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WHEREAS, KINECT ACADEMY INC. is a Higher Educational Institution (HEI). We aim to equip our students with
proper academic knowledge along with the practical skills and experience required for the career world. Most importantly,
we aspire to instill godly character, morals, and standards within our students as this is vital and significant for their future.

WHEREAS, it is the policy of Kinect Academy Inc. to employ highly qualified team members who will support our
program in the pursuit of paving the way for high educational standards;

KINECT ACADEMY INC. (hereinafter called the SCHOOL) and SAN JOSE, GENELYN T. (hereinafter called the
INSTRUCTOR) agree to the following conditions of employment.

1. Date of hire: SEPTEMBER 27, 2021. The term of this agreement is effective from SEPTEMBER 27,
2021 until JULY 18, 2022.

2. The INSTRUCTOR agrees to serve the SCHOOL during the dates specified in this agreement; to meet
agreed deadlines that may result in held salaries if not met; to perform set duties according to the job
description; and to work cooperatively with the staff, faculty, and administration of the SCHOOL.

3. The INSTRUCTOR shall devote a reasonable amount of out-of-class time to curriculum development,
student activities, student reports, and other duties assigned by the administrator.

4. It is further mutually agreed upon, that the SCHOOL shall offer the INSTRUCTOR a new contract of
employment for the following year on or before JULY 18, 2022, unless the INSTRUCTOR expresses
the intent to end contract/transfer to another establishment or the SCHOOL gives the INSTRUCTOR
written notice of its intention to not re-employ the INSTRUCTOR on or before JUNE 18, 2022.

5. The INSTRUCTOR may be suspended preventively then indefinitely for good cause as shall be
determined in the exclusive discretion of the Board of Trustees. It is specifically understood that good
cause for suspension shall include but may not be limited to: inadequate work, misconduct, neglect of
duty, physical or mental incapacity, actions involving moral turpitude, violation of the terms of this
agreement or Kinect Academy Inc. policies, or any conduct tending to reflect discredit upon the school or
tending to impair the INSTRUCTOR’s usefulness in his/her capacity as a team member.

6. If the INSTRUCTOR should be subject for indefinite suspension or subjectively and willfully breach
this contract and abandon his/her employment (including an application with another company that would
cause overlap in commitment) without first being released by the SCHOOL, then the SCHOOL shall not
release his/her clearance, which may include holding any money due to the INSTRUCTOR.

7. The SCHOOL employs the INSTRUCTOR as an employee of the SCHOOL at an hourly rate. Salary
payments shall begin on OCTOBER 05, 2021. It will continue to be given on the 20th and the 5th day of
each month up to the end of the employment period, AUGUST 05, 2022.

8. It is agreed that the conditions of this contract shall only be changed by mutual written agreement of the
INSTRUCTOR and the SCHOOL. This is the sole agreement between the parties and no other
representations, be they oral or written, are binding between the parties.




Sel Reyes-Tan Erick E. Mendoza Olivia Joy R. Tan


Salary: The SCHOOL employs the INSTRUCTOR at an hourly rate of Php 200.00 as a part-time
employee of the SCHOOL.

The SCHOOL’s salary rates are calculated to be in-line with the formula provided by the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) based on daily wages and annual income. You
may refer to Wage Order No. RBIII-22.

Salary payments shall be made on the 20th and the 5th day of the month beginning on
OCTOBER 05, 2021. The final payment shall be on AUGUST 05, 2022.

Benefits: The SCHOOL is not obliged to provide PhilHealth, Social Security, and Pag-ibig or Home
Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) benefits as part-time employees are considered
independent contractors, and therefore fall into the self-employed bracket of DOLE.

The SCHOOL will attach a list of holidays in accordance to the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE).


Sel Reyes-Tan Olivia Joy R. Tan

As an employee of Kinect Academy Inc., I understand that all information I see and/or
hear pertaining to any student, employee, and school is confidential. I acknowledge that
names (first and/or last) of students, employees, and any other information obtained
during my time in this SCHOOL is not to be released to any other person in any format
unless authorized by the SCHOOL. I also understand that any work and creation for
SCHOOL purposes are considered property of the SCHOOL, and, lastly, I understand
that my contract agreement with the SCHOOL is confidential.


List of Philippine Common Holidays:

New Year’s Day Regular January 1

Chinese New Year Special Subject to change
EDSA Revolution Special February 25
Maundy Thursday Regular Subject to Change
Good Friday Regular Subject to Change
Black Saturday Special Subject to Change
Araw ng Kagitingan Regular April 9
Labor Day Regular May 1
Independence Day Regular June 12
Ninoy Aquino Day Special August 21
National Heroes Day Regular August 27
All Saints’ Day Special November 1
Special Non-Working Day Special November 2
Bonifacio Day Regular November 30
Immaculate Conception Special December 8
Christmas Eve Special December 24
Christmas Day Regular December 25
Rizal Day Regular December 30
New Year’s Eve Special December 31
Eid’l Fitr Special Subject to Change
Eid’l Adha Special Subject to Change

List of Localized Holidays:

3 Kings Celebration Special January 7

Tsinelas Festival Special August 25
Unang Sigaw ng N.E. Special September 2
Employee Code of Conduct
As an employee, you are responsible to behave appropriately at work. We outline our expectations here. We may not be
able to cover every single case of conduct, but we trust you to always use your best judgement. Reach out to your manager
or HR if you face any issues or have any questions.

Dress Code
Our company’s official dress code is [Business/ Business Casual]. However, an employee’s position may also indicate how
they should dress. If you frequently meet with clients or prospects, please conform to a more formal dress code. We expect
you to implement self-grooming when coming to work and avoid wearing clothes that are unprofessional.

