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1. Who is your best friend?
-my best friend is Huy ,because we grew up together and always help
each other when one of us has a problem.
2. Do you think friendship is important?
-I think friendships are very important because they will make you
never feel lonely or depressed.
3. What makes good friends?
-I think it's trust, because when you trust someone you will dare to
share your joys and sorrows with them.If someone tells you about
your secret or talks badly about you, that person is not your friend
4. What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?
-I like making friends with someone who is sociable(sâu s..ờ bồ), fun
and mature(mờ trua). Because I'm also that type of person. I think it
will be great if we have something in common.
5. When I was a kid, we grew up together. But now, my childhood
friends live far from me.And i keep in touch with him through social
-yes, I have a lot of friends, because I always want to make
friends with everyone I have ever met, it will help me to have
more relationships around

-Firstly, playing basketball helps you to improve your health and have
a beautiful body.
-Secondly, basketball helps you relax after a stressful study time.
-Finally, football will train you about teamwork and sportsmanship.
1. Do you like playing sports?
-Yes ,I'm really into playing sport,because it helps me keep in shape,
taller and increase my reflexes (rí phờ lẹt sờ)in sports over the other
team.(I can make more friends because it is a team sport that
requires coordination.)
2. I'm a big fan of basketball ,because I have spent 2 years
practicing basketball without a teacher .I usually play it with my
friends every week in my free time.(I will surely keep playing
basketball in the future).
3. I think playing sports is really important because playing sports
helps us to get rid of a sedentary lifestyle and have a healthy life
4. I want to play soccer in the future, because I'm bad at this sport
and I want to practice it.
My hobby is playing basketball ,because I spent 2 years practicing
basketball without a teacher. I usually play it with my friends every
week in my free time. This sport has many benefits. First, it helps
me to increase my reflexes in sport over the other team. I can make
more friends because it is a team sport that requires
coordination(coo di na sion).second,it helps me keep in shape,
taller, improve my health and have a beautiful body. Basketball is
a difficult sport to play, requiring players to have energy and
perseverance to practice. Although in the area where I live this
sport has not been developed much but it is my favorite sport, so I
have tried everything to be able to play basketball. I will surely
keep playing basketball in the future.

3. tree.
I am keen on bamboo because it symbolizes asian
people,they are honest and bamboo attached to my
childhood. It is straight, tall and sturdy and usually grows in
bushes. I made a lot of toys from bamboo such as guns and
kites. During camping activities, we often invite each other to
cut bamboo to create a camp. Bamboo can be used to create
many necessary and convenient utensils. There are many
stories about bamboo. Bamboo is only found in Asia because
it suits the climate here. Bamboo has many beautiful
varieties such as ivory bamboo, which is a bamboo tree
associated with the fairy tale about the hero as well as the
god of Vietnam. Bamboo is also a symbol on some covers of
Vietnam. Bamboo shoots are the symbol of generations of

1. I'm a big fan of plants ,because it bring me the feeling of freshness and
2. I like bamboo, because it symbolizes asian people,they are honest and
bamboo attached to my childhood.
3. No,I'm not keen on having plants in my house,because at night they will
breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide ,it is really harmful.
4. When I was a child, I used to grow bamboo, because it is easy to grow
and grows very quickly.

My favorite subject is math because it is very difficult and I feel happy when I
solve a demanding math problem.

5.Why should we learn other languages ?

