropriate gravity loads in specific load cases, and analyzed. Following
the analysis, beam and column forces are computed and combined per the code to produce the most accurate
gravity design forces. Also during the analysis the beam local deflections are calculated along with associated
member forces necessary for checking the short and long-term deflection.
The gravity member forces are used in load combinations in the Concrete Beam and Concrete Column modes to
produce the final design forces. The deflection information is used in the RAM Concrete Beam program to
calculate the appropriate dead, live, long term and net deflection magnitudes and perform the deflection checks.
This technical section describes the details and assumptions made by the program in generating these beam and
column gravity forces and deflections.

3.1 Concrete Design Codes

The analysis and computation of design forces in the RAM Concrete Analysis Gravity Analysis mode are based on
the requirements of the following concrete codes:
• ACI 318 99/02/05/08/11/14 “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete” (ACI 318-99, ACI
318-02, ACI 318-05, ACI 318-08, ACI 318-11, & ACI 318-14) and Commentary, American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI
This code is hereafter referred to as ACI318-99, ACI318-02, ACI 318-05, ACI 318-08, ACI 318-11, & ACI
318-14 (or simply ACI for items which are not edition-specific).
• BS 8110-1:1997 “Structural use of concrete - Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction”,
Incorporating Amendments 1, 2, & 3.
This code is hereafter referred to as BS8110.
• CP 65-1:1996 “Code of practice for structural use of concrete - Part 1: Design and construction”
This code is hereafter referred to as CP 65. When not explicitly mentioned in a section of this document a
reference to BS8110 will apply to CP 65.
• AS 3600-2001 and AS 3600-2009“Concrete Structures”.
This code is hereafter referred to as AS 3600-01 or AS 3600-09 (or simply AS 3600 for items which are not
• EN1992-1-1:2004 “Design of Concrete Structures”.
This code is hereafter referred to as EC2.

RAM Concrete Analysis 33 User Manual

Technical Notes
Analytical Model

• GB 50010 is the concrete design code for China.

• CAN/CSA A23.3-10 is the concrete design code for Canada.
The code is hereafter referred to as CSA A23.

3.2 Analytical Model

The program performs an elastic finite element analysis as stipulated by ACI Section 8.3.1 for a single story at a
time as permitted by ACI Section 8.9.1 and BS8110 3.2.1. This section of the manual describes the generation
and details of the analytical model used in analysis of each story.

3.2.1 Geometry
A finite element model for each story is generated from a subset of the members in the full model. The finite
element model of a single story is thus comprised of:
• All the slab decks defined as two way,
• Slab decks from one way region but only if they occur with two way slab deck within a slab edge loop,
• All the beams on the story,
• All the walls in the model that are located within one story above or below the current story,
• All the columns up to the levels at which they are braced above and below the current story.
Note that RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis does not currently consider braces in the gravity finite element model
that is created for any story. The presence of braces is considered in RAM Frame, and hence their affect is
considered when determining forces on concrete members due to lateral loads. The gravity forces calculated in
this mode are combined with the lateral forces in each of the Concrete Beam and Concrete Column Design

3.2.2 Model Boundary Conditions

As indicated above, the finite element model for each story extends approximately one story above and below
the current level. For walls this is always true and the program will provide a translational restraint at the top
and bottom of the walls above and below the current story respectively.
For columns, the program provides restraints for each axis where it is braced at the story above or below the
story being analyzed. To determine the levels at which a column is braced above or below a particular story the
program uses the criteria specified by the user in the Criteria-Bracing dialog box (see Section 2.5.6 (on page
18)). A column is also assumed braced at a level if the orientation or the material type changes from one level to
the next.
Where a column is braced it will be assigned a rotational and translational boundary restraint per ACI318-02
Section 8.8.3, BS8110 3.2.1. That is, where an axis of a column is braced it is assigned a translational restraint in
the direction of the column axis, and a rotational restraint that will prohibit rotation of the column in the plane
of the restraint. Internally the program provides fixity in the appropriate node local axes and rotates the node to
align with the column orientation. The illustration below indicates the column axis that is restrained at the level

RAM Concrete Analysis 34 User Manual

Technical Notes
Analytical Model

above the story being analyzed, where a beam braces the column in axis 2. As noted a translational restraint will
be provided in the direction of axis 2 and a rotational restraint will prevent rotation about axis 3.

Braced Level Translational


Story Level

The program also provides a vertical restraint under all walls and columns at the story below the current story
being analyzed. The hanging columns however are restrained at the story above. The columns (and walls) are
also restrained to prevent rotation about their own vertical axis at these levels. This restraint is provided
irrespective of the story at which the column is braced against laterally.
Following the analysis the user can view the location that the program applied rotational and translational
restraints by viewing the Finite element Model for a particular story (see Process Results - Finite Element Model
Information (on page 23))
For gravity non-concrete columns the program will also assume the columns are restrained against translation
and rotation above and below the story, (the bottom of the column above the story being analyzed will be pinned
against bending). Gravity non-concrete columns extend to the story (above or below the story being analyzed) at
which they are braced in each axis.

3.2.3 Member Fixity Conditions

For lateral members the assigned fixity of beam and columns are used in the analysis. If a structural instability
occurs during the analysis, due to the fixity conditions of one or more lateral members, the user will need to
modify the member's fixity in either RAM Modeler or in RAM Frame.
All non-concrete gravity beams by default are assumed to be pinned (released) for bending about both axes at
each end, and fixed against torsional rotation to avoid instabilities in the finite element model. Gravity beams of
material type ‘Other’ and type ‘Concrete’ can be assigned fixities in the RAM Modeler. Gravity Concrete beams
can also be assigned fixity from the Assign-Beams-Fixity command in the Concrete Analysis Program.
For concrete gravity beams, fixity can be assigned along with the beam line number on the member (as in gravity
concrete beams with an assigned beam line number can be made continuous (fixed at their ends)). Beam line
numbers can be assigned and cleared from members as described in Section 2.6.3 (on page 20).
All non-concrete columns are assumed to be fixed at both ends, except for the column located directly above the
story, whose lower end is pinned. While gravity columns may be thought of as being pinned, providing the fixity
described should not affect the final results as gravity members framing into the columns will be pinned and not

RAM Concrete Analysis 35 User Manual

Technical Notes
Analytical Model

transfer any moments into the column (note however a beam pinned to a column is assumed to be supported at
the face of a column and will produce a moment in the column equal to the beam reaction times distance from
face of column to the column centroid. Providing the fixity also avoids instability issues, which currently cannot
be corrected directly by the user.
The user can however explicitly designate the top of a concrete gravity column to be pinned for bending by
selecting the ‘Pin top of gravity concrete column’ option from the Analysis Criteria dialog available from the
Criteria-Analysis command. Similarly the bottom of a gravity concrete column can be pinned when supported
by a transfer member by selecting the ‘Pin bottom of column on transfer member’ command in the same
Analysis Criteria dialog box. The user also has the option of pinning concrete gravity columns for bending about
both axes at the foundation. See Analysis Criteria in Section 2.5.2 (on page 10) for how to set these options.

3.2.4 Models with Hanging Columns

The hanging column when present on a story requires restraints to be applied in opposite location compared to
regular columns. Currently, the program always provides a vertical restraint under all standard columns
modeled at the story being analyzed (see section 3.2.2 (on page 34)). This is required as these columns provide a
support in the vertical direction. A hanging column modeled at the story also provides support but extends
upwards so a vertical restraint is provided at its physical top which is above the current story. So this way any
standard column reaction gets applied to the level below but a hanging column reaction gets applied to the level
above. As Concrete analysis solves the problem top to bottom, to apply the reaction to the level above requires
analysis of story above again hence resulting in iteration. The iterations will only stop when the difference in the
load in the hanging column is within the specified tolerance (Criteria-Analysis) of the previous iteration. This
condition is checked for all the load cases. The applications of member fixities follow the same rule as for regular
columns. A couple of things to note when program is performing iteration over hanger stories:
1. It will never skip load the live load on the beam line beams
2. It will never skip load the live load on the non-beam line beams
3. It will never skip load the surface live load polygons on the two-way deck
If any of the skip-loading options (1), (2) and (3) are selected then the program would do an extra iteration to
perform the skip loading in the end. This ensures a lesser solution time. To further expedite the analysis
program also saves finite element model information to temporary files for levels associated with hanging
columns. These temporary files will be deleted at the completion of the analysis. The results file for each hanger
story analysis will be created and saved only once in the final iteration. The iteration will also be reflected in the
analysis log dialog where the hanger story and other information will keep showing up as usual but repeatedly
during iterations. The iterations will only be performed between the hanger levels. The program automatically
groups hanger levels in a building model. So for example, if a model has 10 stories and first 4 have hanging
columns and last 2 have hanging columns then the program will only perform iteration on top 2 and bottom 4
stories. The rest in between are solved only once.

3.2.5 Models with Offset Beams and Columns

Offset beams and columns are modeled in the program with rigid links at their offset ends. This is depicted in
figure below where rigid links are shown in orange color. Beams can be modeled offset to columns, other beams
and walls at the same level. Similarly, columns can be modeled offset to beams, columns and walls at level below.
The offset columns on columns are always treated to be in one single stack. In the finite element model these
links are modeled as rigid beams with a property modifier of 1000 relative to the member it is attached. The link

RAM Concrete Analysis 36 User Manual

Technical Notes
Analytical Model

element details are internal to the program and cannot be controlled from outside. Although, the links are made
visible to the user in the plan and 3d view, they cannot be view-updated for member forces and other results.

3.2.6 Material Properties

Concrete Material Properties

You can specify concrete compressive strength ( f'c ), weight, density and modulus of elasticity when assigning
concrete members (refer to the RAM Modeler manual). You can also select the option to have the program
calculate the member's modulus of elasticity. Where this option is selected the concrete modulus is calculated
according to the following equations:

ACI 318
Ec = wc1.5 33 f ′
c (psi)

for values of wc (unit weight of concrete) between 90 and 160 lb/ft3 (for ACI 18-08 and 11) and between 90 and
155 lb/ft3 (for ACI 318-95, 99, 02, and 05).
f'c compressive strength of concrete in psi.

Eurocode:ENV 1992-1-1:2004
Ec = 22 ( 10
f ck + 8 0.3

fck characteristic cylinder compressive strength of concrete in N/mm2

RAM Concrete Analysis 37 User Manual

Technical Notes
Analytical Model

Canadian Code: A23.3-10

Ec = (3, 300 f ′
c + 6, 900) ( γc
2, 300

for values of γc (unit weight of concrete) between 1,500 and 2,500 kg/m3.

British Code: BS8110 - Part 2

Ec = 20 + 0.2 f cu (kN/mm2)

for concrete weight between 2,160 and 2,480 kg/m3.

Australian Code: AS/NZS 1170.1

AS 3600-09

Ec = ρ 1.50.043 f cmi (in megapascals) when fcmi ≤ 40 MPa

Ec = ρ 1.5(0.024 f cmi + 0.12) (in megapascals) when fcmi > 40 MPa

AS 3600-01

Ec = ρ 1.50.043 f cm (in megapascals) AS 3600 6.1.2 (a)

ρ = the concrete density (for normal-weight concrete, taken not less than
2,400 kg/m3)
fcm = the mean value of cylinder strength (calculated from Table C6.1.2 base on
the given compressive concrete strength, fc'
fcmi = the mean value of the in situ compressive strength of concrete at the
relevant age (calculated from Table 3.1.2 based on the given compressive
concrete strength, fc'

China GB 50009-2001
See “ British Code: BS8110 - Part 2 ”

Hong Kong
See “ British Code: BS8110 - Part 2 ”

All steel members, including joists and Smart Beams, are assigned a modulus of elasticity value of 29,000.0 ksi
(200,000 N/mm2), a Poisson ratio of 0.3 and a density of 490.0 pcf (7,850 kg/m3).

For members of type “Other”, the user is responsible for the specification of material properties in the RAM
Modeler. Refer to the RAM Modeler manual for more information on creating members of type “Other” and
specifying their material properties.

RAM Concrete Analysis 38 User Manual

Technical Notes
Analytical Model

3.2.7 Section Properties

This section describes how the various member section properties are calculated. The actual section properties
used in the analysis can be viewed in the Member Analysis Properties Report as described in the report section.

Concrete column section properties are calculated from the cross-section dimensions of the member. The
calculated moments of inertia values are multiplied by the user specified cracked section factors to determine
the final inertias used in the program.
Concrete wall section properties will be calculated from the user assigned wall thicknesses. The walls thickness
for in-plane and out-of plane stiffness (but not axial) will be modified by the cracked section factor assigned to
the member.
Beam section properties are also calculated from the cross section dimensions of the section. Some or all of a
beam's cross sectional dimensions are provided by the user. However, the user can select an option to have the
program calculate the flange dimensions for T beam (see RAM Modeler manual). Where this option is selected
the dimensions are calculated as follows:
If the beam is under a two-way slab the effective flange width will not consider the distance to the adjacent beam
but revert to a flange width of span length / 6, otherwise the rules below will apply.

ACI 8.10.2 Beams • Flange width < Span Length / 4
with slab on both
• (a) Flange Overhang < 8× Slab Thickness
• (b) Flange Overhang < Clear distance to next web / 2.
RAM Concrete Analysis currently considers half the distance between beam centerlines
when limiting flange overhang per 8.10.2 (b).
ACI 8.10.3 Beams • (a) Flange overhang < Span Length / 12
with slab on one
• (b) Flange Overhang < 6 x Slab Thickness
• (c) Flange Overhang < Clear distance to next web / 2.
RAM Concrete Analysis currently considers half the distance between beam's
centerlines when limiting flange overhang per 8.10.3 (c).

BS8110 Effective • Flange Overhang = lz / 5
Width of T Beam
BS8110 Effective • Flange Overhang = lz / 10
Width of L Beam
Where lz is the clear length of the beam.

RAM Concrete Analysis 39 User Manual

Technical Notes
Analytical Model

For user specified T Beam Sections, RAM Concrete does not check if the
dimensions are within the code specified limits of 8.10.1, 8.10.3 or 8.10.4 or

According to AS Effective Width of T-Beam, b = b + 0.2a
ef w
3600 Clause
8.8.2 Effective Width of L-Beam, bef = bw + 0.1a
a = the distance between points of zero moment,
which in continuous beams is taken as 0.7 times
the beam length
bw = the web width

According to EN 1992 The beam's calculated moment of inertia about its major and minor axes, and axial
Clause stiffness, are both multiplied by the user specified cracked section factor to
determine the properties used in the analysis.

According to CSA A23 The effective width is as follows:
clauses 10.3.3 and 10.3.4
T-Beam: lesser of 1/10 of the span length, and 12 times the flange thickness
L-Beam: lesser of 1/12 of the span length, and 6 times the flange thickness

Note: Where a T beam is located within a two-way slab the program does not ignore the beam flange
contribution when calculating the properties of the beam to include in the stiffness contribution to the meshed
floor. In this respect the program is double-counting the slab area of the beam flange in two-way slabs. The
major impact of this double area is the unrealistic increase in the axial stiffness of the floor. As the floors are
primarily subject to bending and shear forces this stiffening may not be significant however if necessary the
engineer can provide a rectangular beam reflective of the beam web when modeling beams in two-way slabs.

Concrete Beam Torsional Stiffness

The torsional stiffness (constant) for concrete beams is based on the members calculated Torsional Moment Of
Inertia, J. For T beam and Pan Joist sections, the flange overhang are not considered in the calculation of J, as it is
assumed they will crack and be ineffective at providing significant additional torsion capacity to the beam. The
torsional moment of inertia is calculated as:

J = cb 3 ( 13 − 0.21 bc )
b = Smaller dimension of beam web
c = Larger dimension of beam web

RAM Concrete Analysis 40 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Loads

The calculated concrete torsional moment of inertia (constant) J can be is multiplied by the torsional constant
reduction factor (1.0 - Torsional Reduction %) specified in the Analysis Criteria dialog, or by the member
specific torsional cracked section factor (see Analysis (on page 10)).
Several of the references presented below indicate that the torsional stiffness of concrete members is
significantly less than that calculated using the full gross section properties. The references also indicate that the
concrete structure will behave based on the reinforcing provided, and if torsion stiffness is assumed to be small
the analysis will redistribute the forces and the engineer will design for these redistributed forces. In essence the
structure will behave the way it was assumed in the analysis.
For cases where torsion ensures equilibrium (i.e. no redistribution is possible) then forces cannot be
redistributed and the beam section will need to be reinforced to ensure that the calculated torsion force can be
resisted without excessive deformation.
The following references provide some insight into an appropriate concrete torsional stiffness reduction value.

In reference 4, the authors indicate for most situations the assumption of zero torsional stiffness can be
made. They do indicate that it is still important to provide, at minimum, torsion reinforcing to prevent
excessive service load cracking.
In reference 5, the author indicates that while flexural stiffness decreases maybe 50 percent from cracking,
torsional stiffness drops down to 5 or 10 percent its uncracked value. The author also mentions that the
consideration of the torque to be used in the design is very complex due to the cracking effect. Thus it is
always better to neglect the rigidity of the members for torsion and to consider them fully cracked.
In reference 6 the authors mention that the structure will behave exactly in the same way as it was idealized
in the analysis (cracked or uncracked). They suggest modeling the reinforced concrete structures with a very
low torsional rigidity i.e. assume it is significantly cracked.

For steel beam and column sections the actual cross sectional properties will be used in the analysis. As RAM
Concrete is performing an elastic finite element analysis of the entire structure (in order to determine the
concrete member forces), the user is required to provide section sizes for any steel members in the model.

For members of type “Other” the user specified section properties are used directly in the analysis. Joists and
Smart Beam members will be assigned nominal cross sectional properties irrespective of their assigned size. As
these two member types are always pinned at their ends in the analysis the assigned section properties will have
minimal impact on the final concrete design forces elsewhere in the structure.

3.3 Gravity Loads

The RAM Concrete program automatically calculates the gravity loads that are to be applied to the structure
from the user applied surface, line and point loads, as well as from self-weight if desired. Each story is analyzed
independently for the gravity loads and the reactions from each stories analysis are applied as loads for the
analysis of the story below. This section describes details of how the gravity loads are calculated and applied in
the analysis.

RAM Concrete Analysis 41 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Loads

3.3.1 Load Properties

One of the key features of the RAM Structural System is the ability to automatically determine the loads to each
individual member based on user defined surface, line, and point loads. In the RAM Modeler, loads are defined
by first creating a list of load properties and then assigning these load properties to the layout with the use of
polygons, lines, and points as appropriate. A load property consists of a Label, a Dead Load, a Construction Dead
Load, a Live Load with its associated Live Load Reduction flag, a Construction Live Load, and a Mass Dead Load.
A note regarding terminology: Repeated reference is made throughout the program and the documentation to
"Live Loads". In some codes these loads are referred to as "Imposed Loads".
The Dead Load is the total dead load such as lab, deck, partitions, miscellaneous, etc. Member and slab self-
weights can be included in this value automatically. See Self-Weight Calculations (on page 42)for more
information on Self-Weight Calculations.
The Construction Dead Load, or Pre-composite Dead Load, is particular to composite steel members and is not
considered in RAM Concrete.
The Live Load is the total live load appropriate for the particular building based on the applicable Building Code
and use of the building. Live Loads may be defined as Reducible, Storage, Unreducible, Roof or Partition. Roof
loads may be treated as Reducible or Unreducible. Partition loads are always treated as unreducible and
combined with them. Live Load Reduction is discussed in Live Load Reduction (on page 50).
The Construction Live Load is particular to composite steel members and is not considered in RAM Concrete.
The Mass Dead Load is the load that will be used in calculating the diaphragm mass properties in RAM Frame
and is not considered in the RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Mode.
Snow loads, including varying drifting snow loads can also be applied. A current limitation in the program is that
Roof Live Loads and Snow Loads cannot be considered simultaneously. Both types of loads can exist
simultaneously in the model, but only one or the other will be considered. In the Criteria > Live Load
Reduction command in the RAM Manager there are two options: “Consider Snow Loads, Ignore Roof Live
Loads” and “Consider Roof Live Loads, Ignore Snow Loads”. This is used to specify which set of loads is to be
considered. If both types of load need to be considered, it may be necessary to design the members twice, once
with each option selected. Note that this limitation is only between Snow and Roof Live loads; Snow and
Reducible, Storage, Unreducible or Partition Live loads can be considered simultaneously by the program.
Surface load properties are assigned to the model by defining the boundaries of the load polygon. Virtually any
number of load polygons may be assigned to a given layout. Additionally, overlapping polygons are permitted.
The last polygon assignment will override all previous assignments rather than be additive.
Polygon boundaries need not coincide with beam locations; boundaries can fall within a bay. Such changes in
loads will result in multiple uniform or trapezoidal loads generated on the beam as can be verified on screen
using the View-Gravity Loads command (see Section 2.9.1 (on page 41)) or in the Beam Gravity Loads Report.
Care should be taken in the RAM Modeler when laying down load polygons, especially those whose sides should
coincide with a beam line, so that extraneous minuscule loads are not generated on the beam.

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Technical Notes
Gravity Loads

3.3.2 Self-Weight Calculations

Self-weight of columns, beams, walls and slabs/decks can be automatically included in the loads by selecting the
Criteria > Self-Weight command in RAM Manager.

