Conditional and Subjunctive 7

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Conditionals and subjunctive 7

GI-Hasdeu 2016
1. I felt sorry for Jane. If anybody … such a thing to me, I … hurt.
a) would say, felt b) said, would feel c) had said, would have felt d)
will say, will feel
2. The orders are that three of you … here, the rest … to the city center.
a) will stay, will go b) should stay, should go c) would stay, would go d)
stay, to go
3. He … differently, if he … an answer two days ago.
a) will act; was given b) would act; were given
c) would have acted; would have been given d) would have acted; had been given
4. Who was the first to suggest … the research?
a) him to do b) that he do c) that he will do d) that he would do
5. "I wish I … your health and vitality. I … a new life for myself," she said with a smile.
a) had, would make b) would have, made
c) have, will have made d) was having, would have made
6. I … rather he … supper himself. He is an excellent cook.
a) would; will cook b) had; cooks c) would; cooked d) had; had cooked
7. He wished he … her the money. She never returned it.
a) had lent b) hadn't lent c) did not lend d) lent
8. If I … you, I … him. It's high time you … his advice.
a) were; would contact; would take b) had been; would have contacted; would have
c) am; will contact; will take d) were; would contact; took
9. He behaves as if nothing … But he forgets it is very important that he … a chance.
a) has happened; will take b) had happened; take
c) was happened; should take d) happened; takes
10. If she … half an hour earlier, she … to see him before he left.
a) came; would be able b) would come; was able
c) would have come; would have been able d) had come; would have been able
11. It is desirable that she … at the conference. Our director demands that everybody … at 3 o'clock.
a) is present; comes b) will be present; will come
c) be present; come d) would be present; would come
12. You were not attentive. If you … so nervous, you … much better and … so many mistakes.
a) had not been; would have spoken; wouldn't have made b) were not; would speak;
wouldn't make
c) wouldn't have been; had spoken; hadn't made d) wouldn't be; spoke; didn't make
13. … his letter, his life … I wish he … anything.
a) Would the newspaper not print; wouldn't have ruined; had written
b) Had the newspaper not printed; wouldn't have been ruined; hadn't written
c) Had the newspaper not have printed; wouldn't ruin; wrote
d) If the newspaper should not have printed; hadn't ruin; hadn't written
14. He speaks to me as though he … something on his mind. It's time he … and … everything to us.
a) had had; had come; had explained b) had; came; explained
c) has; will come; will explain d) had; should come; should explain
15. … to the hustle and bustle of the city life, my peaceful life …
a) If I would return; would be over b) Should I return; would be over
c) Would I return; would have been over d) If I had returned; had been over
16. Some vending machines require that the exact amount of money for a particular item …
a) will insert b) should insert c) be inserted d) will be inserted
17. … themselves in New York they … themselves a large amount of money.
a) Had the miners outfitted; would have saved b) Should the miners have outfitted; would have
c) If the miners outfitted; would have saved d) If the miners had outfitted; should save
18. Tom was suffering from bronchitis, which threatened to become chronic if it … immediately
a) were not b) would not be c) had been d) would not have been
19. The Parliament ordered that the customs office … the taxes more efficiently.
a) would collect b) collects c) collect d) collected
20. National parks request that visitors … wild animals.
a) not feed b) did not feed c) would not feed d) do not feed
21. Since they were new to town, Tom insisted that she … a taxi to the nearest hospital.
a) would take b) take c) took d) takes
22. I pretended not to be interested in what they said, and treated them as if I … their speaking.
a) would not have understood b) had not understood
c) did not understand d) do not understand
23. He wished they … his embarrassment at the moment she was introducing him.
a) hadn't noticed b) would have noticed c) would not have noticed d) didn't
24. He looked at me as if laughter … the very last thing he had expected from me.
a) was b) were c) had been d) would be
25. If only enough money …, all … well.
a) must be earned; might be b) was earned; must have been
c) were earned; should be d) might be earned; might be
26. Even if I … down there in the middle of the night, I … my way home.
a) would be put; would be able to find b) was put; could have found
c) were put; could find d) had been put; would be able to find
27. But for his provisions they … of hunger.
a) have died b) had died c) would have died d) would die
28. They considered it necessary that she … out-of-doors after 10 o'clock.
a) would not be b) should not be c) were not d) is not
29. Lest you …, if I … home by ten, don't expect me.
a) are alarmed; don't b) would be alarmed; wouldn't come
c) were alarmed; hadn't come d) should be alarmed; don't come
30. We … the train if we … faster.
a) would catch; had walked b) had caught; would have walked
c) would have caught; had walked d) would have caught; walked
31. The sellers demanded that payment … within five days.
a) were made b) would be made c) should be made d) is made
32. Put down the address lest you … it.
a) would forget b) should forget c) should not forget d) would not forget
33. If I were you, I … the car … yesterday.
a) wish, had been fixed b) would have wished, had been fixed
c) wished, would have been fixed d) had wished, would be fixed
34. The teacher required that everyone … the meeting.
a) attend b) attends c) would attend d) to attend
35. …, they would lose everything.
a) Would the contract be terminated b) Should the contract be terminated
c) Had the contract been terminated d) Could the contract be terminated
36. If mother … him to the skating rink in his childhood, he … an Olympic champion.
a) didn't take, would never have become b) hadn't taken, would never have become
c) wouldn't take, had never become d) wouldn't have taken, had never become
37. But for your help, we … in time.
a) hadn't finished b) would not finish c) should not have finished d) didn't finish
38. I … anything for this not to have happened.
a) would have given b) have given c) will give d) give
39. Florida now requires that all children ages 7 to 16 … in school.
a) shall enroll b) should enroll c) will enroll d) enrolled
40. A young woman … odd if she … the clothing that her grandmother had worn when young.
a) would look, wore b) would look, had worn c) would have looked, wore d)
looked, would wear

1-c 11-c 21-b 31-c

2-b 12-a 22-c 32-b
3-d 13-b 23-a 33-a
4-b 14-b 24-b 34-a
5-a 15-b 25-c 35-b
6-c 16-c 26-c 36-b
7-b 17-a,b 27-c,d 37-b,c
8-d 18-a 28-b 38-a
9-b 19-c 29-d 39-b
10-d 20-a 30-c 40-a

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