Cyber Security and Digital Devices

This section deals with all things digital at work. We set some guidelines for using computers, phones, our internet
connection, and social media to ensure security and to protect our assets.

Internet Usage
Our corporate internet connection is primarily for business although, you may occasionally use our connection for personal
purposes as long as they do not interfere with your job responsibilities. Also, we expect you to avoid personal activities that
slow down our internet connection (e.g. uploading or downloading photos/movies/games/ large files).

You must not use our internet connection to:

 Download or upload obscene, offensive, or illegal material.
 Send confidential information to unauthorized recipients.
 Invade another person’s privacy and gain access to sensitive information.
 Download or upload pirated movies, music, material or software.
 Visit potentially dangerous websites that can compromise our network and computers’ safety.
 Perform unauthorized or illegal actions, like hacking, fraud or buying/selling illegal goods.

Cell Phone Usage

We allow use of cell phones at work although, we also want to ensure that your devices will not distract you from your
work or disrupt our workplace.

We encourage you to follow these simple rules:

 Use your cell phone in a manner that benefits your work.
 Keep personal calls brief and use an empty room or common area so as not to disturb your colleagues.
 Avoid playing games on your phone or texting/calling excessively.
 Do not use your phone to record confidential information.
 Also, you must not use your phone in areas where cell phone use is explicitly prohibited. (e.g. class rooms /

Sending/Receiving Messages and Content

Do not spam other people’s e-mails, including your coworkers.
In general, use strong passwords, do not forget to log out, and be vigilant in catching e-mails that carry malware or phishing
attempts. If you are not sure that an e-mail you received is safe, ask our [Technical Personnel].

Social Media Usage

We want to provide practical advice to prevent careless use of social media in our workplace. We address two types of
social media uses: using personal social media at work and representing our company through social media.

Using Personal Social Media at Work

You are permitted to access your personal accounts at work but, we expect you to act responsibly according to our
policies and ensure that you stay productive.

Specifically, we ask you to:

 Discipline yourself. Avoid getting sidetracked by your social platforms.
 Add time constraints if necessary to prevent getting distracted from your important tasks.
 Avoid any defamatory, offensive or derogatory content. You violate our company’s anti-harassment policy if
you direct such content towards colleagues, clients or partners.
 Ensure others know that your personal account or statements do not represent our company. For example, use
a disclaimer such as “In my own opinion...”
 Avoid sharing intellectual property (e.g. trademarks/logos) or confidential information. Ask your manager or
PR first before you share company news that is not officially announced.

Representing our Company through Social Media

If you handle our social media accounts or speak on our company’s behalf, we expect you to protect our
company’s image and reputation.

Specifically, you should:

 Be respectful, polite, and patient.
 Avoid speaking on matters outside your field of expertise when possible.
 Follow our confidentiality and data protection policies and observe laws governing copyrights, trademarks,
plagiarism, and fair use.
 Coordinate with our [Marketing Department] when you are about to share any major-impact content.
 Avoid deleting or ignoring comments for no reason.
 Correct or remove any misleading or false content as quickly as possible.
 Refrain from usage when experiencing conflict of interests, your personal goals are no longer aligned with
your responsibilities towards us.

In other cases, you may be faced with an ethical issue. For example, accepting a bribe may benefit you financially, but it is
illegal and against our business code of ethics. If we become aware of such behavior, you will lose your job and may face
legal trouble.

For this reason, conflicts of interest are a serious issue for all of us. We expect you to be vigilant, to spot circumstances that
create conflicts of interest either to yourself or for your direct reports. Follow our policies and always act in our company’s
best interests. Whenever possible, do not let personal or financial interests get in the way of your job. If you are
experiencing an ethical dilemma, talk to your manager or HR and we will try to help you resolve it.

Conflicts Of Interest
Employees must avoid having a personal, business, financial, or other interest, activity or relationship, outside or inside the
work environment that has or may be in conflict with Kinect Academy or its students. Any material transaction or
relationship that may give rise to an actual or perceived conflict of interest should be discussed with your manager or HR.

Conflicts of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following situations:
 Having a romantic relationship with another employee, a student, or a prospective student.
 Obtaining a personal financial benefit in any use, sale, or loan of company property.
 Performing services for students outside those consistent with Kinect Academy’s mission of providing higher
education and career training programs.
 Using or disclosing any confidential information gained during employment for an employee’s personal benefit or the
benefit of others.

Employee Relationships
We want to ensure that relationships between employees are appropriate and harmonious. We outline our guidelines and we
ask you to always behave professionally.

Friendships at Work
Employees who work together may naturally form friendships either in or outside of the workplace. We encourage this
relationship between peers, as it can help you communicate and collaborate. But, we expect you to focus on your work and
keep personal disputes outside of our workplace.

Workplace Visitors
If you want to invite a visitor to our offices, please ask for permission from your [Manager] first and inform our
[reception/gate] of your visitor’s arrival. Visitors should sign in and show identification. They will receive passes and will
be asked to return them to [reception/gate] once their visit is complete.

When you have office visitors, you also have responsibilities. You should:
 Always tend to your visitors, especially when they are underage.
 Keep your visitors away from areas where there are dangerous machines, chemicals, confidential records, or sensitive
 Prevent your visitors from coaxing your colleagues, gathering donations, or requesting participation in activities while
within our premises.
 Anyone who delivers orders, mail, or packages for employees should remain at our building’s reception or gate. If you
are expecting a delivery, [security guards] will notify you so that you may collect it.

Policy toward Violations of the Code

Employees that are found to have violated this Code will receive:
 Minor Offense
o First Offense: Verbal Reminder
o Second Offense: Written Memorandum
o Third Offense: Three (3) day suspension
 Major Offense
o First Offense: Written Memorandum
o Second Offense: Five (5) day suspension
o Third Offense: Dismissal

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