Note: If the options are not selected, the self-weights are not included, even if values are specified in RAM

Self-weight of Steel Joists is not automatically included. In order for the design to consider the self-weight for
these members, it must be applied by the user as part of the surface load or as a series of separate line loads.
This is necessary because only the self-weight of Standard steel joists is known (although even that can vary
with the actual span). The actual self-weight of Girders and Special joists is not known. So for consistency, no
self-weight is automatically considered for any Steel Joists.
Self-weight of Braces is not automatically included.
For walls with openings, the wall self-weight is not reduced to account for the opening. The openings are not
considered when calculating wall self-weight. Openings are considered, however, in the calculation of self-mass.
When the top of a wall slopes, the wall self-weight is applied as a trapezoidal load rather than a uniform load,
based on the wall thickness, unit weight and height of the wall at each end.
For columns, the calculated self-weight is applied as a point load at the top of the column.
The self-weight of Concrete columns and beams is calculated using the value of Unit Weight for Self-Weight,
specified by the user in RAM Modeler. This value of Unit Weight is separate from the value specified for Unit
Weight used in the calculation of material properties (e.g., modulus of elasticity).
Note that self-weights are based on the center-to-center of supports and floor-to-floor heights of beams and
columns respectively. This means that there is a duplication of self-weight at the joints. The program does not
make any attempt to reduce this.

3.3.3 Effects of Sloping Framing

In the Modeler, Live Load Surface and Line loads that are applied to sloping framing areas should be assigned
magnitudes equivalent to their projected area loads (for Surface loads) and projected length loads (for Line
loads); Live Loads specified in most building codes are already specified as projected area loads, so no
modification is necessary. Dead Loads should be input as the actual loads, based on the actual weights; the
program will account for the effects of sloping. The figure below shows how beam Live Loads are dealt with in
the RAM Structural System. Figure (A) shows the load as applied by the user. The load is then transformed to
calculate the load per unit length along the member, as shown in Figure (C). The load is transformed again to
calculate both the perpendicular and axial components along the member, as shown in Figure (C). In RAM
Concrete both the perpendicular and axial components are considered in the analysis.

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Gravity Loads

w cosθ

w cos2θ

w cosθ sinθ
Columns too can be sloped in the Modeler. For a sloped column, the column self weight for the column length
will be applied as a unit point load to the top of the column, and no externally applied loads are considered
acting along the length of the column. Note that only moments at the ends of the column are considered in the
design module and columns with large(r) moment that occur along the length of a member should be designed
outside of this application.

Important: If a multi-story column is kinked (bent) along its unbraced length this member will not be able to be
designed in RAM Concrete column. The analysis is performed on a story-by-story basis with vertical support
provided at the story below the one being analyzed. As such only vertical loads (reactions), and not moments,
are transferred level to level through the columns. Also as columns are designed based on end moments of the
unbraced length any mid-span moments were they to exist would not be considered.

3.3.4 Effects of One Way Slab Deck Orientation

Floor loads in the one way slab deck regions are distributed based on the orientation of the deck. Loads within a
bay will be distributed in the direction of the slab to the several members surrounding the bay. For example, no
surface load would be applied to a beam that is parallel to the slab span (except as a point load from a beam
framing into it). In calculating the distribution of the loads, it is assumed that the slab-deck performs as a single
simple span between beams within the bay; no continuity of the slab over multiple spans is considered.
Typically a one-way deck is not considered in the analysis in RAM Concrete other than to determine what nodes
are to be slaved to what diaphragm. However, if there is a combination of one-way and two-way slabs on the
same floor then the entire floor will be meshed. The loads that are applied to the one-way deck will be

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Gravity Loads

distributed in RAM Gravity and be applied as line and point loads on the supporting members in RAM Concrete
Analysis. This is unlike in the two-way areas described below, where the load is actually applied to the floor slab
mesh itself. As no load is applied to the one-way mesh and as the loads on the one-way deck are already
distributed to supporting members the one-way deck itself is given nominal (small) out of plane bending

3.3.5 Loads on Two-way Slab Deck

The applied gravity loads in the two-way slab deck region are distributed on a quadrilateral floor mesh. The
surface, line or point load applied on each quadrilateral mesh is then resolved to obtain the equivalent nodal
loads on the nodes of meshed floor. The analysis considers the stiffness of slab-deck, beams, columns and walls
on that floor as calculated by the program using the properties specified in the modeler.

3.3.6 Loads on Slab Edges

The slab edge loads are only calculated for the beams/walls which do not have any two-way deck on the slab
edge side. The beams/walls which have two-way deck on their slab edge side get the slab edge loads based on
two-way load distribution on that side. For slab edges which do not contain any two-way deck (i.e., the area of
slab between beam centerline and edge of overhanging slab), loads are carried back to the beam as if the deck is
perpendicular to the beam, regardless of the actual deck orientation. When laying down polygons to define
surface loads it is important to lay them down such that they include the slab edge rather than end at beam
centerline. If the area between the beam and the edge does not fall inside of a load polygon, no load will be
applied. It is permissible to assign a different load to the slab edge than to the opposite bay.
Slab edge lines can be laid out either parallel to neighboring beams, or they can be defined in a free-form. The
program carries out a few automated steps to figure out slab edge load polygons, and then computes projected
loads within slab-edge load polygons. The projected loads are applied on beams. It should be mentioned that the
current implementation works on purely geometric properties of slab edges and neighboring beams even
though projecting loads onto beams should involve a more elaborated stiffness based analysis approach. Instead,
a simplified approach is applied, which leads to acceptable results for most typical configurations. In the
following subsections, the current implementation is briefly described and some limitations identified.

Procedure Detail
A minimum of two closed polygons are first calculated by the program: a beam-loop polygon and slab-edge
polygon (these are indicated in the following figure (A) with red and green lines, respectively). Note that the
beam-loop polygon might be composed of beams, joists, or walls. Then the area between the slap-edge and
beam-loop polygons is partitioned into load polygons, which are used to distribute loads on slab edges (in the
following figure (B) ). These load polygons are generated in such a way that any angle between two beams (or
walls) is bisected outward. Finally, any loads (point, line or surface loads) detected on load polygons are
projected back onto beams.

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Gravity Loads

(A) (B)

Figure 1: (A) Slab-edge and beam-loop polygons are shown in green and red colors, respectively; (B) Generated slab
edge load polygons

It is important to know that there must be at least one closed loop with beams (including joist and walls), and
one closed loop with slab edges. Otherwise, the program cannot construct load polygons and cannot process
loads on slab edges. For some ambiguous configurations, generated load polygons may not be acceptable (to
verify loads on edge beams it is recommended that you check the distributed loads found on beams in the RAM
Steel Beam module). An example of such a configuration is given in the following figure; the beams form a
concave loop but the slab edge doesn't extend into that area. Thus it is ambiguous as to how the slab edge load
and the load within the concave area should be distributed back to the beams. In cases like this it is suggested
that the slab edge be placed to more explicitly to identify the intent, or that surface loads be removed from these
areas and line loads manually applied to the neighboring members.

Figure 2: Improper load polygon example

Loads (point, line or surface loads) found inside or on these generated slab edge load polygons are projected
back to beams (or walls). One-way distribution of loads is assumed, with the slab edge loads carried back to the
beam at right angles to the beam. Therefore, loads in the exterior corner of a slab will be ignored since there is
no beam to distribute the load back to at a right angle to the beam. For example, the highlighted portion of the
surface load in the following figure is ignored:

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Gravity Loads

Figure 3: Loads located within shaded area are ignored

3.3.7 Openings and Penetrations

If the opening edges are created as a slab overhang then the loads on slab edges around openings (created in the
RAM Modeler with the Layout > Slab > Openings command) are treated as described in Loads on Slab Edges
(on page 45). No load is applied to the area within the opening, even if it falls within a load polygon.
You may also create a free form opening on a one way deck inside a beam loop. A free form opening is one which
may take any shape inside a beam loop as shown in the following figure. Multiple openings inside a beam loop
are considered an invalid configuration for calculation of opening slab edge loads. Ram Gravity gives an error for
any such configuration it runs into while framing, and the beams in the beam loop associated with the opening
causing an error will not have correct loads applied on them.

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Gravity Loads

Figure 4: Free Form Openings

The calculation of opening slab edge load for each beam in the loop is not trivial due to the fact that an opening
can have practically any shape. The calculation of opening slab edge load for each beam requires identifying the
polygons, the loads on which are carried back to the beam. An opening slab edge load polygon for any beam is
obtained by finding the nearest point on the opening from the beam nodes (beam nodes lying on the beam loop).
These nearest points on the opening and the beam nodes are then used to form one or more closed polygons.
More than one load polygons are formed for a beam if the opening edge or corner sits on the beam itself. If there
are multiple points found on the openings which are equidistant from the beam nodes then the mid-point of the
extreme points found on the opening is considered as the nearest point. This mid-point considered also lies on
the opening.
Once the slab edge polygons (tributary area boundaries) are calculated for each beam in the beam loop, the
loads on each polygon are carried straight back to the associated beam as if the deck was laid perpendicular to
beam. Thus, the deck orientation originally assigned to the deck polygon has no influence on the load
distribution; for edges the load is always distributed in a direction perpendicular to the beam. The following
figure shows the opening slab edge load polygon for a few selected beams from beam loops shown in the
previous figure.
For some complex openings, if there is no direct perpendicular line back to a beam, there may be some portion
of the load in the opening slab edge polygon that does not get carried back to the beam, and is ignored.

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Gravity Loads

Figure 5: Slab edge load polygon for a small opening

It is important to recognize that when an opening of any size or placement is placed within a bay of framing
supporting one-way deck, the opening edges are defining the slab edge distances for all beams framing around
that opening, regardless of the distance from the beam to the opening. For that entire bay, all loads are
distributed as slab edge loads, and the normal one-way distribution is not applicable. For example, the following
figure shows an opening that only fills a small portion of the bay. This is improper modeling. The presence of the
opening within the beam loop indicates that all loads within that loop are to be treated as slab edge loading.
Therefore, the loads beneath the opening are distributed down to the bottom beam as if that was a long slab
edge overhang, not left and right to the adjacent beams as would be expected with one-way distribution. To get
the appropriate distribution, the opening should be framed with a beam near the bottom of the opening.
Penetrations (openings created in the RAM Modeler with the Layout > Slab > Penetrations command) have no
effect on loads. Their presence is ignored by the program when calculating member loads. Their purpose is to
limit the effective flange width of composite beams.

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Gravity Loads

Figure 6: Opening Slab Edge Load Polygons

3.3.8 Live Load Reduction

Each of the Building Codes has provisions for reducing the live loads under certain conditions. When
appropriate, the program automatically calculates these reduction factors and reduces the loads accordingly. On
the output, these reduction factors are listed as a percent of allowable reduction. For example, if the output lists
a reduction of 60%, the unreduced load is multiplied by 0.40 to obtain the reduced load. The program recognizes
four types of live loads: Reducible, Storage, Unreducible, and Roof. The Roof load may be treated as either
Reducible or Snow, as specified by the user in the RAM Manager criteria.
Live load reduction factors are a function of the area associated with the loads acting on a member. In calculating
the reduction for a given load, the program only uses the area on the member associated with that live load type.
For example, if part of the load on a member is Reducible and part is Storage, only the area associated with the
Reducible loads will be included in the calculation of the reduction factor on the Reducible loads, and only the
area associated with the Storage loads will be included in the calculation of the reduction factor, if permitted, on
the Storage loads.
In some Building Codes, the Live Load Reduction is a function of the number of stories carried by a member or is
dependent on whether the load is coming from a single level or from more than one level. The user can specify
which load types are to be considered in this determination, for the purpose of calculating Live Load Reduction.
For example the user can specify that a level carrying Roof Live Load not be included when determining the
number of levels that a member supports (this does not mean that the Roof loads are not applied). These options

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Technical Notes
Gravity Loads

appear in the Determining Number of Stories group box in the Criteria > Live Load Reduction command in
the RAM Manager.
Roof Live Loads specified in the International Building Code (IBC), Uniform building Code (UBC), Standard
Building Code (SBC), and the BOCA National Building Code (BOCA) are reducible in some cases based on the
tributary area and the slope of the roof. The RAM Structural System automatically considers both parameters
when calculating the Roof Live Load Reduction. When the Roof loads are specified by the user, the magnitude of
the load should be that given as the basic Roof Live Load value, not the reduced value to account for slope or
area. For example, in the UBC, SBC and BOCA the Roof Live Load charts list 20 psf as the basic roof load for
tributary areas less than 200 square feet and slopes less than 1:3. This is the value that should be specified by
the user even if the roof is sloped. The program will calculate the slope and the tributary area and use the
corresponding table value. If a value other than 20 psf is specified by the user, the program will use the same
Live Load Reduction percentage as calculated for a 20 psf load, but will apply it to the specified value. Columns
and girders may be supporting members that support various areas of differing roof slope. In that case the
program uses a weighted average slope in the calculation of the Roof Live Load Reduction factor.
The user may limit the live load reduction on beams by specifying a Use Calculated Value, limited to a
Maximum ofwith the Layout > Beams > LL Reduction command in the RAM Modeler. The limit is assigned on a
beam-by-beam basis. For example, the user can specify that for purlins the live loads not be reduced, but for
girders the live loads get the full allowable reduction. If a limitation is assigned using this command, the program
will use the more stringent of the code required value and the user specified value. With this same command the
user may also assign an explicit value to use, which will override the calculated value. These assignments have
no impact on the design of the beams.
The user may limit the live load reduction on columns by specifying a Use Calculated Value, limited to a
Maximum of with the Layout > Columns > LL Reduction command in the RAM Modeler. The limit is assigned
on a column-by-column basis. If a limitation is assigned using this command, the program will use the more
stringent of the code required value and the user specified value. With this same command the user may also
assign an explicit value to use, which will override the calculated value. These assignments have no impact on
the design of the beams.
The requirements for live load reduction are different for each Building Code. Particulars on the various live load
reduction code implementations can be found in the RAM Steel Beam, RAM Steel Column, or RAM Frame
manuals (or in the manuals available from the Help menu in each module).

3.3.9 Live Load Reduction in RAM Concrete

In RAM Concrete, the Live Loads are applied to the entire structure, and then the resulting member forces are
reduced based on the Live Load Reduction factor for each individual member. The resulting reducible, storage,
unreducible and partition load case results are combined into a single Live Load case. For SBC and UBC this
requires calculating an equivalent Live Load Reduction factor for each member using a weighted average, since
the Live Load Reduction factor can vary from load to load under those Codes.
For beams with cantilevers, the Live Load Reduction factor calculated for the span is also assigned to the
The portion of the live load acting on a member that is delivered from two-way slabs is not included in the
reducible area for the live load reduction calculation. However, the user may directly assign a live load reduction
factor to a member in RAM Modeler, which will then override the value automatically calculated by Concrete

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Technical Notes

3.3.10 Skip Loading

The commentary to ACI Section 8.9 stipulates “The engineer is expected to establish the most demanding set of
design forces by investigating the effects of live load placed in various critical patterns”. RAM Concrete has
implemented the most comprehensive skip loading scheme to ensure that the critical skip loading condition is
considered so as to produce the most demanding beam and column design forces. The engineer has the option in
the Analysis Criteria Dialog Box (see Analysis (on page 10)) to consider skip loading for live loads. Where
specified the program will automatically create individual live load cases for each span and surface load
polygons in the two-way slab regions that is loaded by a live load (as illustrated in the Figure below).
Slap Span

Load Case 1 Load Case 2 Load Case 3

Load Case 4 Load Case 5 Load Case 6

(A) (B)
Figure 7: A) Model with uniform live load and B) Generated Load Cases by skip loading

A beam with a cantilever at its end will be considered as a two span beam for the determination of live load
cases. Loads from levels above the current story, which are applied to the columns of the structure, are all
applied in a single load case. That is, axial loads applied directly onto columns are not skip-loaded. An example of
the number of live load cases generated for two spans with and without live load reduction is given in Analysis
(on page 10). As described in the design force Beam Gravity Forces (on page 65), the affect of each individual
live load case is then considered when determining the worst beam force at each station on each beam, and for
each column axis.

3.4 Analysis
The finite element analysis in RAM Concrete Analysis utilizes an advanced finite element analysis component.
This component includes many of the features found in RAM Frame in addition to many unique features
required for the concrete analysis. This section explains the capabilities and conventions of the analysis.
Important analytical assumptions and pertinent details are explained.
Please refer to the RAM Frame Analysis Technical manual for the topics that are not covered in this section.

RAM Concrete Analysis 52 User Manual

Technical Notes

3.4.1 Global Coordinate System

The global system is the same as that defined in RAM Frame. Global X and Y-axis are defined in the plane of
floors and Z-axis is perpendicular to this plane (vertical axis).

3.4.2 Local Coordinate System

The sign convention used in RAM Concrete is identical to that used in RAM Frame. The Figure below shows the
local coordinate system and sign convention of beam and columns. It should be noted that beams are defined
from the left to right and bottom to top (when viewing the floor in plan), and columns are oriented from top to

Figure 8: Element local coordinate system and sign convention

3.4.3 Element Formulations

Column and Beam Frame Element Formulation
A frame element is a typical 1D finite element with six degrees of freedom (DOF) at each end: three translational
and three rotational degrees of freedom. As in RAM Frame, shear deformations are incorporated into element
stiffness matrix. The element formulation is based on linear theory where only axial forces, moments and
torsions are considered and second order effects and coupling between these element forces are not accounted
for. Refer to the RAM Frame manual for specifics on the matrix formulation that is implemented.

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Technical Notes

For unsymmetrical cross sections, it is assumed that loads are applied through shear center of the cross-section.
For unsymmetrical T -sections and L sections, it is further assumed that the members are continuously
supported along their lengths so as to prevent twist. For beams cast monolithically with the slab this is a justified

Wall Element Formulation

A four-node finite element for modeling walls is used in RAM Concrete. The element consists of six degrees of
freedom at each of the four nodes: three translational and three rotational.
The wall stiffness matrix includes out-of-plane bending stiffness, which is not considered in RAM Frame.
Previously, a finite number (in the order of 10-6) is introduced into the formulation to prevent any numerical
singularity for out-of-plane bending. However, in this current formulation, a robust calculation for out-of-plane
bending is considered.
The membrane stiffness for in-plane bending is calculated in a similar way to RAM Frame. However, it is
augmented with drilling degrees of freedom. (The current formulation is similar to the developments given in
References 1-3 in Section 3.7 (on page 74)). This new approach differs from previous wall formulation used in
RAM Frame in which internally a rigid beam is introduced into the formulation to provide moment continuity in
the major direction (see the RAM Frame manual).
Loads are applied along the edges of walls, which are handled in a similar way in frame elements: they are
resolved into their perpendicular and axial components.

Slab Deck Element Formulation

Two-way slab decks are meshed and represented using shell finite element for analysis. The implemented
element is a quadrilateral shell element and it has a total of six degrees of freedom at its each node: three
translational, two bending and one drilling. The formulation for element stiffness matrix includes membrane
stiffness and plate bending stiffness. These stiffness matrices are calculated separately and then combined to
form element stiffness matrix for the shell element (see the RAM Frame manual for further details).
The membrane stiffness accommodates three degrees of freedom at each node, namely two in-plane
translational and one drilling degrees of freedom. The formulation utilizes Allman type shape functions within
Hughes-Brezzi variational formulation framework. It includes correction matrix to remove any existing
membrane locking from element behavior. Also, another correction matrix is applied to calculated stiffness
matrix in case of warped planes of shell (Ibrahimbegovic, at. al., 1990; Taylor, 1987; and Long at. al., 2004).
The plate bending stiffness is derived based on thin plate assumption and it is a typical Discrete Kirchoff Element
(shear deformations over the thickness of the element ignored). The formulation includes three degrees of
freedom at each node: remaining two rotational degrees of freedom and one translational degrees of freedom,
perpendicular to the plane of the shell.
Unlike beam, brace and column elements whose stiffness coefficients are integrated exactly, the shell finite
element gives results that are "exact" or close to the theoretical solution only if a finer mesh is used and
convergence achieved. For most practical purposes, the use of only a few slab deck element in a floor may
significantly underestimate deflections. In some cases, it could also give wrong results. RAM Concrete
automatically meshes two-way slab deck and one-way slab decks if included in a slab edge loop with two-way
slab deck.

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Technical Notes

3.4.4 Wall Openings and Meshing

With the introduction of wall openings the RAM Concrete analysis now performs a meshing of all walls (with or
without openings). The mesh is automatically generated without user interaction and the nodes of the meshed
wall are visible in the Finite Element Model when displayed on the screen (refer to Process > Results > FE
Model command). Refer to the RAM Frame manual for specifics on the mesh component and technical
For walls with openings that extend to one of the edges the following ramifications will be observed.

Columns at edge of walls with Openings at edge

At locations where a wall opening intersects a column at the edge of a wall the column will be broken into two
finite elements at each point of opening intersection or wall mesh (see illustration below where nodes 112 and
113 break the column into three finite elements.

Figure 9:

Where this occurs the axial and torsion force used in the columns design will be based on the lowest finite
element in the physical column (between nodes 111 and 112).

Openings through the top of walls

In the case where an opening extends through the top of a wall, the user should be aware that any load that
would normally be applied to the top of the wall will be ignored through the area of the opening. Note that in the
RAM Structural system self weight is applied as a line load to the top of the wall so in that case the self weight
over the width of the opening will be ignored. Following such an analysis, a warning is displayed:

Warning! Some load was not successfully applied to a member.

Load is ignored in openings at the top of walls if they exist
The levels and walls at which load has been ignored will be listed in the log/progress dialog which is displayed
during and following an analysis.