1.because learning english will help me get a good job
in my future. And my job requires very high English
skills. And I can talk to foreigners more easily.
2. I'm bilingual, I can speak my mother tongue which is
vietnamese and another language is english, but my
english is still poor.
3. I want to learn Korean in the future because I want to
travel to Korea to eat and have fun with their culture's
My long term goal is becoming a software designer and
developer. I like this job because I have learned about it and
consulted about this industry a lot. People who major in this
area usually work at the company's office or at home. Today,
this job is very hot and is in need of a lot of people with
knowledge of this industry. In my opinion, this job is very
difficult to be unemployed, because we are living in the era of
technology and modernization, so this job is an indispensable
job in the future.I just got into university and haven't attended
any classes before. This job is an industry that requires
intelligence and agility. I will go to college and get a diploma to
find a job in this industry. If i want to do this job I need to work
hard, learn from my seniors and improve my English because
computer programming is all English.
There are many holidays in a year, but it would be great if we
could create our own holidays. I had an idea for a holiday called
"lazy holiday" because we want all the hard-working people to
have a day to relax, not be busy with their work and have more
time to spend with their families. that holidays should be in the
rainy season like autumn or winter because going to work in the
rain will be very cold and wet, making our body feel
uncomfortable. Not only that it is very difficult to travel in the
rainy season. Due to the cold weather, people often do not
want to wake up early to go to work. the right lenth for this
holiday is three days. this holiday has three days is enough for
us to rest, do the things we want to do but can't because we
are too busy like visting family far away, travel or simply
sleeping more than usual. the first day of this vacation will give
ourselves a day to ba lazy like sleeping in, eating our favourite
foods, watching movies or simply doing nothing. And the next
two days are the days they spend time with family and friends.
In normal life, everyone is busy and they have little time to sit
together and talk.

- Lazy holiday. I wanted to create this holiday because I want

all the hard working people to have a day to relax, not be busy
with their work and have more time to spend with their families.
-I think that holiday should be in the rainy season like autumn
or winter because going to work in the rain will be very cold and
wet, making the body feel uncomfortable.
-I want it to last about 3 days because if it's only 1 day of rest,
it's too little for workers so they can both rest and spend more
time with their family.
-On that holiday, the first day will be a rest day for them to
relax. The next 2 days are the days they spend time with their
family and friends.
-I wanted to create a lazy holiday because it gives busy people
time to rest and makes the bond of family members stronger.
I often pay a visit to my friend's house, go out to cafes or go to
Hoi An old town to take a lot of photos and walk around the

I usually go with my brother because our personalities and

interests are quite similar. So going with him will be fun,
interesting and let my hair down.

my outing plan is going to visit Saigon with my brother someday

for sightseeing. we will book a room and stay for a few days.

I think I'll pack some clothes, a camera to take pictures, and

enough money to last a few days, because without money you
can't buy anything.

My favorite item is the local brand shirt that I bought for myself
for my birthday last year. it was my 18th birthday present, so it
is very important item for me. I usually wear it to parties, hang
out with friends or go to the movies. wearing that shirt makes
me more handsome and cool. I rarely go shopping or because I
don't have time, most of my stuff is bought by my parents.
I bought this shirt online. I'm not a shopaholic but I also want to
keep up with current fashion trends, so when this shirt came
out, I bought it without any prior plans. that shirt is pretty, so my
brothers and friends want to buy it again because it's
fashionable but i don't sell it because it's my favorite shirt.
-I don’t a shopaholic, so I rarely go shopping, because I am a
student and I don’t have much money, so my parents often buy
them for me.
-It is very harmful, because I can not try on some items such as
clothes and very difficult return it back to shop when it is very
anything wrong.

-I think shopping is very popular in my country because

shopping is to satisfy all the needs of the people and there are
many shopping streets such as lê duẫn streets and in my
country, there are some shopaholics want to keep up with the
latest fashion trend.

1. Do you like science?
-Yes, I do. I love science in general. Because it is interesting
and diverse.it help me build my logical thinking
2.What science have you studied?
- At the beginning of high school, I studied science subjects
like chemistry, physics, biology. Those are compulsory
subjects of the high school curriculum
3. How do you study science?
-I mostly spend my time learning at school and in the lab
room, where I can make some experiments.
4.What’s the most difficult part of studying science?
-I think when learning science, the hardest part is learning
and remembering the formulas and theories to use it to
apply in the exercises.
5. How has the science that you have studied helped you?
- Science helps me to have more knowledge about the
working of many things that are difficult to explain. It also
makes it easier for me to do errands without much effort
-My favorite science subject is physics because it is very
difficult and interesting with great applications. and every
time I solve a difficult physics problem, I feel very happy
Optional:ko bắt buộc

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