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Technical Notes

Openings through the bottom of walls

Nodes located each side of an opening will be assigned boundary conditions similar to those assigned to the ends
of the wall. In the figure , node 103 is displayed with vertical and translational fixity as it is located adjacent to an
opening. The reaction from these restrained nodes is then applied to the model for the analysis of the story
below, and the reactions at these nodes can be displayed from the Process - Results - Reactions command
following a successful analysis.

3.4.5 Two-way Slab Deck

RAM Concrete always meshes a slab when it is designated two-way, whether it is the only type on the floor or if
other one-way decks also exist on the floor. In RAM Concrete the mesh generation of a slab deck includes all the
gravity and lateral members sitting on, or supported by, the slab and hence mesh generated is always conformal
with the attached elements.
Openings are also considered during the mesh generation if any exist. The mesh is generated for every deck laid
on the floor type and hence there is no mesh element sharing between two different deck types. The mesh is
considered continuous between any two decks. The thickness and elasticity properties used for various
elements in the different slab-decks are set by the user in the modeler. There are no constraints applied to the
slab deck mesh for the two-way analysis and hence an almost exact analysis is performed using the assigned
properties and within the assumptions/limitations of various finite elements used. It is recommended that user
analyze the model with few decreasing maximum mesh sizes in order to ensure the convergence behavior of the
model (i.e. results shouldn't change significantly between different mesh sizes).

3.4.6 One-Way Deck

Typically a one-way deck is not considered in the analysis in RAM Concrete other then to determine what nodes
are to be slaved to what diaphragm. However, if there is a combination of one-way and two-way slabs on the
same floor then the entire floor will be meshed. The loads that are applied to the one-way deck will be
distributed in RAM Gravity and be applied as line and point loads on the supporting members in RAM Concrete
Analysis. This is unlike in the two-way areas where the load is actually applied to the floor slab mesh itself. As no
load is applied to the one-way mesh and as the loads on the one-way deck are already distributed to supporting
members the one-way deck itself is given nominal (small) out of plane bending properties.

3.4.7 Transfer Columns on One-Way and Two-Way Slabs

A column can terminate and be supported by a two-way or one way slab. In the case of a two-way slab the slab
will be meshed and the bottom of the column will be considered integral with the slab. The loads transferred
down the column will be distributed through the floor finite elements to the supporting members (columns and
A Column supported on a one-way deck will be considered supported as the one-way slab itself is not a part of
the finite element model. However, the reaction of that column as calculated in RAM Gravity (under the analysis
assumptions of simply supported determinate beams and columns) and distributed in one-way manner through

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Technical Notes

the deck, will be applied to the beams or walls that support the deck (and hence the transfer column). It is
important to note then that the load in the column at the transfer level, as calculated in the concrete analysis, is
not considered, but the distributed transfer column force from RAM Gravity is.
It is strongly recommended that a simply supported beam be added to span in the direction of the deck and support
the transfer column when it exists on a one-way deck.

3.4.8 Hanging Columns off One-Way and Two-Way Slabs

A column can hang off by a two-way or one way slab. In the case of a two-way slab the slab will be meshed and
the top of the column will be considered integral with the slab. The loads transferred up the column will be
distributed through the floor finite elements to the supporting members (columns and walls).
A Column hanging off a one-way deck will be considered supported as the one-way slab itself is not a part of the
finite element model. However, the reaction of that column as calculated in RAM Gravity (under the analysis
assumptions of simply supported determinate beams and columns) and distributed in one-way manner through
the deck, will be applied to the beams or walls that support the deck (and hence the transfer hanging column). It
is important to note then that the load in the hanging column at the transfer level, as calculated in the concrete
analysis, is not considered, but the distributed transfer column force from RAM Gravity is.

Note: It is strongly recommended that a simply supported beam be added to span in the direction of the deck
and support the transfer hanging column when it exists on a one-way deck.

3.4.9 Transfer Walls on One-Way and Two-Way Slabs

Walls sitting on two-way slabs will be meshed integral with the slab and the load in the wall called down and
applied to the floor mesh through all the supported bottom nodes of the wall.
Walls sitting on one-way slab must be supported by a beam to have their load adequately considered in the analysis.

3.4.10 Rigid Floor Diaphragm

RAM Concrete enforces the same rigid diaphragm approach as used in RAM Frame (see RAM Frame Manual). All
columns and beams within slab edges are attached to the diaphragm and those outside, or in openings, are
disconnected from the diaphragm. It is important to realize that unless specified otherwise in the Criteria-
Analysis dialog box for sloped framing at a story the diaphragm is always assumed to be rigid on a horizontal
plane. For sloped framing constrained in the horizontal plane only this may result in unrealistic bending and
torsion forces. Note that this behavior is a product of the finite element constraints and analysis and is not a
program error. To remove the diaphragm constraint from a sloped diaphragm select the appropriate option in
the Criteria-Analysis dialog box. There is currently no additional control over specifying which nodes are to be
considered attached or released from the diaphragm.

RAM Concrete Analysis 57 User Manual

Technical Notes

3.4.11 Multiple Diaphragms

Where multiple slab edges are provided in a single story RAM Concrete will apply the rigid diaphragm constraint
to each one independently. That is two independent diaphragms on a single level will not be constrained to each
other. Also the option to remove the rigid diaphragm constraint on a horizontal diaphragm applies to each
diaphragm independently. That is if members are sloped inside of one slab edge but not another the 'Remove
Rigid Diaphragm Constraint on Sloped Floor' option will only apply to those nodes inside the slab edge that has
sloped members.

3.4.12 P-Delta Effects

As the analysis performed in RAM Concrete is for a single story, with no lateral loading, second order effects due
to the models lateral translation are not considered to be significant. Therefore, P-Delta effects are not
considered in RAM Concrete.

3.4.13 Rigid End Zones

The joint face distance is the distance from centerline of joint to the face of the support of a beam or a column
element. Since there may be negligible deformation in this zone, analysis based on centerline-to-centerline
dimensions of such members may overestimate the actual deflections of the structure. Criteria > Analysis
provides a feature to account for the effect of this area of little or no deformation by allowing the user to specify
that the joint face distance or a portion of it be considered a “rigid end zone”. The rigid end zone is then assumed
to be infinitely rigid. Member forces are always output at the face of the joint whether or not rigid end zones are
Since rigid end offsets reduce the effective length of a member, only the length of the flexible part of the member
is taken for stiffness calculations. The stiffness matrix is then transformed to a coordinate system at the joints
(see Reference 7, in Section 3.7 (on page 74)).

Bottom joint face

dist. for column
string axis

Top joint face Joint face dist.

dist. for column for beam
string axis

Figure 10: Joint Face Distance

RAM Concrete Analysis 58 User Manual

Technical Notes

Joint Face Distance for Beams

The joint face distance at each end of a beam is given as:

JointFaceDist = 0.5 ( ColumnDepth

cos (α + β )
cos2θ + ColumnWidth × sin2θ )
θ = the angle between the beam and the major direction of
the column that frames to it
α = the angle the beam's major axis makes with the horizontal
as shown in figure above
β = the angle the column makes with the vertical as shown in
figure above
ColumnDepth = the depth and width, respectively, of a column extending
and down from the story level from the end of the beam under
ColumnWidth consideration
When the plane of the beam’s web does not align with the plane of the column web, α and β are both measured
in the plane defined by the major axes of the column and beam.
The column below is used to calculate the joint face distance. The joint face distance will be zero at the end of the
beam if the beam or column is pinned in a given axis.

Joint Face Distance for Columns

Columns have joint face distances at the top and the bottom ends in both the major and minor directions. The
column joint face distances are determined from the depth of the beams that frame to the column under
At each end of a column the joint face distance is calculated by:
Major Axis Rigid End Dist = 0.5 * Depth * Cos2θ
Minor Axis Rigid End Dist = 0.5 * Depth * Sin2θ
Depth = cos (α + β )
− ColumnDepth × tan (α + β)
BeamDepth = the depth of the beam that frames into the columns
“Major Axis Rigid Dist” and “Minor Axis Rigid Dist” are calculated for each beam that frames to the column, and
the largest value is used. For pinned columns, the rigid end zone distance that corresponds to the direction of
moment release will be zero. Pinned beams produce no rigid end zone.

RAM Concrete Analysis 59 User Manual

Technical Notes

Column major direction

θ Beam “I”


Column minor direction

Figure 11: Joint Face Distance for Columns

Effective Lengths and Reduction Factors

RAM Frame uses the effective lengths of beams and columns to calculate the stiffness of these members in the
coordinate system at the end of the rigid end zone. These are then transformed to a coordinate system at the
joint centerline.
A reduction factor can be used to scale down the effect of the full rigid end offsets. The Rigid End Zone is then
given by:
REZ = R * Joint Face Distance
R = the reduction factor.
For beams the effective length is calculated as:
Leff = L - REZi - REZj
L = length of member, centerline to centerline
REZi = the Rigid End Zone at end i
REZj = the Rigid End Zone at end j
For columns, the major axis effective length is calculated as:
Leff = L - REZXTop - REZXBot
and the minor axis effective length is calculated as:
Leff = L - REZYTop - REZYBot
L = length of member, centerline to centerline
REZXTop = the Major Axis Rigid End Zone at Top
REZXBot = the Major Axis Rigid End Zone at Bottom
REZYTop = the Minor Axis Rigid End Zone at Top
REZYBot = the Minor Axis Rigid End Zone at Bottom

RAM Concrete Analysis 60 User Manual

Technical Notes

Rigid End Zones for Pinned Concrete Beams

RAM Concrete Analysis has implemented a special method to more accurately analyze the scenario of a pinned
concrete beam supported on the face of a column. For this situation RAM Concrete Analysis introduces an
additional finite element (stub) for the distance between column centerline and column face (full rigid end zone
length). This element is assigned section properties 1,000 times that of the beam itself to ensure rigid behavior
and avoid numerical inaccuracy. By implementing the pinned end in this manner we assume that there is very
little panel zone deformations considered in analysis. The original pinned beam is assumed to span into the end
of this internal stub rigid element. When this occurs at both ends of the beam, the beam length is redefined in
such a way that it extends for the clear length between columns (as illustrated below).

Figure 12:

This approach enables the columns to experience more accurate moments when subject to only gravity loading.
Note that all forces are presented in terms of the physical member, and this internal manipulation should be
transparent to the user.
For each load case where a beam is loaded, the joint will be subject to a moment equal to the reaction of the
gravity member times the rigid end zone distance (face to centerline). A good application for this may be where
a column supports precast concrete beams and the user would like to consider the effect of beam skip loading on
the design of the column.

Fixed End Forces

When calculating fixed-end forces of gravity loads on beams, all loads on the effective length are considered.
Gravity loads within the rigid end zones are converted into an equivalent point load that is applied to the end of
the rigid end zone (this could result in conservative moments at the joint centerline).

Rigid End Zones in Short Finite Elements

In some cases, due to members that frame into rigid end zones, a finite elements length is shorter than its rigid
end zone length. In all cases where a member's rigid end zone length exceeds three-quarters of the elements
length, RAM Concrete Analysis ignores the rigid end zone, and uses the center-to-center dimension as the
effective lengths.
Similarly, columns in very short “dummy” stories could have rigid end zones larger than their own heights.
Again, in such cases RAM Concrete Analysis uses the clear heights of the columns as their effective lengths
without carrying out rigid end zone corrections.

RAM Concrete Analysis 61 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Design Forces

3.4.14 Analysis Error Messages

Before solving the global stiffness matrix, a data check process is carried out to catch any invalid data. This
includes a check of invalid material or section properties. If this kind of error is detected, the analysis is
terminated and a message indicating the source of error is given. The user may need to return to the RAM
Modeler to modify the member's material or section properties if this occurs.
During the solution process the analysis may be interrupted if a negative diagonal number (negative stiffness) is
detected. This indicates an important stability problem that should be resolved. The program will provide an
error message that should be helpful in identifying the source of the problem. This may include cases where all
the members at a node are pinned for a specific degree of freedom. The user will likely need to return to the
RAM Modeler to modify the model to enable it to be properly analyzed.
During the meshing, if the mesher fails to mesh the slab deck then the program gives the location at which the
mesher encountered the error. It will also provide some directions on how to proceed to fix the problem. The
user will likely need to return to the RAM Modeler to modify the model to enable it to be meshed successfully.
During the analysis, warning messages for local instabilities may be encountered. The local instability warning
message indicates that a very small stiffness value is found (which usually results from incorrect section or
material assignments, or improper release definitions at member ends located at a node). These stability
problems are suppressed by providing a very small finite number at these locations in the global system stiffness
matrix. However, it is strongly advised that the user check these warning messages and verify the validity of
analysis results.
It is important to note that often the error messages provided will reference a node number or member number.
The user should always be able to view the finite element model following an unsuccessful analysis to view the
node numbers for the story where the analysis was terminated. Refer to Process Results - Finite Element Model
Information (on page 23) for information on viewing the finite element model following an analysis.

3.5 Gravity Design Forces

The objective of the entire concrete gravity analysis mode is the generation of beam and column gravity forces. It
is important to note that these forces are not the final concrete design forces but rather they are used in load
combinations in the Concrete Beam and Concrete Column modes to calculate the final design forces. Refer to the
manuals for these two modes to find out how the Gravity Analysis mode forces are utilized. This section
describes how RAM Concrete computes the gravity forces in accordance with the ACI code specification and also
used for the BS8110 design.

3.5.1 Column Gravity Forces

ACI 8.8.1 stipulates, “Columns shall be designed to resist the axial forces from factored loads on all floors or roof
and the maximum moment from factored loads on a single adjacent span of the floor or roof under
consideration. Loading condition giving the maximum ratio of moment to axial load shall also be considered.”

RAM Concrete Analysis 62 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Design Forces

To implement the second requirement of ACI 8.8.1 “Loading condition giving the maximum ratio of moment to
axial load shall also be considered”, RAM Concrete considers the effect of each individual live load case (see
Section 3.3.10 (on page 32) for how load cases are computed) on each axis of the column. Note that if the user
selects not to skip load live loads (see Section 2.5.2 (on page 10)) then this code provision will not be
implemented and the column force from all live loads applied at the same time will be computed for use in the
column mode design.
When considering skip loading the program computes the column moments for each column for each live load
case. It accumulates forces into four groups based on the sign and axis of the moments. In other words, there are
four groups of design forces, one for positive major axis moment, one for negative major axis moment, one for
positive minor axis moment and one for negative minor axis moment. For a particular live load case, the
program determines which two (one for each axis) of these groups the forces fall in. It then adds all the moments
and the axial load, reduced by the appropriate live load reduction factor (see Section 3.3.9 (on page 51)) to that
group. In this way the program calculates the absolutely largest moment about each axis of the column and
accumulates the associated other axis moment and axial forces (irrespective of direction). As this process is
performed for both top and bottom of the column the program effectively calculates eight gravity live load force
points for each column. Figure 3-15 shows a simple example for calculating forces at the top of a column, which
is subject to three live load cases.

RAM Concrete Analysis 63 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Design Forces

Figure 13:

The program also tracks one additional axial load that is the column axial load due to all live load cases,
irrespective of column moment direction. This axial load is used in determining the design column forces in the
Concrete Column mode to meet the first requirement of ACI 8.8.1. Important, in the event that a single stories
column is broken into multiple finite elements (can only be due to openings that intersect the column) the axial
force from the lowest finite element in the column will be utilized in the design. Refer to the Wall Openings and
Meshing section in the technical notes for more information in the Finite Element Mesh.
As the program analyzes the structure one story at a time the program cannot calculate the column top and
bottom forces from the same analysis. As illustrated below for column 1, the column top forces are calculated
from the analysis at which the column top is at the story level being analyzed. For the column bottom the forces
are taken from the story analysis where the column bottom is at the story being analyzed.

RAM Concrete Analysis 64 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Design Forces

For Dead and Roof Live Load cases there is no skip loading and all the loads of these load types are considered to
occur simultaneously on a story and the single set of computed column forces is utilized in the Column Design
As column forces are calculated from top and bottom of the column in separate analyses, the associated gravity
shear force depends on which load pair (top and bottom) is assumed to occur at the same time. The grouping of
load pairs to obtain the largest shear force is described in more detail in the RAM Concrete Column manual. Note
that column forces are always recorded at the depth of the deepest beam framing into the column (see Rigid End
Zone Rigid End Zones (on page 58)). This is true for all cases except for lateral columns, which are pinned by the
user at the level of the story.
All the computed column forces for each column can be viewed in the Column Forces Report (see Section 5.9 (on
page 16)).

Column Slenderness
Much of the information required to perform slenderness calculations is obtained in the Analysis Mode.
However, the actual application of the slenderness calculations is performed in the Concrete Column Design
mode. As such the description of the effect of slenderness, including Sidesway and Effective Lengths, on the
design column forces (data points) is described in detail in the Concrete Column Manual.

3.5.2 Beam Gravity Forces

Each concrete beam, with an assigned beam line number, is divided into multiple stations. The program will also
automatically add stations at each point load, at the face of columns, at any location where any other member
frames into the physical beam. A station refers to a single point along the length of a beam where beam forces
will be computed and considered in the design. Note that beam forces are always given up to the face of supports
(where beams span into columns) or up to the end where they span into other beams or walls. The user can
control the quantity of stations by selecting the appropriate option in the Analysis Criteria dialog box (see

RAM Concrete Analysis 65 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Design Forces

Section 2.5.2 (on page 10)). RAM Concrete calculates beam design forces for dead load, live load and roof live
load independently.
For live load, ACI R8.9 reads as follows, “The engineer is expected to establish the most demanding set of design
forces by investigating the effects of live load placed in various critical patterns.” RAM Concrete allows the
engineer to implement this requirement by providing the option to skip load the live load (see Analysis (on page
10)). This is similar to the intent of BS8110
Where skip loading is selected for beam line or non-beam line beams, the following procedure for calculating
live load beam forces is implemented. For each live load case (see Section 3.3.10 (on page 52)) of type reducible,
unreducible (includes partition) or storage (see Sections 3.3.1 (on page 33)) the program will compute the
shear, moment and torsion at each station along the length of the beam. The program will then multiply each of
these forces by the appropriate member live load reduction factor (see Section 3.3.9 (on page 51)) and sum
same-sign forces for each station. In other words, the program adds positive values to each other at each station
and negative values to each other at each station. Thus, only when a specific load case increases the force at a
station will it be considered. When completed the program has two curves for each beam for the floor live load
case, a positive and a negative curve. These curves represent the largest force (positive and negative); from the
worst skip loaded condition that can exist at any station along the beam length. This process is illustrated
graphically below.

RAM Concrete Analysis 66 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Design Forces

Forces from floor live load cases are added at each station where their effect increases the positive or negative
force at the station. For roof live load the forces are added together irrespective of sign to produce a single curve.

RAM Concrete Analysis 67 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Design Forces

For dead load and roof live load no skip loading is performed and the forces produced are due to all dead or roof
live load applied simultaneously. There is only a single curve of forces for these load cases. There is no moment
redistribution implemented in RAM Concrete. Note that the user will find that in most cases the reduction in the
required moment capacity is not significant enough to justify the effort of moment redistribution.
All the computed beam live load envelope and dead and roof load force diagrams can be viewed in the Beam Line
Force Envelope report (see Section 5.7 (on page 85))

3.5.3 Wall Gravity Forces

The following figure shows a configuration of a wall member comprised of a single finite element that has a
sloped edge at top and bottom of the wall. Member resisting forces calculated at the corner of the walls are used
to calculate wall member forces. Therefore,
Wall Shear Force = F1 + F2 Equation 3 - 4
Wall Axial Force = F3 + F4 Equation 3 - 5
wL Equation 3 - 6
Wall Moment = F 1d L + F 2d R + M 1 + M 2 + (F 3 − F 4) 2

Note: The wall overturning moment is taken around point O which is at the average height of nodes K and L.

RAM Concrete Analysis 68 User Manual

Technical Notes
Gravity Design Forces



dL F3



Figure 14: Wall Forces with Sloping Edges

Due to modeling and analysis accuracy considerations, walls may be meshed by the program. In this case, axial
force, major axes shear and overturning moment of the meshed wall system is reported instead of reporting
individual wall member forces. This is explained in the Figure below where a wall system is meshed with 3 sub-
wall elements (Figure (a)) and the program reports combined effects as shown in Figure (b). Note that all
reported values are calculated at the centroid of the wall system, which is automatically calculated by the

(a) (b)
Figure 15: Combined Wall Forces

Wall Sign Convention

Reported forces for wall members include axial force, major axis shear and major axis bending moment
(overturning moment). The following figure shows the positive direction of wall member forces. It should be
noted that the axial and shear forces are constant through the height of the walls.

RAM Concrete Analysis 69 User Manual

Technical Notes

Axial forc

Major sh

Figure 16: Wall Forces Positive Sign Convention

3.6 Deflections
Within the RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis mode the beam deflections are generated. There are several steps to
the computation of gravity deflections from the original building model. First the full structural model is broken
into multiple finite element models, one for each story in the structure. Each finite element model is then loaded
with the appropriate gravity loads in specific load cases, and analyzed. Following the analysis, local beam
deflections are computed and combined per the code to produce the most accurate gravity deflections. These
gravity deflections are then used in the Concrete Beam mode to calculate the final Dead, Live, Long Term and Net
Deflections. This technical section describes the details and assumptions made by the program in generating
these beam deflections.

3.6.1 Deflection Measurement

Deflections are calculated at 20 evenly spaced stations along the center half of the clear span of each beam. The
program assumes that the maximum beam deflection will occur within this length. The displacement at each end
of a beam cantilever, where it exists, is also computed.
All deflections calculated in RAM Concrete are based on member local displacement. As illustrated below the
affect of beam support displacement (column shortening) does not impact the local member displacement
computed for a beam.

RAM Concrete Analysis 70 User Manual

Technical Notes

3.6.2 Sign Convention

Negative deflection is considered to be an upward acting deflection, while positive deflection is a downward
acting deflection.

3.6.3 Skip Loading

Where specified by the engineer the beams on the structure will be skip-loaded with live load. Similarly to how
the program considers beam forces, the live load member deflections from each live (skip) load case are
combined so as to produce a maximum upwards and maximum downwards deflection envelope for each beam.
This is illustrated in the figure above.

3.6.4 Live Load Reduction

Each of the Building Codes has provisions for reducing the live loads under certain conditions. When
appropriate, the program automatically calculates these reduction factors and reduces the loads accordingly.
The program recognizes five types of live loads: Reducible, Storage, Unreducible, Roof and Partition. The Roof
load may be treated as either Reducible or Snow, as specified by the user in the RAM Manager criteria. The
partition live loads are always combined with Unreducible live loads.
Live load reduction factors are a function of the area associated with the loads acting on a member. In calculating
the reduction for a given load, the program only uses the area on the member associated with that live load type.
For example, if part of the load on a member is Reducible and part is Storage, only the area associated with the
Reducible loads will be included in the calculation of the reduction factor on the Reducible loads, and only the
area associated with the Storage loads will be included in the calculation of the reduction factor, if permitted, on
the Storage loads.

RAM Concrete Analysis 71 User Manual

Technical Notes

For each (skip) load condition the program will calculate the deflection for each member. Similar to forces these
deflections are then reduced by the appropriate live load reduction factor on each span as illustrated above for
several skip load cases.

3.6.5 Design Deflection Curves

The individual member live load deflection curves from each load case are combined by summing like-sign
deflections on each beam. That is, the analysis of each load case results in either positive (down) or negative (up)
deflection at each station along the beam. From each load case the positive deflections are summed and the
negative deflections summed (for all live load cases). The result of this process is a live load deflection 'envelope'

RAM Concrete Analysis 72 User Manual

Technical Notes

containing the maximum upward and downward deflection at each station from all skip load cases. Note that
unlike for the beam forces, the roof live load deflection is not kept independent of the floor live load deflections.
As illustrated below the analysis will produce a single curve for dead load deflections and an envelope of live
load deflections for each beam. The live load envelope illustrated below was computed from the skip live load
cases illustrated above.

For the case where no skip loading is applied, a single deflection curve (similar to dead load) will be obtained for
Live Loads.

3.6.6 Special Conditions

There are a couple of special conditions that need to be considered with respect to the calculation of deflections.
Pinned As described previously when a concrete beam member is pinned RAM Concrete internally
Members introduces a rigid element between column face and column centerline. When member
deflections are calculated they are based on the member local displacements measured from a
line between the supports of the physical beam. As illustrated below the deflection value that is
calculated incorporates any rotation that may occur within the support (column), even when the
member is pinned.

Cantilevers Deflections are measured at one station located at the end of the cantilever. The cantilever
deflection is measured perpendicular to the vector that would extend through the two support
nodes of the physical beam as illustrated in the previous section on deflection measurement .

3.6.7 Shear Deformation

Following the analysis the nodal displacements at finite element nodes are calculated and stored. These
displacements are calculated considering the shear deformation of the members in the formulation of the
stiffness matrix. Using these calculated the displacements the final member local displacements along its length
are calculated in two steps as follows:
1. The member deformation based purely on the end displacements of the finite element are calculated ( in Fig

RAM Concrete Analysis 73 User Manual

Technical Notes

2. The deformed shape due to any applied point or distributed loads on the member are then calculated. During
this second step the end displacements and rotations are considered fixed ( in Fig 1c).
The final element displacement along the member is obtained by combining these two calculated displacements
(v = v1 + v2).

Figure 17:

In lieu of dividing the member into smaller elements and calculating displacements at required stations, RAM
Concrete calculates the displacements ν1 and ν2 by solving corresponding differential equations, considering any
end releases, defined rigid ends and any loads on the members. This substantially saves computational time if
many member deflection values are required.

Note: Shear deformation is not considered in the calculating of the member local deformed shape (i.e. when
calculating ν1 and ν2). In some cases where shear deformation is significant (this is a function of member length
and cross-section dimensions) the current methodology may be slightly un-conservative.

3.7 References
1. MacNeal, R.H., and Harder, R.L., (1988), “A Refined Four-noded Membrane Element with Rotational Degrees of
Freedom”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 28, No.1, pp. 75-84
2. Ibrahimbegovic, A., Taylor, R. L., and Wilson, E. L., (1990), “A Robust Quadrilateral membrane Finite Element
with Drilling Degrees of Freedom”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 30,

RAM Concrete Analysis 74 User Manual

Technical Notes

3. Ibrahimbegovic, A. and Wilson, E. L., (1991), "A Unified Formulation for Triangular and Quadrilateral Flat
Shell Finite Elements with Six Nodal Degrees of Freedom", Communications in Applied Numerical Methods,
Vol. 7, 1-9
4. Park and Paulay, John Wiley, (1975) “Reinforced Concrete Structures”
5. Ferguson, John Wiley, (1979) "Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals, 4th ed."
6. Motoya, Meseguer and Moran, 12th Edition, Ed. Gili, Madrid-Spain, (1988) “Hormigón Armado” (Spanish)
7. Ghali, A. and Neville, A.M., (1989) “Structural Analysis: A Unified Classical and Matrix Approach”, Chapman and
Hall, London.

Long, C.S, and Groenwold, A. A., (2004), “Reduced Modified Quadratures for Quadratic Membrane Finite
Elements”, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 31:837-855
Taylor, R.L, (1987), “Finite Element Analysis of Linear Shell Problems”, Proceedings The Mathematics of Finite
Elements and Applications, Academic Press, New York, pp.211-22

RAM Concrete Analysis 75 User Manual

RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration
The RAM Structural System can use the column and wall forces that are exported from RAM Concept in the RAM
Concrete Analysis and Concrete Design Modules. This feature is only available with RAM Concept v1.4 or later,
and applies to RAM Concept models that are created in the RAM Structural System and then imported into RAM
Concept. Also, the import into RSS feature does not work for levels which are influenced by hanger column
RAM Concept can import loads and geometry from any story of a RAM Structural System model. Following an
analysis in RAM Concept the column and wall forces can be exported back into the RAM Structural System for
consideration in the concrete analysis and design modules. Within the RAM Structural System the RAM Concept
column and wall forces are integrated into the analysis results in the RAM Concrete Analysis module. When
forces have been exported from RAM Concept they can then be selected to be included in the RAM Concrete
Gravity Analysis. Following a successful analysis in RAM Concrete the column design module will consider the
RAM Concept column forces in the design.
The schematic below illustrates a possible work flow between RAM Structural System and RAM Concept and is
described as follows:
• Start with a model created in RAM Structural System.
• Import a story (Roof and 2nd) into RAM Concept, analyze and export the column forces back to the RAM
Structural System Model.
• Import another story (2nd) into RAM Concept, analyze and export the column forces back to the RAM
Structural System model.
• Invoke the RAM Concrete Analysis module and perform the analysis (selecting to use the RAM Concept
Column Forces).
• Switch to the RAM Concrete Column module and design the columns.

Note: In all cases the commands to both import and export occur from within RAM Concept. The column forces
are not imported into the RAM Structural System from RAM Concept, but are exported from RAM Concept into
the RAM Structural System.

RAM Concrete Analysis 76 User Manual

RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration


RAM Modeler
RAM Model

RAM Concept

Import Roof()

Export Roof Forces()


Import 2nd()

Export 2nd Forces()

Read Forces()
Conc. Analysis

Save Results()

Read Forces()
Conc. Design

Save Designs()

Import Fnd Forces

= Time period that specific Module is active

= Interaction between modules, arrow shows direction of data flow

Figure 19: Workflow Between RAM Modules

As a result of the integration a new hyperstatic load case may be introduced into RAM Concrete. Please refer to
the RAM Concept documentation for more information on the origin of this force. Where they exist in the RAM
Concept analysis the hyperstatic column forces are provided to the RAM Structural System and considered in the
analysis and design in the RAM Structural System.

4.1 Introduction
Concept member forces exported into the RAM Structural System are included in the analysis that is performed
in RAM Concrete. As described previously RAM Concrete analyzes each story independently and carries the
vertical reactions for each load case down to the story below for the subsequent analysis. During this process, if

RAM Concrete Analysis 77 User Manual

RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration

any story is selected to use RAM Concept column forces, the program will sum the Concept member force at that
story with the force that is passed down from the levels above, to modify the column reactions (to be carried to
the level below) and column design forces at that level. Beam forces will continue to use the RAM Structural
System concrete analysis results, they are not exported back from RAM Concept. Note that the column forces
from RAM Concept could produce forces in the beams in the analysis performed at the story/s below the
columns. Also, the floor analysis of each story is still performed in RAM Concrete Analysis, even if it is also
performed in RAM Concept and forces are passed back. This is to allow RAM Structural System to determine
beam forces (which are not passed back from Concept), to distribute transfer loads and to accumulate the forces
from levels above the one being analyzed.

Important: Wall openings will be ignored in the concrete analysis for stories whose forces are obtained from
RAM Concept. This is to facilitate the integration of wall forces from RAM Concept where wall openings are not
currently available.

4.2 Results
As described previously the various beam, column and wall forces from each load case are available for display
on the screen following an analysis by selecting Process-Results. These forces are not affected by the RAM
Concept Forces except as indicated next.
The member forces shown on the screen are all taken from the RAM Concrete analysis (RAM Concept member
forces are not displayed on screen). However, when a story is selected to use RAM Concept forces two things
happen. First the design forces calculated for the columns at that story add the Concept Force to the force that
exists in the member due to the load on the levels above the one being analyzed. And second, the reactions that
are applied to the level below are modified to include the RAM Concept column force. These are not visible on
the screen except that the effect of the reactions can be observed in the analysis results (on screen) of the story

Criteria Column Forces

Refer to the Criteria Section for more information on tracking the status of the RAM Concept Force
information and the RAM Structural System Model.
Refer to the Reports Section for more information on Concept Column Forces and Concept Wall Forces
Technical Notes
RAM Concept Wall and Column Forces
RAM Concept exports column moments at the base of the columns at the level above the story being
analyzed, and column top moments and axial forces for the columns below the story being analyzed. The wall
forces for walls located below the story are also exported back into the RAM Structural System. No beam
forces are exported from RAM Concept. There is no change in the sign convention used in RAM Concrete.
Refer to previous section in this manual for a description of the RAM Concrete Sign Convention and how RAM
Concrete determines the design column forces for columns that span multiple levels.
Concept Story Status (State)
To coordinate the RAM Structural System model and the various RAM Concept models, the program attempts
to track how Concept as interacted with each story, and what the status of the shared data is. This is so as to
provide feedback to the user as to whether a particular set of column and wall results for a story are one of
the following:

RAM Concrete Analysis 78 User Manual

RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration

Result/Color Description

Current (Green) The RAM Structural and Concept Models are identical and in synch.

Not Current There is some potential minor difference between the RAM Concept model and the RAM
(Yellow) Structural model. This is typically caused by a reframe of a story in the RAM Structural
System model at a point in time after Concept has imported the loads and geometry for
the story. It could however also refer to a change in member size in RAM Structural
System, which again has not been recognized in the data that RAM Concept already has
for this story.

Not Available (Red) Typically indicates either RAM Concept has not imported any data for this story, has not
exported forces for this story, or that a significant (major) change has occurred to this
story in the Structural System model since either the import or export occurred. A
significant major change could be any of: Addition or deletion of columns or walls, or the
deletion of stories or changing the floor type on a story.

The status of a particular story is determined using the following rules and definitions:

Status Definition

Source Story Story whose model geometry and loads are imported into RAM Concept from.

Target Story Story that RAM Concept has exported forces to.

Floor type The floor that is assigned to a story in RAM Structural System. One or more stories can
be assigned the same floor type in the RAM Modeler.

Major Change Time The most recent time that a significant change occurred to the story in the RAM
Structural System model. This change could be as a result of the addition or deletion of
columns or walls at a story, the addition or deletion of stories or the changing of a
story's floor type.

Minor Change Time The most recent time that a minor change occurred to the story in the RAM Structural
System model. This change could be as a result of any reframe of a story (moved
framing, other model changes such as slab edge, load changes etc).

Major Read Time The most recent time at which RAM Concept imported the geometry and member
properties from the RAM Structural System for the particular story.

Minor Read Time The most recent time at which RAM Concept imported the story loads.

RAM Concept will export results back into the RAM Structural System providing the RAM Structural System
with the Target Story, the Source Story and a set of flags (values) related to actions made in RAM Concept.
These flags, which represent any difference between the RAM Concept and RAM Structural System model, are
used as the last criteria on which the story status is determined. Given this information RAM Structural
System determines the story status as follows.

RAM Concrete Analysis 79 User Manual

RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration

Transfer loads
All transfer loads are distributed during the RAM Concrete analysis. That is, if a transfer situation exists the
forces exported by RAM Concept for the transfer story, do not include the contribution of the transfer load.
The forces are transferred in RAM Concrete based on the support framing as modeled in the Structural
System model.
Self weight
The self-weight of slabs and beams is typically considered in the RAM Concept analysis. The column/wall
forces provided by RAM Concept account for the effects of self-weight as specified in RAM Concept. It is the
engineer's responsibility to ensure the self-weight settings of the RAM Structural System and RAM Concept
are in synch. The self-weight (when indicated to be included) of walls and columns below a story being
analyzed are calculated with RAM Concrete analysis and not provided by RAM Concept.
Missing Member Forces
In some circumstances RAM Concept may only import a subset of the columns/walls at a story. This typically
occurs at partial levels where some of the columns/walls may not be enclosed in the slab and hence are not
considered in the Concept Analysis. Forces can then only be exported back to the RAM Structural System for
those walls and columns that were imported. In these cases the program will report the columns and walls
for which no Concept forces are provided during the analysis in RAM Concrete. In the case of the situation

RAM Concrete Analysis 80 User Manual

RAM Concept Column and Wall Force Integration

described this should not be a concern as the forces in these members are still carried down from the levels
above where they were actively supporting slab or beam.
Column Design Forces
Column design forces are calculated as previously described in this manual. Skip loading forces provided by
RAM Concept are utilized when the skip load condition is specified in RAM Concrete Analysis Criteria.
Concept provides column forces for any/all of the following: Dead Load, Hyperstatic Load, Roof Live, Storage
Live, Floor Live and unreducible (includes partition) Live loads. The live loads (excluding the roof) can be
skip loaded and are shown as cumulative values in the design report (considering the appropriate live load
reduction factors).

RAM Concrete Analysis 81 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Reports
RAM Concrete Gravity output is designed to provide the engineer with all necessary data for the review of
calculations for the generation of the column and beam gravity forces. The reports also provide some
information that can be used to independently verify the results obtained in the analysis. The engineer is
encouraged to print out sample reports to refer to when reading this section of the manual.
Below is a summary of the reports available in the RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis mode. A more complete
explanation of RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis output follows.

Model Data Generates a list of all concrete lateral and gravity members and story data.
Member Analysis Generates a report of cross-sectional dimensions of all concrete beams and columns
Properties and calculated values for all members regarding their section properties such as area,
major and minor axis moment of inertia, and torsional stiffness constant.
Vertical Reactions Generates a report for sum of vertical reactions for each story. The vertical reactions
are calculated for all the applied load cases.
Analysis Criteria Generates a report showing parameters defined in the Analysis Criteria Dialog and
parameters assigned to individual members.
Beam Load Diagram Generates a report of applied and distributed loads on concrete beams.
Beam Line Force Generates a report of dead load and live load envelope forces at quarter points for all
Envelope beams that have the same beam line number.
Beam Deflections Deflection values for all beam line beams for Dead and Live load (upward and
downward maximum per skip loading).
Column Forces Generates a report of dead load and skip loaded concrete column forces.
Concept Column If RAM Concept Column Forces are integrated into the Concrete Analysis a report of the
Forces Concept produced column forces is available. The report is not cumulative and only
contains the column forces exactly as they were exported from RAM Concept.
Wall Forces Generates a report of wall dead and live forces as calculated in RAM Concrete
Concept Wall Forces If RAM Concept Wall Forces are integrated into the Concrete Analysis a report of the
Concept exported wall forces is available. The report is not cumulative and only
contains the wall forces exactly as they were exported from RAM Concept.

RAM Concrete Analysis 82 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Reports
Concrete Model Data

5.1 General Comments on Reports

The heading contains information about RAM Concrete Analysis and the model that the output represents. The
Date field is the time and date the database was last updated, not the time the report was printed.
All values that have unit dimensions have the units reported in brackets after the value description. The report
descriptions below are only provided where reports may require further description. Descriptions are not
provided for items that are self-explanatory.

5.2 Concrete Model Data

The model data report includes all information on the model related to geometry and user assigned section and
fixity properties for concrete members. The report includes the following:

Story Data Each story's floor type and floor-to-floor heights as specified in the RAM Modeler.
Column User defined concrete section properties as specified in the RAM Modeler.
Beam Section User defined beam section properties as specified in the RAM Modeler. Includes the following:
# - Member identifier (next section of report refers to the section by identifier).

Label – User assigned section label for T and Rectangular beams. For pan joists the name is
assigned by the RAM Modeler and represents the pan-joist size each side of the pan joist (or
a dimension for an odd spaced pan if required). Refer to the RAM Modeler manual for more
information on pan joist labeling.
Depth – For T and Rectangular sections this represents the full depth of the section (Top of
concrete slab to bottom of web). For pan joists this represents the distance below the slab
(pan depth).
Width – The total flange width of the section (if user specified flange overhangs are
provided, this value will then equal the sum of the web thickness and the flanges
overhangs). If the field is ‘calc’ then the properties are calculated and can be obtained from
the Member Analysis Properties Report.
Flange Overhang – Dimensions of the flange width each side of the web. This dimension is
measured from the outer edge of the web to the edge of the flange. If the field is ‘calc’ then
the properties are calculated and can be obtained from the Member Analysis Properties
Flange Thickness – Dimensions of the flange thickness each side of the web. If the field is
‘calc’ then the properties are calculated based on the assigned slab, and can be obtained
from the Member Analysis Properties Report.
Web Thickness – The section web width. If the field is ‘var’ then the properties are variable
and can be obtained from the Member Analysis Properties Report.
Crack Factor – The user assigned factor that is used to modify the analysis section
properties as described in Material Properties (on page 37).

Members Concrete member specific calculated or assigned properties, including the following:

RAM Concrete Analysis 83 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Reports
Member Analysis Properties

X, Y - Member X and Y coordinates in plan.

ZOffset – Distance of column top above or below the story elevation. For beam sections
there are two rows of information representing the I and J end of the beam.
RigMaj, RigMin – Rigid end zone distances for major and minor axis.
FrameTy – Member frame type (lateral or gravity)
Fixity – Member assigned fixity conditions. Note that these may not be the same as the
fixity seen when using the Process-Results-FE Model Info command as explained in Section
3.2.3 (on page 35).
Section – The member identifier for the section described in the Column Section Properties
and Beam Section Properties at the top of the report.

5.3 Member Analysis Properties

The member analysis properties report includes all information on the members related to the cross section
dimensions and section properties used in the analysis. The report is divided into two segments, the section
dimensions segment followed by the section properties segment.
Section The actual calculated or assigned segment dimensions to be used to calculate the section
Dimensions properties for analysis. Column titles have the same meaning as the titles in the Concrete
Model Data report.
Calculated Section This section reports the calculated section properties that are used in the analysis. Refer
Properties to Section 3.2.6 (on page 37) for an explanation of how the section properties are

5.4 Vertical Reactions

The vertical reactions report presents a summary of the total vertical reactions for each story. The vertical
reactions are shown in sequence starting from top level and ending at bottom level. These reactions are shown
separately for all the applied load cases.

5.5 Analysis Criteria

This report contains the global and individual member analysis criteria.
The global information reported includes the analysis criteria (see Section 2.5.2 (on page 10)), the Sidesway
criteria (see Section 2.5.4 (on page 16)) the Effective Length criteria (see Section 2.5.5 (on page 18)) and the
column Bracing information (see Section 2.5.6 (on page 18)).
The user can override Effective Length and Sidesway on an individual column basis as described in Section 2.6
(on page 70). The report shows these criteria settings for each concrete column.

RAM Concrete Analysis 84 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Reports
Beam Load Diagram

The Criteria Report also incorporates the RAM Concept Column Forces information if it exists.

5.6 Beam Load Diagram

This report displays the user applied line and point loads, and the tributary surface loads to a beam. The report
also indicates the location of members that are supported on the selected beam. This report can be generated for
a single, fence or all beams.

5.7 Beam Line Force Envelope

This report provides the Dead Load, Live Load and Roof Live Load beam forces at five stations for the selected
beam line beams. When live load is skipped a maximum and minimum force value is given at each of the output
stations for live load. Refer to Section 3.5.2 (on page 65) for an explanation of how the beam forces are
calculated. These forces are combined with lateral forces in RAM Concrete Beam mode to produce the final
design envelopes.
The output is provided at the quarter point and midpoint of the beam, measured from the full centerline-to-
centerline distances. The first and last (0% and 100%) stations are at the face of the column where a beam is
supported by a column and otherwise at the centerline. Note that within each beam line the beams (output) are
sorted in the order they occur in the beam line. If the orientation of any beam is opposite to the direction of the
beam line, the forces will still be output in the direction of the beam line.
All live load values have already been reduced by the applicable live load reduction factors. Even though the
envelope values are calculated for cantilever beams the forces are only provided for the back-span and not the
cantilever span.
In the case of a hyperstatic column load being introduced by RAM Concept report may show an additional
hyperstatic set of forces. It is important to note that these hyperstatic forces on the beams are NOT the
hyperstatic beam forces that exist in the beams in RAM Concept due to the Concept Analysis. Rather, they are the
forces that exist in the beams as a result of the RAM Concrete analysis due to the Hyperstatic forces in the
columns that were exported from Concept into the RAM Structural System.

5.8 Beam Deflection

Following a successful analysis the user can obtain a printout of the calculated Dead and Live load deflections at
a number of stations along the member length. Select the Reports > Beam Deflection command to obtain the
desired beam deflection report. All beam deflections are based on beam section properties and assigned cracked
section properties.
To generate a report for a single beam select the Beam Deflection-Single command and click on a concrete
beam. To generate a deflection report for multiple members select the Beam Deflection -Fence command and
fence the beams.
This report displays the Dead Load and Roof Live Load deflections as the ends of cantilevers and at several
stations along the length of the beam. For live load the maximum positive and negative deflection values are

RAM Concrete Analysis 85 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Reports
Column Forces

reported at each station. Refer to the technical section for more information on how these values are calculated
and the effect of skip loading on these values.

5.9 Column Forces

This report provides the Dead Load, Live Load and Roof Live Load column forces at top and bottom of each
column. When live load is skipped four separate live load cases are reported, namely:
Maximum Mmajor+, Maximum Mmajor-, Maximum Mminor+ and Maximum Mminor-. For example, the Max
Mmajor + row represent the sum of all the column forces from all load cases which produced a positive major
axis moment, likewise for the other rows. Refer to Section 3.5.1 (on page 62) for an explanation of how exactly
the column forces are calculated. These forces are then combined with lateral forces in the column mode to
produce the final design forces (see RAM Concrete Column Manual for more information).
The output is provided at the face of columns where they frame into beams top or bottom, or at centerlines
otherwise. All live load values have already been reduced by the applicable live load reduction factors.
In the case of a hyperstatic column load being introduced by RAM Concept the reportmay show an additional
hyperstatic set of forces.

5.10 Concept Column Forces

To display the column forces exported from RAM Concept into RAM Structural System select the Reports >
Concept Column report. This report shows the exact forces exported by RAM Concept. These forces are only
from the single floor analysis performed in RAM Concept and do not include any loads from the level above. The
forces are only available if the state of the Concept forces is such that they are available (whether status Current
or Not Current) as described in the technical notes below. Again these forces are added to the forces that are
passed down from the levels above during the analysis.
In the case of a hyperstatic column load being introduced by RAM Concept the Reports > Column Design
Forces and Reports- Beam Line Force Envelope reports may show an additional hyperstatic set of forces.

5.11 Wall Forces

A Wall Force Report option is available in RAM Concrete Module. This report provides the Dead Load, Live Load
and Roof Live Load wall force for the selected wall/s. The output is presented at the origin of the wall as
described in the technical section below.
Note that as the walls are restrained against translation at the levels above and below the story being analyzed,
the shear and moment that would occur where the walls are free to displace horizontally are not observed. As
such only the axial wall force is considered acceptable for design purposes. If the gravity wall will displace
significantly under gravity loads, and experience significant shear and moment forces it is recommended to
make the wall lateral and use the gravity forces out of RAM Frame.

RAM Concrete Analysis 86 User Manual

RAM Concrete Gravity Analysis Reports
Concept Wall Forces

5.12 Concept Wall Forces

To display the wall forces exported from RAM Concept into RAM Structural System select the Reports >
Concept Wall Forces report.
These reports show the exact forces exported by RAM Concept. These forces are only from the single floor
analysis performed in RAM Concept and do not include any loads from the level above. The forces are only
available if the state of the Concept forces is such that they are available (whether status Current or Not Current)
as described in the technical notes below. Again these forces are added to the forces that are passed down from
the levels above during the analysis.

RAM Concrete Analysis 87 User Manual

RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help
A RAM Structural System module.

A.1 Using the RAM Concrete Analysis Mode

File (on page 88)
Mode (on page 88)
Criteria (on page 91)
Assign (on page 106)
Process (on page 110)
Reports (on page 125)
View (on page 123)

A.2 Mode
The Mode menu can be used to switch between the RAM Concrete modes. By default, RAM Concrete always
opens in Concrete Gravity Analysis mode. A checkmark appears beside the mode that is currently active. The
drop-down combo box located on the tool bar can be used for this purpose as well.

A.3 File
Menu Item Description

Model Status (on page 89) To view the status of the model with respect to the
Concrete Gravity Analysis mode.

Save (on page 89) To Save any modifications made to the model since the
most recent File - Save command.

Print (on page 90) To Print the current view.

RAM Concrete Analysis 88 User Manual

RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help

Menu Item Description

Print Preview (on page 90) To Preview the printout of the current view.

Print Setup (on page 90) To setup printer for printout of the current view.

File - Notes (on page 90) To view or add notes pertaining to the current model.

Exit (on page 91) To exit the RAM Concrete Module.

A.3.1 Model Status

Because it is a fully integrated system, the RAM Structural System modules are dependent upon each other's
data and results. Often changes to in one module invalidate the results of one or more of the other modules.
Model Status tracks these dependencies and provides feedback on each module's current state.
The File > Model Status command brings up a dialog that displays the current modules state. If the module's
indicator light is anything other than green, the dialog contains an explanation of the state of the model.
In RAM Manager, the File > Model Status command will list the status of each of the modules. This dialog
provides a more in-depth explanation of the model’s status than that provided by the status indicator lights.

A.3.2 Save
Each module has a File > Save command allowing the user to save the current database. It is not necessary to
invoke the Save command when going from one module to another.
Any changes made to Criteria or assignments, or any analyses or designs performed are only saved temporarily
until the Save command is invoked. This allows the user to work with the database, saving or discarding changes
or results as desired. The RAM Manager requires that the Save command be invoked prior to exiting the RAM
Structural System or prior to opening another database, otherwise the changes made since the last Save will be
lost. The other modules do not require that the Save command be invoked before exiting that module and going
to another module. It is recommended that the Save command be invoked periodically, especially when exiting
the Modeler.
If it is desired to discard any modifications or changes made to a database since the most recent Save, invoke the
File > Revert command in the RAM Manager or exit the RAM Structural System without saving the data. Re-
opening the current database with the File > Open command or opening a different database without saving will
also cause the changes to be discarded.
There is no explicit command to Copy a database, but this can be accomplished by opening the database,
invoking File > Save As and specifying the new name and/or directory.
Issuing the File > Exit or File > Open commands before the current database has been saved will cause a
message to be given warning the user that changes have been made since the last Save was invoked, and gives
the user a chance to save work before exiting. Select Yes if you want to save the changes to the database, No if
you want to discard the changes, or Cancel if you want to continue with the current database.

RAM Concrete Analysis 89 User Manual

RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help

If the program crashes or otherwise abnormally terminates at any time before the database can be properly
saved, a message will be given the next time that database is opened indicating that a temporary backup file for
that database has been found. The backup file contains the database as it existed at the last Save, before the most
recent changes were made. The user is given the option to either open the database as it occurred at or just
previous to the time that the program terminated (using the Most Recent Database option) or to open the
backup database which contains the database as it existed at the time of the last Save (using the Backup
Database option). The user is also given the option to cancel opening either one.
If the Backup Database option is selected, any changes made since the last proper Save will be lost.
If the Most Recent Database option is selected, the user should carefully inspect the model. The most recent
database contains all or most of the changes since the last Save, but it may also contain whatever data errors or
corruption that may have caused the program to terminate. If the data is corrupted, exit without saving. This will
cause the most recent changes to be lost and the backup database to be restored to the database (the same as if
the Backup Database option had been selected initially).
Alternatively, select the Most Recent Database option and then save to a different name using the File > Save As
command. By doing this, both versions of the database will be available for further inspection or use if necessary.

A.3.3 Print
Selecting the Print command will cause the current view to be printed. This printout can be obtained at any
stage of the modeling, in any view. The black background will not be printed; white text will be printed black.
The printout can be previewed by first invoking Print Preview (on page 90). The output device can be selected
(including Orientation, Portrait or Landscape) can be selected by invoking Print Setup (on page 90).

A.3.4 Print Preview

Selecting the Print Preview command will show a preview of the printout of the current view. To print the
current view, select the Print button. To exit the Preview, select the Close button.

A.3.5 Print Setup

Select the Print Setup command to change the printer or to modify printer settings, including Orientation
(Portrait or Landscape).

A.3.6 File - Notes

A 'Model Notes' toolbar button and menu command (under the 'File' menu) are available in all RAM Structural
System modules. Invoking "Model Notes" will bring up a model unique text file that may be used for entering any
notes that you wish to keep on the currently loaded model. The model notes file is stored in the same directory
as the model's files and will have the format 'modelname.txt'.

RAM Concrete Analysis 90 User Manual

RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help

A.3.7 Exit
Selecting the File > Exit command will terminate execution of the RAM Modeler and return control to the RAM
If any modifications are detected, the RAM Modeler will ask if you wish to save those modifications. If the OK
button is clicked, the Save As dialog box appears, prompting for the database name. The default is the currently
selected database name, but you can Save to any database name by entering a different name into the Data Base
Name edit box.
Clicking the OK button performs the save. Clicking the Cancel button will cause you to return to the RAM
Modeler without saving the modifications.

A.4 Criteria
The criteria set through the criteria dialog boxes are global criteria that affect all concrete structural members
unless they are overwritten using one of the assign commands.

Menu Item Description

Criteria Code (on page 91) To select the concrete code that will be used for the
analysis and design of the concrete members.

Criteria Analysis (on page 92) To establish the criteria used to create the finite
element model, load cases and number of forces to
save for design purposes.

Column Forces (on page 99) To specify which stories are to use RAM Concept
Column forces, and the status of the RAM Structural
System model relative to the RAM Concept model for
each story.

Criteria Sidesway (on page 104) To set the global criteria used to determine whether a
column is a sway or nonsway column in each axis.

Criteria Effective Length Factor (on page 105) To set the global criteria used to determine the
effective length factor for each axis of a column.

Criteria Bracing (on page 105) To set the criteria by which it is determined if a
column is braced at each story.

RAM Concrete Analysis 91 User Manual

RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help

A.4.1 Criteria Code

Select Criteria > Code to display the analysis criteria window. The Code criteria allows you to select the
concrete code that will be used for the analysis and design of the concrete members in RAM Concrete Analysis,
RAM Concrete Beam, and RAM Concrete Column.

Note: RAM Concrete Wall is not affected by this setting. The shear wall design module has its own code criteria
menu and setting.

Currently the available options are:

ACI 318-99
ACI 318-02
ACI 318-05
ACI 318-08
ACI 318-11
BS 8110-97
CP 65
AS 3600-01
AS 3600-09
EC 2
GB 50010
CSA A23.3-10

Please see the technical documentation for details on the implementation of these codes.

A.4.2 Criteria Analysis

Select Criteria > Analysis to display the Analysis Criteria dialog. Analysis criteria allows you control over the
analytical model that is created, as well as the number of load cases that are generated.
These criteria also control the quantity of forces that are extracted for the design modules as described below.
Refer to the manual for specifics on how the analytical model is calculated.
Analysis An analysis station is a single location along the length of a beam at which forces are calculated
Stations for consideration in the beam design mode. The user can control the number of stations along
each concrete beam. These stations are also the locations at which the design checks will be
performed. The larger the number of stations the more forces are saved and checked in design
for each beam. The number of stations on any span will be based on the controlling of the two
criteria in this frame (see example below). For beams spanning between columns, the stations
are always calculated based on the clear length (face-to-face of columns). For beams supported
on girders the stations are calculated based in the center-to-center span length.

Minimum number of Specify the minimum number of stations per span of each physical
stations per beam beam. For a cantilever beam the cantilever and back-span are
considered separate spans for the purposes of these criteria.

RAM Concrete Analysis 92 User Manual

RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help

Maximum spacing Specify the maximum spacing the user wants between any two
between stations adjacent stations.


Minimum number of stations per beam = 10

Maximum spacing between adjacent stations = 12"

Resulting number of stations on the cantilever = maximum( 10, 72"/12" + 1 ) = 10

Resulting number of stations on the back-span = maximum( 10, 288"/12" + 1 ) = 25
For the cantilever span the minimum number of stations controls the number of stations, for
the back-span the maximum spacing criteria controls the number of stations.
The number of stations will have an affect on the force diagrams produced as illustrated

Rigid End Whether or not to consider the effects of rigid end zones is declared in the Rigid End Zone box.
Zones You may choose to ignore these effects by clicking the Ignore Effects option button. If you
choose to include the effects and click on the Include Effects option, you can either enter a
percent reduction (between 0 and 100%) in the edit box or accept the default value of 0%. The
percentage provided reduces the rigid end zone from the full length (full length is considered to
be half the column dimension in the direction of the beam). See the RAM Concrete Analysis
manual for further discussion of Rigid End Zones.
Beam There are several references that indicate that concrete members will typically exhibit
Torsion significantly less torsional stiffness than might be calculated using the full cross sectional
Stiffness properties. In RAM Concrete Analysis the torsional stiffness J is calculated based on the

RAM Concrete Analysis 93 User Manual

RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help

dimensions of the web of the beam (not including flange overhangs) according to several
Torsion Constant Reduction References (on page 98). The references all indicate that a torsion
reduction (to full section consideration) should be no lower than 70 percent and in some cases a
full 100% reduction is suggested.
The torsional stiffness of the beam can then be reduced on a beam-by-beam basis based on the
torsion cracked factor assigned to the member in the RAM Modeler or the engineer can select to
reduce the torsion stiffness for all concrete beams by the magnitude specified in the Analysis
Criteria dialog. Note if using the value specified in the dialog the gross member torsion stiffness
will be multiplied by (1.0 - Specified reduction %) to determine the final beam torsion stiffness.
For all other stiffness properties (flexure and axial stiffness) the cracked factor assigned to the
both beams and columns in the Modeler are considered to reduce the associated stiffness value.
Loading The loading criteria directly relates to the number of load cases that are generated by the
program and applied to the analysis of each story. Note that the larger the number of load cases
the longer the analysis time.
Skip load the live Select this option to skip load the live load on beams that have assigned
load on beam beam line numbers. When selected the program creates one load case per
line beams unique live load type (storage, reducible and un-reducible) per beam
span. Dead load and Roof live load are not skip-loaded.
Skip load the live Select this option to skip load the live load on beams that do not have
load on non- beam line numbers. This option can be selected to obtain skip loaded
beam line beams concrete column forces where the concrete column supports beams
without beam line numbers. Selecting this option could increase the
number of load cases generated (and hence increase the analysis time).
Consider Live Select this option to have the live load reduction applied to the forces
Load Reduction calculated from each span. The program calculates a live load reduction
factor for each live load type (roof, reducible and storage) on each
member (beam and column). The analysis is performed for each live load
type independently (i.e., different load cases) if this option is selected.
This is to allow the program to reduce the resulting member forces by its
corresponding live load reduction value before combining. Where no live
load reduction is to be considered all live load types on a beam span can
be applied in a single load case for analysis, and no reduction is made to
the resulting forces.
Consider Load Select this option to skip-load the surface live loads on two-way regions.
Polygons as Load When selected, the program creates one load case per unique live load
Cases on Two- type (storage, reducible and un-reducible) per surface load polygon.
way deck (for Dead load and Roof live load are not skip-loaded. Also, if there are any
pattern loading) partition surface live loads they are treated similar to un-reducible live
load by the program and they show up in un-reducible live load

All loads are live loads, assume beam self wt (dead load) also applied. Refer to the RAM Modeler
manual for a description of the different load types (reducible, unreducible, storage and roof).

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Skip load live load on beam line beams = true

Consider Live load reduction = true

Load cases generated

1 Dead load (don't skip load roof live load)

1 Live load roof (don't skip roof live load)
2 Live load reducible (both LLred loads applied in this one load case per span)
2 Live load unreducible
2 Live load storage
Total load cases generated = 8


Skip load live load on beam line beams = false

Consider Live load reduction = true

Load cases generated

1 Dead load (don't skip load roof live load)

1 Live load roof (don't skip roof live load)
1 Live load reducible
1 Live load unreducible
1 Live load storage
Total load cases generated = 5 (separate live load cases as LL reduction must be applied).


Skip load live load on beam line beams = true

Consider Live load reduction = false

Load cases generated

1 Dead load (don't skip load roof live load)

1 Live load roof (don't skip roof live load)
2 Live load (all types applied on each span at same time)
Total load cases generated = 4 (all live load types can be applied at once per span as live load
reduction is not required).


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Skip load live load on beam line beams = false

Consider Live load reduction = false

Load cases generated

Skip load live load on beam line beams = false

Consider Live load reduction = false

Analysis Several options are available to the user to control finite element model that is created in the
Constraints RAM Concrete Analysis.
Pin base of The analysis of each story (per ACI318-02 8.8.3, BS8110, AS
concrete gravity 3600) fixes the ends of the concrete columns above and below each story
columns that is analyzed. However, the user can choose to pin (release) the
gravity concrete columns where they are at the foundation. This option
will result in less rotational stiffness than would otherwise be calculated
at the joints above these columns.
Pin base of The engineer has the option of considering the base of a gravity column
column on as pinned (released) when it sits on transfer beam or wall. Selecting this
Transfer option will consider the gravity concrete column pinned at its base in this
Member situation.
Pin Top of A column that is continuous at its top that has gravity beams that are
Concrete Gravity pinned and supported on the column will induce bending moments in the
Columns top of the column due to the eccentricity between the beam end positions
and the column centroid (refer to the Technical Section for more
information). To remove any moment being induced in the top of the
column the engineer can select this option to pin the top of the gravity
columns (for bending). Note that if all the members framing into the
column are also released for flexure a situation of instability could arise.
At least one member must provide stiffness in each of the six degrees of
freedom to prevent an instability.
Remove Rigid The rigid diaphragm constraint is applied in a horizontal plane even for a
Diaphragm sloped floor. For members not located in the horizontal plane of a floor
Constraint on the rigid diaphragm constraint may introduce unrealistic bending
Sloped Floors moments and torsion forces. Note that this behavior is not a program
error but rather an inherent finite element limitation of applying a
horizontal rigid diaphragm constraint to nodes not located in the plane of
the diaphragm. This option is provided to remove the horizontal rigid
diaphragm constraint on the floor for sloped diaphragms. When selected
if any node in a diaphragm (single slab edge) is not located at the
elevation of the story then none of the nodes in that diaphragm will be
constrained (slaved to a master node).
Ignore wall This option may be selected to ignore the stiffness of the walls at the
stiffness above level above. This selection will result in a more flexible analysis.
Include Out-of- This option may be selected to include the out-of-plane stiffness for one-
Plane Stiffness way decks in hybrid slabs. The stiffness of one-way deck is not used in
for One-Way

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Decks in Hybrid distributing one-way loads but may effect the overall analysis sometimes
Slabs especially when model has hybrid slabs.

Hanger This option is available to set the convergence percentage for hanger column load iteration.
Load Convergence This convergence tolerance value is used to determine the termination of
Iteration Tolerance (% hanging column load iteration. The load iteration is performed to achieve
Change) convergence in the load coming through hanging column from level
below to the level above. The smaller this tolerance gets the program may
take more number of iterations to converge. The default value of this
tolerance is set to 5%.

Speed Save An option is available in the RAM Concrete Analysis module to allow the user to
Results for speed up the analysis if desired. By selecting "Save results for display
display purposes" (the default) the program will save all display results and will not
purposes experience any difference in speed or functionality over previous versions. If
unselected the program will not save display results during the analysis. That
is, the program will not save member forces, reactions etc that were used to
allow the user to view the results of the analysis on the screen. The design
forces are still saved and all reports as well as the column and beam design
modules will function as before. However, there will be no on-screen display
available through the Process - Results menu command. This option should
significantly increase the time to complete the analysis particularly for
structures with significant number of load cases.

Design Consider Slenderness (option in ACI Only, Always applies to BS8110 and CP-65) Per ACI318-99
( 10.12, 10.13(.5) ) column forces must be increased where a slender column exists. By selecting
this option column slenderness will be checked and where necessary column forces will be
magnified. Note that beam design moments in sway frames are not currently increased for
column slenderness in accordance with ACI318-99 10.13.7. The engineer should ensure that
beams on slender columns have sufficient capacity to resist the required increase in end
Analytical Merge Node This value is used to set a tolerance for merging close nodes after the mesh is
Model Tolerance generated. Any two nodes closer than this specified tolerance is assumed to be
the same node and they are merged.
Mesh Maximum This option allows the user to define the maximum
Controls Distance distance between nodes in slab decks and walls. Note that
Allowed the program may generate some nodes closer than user
between entered value, but it is never allowed to be larger than
Nodes that.
Geometric This value is used to set a tolerance for geometric
Tolerance calculations. This tolerance is required while performing
various geometric computations prior to meshing i.e.
finding if the point is inside a polygon or point is same as
another point etc.

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Hard Node This factor is used to determine mesh density around

Density hard nodes which are always located inside slab decks. A
Factor hard node is defined as a node where a column, beam or
a wall is attached. For most cases, a value of 1.0 is a good
estimate to obtain relatively good mesh density around
hard nodes.

Solver Type Several types of solvers are offered in the program. Basically they are categorized in two flavors:
in-core and out-of-core solvers. With in-core solvers, the global building stiffness matrix is
assembled, stored and solved in the physical memory (RAM) of the computer. As long as there is
enough memory available for the solution of the models, this choice always gives the best
performance/solution time. However, for very large models, the in-core solver might run into
out-of-memory errors. If this is the case, it is suggested to switch to out-of-core direct solver.
With the out-of-core solver, the program assembles stores and solves building stiffness matrix
using files that are stored on the hard-drive of the computer. Thus, it involves repeated access to
the hard drive, which may substantially increase analysis time. It is always recommended that
models should first be run with the in-core solvers and if an out-of-memory error is detected,
then the out-of-core should be used. The sparse solver may be run on a single or multiple cores.
One may select to use all cores for solving bigger problems. Only one core is selected by default.
Also, one should note that the results remain unchanged whatever solver is used in the analysis.

Direct • In-Core – User may select this option for a moderate size problem.
• Out-of-Core – While not a common occurrence should a large model
experience an out-out-of-memory error during analysis the engineer can
select this option to activate the use of the out-of-core solver. As mentioned
this solver will utilize the hard drive in its solution process so while it may be a
little slower it will be able to effectively analyze larger structures.

Direct • In-Core – User may select this option for all types of problems. This is the
Sparse fastest solver in the library if the required RAM is available for usage.
• Out-of-Core – This solver provides another out of core option to be used when
the model runs out of memory. This solver is substantially faster than the out-
of-core direct solver.

Torsion Constant Reduction References

Several references indicate that the torsional stiffness of concrete members is significantly less than the full
gross section properties. Two of the references indicate that in the concrete structure will behave based on the
reinforcing provided, and if torsion stiffness is assumed to be small the analysis will redistribute the forces and
the engineer will design for these redistributed forces. In essence the structure will behave the way it was
assumed in the analysis (if we reduce torsion reinforcing it will crack and torsion forces will be redistributed).
For cases where torsion ensures equilibrium (i.e., no redistribution is possible) then forces cannot be
redistributed and the beam section will need to be reinforced to ensure that the calculated torsion force can be
resisted without excessive deformation.
The references include:
• Reinforced Concrete Structures, Park and Paulay, John Wiley, 1975.

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The authors indicate for most situations the assumption of zero torsional stiffness can be made. They do
indicate that it is still important to provide at minimum torsion reinforcing to prevent excessive service load
• Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals, 4th Edition. Ferguson. John Wiley, 1979.
The author indicates that while flexural stiffness decreases maybe 50 percent from cracking, torsional
stiffness drops down to 5 or 10 percent its uncracked value. The author also mentioned that the
consideration of the torque to be used in the design is very complex due to the cracking effect. Thus it is
always better to neglect the rigidity of the members for torsion and to consider them fully cracked.
• Hormigón Armado (Spanish). Motoya, Meseguer, and Moran. 12th Edition. Ed. Gili, Madrid-Spain, 1988 .
The authors mention that the structure will behave exactly in the same way as it was idealized in the analysis
(cracked or uncracked). They suggest modeling the reinforced concrete structures with a very low torsion
rigidity i.e. assume it is significantly cracked.

A.4.3 Column Forces

To track the current state of the forces and the interaction between the programs select Criteria > Column
Forces. This opens the Column Design Forces dialog.
The RAM Structural System can use the column and wall forces that are exported from RAM Concept in the RAM
Concrete Analysis and RAM Concrete Column Design Modules. This feature is only available with RAM Concept
v1.4 or later, and applies to RAM Concept models that are created in the RAM Structural System and then
imported into RAM Concept. Refer to the technical section Integrating RAM Concept Column Forces (on page
100) for additional details.
The interaction between RAM Structural System and RAM Concrete Analysis occurs through the RAM Model. The
column forces dialog will appear.
To use RAM Concrete Analysis column forces (ignore any RAM Concept forces) select the option Use RAM
Concrete Analysis Forces at all levels. If RAM Concept forces are available to be used, you can select the option
Use RAM Concept Analysis Forces at Selected Levels.
The columns of the table provide the following information:

Use Select the stories for which RAM Concept forces are to be used. Note that only stories with a
green or yellow status can be selected.
Story The RAM Structural System story.
Source Story This represents the story that was originally read by RAM Conceptand whose analysis results
were exported to this story. RAM Concept can export member forces into any story that is of
the same layout type as the story it originally imported. For example if 2nd and 3rd story in the
RAM Structural System model use floor type A, then RAM Concept can read the data from story
2nd, analyze the floor and provide forces back to both stories 2nd and 3rd in the RAM
Structural System (even though no data was ever imported from story 3rd into RAM Concept).
Read This represents the time that RAM Concept last imported the major information (geometry)
from this story.
Saved This represents the time that RAM Concept last exported member forces for this story.
Concept File The name and path of the RAM Concept file that was used to produce the forces sent back to
the RAM Structural System.

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Concept Indicates the current state of the RAM Structural System model relative to the RAM Concept
Story Status model. Only stories whose status is Current (green) or Not Current (yellow) can be selected to
(on page have their forces integrated with RAM Structural System. Stories that have a state of Not
101) Available (red) cannot be selected. If the use RAM Concept force is selected, clicking on any of
the status dots will report the reason for the current state.

Refer to the Concept Column Force Integration Technical Issues (on page 104) section for more information on
RAM Concept Column Force Integration.

Integrating RAM Concept Column Forces

RAM Concept can import loads and geometry from any story of a RAM Structural System model.
Following an analysis in RAM Concept the column and wall forces can be exported back into the RAM Structural
System for consideration in the concrete analysis and design modules. Within the RAM Structural System the
RAM Concept column and wall forces are integrated into the analysis results in the RAM Concrete Analysis
module. When forces have been exported from RAM Concept they can then be selected to be included in the RAM
Concrete Gravity Analysis. Following a successful analysis in RAM Concrete the column design module will
consider the RAM Concept column forces in the design.
The schematic below illustrates a possible work flow between RAM Structural System and RAM Concept and is
described as follows:
• Start with a model created in RAM Structural System.
• Import a story (Roof and 2nd) into RAM Concept, analyze and export the column forces back to the RAM
Structural System Model.
• Import another story (2nd) into RAM Concept, analyze and export the column forces back to the RAM
Structural System model.
• Invoke the RAM Concrete Analysis module and perform the analysis (selecting to use the RAM Concept
Column Forces).
• Switch to the RAM Concrete Column module and design the columns.

Note: In all cases the commands to both import and export occur from within RAM Concept. The column forces
are not imported into the RAM Structural System from RAM Concept, but are exported from RAM Concept into
the RAM Structural System.

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RAM Modeler
RAM Model

RAM Concept

Import Roof()

Export Roof Forces()


Import 2nd()

Export 2nd Forces()

Read Forces()
Conc. Analysis

Save Results()

Read Forces()
Conc. Design

Save Designs()

Import Fnd Forces

= Time period that specific Module is active

= Interaction between modules, arrow shows direction of data flow

Figure 20: Workflow Between RAM Modules

As a result of the integration a new hyperstatic load case may be introduced into RAM Concrete. Please refer to
the RAM Concept documentation for more information on the origin of this force. Where they exist in the RAM
Concept analysis the hyperstatic column forces are provided to the RAM Structural System and considered in the
analysis and design in the RAM Structural System.

Concept Story Status

To coordinate the RAM Structural System model and the various RAM Concept models, the program provides
state information for each story in the structural model. This state or status information indicates the current
state of the RAM Structural System model relative to the RAM Concept model. This is to provide feedback to the
user as to whether a particular set of column and wall results for a story are one of the following:

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• Current (Green) - The RAM Structural and Concept Models are identical and in synch.
• Not Current (Yellow) - There is some potential minor difference between the RAM Concept model and the
RAM Structural model. This is typically caused by a reframe of a story in the RAM Structural System model at
a point in time after Concept has imported the loads and geometry for the story. It could however also refer
to a change in member size in RAM Structural System, which again has not been recognized in the data that
RAM Concept already has for this story.
• Not Available (Red) - Typically indicates either RAM Concept has not imported any data for this story, has not
exported forces for this story, or that a significant (major) change has occurred to this story in the Structural
System model since either the import or export occurred. A significant major change could be any of:
Addition or deletion of columns or walls, or the deletion of stories or changing the floor type on a story.
Only stories whose status is Current (green), or Not Current (yellow) can be selected to have their forces
integrated with RAM Structural System. Stories that have a state of Invalid (red) cannot be selected. Also, if a
story is directly affected by hanging column forces it will not show up in the dialog.
The status of a particular story is determined using the following rules and definitions:
Source Story: Story whose model geometry and loads are imported into RAM Concept from.
• Target Story: Story into which RAM Concept Forces are exported.
• Floor type: The floor that is assigned to a story in RAM Structural System. One or more stories can be
assigned the same floor type in the RAM Modeler.
• Major Change Time: The most recent time that a significant change occurred to the story in the RAM
Structural System model. This change could be as a result of the addition or deletion of columns or walls at a
story, the addition or deletion of stories or the changing of a story's floor type.
• Minor Change Time: The most recent time that a minor change occurred to the story in the RAM Structural
System model. This change could be as a result of any reframe of a story (moved framing, other model
changes such as slab edge, load changes etc).
• Major Read Time: The most recent time at which RAM Concept imported the geometry and member
properties from the RAM Structural System for the particular story.
• Minor Read Time: The most recent time at which RAM Concept imported the story loads.
RAM Concept will export results back into the RAM Structural System providing the RAM Structural System with
the Target Story, the Source Story and a set of flags (values) related to actions made in RAM Concept. These flags,
which represent any difference between the RAM Concept and RAM Structural System model, are used as the
last criteria on which the story status is determined. Given this information RAM Structural System determines
the story status as follows:

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Concept Column Force Integration Technical Issues

RAM RAM Concept exports column moments at the base of the columns at the level above the story
Concept being analyzed, and column top moments and axial forces for the columns below the story being
Wall and analyzed. The wall forces for walls located below the story are also exported back into the RAM
Column Structural System. No beam forces are exported from RAM Concept. Also, the levels which are
Forces affected by hanging column forces cannot be imported into RAM Structural System from concept.
There is no change in the sign convention used in RAM Concrete. Refer to the manual for a
description of the RAM Concrete Sign Convention and how RAM Concrete determines the design
column forces for columns that span multiple levels.
Transfer All transfer loads are distributed during the RAM Concrete analysis. That is, if a transfer situation
loads exists the forces exported by RAM Concept for the transfer story, do not include the contribution
of the transfer load. The forces are transferred in RAM Concrete based on the support framing as
modeled in the Structural System model.
Self weight The self-weight of slabs and beams is typically considered in the RAM Concept analysis. The
column/wall forces provided by RAM Concept account for the effects of self-weight as specified
in RAM Concept. It is the engineer's responsibility to ensure the self-weight settings of the RAM
Structural System and RAM Concept are in synch. The self-weight (when indicated to be
included) of walls and columns below a story being analyzed are calculated with RAM Concrete
analysis and not provided by RAM Concept.
Missing In some circumstances RAM Concept may only import a subset of the columns/walls at a story.
Member This typically occurs at partial levels where some of the columns/walls may not be enclosed in
Forces the slab and hence are not considered in the Concept Analysis. Forces can then only be exported
back to the RAM Structural System for those walls and columns that were imported. In these
cases the program will report the columns and walls for which no Concept forces are provided
during the analysis in RAM Concrete. In the case of the situation described this should not be a
concern as the forces in these members are still carried down from the levels above where they
were actively supporting slab or beam.
Column Column design forces are calculated as previously described in the RAM Concrete Analysis
Design manual. Skip loading forces provided by RAM Concept are utilized when the skip load condition
Forces is specified in RAM Concrete Analysis Criteria. Concept provides column forces for any/all of the
following: Dead Load, Hyperstatic Load, Roof Live, Storage Live, Floor Live and unreducible Live
loads. The live loads (excluding the roof) can be skip loaded and are shown as cumulative values
in the design report (considering the appropriate live load reduction factors).

A.4.4 Criteria Sidesway

Selecting Criteria > Sidesway opens the Column Sidesway dialog box.
This dialog box is used to specify globally (for the entire structure) if the columns are Braced or Unbraced
against sidesway (sway or non-sway columns). The third option, Partially Braced, refers to the case where a
structure is braced against sidesway in only one direction e.g., a moment frame in the x-direction and a shear
wall in the y-direction. An example of a partially braced setting is provided below. Note that this criterion is not
utilized unless the user has selected to consider column slenderness in the Criteria-Analysis dialog box (see
Section 2.5.2). The sidesway affects the column slenderness calculation determining if the column is a sway
column (ACI 10.13, BS8110 or a non-sway column (10.12, BS8110

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Clicking OK will save the Sidesway setting. Modifying the Sidesway criteria after a analysis or code check has
been performed will invalidate the results of that analysis and/or code check.
Clicking Cancel will return you to the RAM Concrete without changing the Sidesway criteria.
The engineer can also assign sidesway on a member-by-member basis, overriding the global criteria, using the
Assign Column Sidesway (on page 107) menu item.

A.4.5 Criteria Effective Length Factor

Selecting Criteria > Effective Length-Factor opens the Column Effective Length Factor dialog box.
Note that this criterion is not utilized unless the user has selected to consider column slenderness in the Criteria-
Analysis dialog. The Effective Length affects the column slenderness calculation in accordance with ACI318-02
(10.12) and BS8110
Per ACI 10.13.1 The Effective Length Factor for sway frames will be limited to a value larger than or equal to 1.0
when the nomograph is selected in the Effective Length Factor Criteria dialog box.
The Effective Length Factor can be indicated in one of two ways: entering specific values for the major axis and
minor axis or allowing the program to choose these values. To enter Major or Minor axis values for columns,
select the Use option and type values in the adjacent field. To have the program calculate the Effective Length
Factors based on the Nomograph Values, select the Nomograph Values option. Effective Length Factor can also
be set in a column by column basis by selecting Assign Column Effective Length Factor (on page 107) command.
If Use Nomograph (ACI) or Use Sec 2.5:BS8110:Part2 (BS8110) is selected, the effective length will be calculated
based on the nomographs of 10.12.3 (ACI) or equations of BS8110:Part2:1985 Section 2.5 (BS8110) depending
on if the column is sway or non-sway in the axis being calculated.
Clicking OK will save the settings. Modifying this criteria after an analysis or code check has been performed will
invalidate the results of that analysis and/or code check.

A.4.6 Criteria Bracing

Selecting the Criteria > Bracing command will cause the Column Bracing Criteria dialog box to appear, with the
current default settings shown.
The bracing of a column in a particular direction affects the analytical model that is created. Where a column is
braced above or below the story being analyzed, it will be assigned a rotational and translational fixity at that

Bracing by An option is provided for the slab to automatically brace the column. If a column does not fall
Slab within a slab, at a particular level, this criterion will not brace the column at that level.
Bracing by Additionally, beams framing into columns may cause the columns to be braced. The maximum
Beams angle (0 - 90 degrees) for which a beam braces a column may be specified in the edit box
provided. If the angle between a given column axis and the beam exceeds the value specified,
the beam does not provide bracing to that column in the axis specified.

To change the bracing criteria, click on the desired bracing options and/or enter a new maximum angle in the
edit box. Clicking Cancel to cancel any changes made. To accept the changes, click OK.

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A.5 Assign
The assign commands are for overriding the global criteria. Most assign commands can be issued in Single, Fence
or All mode.
When a command is issued in Single mode, the arrow cursor turns into a target cursor for the selection of the
desired member.
In Fence mode, the arrow cursor turns into the rectangle cursor that allows the selection of multiple members at
a time.
In All mode, the cursor remains the arrow cursor but the assignment is made to all members.

Menu Item Description

Assign Columns To assign Sizes, Sidesway or Effective Length

properties to concrete columns.

Assign Beams To assign a size to concrete beams.

Assign Beam Lines To group several beams together to consider as a

single continuous beam for design purposes.

A.5.1 Assign Beam/Column Size

Selecting Assign > Column > Size or Assign > Beam > Size opens the Assign Size dialog box to be displayed.
From this dialog the engineer can assign new sizes to any concrete beam or column. Select the appropriate size
from the list box. The sizes displayed are those sizes created by the user in the RAM Modeler.

Note: Only concrete beams and columns can be assigned sizes.

After a size is selected, the engineer can assign the size to a single concrete member (click on Single), to multiple
members (click on Fence) or to all concrete members (click on All).
If Single is clicked the dialog will close and a target cursor will be made available. Click on each section that you
would like the size assigned too.
If Fence is clicked the dialog will close and a fence cursor will be made available. Click and drag a rectangle
around all the sections that you want a size assigned to.
Note that sizes are only assigned to concrete members of the appropriate type (column or beam). To return to
the dialog to select a different size to assign click on the right mouse button.
Note that member sizes are automatically shown on the appropriate member types when this command is
issued. To remove the display of these temporary sizes select the reset-model button.
To view the member sizes permanently select the appropriate option from the View - Members Dialog.

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A.5.2 Assign Column Sidesway

Selecting Assign > Column > Sidesway opens the Sidesway dialog box. From this dialog, you can override on a
member-by-member basis the global sidesway specified in the Column Sidesway Criteria dialog.
This criterion is not utilized unless the user has selected to consider column slenderness in the Criteria-
Analysis dialog.
The sidesway affects the column slenderness calculation by determining if the column is a sway (Unbraced)
column (ACI 318-02 §10.13, BS8110:Part2:1985:Sec2.5) or a non-sway (Braced) column (ACI 318-02 §10.12,
BS8110:Part2:Sec2.5). Select the appropriate sidesway criteria for each local axis of the member (or specify that
the global criteria are to be used for that axis).
After the appropriate values are specified the engineer can assign the criteria to a single concrete member (click
on Single), to multiple members (click on Fence) or to all concrete members (click on All). If Single is clicked the
dialog will close and a target cursor will be made available. Click on each section that you would like the criteria
to apply too. If Fence is clicked the dialog will close and a fence cursor will be made available. Click and drag a
rectangle around all the sections that you want the criteria assigned too. Note that the criteria are only assigned
to concrete members. To return to the dialog to select a different sidesway criteria click on the right mouse
To view which member axes are using the global criteria and which have been overridden select the appropriate
option from the View-Members Dialog.

A.5.3 Assign Column Effective Length Factor

Selecting Assign > Column > Effective Length Factor opens the Assign Effective Length Factor dialog.
From this dialog the engineer can override, on a member by member basis, the global effective length factors
specified in the Criteria Effective Length Factor (on page 105) dialog. This criterion is not utilized unless the user
has selected to consider column slenderness in the Criteria-Analysis dialog (the option to ignore is only available
if ACI 318 is the selected design code).
Select the appropriate values from the dialog (Refer to Criteria Effective Length Factor (on page 105) help for
more information on the various options). The engineer can choose to override the global criteria in one or both
axes of the member. The criteria are applied to the columns local axes.
After the appropriate values are specified the engineer can assign the criteria to a single member (click on
Single), to multiple members (click on Fence) or to all members (click on All).
If Single is clicked the dialog will close and a target cursor will be made available. Click on each section that you
would like the criteria to apply too.
If Fence is clicked the dialog will close and a fence cursor will be made available. Click and drag a rectangle
around all the sections that you want the criteria assigned too.
Note that the criteria are only assigned to concrete columns. To return to the dialog to select a different effective
length criteria click on the right mouse button.
To view which member axes are using the global criteria and which have been overridden select the appropriate
option from the View-Members Dialog .

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A.5.4 Assign Gravity Beam Fixity

The Assign Gravity Beam Fixity dialog is used to assign fixity conditions to concrete, gravity beams in RAM
Concrete Analysis mode.
The command is only available for beams. The dialog box contains three groups of option buttons: one for the
major axis, one for the minor axis and one for torsion. The left set of option buttons in each group pertains to the
left end of the beam (lower left node in plan view) while the right set of option buttons in each group pertains to
the right end of the beam.

Assign group • Single will assign fixity to a selected concrete, gravity beam.
• Fence will assign fixity to all concrete, gravity beams in a fenced area.
• All will assign fixity to all concrete gravity beams in the model.

Note that fixity is automatically shown on the appropriate member types when this command is issued. To
permanently view member fixity select the appropriate option from the View > Members Dialog.
Note that fixity conditions can also be assigned when beam line numbers are assigned as described in the
Automatic (on page 21) command.

A.5.5 Automatic
Selecting the Assign > Beam Lines > Automatic command causes the Assign Beam Lines dialog box to display.
This dialog box allows the user to establish criteria by which the program will automatically assign beam lines to
all concrete beams on all stories.

Selecting the Assign > Beam Lines > Automatic command causes the Assign Beam Lines dialog box to display.
This dialog box allows the user to establish criteria by which the program will automatically assign beam lines to
all concrete beams on all stories.
Beam lines and beam line numbering are a fundamental concept utilized throughout the program. Only concrete
beams with assigned beam line numbers can be designed in RAM Concrete Beam.
Beam lines can also be assigned and modified manually using the Assign > Beam Lines > Manual command.
Note that the gravity beam fixities can be assigned to the gravity concrete beams at the same time the beam line
numbers are assigned or manually at any later time. Select the appropriate assignment of fixity from the Assign
Beam Line dialog.

Include Beams The angle specified in this edit box defines the maximum angle, between two contiguous
with Variance beams, for them both to be assigned the same beam line number. Any angle larger than
Angle Less Than this and the beams will be assigned different beam line numbers.
Beam offset to This distance defines the offset that can exist between two continuous beams for them to
accept as be assigned the same beam line number. The beams in this case need not be truly
continuous continuous as some offset exists between the ends of each, but they will be designed as
one continuous beam.

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Gravity Beam When assigning or removing beams from a beam line the program can automatically
Fixity assign end releases or fixity to the selected gravity, concrete beams. To have the program
automatically assign beam fixities the Automatically Assign Beam Fixities checkbox
must be selected. Select between Fix all beams and Release All Beams to have the
program Fix or Release, respectively, the ends of the subsequently selected gravity,
concrete beams. Fixed beams will be considered continuous in the analysis. Pinned beams
will be considered released for bending at each end but will remain fixed for torsion.

The beam line numbers shown below will be generated for the indicated criteria.

Include Beams with Variance Angle Less Than 40 Degrees

Beam Offset to accept as continuous = 3 inches

Note that the beams offset 3 inches are assigned the same beam line number, but not those offset 6
inches. Also the beams that are within 40 degrees of each other are assigned the same beam line

A.5.6 Manual
Selecting the Assign > Beam Lines > Manual command opens the Select Plan dialog box, unless the model is
already shown in plan view. The selected story will then be displayed and the Assign Beam Lines Manual
dialog opens. This dialog box allows you to create new beam lines or modify existing beam lines.
Beam lines and beam line numbering are a fundamental concept utilized throughout the program. Only concrete
beams with assigned beam line numbers can be designed in RAM Concrete Beam.
There are rules associated with assigning and deleting beam line numbers to and from beams. If any of these
rules are violated the program will issue a detailed description and prevent the action. For example, only beams
that are continuous (or within a small offset) can be assigned the same beam line number. If the engineer tries to
assign or delete a beam line number that will result in this rule being violated, the program will issue a warning
and not perform the selected action.
When assigning or removing beams from a beam line the program can automatically assign end releases or fixity
to the selected gravity, concrete beams. To have the program automatically assign beam fixities the
Automatically Assign Beam Fixities checkbox must be selected. Select between Fix all beams and Release All
Beams to have the program Fix or Release, respectively, the ends of the subsequently selected gravity, concrete
beams. Fixed beams will be considered continuous in the analysis. Pinned beams will be considered released for
bending at each end but will remain fixed for torsion.

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Add new By selecting this option and clicking Single or Fence the dialog box will close and the cursor will
beam line change to the target or fence cursor respectively. Select the member/s to which a new beam line
number will be assigned. Note that the beam line number that is assigned is automatically
determined to be the next available beam line number for that story. To assign the next higher
beam line number, right click the mouse (to redisplay the Assign Beam Line Number Manual
window) and choose the mode (Single or Fence) in which to assign the next beam line
numbers. The beam line number to be assigned is automatically incremented each time the
window is displayed.

Important: Note the order in which members are assigned to a beam line is important. The
beams must be selected in a continuous row so none of the beam line rules are violated.

Add beams To add additional beams to an existing beam line select this option and choose an existing beam
to beam line line number from the drop down list. By clicking Single or Fence the dialog box will close and
number the cursor will change to the target or fence cursor respectively. Select the member/s to which a
new beam line number will be assigned. Note that the beams assigned the selected beam line
number must be continuous with an existing beam of the same beam line number.
Remove To remove one or more beams from a beam line, select this option. Click Single or Fence to
from beam close the dialog box and be presented with a target or fence cursor. Select the member/s to be
line removed from a beam line. Beams can only be removed from the ends of a beam line to prevent
the creation of a discontinuous beam line. Only beams specifically selected will be removed
from beam lines.
Remove all Select this option to remove the beam line number from all the beams in any beam line that is
beams in selected. Click Single or Fence to close the window and be presented with a target or fence
beam line cursor. Select the beam/s with beam line numbers to remove from the model. The beam line
number will be removed from all beams that have the same beam line number as the selected

A.6 Process
Menu Item Description

Process - Analyze (on page 111) To create the finite element model, perform a gravity
analysis and compute forces for design purposes.

Process Results Finite Element Information (on page To display the finite element model that is created for
111) each story of the analysis.

Process Results Vertical Reactions (on page 117) To display the Vertical Reactions of each stories

Process Results Member Forces (on page 117) To display the Member Forces from each stories
analysis. For beams forces can be shown at quarter
points measured center to center of the beam span.

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Menu Item Description

Process Results Displacements (on page 122) To display the global slab and beam displaced shapes
and displacement contours.

A.6.1 Process - Analyze

The Process > Analyze command invokes the generation of finite element models for each story, the calculation
of loads, and the analysis and computation of column and beam design forces. During analysis, the status log will
appear to track the status of the analysis process. If the model has hanging columns than the program will iterate
over the stories which are affected by hanger forces in order to achieve the convergence in the applied load due
to hanging columns. One can see the progress dialog going back an forth when the iteration is performed.
Once all the stories are analyzed (successfully or unsuccessfully) the user can scroll through the progress log for
a summary of each stories analysis. Select Close to hide the dialog box. Following an analysis the menu
commands under the Process-Results menu should be available for you to invoke.

A.6.2 Process Results Finite Element Information

Following an analysis the user can select Process > Results-FE Model Info to display the finite element model
that is created for each story of the analysis. Refer to the Manual for specifics regarding the analytical process
and the Finite Element Model creation.
Each story in the structure is analyzed independently. The user can use this window to view how each story was
analyzed. If the analysis reported an error message it may report a node number of coordinate. The user can use
this option to view the story that was being analyzed when the error occurred, so that the location of the error
might be observed and action taken to correct the problem.
Note that the display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this window is displayed. The
window can be moved and the screen printed or manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.
Click Apply to have the selected options display on the screen.

Story Select the Story for which you would like to observe the Finite Element Model used in the analysis.
When the user selects Apply only the members that were part of the analysis of this story will be
Mesh Select this option to display the finite element mesh of the selected story. A quadrilateral element
mesh is automatically generated using the criteria specified in the mesh controls. The mesh is
always generated for the story at which there are any two way slab-decks. The slab deck mesh is not
generated for stories which have only one way slab deck. A slab-deck may have one or more
openings defined in the layout. The meshing procedure considers columns as point constraints,
beams and walls (above and below) as line constraints and hence always a conformal mesh is

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Beam Select this option to display the fixities that are assigned to each physical member for the analysis.
Fixity The fixities assigned may differ from those observed using the View - Members (on page 124)
window as they are modified according to the following:
Gravity beams in general are all considered released (pinned) about the major and minor axis at
each end, but fixed for torsion. However, gravity (concrete and material 'other') beams can have
Assign Gravity Beam Fixity (on page 108) in the RAM Modeler and RAM Concrete. Frame beams all
utilize the fixity they were assigned by the user in the RAM Modeler or RAM Frame. If an instability
occurs at nodes of frame or gravity concrete members their fixity may need to be modified in the
RAM Modeler, RAM Concrete or RAM Frame.
The display convention for beam fixity is 0 = released and X = fixed. The order the fixities are
displayed is as follows:

Column Select this option to display the fixities that are assigned to each physical column for the analysis.
Fixity The fixities assigned may differ from those observed using the View - Members (on page 124)
window as they are modified according to the following:

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Gravity columns are assumed continuous at all levels. For pinned gravity columns this should not
have a significant affect on the analysis as gravity columns support gravity beams which are pinned
(released). Concrete gravity columns are continuous through the story being analyzed. The user can
choose to release the base of gravity concrete columns where they frame into the foundation (refer
to the Criteria Analysis (on page 92) for more information. Frame columns all utilize the fixity they
were assigned by the user in the modeler or RAM Frame.
The display convention for column fixity is 0 = released and X = fixed. The order the fixities are
displayed is as follows:

FE The physical model created in the RAM Modeler is automatically segmented to create a finite
Nodes element model. At each location that a member is intersected by any other members it is given a
node. By selecting this option the nodes will be displayed. A size slider is provided to change the
size of the nodes during the display of the finite element model.

Node Select this option to display the node numbers assigned for the analysis. Many of
Numbers the error messages that may be issued during the analysis refer to the nodes by
Node Select this option to display the node restraints assigned for the analysis. In
Restraints general a vertical support is provided to each column and wall directly under the
story being analyzed. This node is also restrained for torsion around the vertical
axis (columns cannot twist). In addition, translation and rotational restraints are
provided to the column stack (above and below the story) where they are braced.
Refer to the Criteria Bracing (on page 105) for information on how column bracing
is determined. The symbols used to denote node restraint are shown below:

When this restraint is horizontal, this symbol indicates that the node is restrained
against translation in the direction of the longitudinal axis and restrained for
bending in the same direction (about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis). When vertical, the symbol indicates restrained against
translation in the direction of the longitudinal axis and restrained for bending in
the direction around this axis (preventing twisting of columns around their own

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The restraint shown above, where it occurs, is always horizontal and indicates that
the node is restrained against translation in the direction of the longitudinal axis.
This restraint is typically applied to wall nodes located above and below the story
being analyzed.

A.6.3 Process Results - Finite Element Model Information

Following an analysis you can select Process > Results > FE Model Info to display the finite element model that
is created for each story of the analysis.
Refer to the Technical Notes (on page 33) Chapter for information regarding the Finite Element model created
for each story.
Each story in the structure is analyzed independently. You can use this dialog box to view the model that was
analyzed on each story. If the analysis reported an error, it will report a member number, node number or a
coordinate. You can use this dialog box to view the story that was being analyzed when the error occurred, so
that the location of the error might be observed and action taken to correct the problem.

Note: The display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this dialog box is displayed. The
dialog box can be moved and the screen printed or manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.

Click Apply to have the selected options display on the screen.

Story Select the Story for which to display the Finite Element Model that was analyzed. When the Apply
button is clicked, only the members that were part of the analysis of this story will be displayed.
Mesh Select this option to display the finite element mesh of the selected story. A quadrilateral element
mesh is automatically generated using the criteria specified in the mesh controls. The mesh is
always generated for the story at which there are any two way slab-decks. The slab deck mesh is
not generated for stories which have only one way slab deck. A slab-deck may have one or more
openings defined in the layout. The meshing procedure considers columns as point constraints,
beams and walls (above and below) as line constraints and hence always a conformal mesh is

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Beam Select this option to display the fixities that are assigned to each physical member for the analysis.
Fixity The fixities assigned may differ from those observed using the View-Members window as they are
modified according to the following:
Gravity beams in general are all considered released (pinned) about the major and minor axis at
each end, but fixed for torsion. However, gravity (concrete and material 'other') beams can have
fixity assigned in RAM Concrete Analysis or in RAM Modeler (see Member Fixity Conditions (on
page 35). Frame beams all utilize the fixity they were assigned by the user in the RAM Modeler or
RAM Frame. If instability occurs at nodes of frame members their fixity may need to be modified in
the RAM Modeler or RAM Frame.
The display convention for beam fixity is 0 = released and X = fixed. The order the fixities are
displayed in the following figure:
Torsion Torsion
Major Axis Bending Major Axis Bending
Minor Axis Bending Minor Axis Bending

Column Select this option to display the fixities that are assigned to each physical column for the analysis.
Fixity The fixities assigned may differ from those observed using the View-Members window as they are
modified according to the following:
Gravity columns are assumed continuous above and below the story being analyzed. However, the
gravity (non-concrete) columns above the story are assumed pinned (released) at the level of the
story being analyzed. Concrete gravity columns are continuous through the story being analyzed.
The user can choose to release the base of gravity columns where they frame into the foundation
(refer to Criteria-Analysis Section 2.5.2 (on page 10)). Frame columns all utilize the fixity they were
assigned by the user in RAM Modeler or RAM Frame.

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The display convention for column fixity is 0 = released and X = fixed. The order the fixities are
displayed in the following figure:
Minor Axis Bending
Major Axis Bending

Major Axis Bending
Minor Axis Bending

FE Nodes The physical model created in the RAM Modeler is automatically converted to create a finite
element model for the analysis. At each location that a member is intersected by any other members
it is given a node. By selecting this option all the nodes for the selected story's finite element model
will be displayed. Note that there may be many nodes displayed interior to slab decks and walls.
These nodes represent the locations at which the slab deck and wall has been meshed. A size slider
is provided to change the size of the nodes during the display of the finite element model.

Node Select this option to display the node numbers assigned for the analysis. Many of
Numbers the error messages that may be issued during the analysis refer to the nodes by
Node After a successful analysis of a story the node restraints can be displayed by
Restraints selecting the option to Show Restraints. This will display one of the following two
symbols at the restrained nodes.

When the longitudinal axis is horizontal, this symbol indicates that the node is
restrained against translation in the direction of the longitudinal axis and
restrained for bending in the same direction (about a horizontal axis
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis). When the axis is vertical, the symbol
indicates restrained against translation in the direction of the longitudinal axis
and restrained for bending in the direction around this axis (preventing twisting
of columns around their own axis).

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The longitudinal axis of the restraint illustrated above is always horizontal and
indicates that the node is restrained against translation in the direction of the
longitudinal axis. This restraint is typically applied to the support nodes of walls
at the levels above and below the story being analyzed.
In general a vertical support is provided to each column and wall directly under
the story being analyzed. This node is also restrained for torsion around the
vertical axis (columns cannot twist). In addition, translational and rotational
restraints are provided to the column stack (above and below the story) where
they are braced. Refer to the Criteria-Bracing Section 2.5.6 (on page 18) and
Model Boundary Conditions in the Technical Notes Chapter for information on
how column bracing is determined.

A.6.4 Process Results Vertical Reactions

Following a successful analysis of one or more stories, you can select Process > Results > Vertical Reactions to
display the Vertical Reactions of each stories analysis. These results can be used to independently verify the
results of the analysis.
Each story in the structure is analyzed independently. Note that reaction forces at each story are reversed and
applied as loads to the supporting story for the next stories analysis (refer to the manual for more detailed
information). Only significant reactions are shown for each load case. Reactions are scaled relative to each other
but the scaling is not exact.
The display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this window is displayed. The window can
be moved and the screen printed or manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.
Click Apply to have the current selections displayed on the screen

Story Select the Story for which you would like to observe reactions from the analysis. When a story is
selected all the analyzed load cases for that story will be available for selection in the Load Case drop
down. When you click Apply, only the members that were part of the analysis of this story will be
Load Select the load case you would like to view reactions for. Refer to the Criteria Analysis (on page 92)
Case and manual for more information on how load cases are generated. Click Apply to have the load case
reactions displayed on the screen. The beam/s that are loaded in the selected load case are
highlighted. If no beams are highlighted then the selected load case is one in which the columns are
loaded (loads from story above or user applied column point loads).
Load Cases are labeled according to their type (Dead Load = DL, Live Load Reducible = LLred, Live
Load Unreducible = LLunred, Live Load Storage = LLstor, and live load roof = LLroof). Where there are
multiple load cases of one type, (LLred1, LLred2 etc) they represent all the different load cases in
which loads of that particular type (live load reducible) was applied.

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A.6.5 Process Results Member Forces

Following a successful analysis of one or more stories, you can select Process > Results > Member Forces to
display the Member Forces from each story's analysis.
These results can be used to independently verify the results of the analysis and duplicate the calculated beam
and column design forces. Forces are only displayed on members that have significant forces for the selected
load case.
The display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this window is displayed. The window can
be moved and the screen printed or manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.
Click Apply to have the current selections displayed on the screen.

Story Select the Story for which you would like to observe member forces from the analysis. When a
story is selected all the analyzed load cases for that story will be available for selection in the Case
drop down list. When you click Apply, only the members of the structure that were part of the
analysis of the selected story will be displayed.
Load Case Select the load case for which you would like to observe member forces. Refer to the Criteria
Analysis (on page 92) and manual for more information on how load cases are generated. Click
Apply to have the member forces displayed on the screen for the current load case. The beam(s)
that are loaded in the selected load case are highlighted. If no beams are highlighted then the
selected load case is one in which only the columns or walls are loaded (loads from story above or
user applied column point loads).
Load Cases are labeled according to their type (Dead Load = DL, Live Load Reducible = LLred, Live
Load Unreducible = LLunred, Live Load Storage = LLstor, and live load roof = LLroof). Where there
are multiple load cases of one type, (LLred1, LLred2 etc) they represent all the different load cases
in which loads of that particular type (live load reducible) was applied.
Beam Select this option to display beam forces on the screen for the currently selected story and load
Forces case. Forces are displayed along the length of the beam according to the Sign Convention (on page
121). Beams will always be oriented from the lower to the higher numbered node (Node I is lower
node number on the beam span). All end forces are displayed at the face of the beam support (i.e.
not at center-line). Select the type of force (Moment, Shear or Torsion) for which you would like to
observe forces. Expand the drop-down list and select the force option with (1/4 Pts) suffix to
display the forces at beam ends, and three equal spaced points along the span. Click Apply to have
your selection displayed on the screen. Note that forces will only be displayed on beams that have
significant (above some small limit) force for the selected load case and story.
Column Select this option to display column forces on the screen for the currently selected story and load
Forces case. Forces are displayed at each end of the column in accordance with the Sign Convention (on
page 121). Columns are oriented from top to bottom (upper node to the lower node). All forces
are displayed at the face of the columns where they are continuous. Select the type of force
(Moment, Shear or Torsion) for which you would like to observe forces. Click Apply to have your
selection displayed on the screen. Note that forces will only be displayed on columns that have
significant (above some small limit) force for the selected load case and story.

Note: The screen display shows only those members that were considered a part of the analysis
for the current, selected story. As such, the column axial forces displayed for the columns below
the story include the axial load from the columns from above, but the columns above the story

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will not show the axial load from the previous (level above) stories analysis. To view the final
accumulated column design forces select Report > Column Forces Report.

Wall Select this option to display wall forces on the screen for the currently selected story and load
Forces case. Forces are displayed on the face of the wall according to the Sign Convention (on page 121)
and calculated as described in the wall force technical section. Walls are oriented from the lower
to the higher numbered node. Select the type of force (Moment, Shear or Torsion) for which you
would like to see results. Click Apply to have your selection displayed on the screen. Note that
forces will only be displayed on walls that have significant (above some small limit) force for the
selected load case and story.
Show Select this option to display force diagram on the screen for the currently selected story, load case
Force and members. Forces are displayed only for beams and columns along their length according to
Diagram the sign convention (see Section 3.4.2 of the manual).
Scale Scale factor value is used to scale the member force diagram on the screen. The scale factor
Factor number is only used for representation. You may also specify a negative value of scale factor to
show the diagram on the tension face of beams and columns.

Note: The screen display shows only those members that were considered a part of the analysis
for the current, selected story. As such, the wall axial forces displayed for the walls below the
story include the axial load from the walls above, but the walls above the story will not show the
axial load from the previous (level above) stories analysis. To view the final accumulated wall
design forces select Report > Wall Forces Report.

However, in the case of stacked wall panels, the walls (and attached columns) located above the
story being analyzed will show axial loads. These axial forces do not represent the axial load that is
carried down the wall from the level above, but rather the redistribution of the forces amongst all
the shells and columns in the wall. Look for example at the following portion of a multi-level wall.
For the analysis at a particular story (Analysis story) the Finite Element Model created ( Process
Results Finite Element Information (on page 111)) by the program is as displayed below. Only two
levels of walls are modeled in the analysis of the story, and all the loads carried down the columns
and walls from the previous stories analysis are applied as nodal loads to the top of the walls at
the analysis story.
The analysis results for this model are as shown below.

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As is evident, the walls above the story are exhibiting an axial compression force, while the
columns are exhibiting a compression force. The summation of all the forces in columns and walls
above the story however, is equal to 0.0. This is as would be expected given that no loads are
applied to the model above the story level. The reactions also sum up to the applied loads. The
axial forces in the walls and columns above the analysis story are purely due to differential
displacement of the nodes at the story relative to those at the top of the walls. As illustrated by the
displaced shape below the behavior in this model is that of the columns above the story being
pulled down, and the walls between the columns resisting. This is the correct and expected
analytical behavior.

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Sign Convention

Figure 22: Sign Conventions for Column Member Forces.

Minor moment

Minor moment
Axial force
Major moment
Node I Axial force

Major moment Node J Torsion

Major shear

Major shear

Figure 24: Sign Convention for Beam Member Forces.

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Axial forc

Major sh

Figure 26: Wall Member Forces

A.6.6 Process Results Displacements

Following a successful analysis of one or more stories, you can select Process > Results > Displacements to
display the global displaced shape and displacement contours from each story's analysis.
Click Apply to have the current selections displayed on the screen.
The display options selected in this dialog are only visible on the screen while this dialog box is displayed. The
dialog box can be moved and the screen printed and model manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is
Story Select the Story for which to display the displaced shape from the analysis. When a story is
selected all the analyzed load cases for that story will be available for selection in the Load
Case drop-down. When the user selects Apply, only the meshed elements of the structure
that were part of the analysis of this story will be displayed.
Load Type Select the load case for which to display the nodal displacements. The load case in the
drop down menu are the applied loads in the modeler and does not contain any skip
loading cases. Click Apply to have the nodal displacements displayed on the screen for the
current load case. Load Cases are labeled according to their type (Dead Load = DL, Live
Load Reducible = LLred, Live Load Unreducible = LLunred, Live Load Storage = LLstor,
and live load roof = LLroof).
Show Select this option to see the global displacement contours on the meshed elements (two-
Displacement way floor slab elements). A color palette shown at the bottom shows different colors used
Contour in the displacement contour display (see description below for more info).
Show Displaced Select this option to view the displaced shape of the story.
Animate Select this option to animate the displaced shape of the story.

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Show Mesh Select this option to view the finite element mesh.
Scale Factor This scale factor is provided to scale the displacements in the generated view.
Transparency This transparency slider is provided to control the transparency of the displacement
Slider contours.
Color Palette A color palette shows the range of colors associated with showing deflection contours of
Legend different magnitudes on the screen (see Show Displacement Contours above). The
palette is centered on zero deflection (dark green) with negative (downward)
displacement values extending to color red and upward, positive values to dark blue. The
maximum displacement value for the selected story and load type is indicated on the ends
of the slider in the unit indicated in the dialog title (mm or in). The engineer can also
adjust the range of colors associated with the deflection values by clicking and dragging
the slider (small triangle) located at each end of the color palette. As the slider is dragged
the displacement value will show on the slider. Using this control an engineer can
establish a displacement limit, drag the triangle slider to that limit, and the program will
color all elements with displacement larger than the limit in the extreme color (red or

A.7 View
Menu Item Description

View - Colors (on page 123) To toggle the on-screen colors between design and
model colors.

View Gravity Loads (on page 124) To display the member gravity loads that are
automatically calculated by the program.

View Beam Line Numbers (on page 124) To display the beam lines on a selected story.

Beam Line Numbers To toggle on and off all beam line numbers in the
(toolbar only)

A.7.1 View - Colors

A Model Colors / Design Colors toggle button and associated menu items are available in the RAM Concrete
modules. Both the RAM Concrete Column and RAM Concrete Beam modules change the display colors of the
members to reflect their current design status.

Clicking the 'Change to Model Colors' button, , or selecting Colors > Model Colors from the View menu will
switch display colors back to the default colors assigned for each type. This can make it easier to identify the
specific type of member by its color.

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\ After clicking the 'Change to Model Colors' button, the button graphic will toggle to the 'Change to Design

Colors' button, . Clicking this button or selecting Colors > Design Colors from the View menu will toggle
the color display back to 'design' colors.
The graphic displayed on the button reflects the current model display colors which are the opposite of the
mode that will be toggled to by clicking the button.

A.7.2 View Gravity Loads

The View > Gravity Loads command is used to display the member gravity loads that are automatically
calculated by the program. The loads are calculated from the applied surface loads and self weight. User applied
line and point loads are also displayed.
Select one of the load types shown in the dialog box and click Apply to have the selected member gravity loads
displayed on the screen. Note that only those load types defined in the Modeler are displayed in this list. If a load
type is defined in the RAM Modeler but not assigned to the model, selecting that load type will not display any
member loads. It may be preferable to be in low resolution or in elevation view when observing applied loads on
large structures.

A.7.3 View Beam Line Numbers

The View > Beam Lines command is used to display the beam lines on a selected story. Selecting this command
brings up the View Beam Lines dialog box. Select the options you would like from the dialog box and click Apply
to display the selected options on the screen.

Story - From the story list select the story you would like to observe beam line numbers on. When selected
the list of beam line numbers will be updated to show all the beam line numbers currently assigned on the
selected story.
Select Beam Line Numbers - Select one or more beam line numbers from the list of beam line numbers.
Depending on your selection the beams with the selected beam line numbers will be highlighted and/or
numbered, when Apply is selected. By clicking Select All (Unselect All), all the beam line numbers in the list
will be selected (unselected).
Show Beam Line Numbers - Select this option to display the beam line number on each beam that is
assigned a beam line number equal to one of the numbers selected in the list.
Highlight Beam Lines - Select this option to highlighted each beam that is assigned a beam line number
equal to one of the numbers selected in the list.

Close will hide the dialog box.

Select View - Reset Model to remove the beam line numbers and highlighted members that are displayed on the

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A.7.4 View - Members

Selecting the View > Members command opens the Member Options dialog box. From this box you control
which member types appear on the screen.

There is one tabbed folder per member type. Clicking the tab of a folder will cause it to move to the top of the
stack. On the tabbed folder are check boxes indicating the display options: Display (on page 125), Shrink (on
page 125), Labels (on page 125), Fixity (on page 125), Orientation (on page 125). Putting a check in a box
indicates that you want that attribute to be displayed. Clearing the check from the box indicates that the
attribute should be hidden.
Once choices have been made, the screen display can be previewed, by clicking the Preview button. The preview
will be displayed in the preview box.
Clicking the OK button will save the changes made to the display options and redraw the screen using these
options. Clicking Cancel will close the dialog box without making any changes to the screen display.

The Display option controls whether or not the members of the selected member type will be displayed on the
screen. If the box is checked, the members will be displayed. If the box is cleared, the members will not be

The Shrink option causes the members of that type to be drawn shrunk, or shortened, leaving a gap between
connecting members.

The Labels option controls which, if any, information is displayed as a label on each member of the selected
member type. If the box is checked, the associated radio buttons become active from which the label type (size,
beam number, frame number or properties) is selected. If the box is cleared, labels will not be displayed.

The Fixity option causes the fixity symbols to be displayed: X indicates fixed, O indicates pinned. When All is
selected, 3 symbols will be shown at each end. The symbol nearest the support indicates Major Axis fixity, the
middle symbol indicates Minor Axis fixity, and the symbol farthest from the support indicates Torsional fixity.

For columns the Orientation option causes the orientation symbols to be displayed. The tail of the symbol
points in the strong direction of the column.

RAM Concrete Analysis 125 User Manual

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A.8 Reports
Menu Item Description

Printer To have the reports sent directly to the printer

without previewing.

Screen Reports are previewed on the screen in a non-editable

viewer. The viewer has toolbar buttons that allow
printing, zooming in and out, navigating through the
pages of the report.

Text File Report information is sent to a file. You can choose

between a simple text file (.txt) or a comma-
separated value files (.csv). This is the only option
that does not use the other user selected report styles.
One font is used for all sections of the report and all
formatting is removed. However, commas are in place
to separate table columns so that the file can be
imported into a spreadsheet program.

Viewer File Reports are saved to the Virtual Print Engine file
format (.vpe). These files can only be opened with
vpeview.exe, which is distributed with the RAM
Structural System and installed in the same directory
as the program executables. This format allows
reports to be saved and later viewed on-screen
outside the RAM Structural System.

Reports - Model Data (on page 127) To generate a listing of all concrete lateral and gravity
members and story data.

Reports - Model Data (on page 127) To generate vertical reaction for various stories.

Reports - Member Analysis Properties (on page 127) To generate a report of cross-sectional dimensions of
all concrete beams and columns and calculated values
for all members regarding their section properties
such as area, major and minor axis of inertia, and
torsional stiffness constant.

Reports - Analysis Criteria (on page 127) To generate a report showing parameters defined in
the Analysis Criteria Dialog.

Reports - Beam Load Diagram (on page 128) To generate a report of applied loads on concrete

Reports - Beam Line Force Envelope (on page 128) To generate a report of dead load and live load
envelope forces for all beams that have the same beam
line number.

RAM Concrete Analysis 126 User Manual

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Menu Item Description

Beam Deflection To generate a detailed beam deflection report for one

or more concrete beams.

Reports - Column Design Forces (on page 128) To generate a report of dead load and skip loaded
concrete column forces.

Reports - Concept Column Forces (on page 129) To display the RAM Concept Column forces exactly as
exported from RAM Concept into the RAM Structural

Reports Wall Forces (on page 129) To generate a report of dead and live load forces on

Reports - Concept Wall Forces (on page 130) To display the RAM Concept Wall forces exactly as
exported from RAM Concept into the RAM Structural

A.8.1 Reports - Model Data

This report shows a listing of all lateral and gravity concrete members and story data. It includes the assigned
sections of the members, their fixity and boundary conditions. The beams are sorted according to their beam line
numbers if they are assigned. This data can be used to check the assigned concrete member properties.

A.8.2 Reports - Member Analysis Properties

This report is broken into two sections showing calculated cross section properties and member analysis
properties. The cross section properties are those used in the analysis and show calculated parameters where
the user selected for the program to calculate values. In the second part of the report all the actual calculated
analytical properties are displayed. These values include the area, major and minor axis of inertia, and torsional
stiffness constant. Where appropriate the analytical section properties have been modified by the user assigned
cracked section and torsion reduction factors.

A.8.3 Reports - Analysis Criteria

This report shows all the user selections and data made in the Analysis Criteria Dialog. These criteria affect the
analysis that is performed in the Concrete Gravity Analysis Module. The report shows the chosen number of
stations and interval spacing for beam forces. The user should be aware that increasing the number of stations
results in more data collection along each beam, and subsequently increases the computational time. The
settings for rigid end zones, column slenderness and concrete beam torsional constant reduction percentage are
given in this report. For loading the skip-load and live load reduction settings are shown. The report also

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provides information about the global settings for sidesway, column K-factor and column bracing, as well as
providing information for each concrete column as to their assigned values of K-factors and sidesway.

A.8.4 Reports - Beam Load Diagram

Selecting the Reports > Beam Load Diagram > Single command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to
a target cursor. Select the beam for which to generate output by clicking on a beam. A Beam Load Diagram
Report will be generated for the selected beam.
Selecting the Reports > Beam Load Diagram > Fence command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to
a fence cursor. Select multiples beams for which to generate output by fencing an area of the model. A Beam
Load Diagram Report will be generated for all beams within the fenced area.
Selecting the Reports > Beam Load Diagram > All command will generate a Beam Load Diagram Report for all
beams in the model.
This report displays the loads that are tributary to the selected beam/s or that are assigned directly to the beam.
This report displays the location of point loads due to members that frame into the selected beam/s, but no
reaction values are displayed for these points (the loads will all be considered as part of the finite element
analysis). The same loads can also be displayed on screen by invoking the View Gravity Loads command.

A.8.5 Reports - Beam Line Force Envelope

Selecting the Reports > Beam Line Force Envelope > Single command will change the cursor from an arrow
cursor to a target cursor. Select the beam line for which to generate output by clicking on a beam in the beam
line. A Beam Line Force Envelope Report will be generated for the selected beam line.
Selecting the Reports > Beam Line Force Envelope > Fence command will change the cursor from an arrow
cursor to a fence cursor. Select multiple beam lines for which to generate output by fencing an area of the model.
A Beam Line Force Envelope Report will be generated for all beams in the beam lines within the fenced area.
Selecting the Reports > Beam Line Force Envelope > All command will generate a Beam Line Force Envelope
Report for all beam lines in the model.
This report shows the dead load and roof load forces diagrams for the selected beams in the beam line. It also
shows the live load force envelope for all live load cases for the selected beams. The envelope is the largest and
smallest force at each station due to all the live load cases, considering the members live load reduction factors
for the various live load types (live load reducible, storage and unreducible). For design purposes these force
diagrams and envelopes are combined with lateral forces (where appropriate), for each load combinations, in
the RAM Concrete Beam.

A.8.6 Reports - Column Design Forces

Selecting the Reports > Column Forces > Single command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to a
target cursor. Select the column for which to generate output by clicking on a column. A Column Forces Report
will be generated for the selected column.

RAM Concrete Analysis 128 User Manual

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Selecting the Reports > Column Forces > Fence command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to a
fence cursor. Select multiple columns for which to generate output by fencing an area of the model. A Column
Forces Report will be generated for all columns within the fenced area.
Selecting the Reports > Column Forces > All command will generate a Column Forces Report for all concrete
columns in the model.
This report shows the dead load and roof load column forces for the selected concrete columns. It also shows the
skip load pattern results for all live load cases for the selected column. The live load skip forces show the largest
moment about each axis and the associated other axes and axial forces. It also shows the cumulative axial load
from all live load applied concurrently. The live and roof forces consider the columns live load reduction factors
for the various live load types (live load reducible, storage and unreducible). If forces are exported from RAM
Concept into the RAM Structural System model then the additional Hyperstatic load case could also exist. For
design purposes these column forces are combined with lateral forces (where appropriate), for each load
combination, in the RAM Concrete Column Mode.

A.8.7 Reports - Concept Column Forces

Selecting the Reports > Concept Column Forces > Single command will change the cursor from an arrow
cursor to a target cursor. Select the column for which to generate output by clicking on a column. A Concept
Column Forces Report will be generated for the selected column.
Selecting the Reports > Concept Column Forces > Fence command will change the cursor from an arrow
cursor to a fence cursor. Select multiple columns for which to generate output by fencing an area of the model. A
Concept Column Forces Report will be generated for all columns within the fenced area.
Selecting the Reports > Column Forces > All command will generate a Concept Column Forces Report for all
concrete columns in the model.
This report shows the column forces exactly as exported from RAM Concept into the RAM Structural System. The
forces are from the floor analysis performed in RAM Concept and does not include the accumulated force from
stories above the indicated level. This accumulation of forces occurs during the Concrete Gravity analysis and the
results are reported in the Reports - Column Design Forces (on page 128) Note that Column top forces come
from the analysis of the floor above the column and column bottom forces come from analysis of floor below the

A.8.8 Reports Wall Forces

Selecting the Reports > Wall Forces > Single command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to a target
cursor. Select the wall for which to generate output by clicking on a wall. A Wall Forces Report will be generated
for the selected column.
Selecting the Reports > Wall Forces > Fence command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to a fence
cursor. Select multiple walls for which to generate output by fencing an area of the model. A Wall Forces Report
will be generated for all walls within the fenced area.
Selecting the Reports > Wall Forces > All command will generate a Wall Forces Report for all walls in the

RAM Concrete Analysis 129 User Manual

RAM Concrete Analysis CONNECT Edition Help

This report shows the dead, live and roof live load wall forces for the selected concrete walls. No live load
reduction is applied to wall live loads. The forces in the wall are accumulated from each level above and can be
used for foundation design in RAM Foundation. Due to the nature of the Concrete Gravity Analysis, where the
columns and walls are braced above and below the level being analyzed, the wall shears and moments do not
consider the lateral translation that can occur in a full 3D model. As such, only the wall axial force is considered
when designing foundations under gravity walls using the RAM Concrete Analysis results in RAM Foundation.
Refer to the Wall Technical Section for more information on sign convention and analytical considerations. Wall
forces can also be displayed on the screen for each stories analysis. Select the Process Results Member Forces
(on page 117) command following a successful analysis to observe the wall forces.

A.8.9 Reports - Concept Wall Forces

Selecting the Reports > Concept Wall Forces > Single command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to
a target cursor. Select the wall for which to generate output by clicking on a wall. A Concept Wall Forces Report
will be generated for the selected wall.
Selecting the Reports > Concept Wall Forces > Fence command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to
a fence cursor. Select multiple walls for which to generate output by fencing an area of the model. A Concept
Wall Forces Report will be generated for all walls within the fenced area.
Selecting the Reports > Wall Forces > All command will generate a Concept Wall Forces Report for all concrete
walls in the model.
This report shows the column forces exactly as exported from RAM Concept into the RAM Structural System. The
forces are from the floor analysis performed in RAM Concept and does not include the accumulated force from
stories above the indicated level. This accumulation of forces occurs during the Concrete Gravity analysis.

RAM Concrete Analysis 130 User Manual

A Beam Forces Colors
Stations 65 Database Status 7
Aanlysis Criteria 84
Beam Gravity Forces 65 Column
ACI 318-02 92
Beam Line Force Envelope 85 Skip Loading 62, 65
ACI 318-05 92
Beam Line Numbers 31 Column Fixity 111
ACI 318-08 92
beam lines column forces 117
ACI 318-11 92
assigning 20 Column Forces 16, 86
ACI 318-99 92
automatic assignment 21, Column Size
108, 109 Assign 19
meshing 92
manual 22, 109 column slenderness 10
solvers 92
Beam Lines Column Slenderness 62, 65
stations 92
View 31 columns
technical notes 52
Beam Load Diagram 85 assigning size 106
Beam Size bracing 105
Error Messages 62
Assign 20 effective length factors 105,
Following 111
beam torsion stiffness 10 107
Global Coordinate System
Beam Under Two-Way Slab 39 fixity 23, 114
beams forces from RAM Concept 99
story 111
as bracing 105 hanging 92
analysis criteria 10
assigning size 106 joint face distances for 59
analysis stations 10
beam lines 22, 109 restraints 92
analytical model
continuous 21, 108, 109 sidesway 104, 107
material properties 37
fixity 23, 108, 114 sign conventions 121
section properties 39
joint face distance for 59 Concept Column Forces 86
Analytical Model
sign conventions 121 Concrete Module
Boundary Conditions 34
torsional stiffness 92 Starting 7
Fixity Conditions 35
Beams 65 CP 65 92
Geometry 34
beams under two-way slabs 40 criteria
Analyze 23
Boundary Conditions 34 analysis 10
Apply 111
bracing Criteria
AS 3600-01 92
beams 105 Bracing 18
AS 3600-09 92
by slabs 105 Code 10
columns 105 Column forces 16
Beam Size 20
Bracing 18 Effective Length 18
Column Size 19
BS 8110-97 92 Sidesway 16
Effective Length Factor 19
building codes 33 Criteria-Bracing
Refer 111
B C CSA A23.3-10 92
Beam Deflection 85
Code 10
Beam Fixity 111
beam forces 117
codes D
selecting 91 Database Status 7

RAM Concrete Analysis 131 User Manual

Dead 42 G Surface Loads 42
Dead Load 42 Two-Way Deck 45
GB 50010 92
Deflections 70–73 loads on slab edges 45
Diaphragm 56 Local Coordinate System 53
Analytical Model 34
Global Coordinate System 53
results 122
Displacements 29
gravity design forces M
walls 68, 69 Mass Dead Load 42
Gravity Design Forces material properties
fixities 111
Beams 65 concrete 37, 38
Column 62, 65 other 38
E Gravity Loads 30, 39, 41 steel 38
EC 2 92 Member Analysis Properties 82,
Effective Length 18 I 84
Effective Length Factor 18, 19, Member Fixity Condtions
IS 456
62, 65 Analytical Model 35
design 9
effective length factors member forces
assigning 107 reports 117
effective lengths 60 J sign conventions 121
effective lengths factors joint face distance Member Forces 27
global 105 for beams 59 members
nomograph values 105 joint face distances viewing information 124
Element Formulation 53, 54 columns 59 menus
Envelope technical notes 58 Reports 125
Beam Forces 65 mesh 23, 114
Error Messages 62 mesh controls 10
L Mode 9
Live 42
Model Boundary Conditions
F Live Load
Analytical Model 34
FE nodes 23, 114 Partition 70–73
Model Data
File Reducible 70–73
Report 82
Model Status 7 Roff Reducible 70–73
Model Status 7
finite element model Storage 70–73
moment redistribution
results 23, 114 Unreducible 70–73
wall forces 68, 69
Finite element model 111 live load reduction
Multiple Diaphragms 57
Fixities criteria 10
display 111 Live Load Reduction
fixity RAM Concrete 51 N
beams 23, 114 Load properties 42 Node Numbers 111
columns 23, 114 loading Node Restraints 111
Fixity 35, 111 live load reduction 92
Fixity Conditions 35 skip loading 92
Following Loads
One-Way Deck 44
analysis 111 Dead 42
order 111
force diagrams 117 Live 42
Live Load Reduction 51
Mass Dead Load 42
Slope 43, 44

RAM Concrete Analysis 132 User Manual

P joint face distance at slabs
columns 59 as bracing 105
P-Delta Effects 58
rigid end zones slenderness 10
Partition 70–73
effective lengths 60 Slenderness
penetrations 47
fixed end forces 61 Effective Length 62, 65
performance 10
joint face distance for beams Sidesway 62, 65
59 Slope 43, 44
pinned concrete beams 61 Sloping Framing 43, 44
Displacements 29
reduction factors 60 solver type 10
Member Forces 27
short finite elements 61 solvers 92
technical notes 58 speed 10
Loads 42
Rigid Floor Diaphragm 57 Starting 7
Roff Reducible 70–73 Stations 65
R Status
RAM Concept Colors 7
column forces 99
S Storage 70–73
section properties
integrating column forces Surface Loads 42
concrete 39, 40
concrete beams 40
RAM Concept Integration 76–78
RAM Concrete 51
other 41 T
steel 41 Technical 52
RAM Frame 111
select Process technical notes
reactions 26, 117
Results joint face distances 58
Reducible 70–73
FE Model Info 111 rigid end zones 58
reduction factors 60
Select Process-Results-FE Model Technical Notes 33
Info Toolbar 7, 8
Criteria-Bracing 111
display 111 torsion constant reduction 98
References 74
Selecting torsional stiffness 40
Report Destination 30
Story 111 Torsional Stiffness 39
self-weight calculations 42 Two-Way Deck 45
Analysis Criteria 84
sidesway Two-Way Slab 56
Beam Deflection 85
global 104
Beam Line Force Envelope
individual columns 107
Beam Load Diagram 85 Unreducible 70–73
Partial Bracing 16
Column Forces 86
Sign Convention 53
Concept Column Forces 86
Member Analysis Properties
sign conventions V
wall forces 68, 69 vertical reactions 117
82, 84
skip loading 10, 92 View
Model Data 82
Skip Loading Beam Line Numbers 31
Wall Forces 86, 87
Beam Forces 65 Beam Lines 31
Column 62, 65 Gravity Loads 30
finite element model 23, 114
Technical 52 View Beam Line Numbers 124
vertical reactions 26, 117
Slab Deck Element 53, 54 View Gravity Loads 124
slab edges View-Members window 111
Displacements 29
loads 45
Member Forces 27
slab openings 47
rigid end zone

RAM Concrete Analysis 133 User Manual

W wall forces 117 walls
Wall Forces 86, 87 gravity design forces 68, 69
Wall Element Formulation 53,
Wall Openings 54–56 sign conventions 121

RAM Concrete Analysis 134 User Manual

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