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ow Present Perfect Continuous SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Use short forms. © Clare isle) Danny since they fest met at Julia's party 1 (yourknow) Megan for along time? 21 {never/understand) why peple pay so ‘much far brand name clothing 2. > Complete the tour guide's speech with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. "Welcome to our ki factory. ‘We hope you eno the tour Have you been, waiting (yout long? 1 hope not. Our company *__ (produce kits Tor over 150 years “Today we are going to see how a tational Scottish kk is made. We (make) our famous Highlander model since the 1920s Original kis were designed for everyday use, but later they were worn only on more formal occasions. We 2 Gal) more and more of them as fashion ites in recent years We also make trousers here atte factory, but we {not do) that for as long, New si, | see that you ae wearing one of ou kits. You look wonderful $__(youfouy) our bran fr lng time? 3. #1 Charlie and Mary are at an at gallery. Choose the correct options to complete their conversation. IM: Can we rest fora minute, Charlie? We thaver't stopped / hroven't heen stopping since we got here, I'm exhausted! Cr Sure. We *ve walked / ve been walking around since nine Lats get a cofes, ‘Mz Great. haven't had / haven't been having a dink since this morning, In the cat G:_There are some lovely paintings here, don't you think? IM: Yeah, lovely ts been /'s been being a great morning. CC Listen, Mary 1¥v@ waited / ve been waiting forthe right moment t talk to you. Mz Really? What ist? C:_ Wel, we are good fiends and we ve fiked /'ve been liking ‘each other for along time, right? (Mes, Chale. We've spent /ve been spending more and more time together recently. What do you want to say? ‘Wel, do you think you and | could maybe... er Yes? Ce. study for our exams together? IM: Oh... er... yes, Chale, | suppose we could. 4 3 Howlong [Chloetwant) to be a fashion designer? 4 {they/see all the paintings in the cally yer? 5. Grandma (not need) glatses since she had the eye operation, 4% %% Complete the sentences in each pair with the Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in capitals. 0 READ 18 Rebecca ins bens reading that novel all day. bb Rebecca ize vad five books this year 1 Look a dames and Kity bb dames and Kisty fom the schoo tip. at photos all morning. ‘ot most ofthe photos 2 SAVE 2 Howiong 1) money for anew phone? 1b How much money ____(you) this year? 3 couec 2 Dan ‘over 200 ifferent Spiderman comics. b Dan mics for seven years. 4 NOT PLAY Karen football since she broke her leg last year b Karen chess for very long, so she stil forgets the rules sometimes, SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT 5 Complete the text withthe Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in the box. Thore are two extra verbs. bbuy change contact, work Emma Brady Stylists = ©) stave you bavi (you) aye dothes this yea? How Jong’ (you) de same ol shoes? How many times (00) yourhastye this year? yo 3 Tashan magazines eceny because you've been toobumybitwanetolnow what sis ightnow then ‘aye can el. My name Erma Bray and fm apersonal ‘yit and shopping eansuitantFrthe asour yeas my falleaguesand'* men ard women tochoose ‘othes, shoes andhasties that realy suit them Since Started my business ith ver 200 customers ‘we’ Some ver famous people as extremely satsed alent, Contac usnow at Grammar Verb patterns | can recognise and use different verbs pattoms. 1. What does a sports peychologist do? Discuss In pairs. Then read the text to find out. Think like a winner ''m a sports psychologist. I work with top athletes and |help them to prepare for important ‘competitions. Of course, they need to prepare Physically: they shoul ‘et plenty of sleep, remember to drink lots of ‘uids and avord ceinking ‘alcohol. That's the easy pant But after they've spent time preparing their body, make them relax and prepare the ‘mind. | focus on three areas: visualisation, Positive thinking and relaxation, 2 Read and complete the GRAMMAR FOCUS withthe phrases in blue inthe text in Exercise 1. ES Verb patterns = verb + to infinitive Ofcourse, they need!" ta prepare physical. Examples sim, arange,atempt can't ford, decid, expec hope. ntand marago. offer pla, refuse, remember, seem, tend uy, want + verb + object + to infinitive help them? forimportant comportons Examples: aise allow, encourage, fre ‘omin, teach, ge, wan (no) verb + ing Burtt thay sponte shir boa Examples: void, cant lp, cant stand dov'tmind. enjoy. any fish imagine, keep, mis, sop, wastocimo + modal verb + infiatve without to thoy should plenty fsloop Examples: can, coud might shoud would + verb object + infinite without to Imako thom and propare tho mind Samples: make le 30 3 EXEE=©] Complete the texts with the correct form of the ‘verbs in brackets, Then listen and check, Visualisation lates to vie (athletesivis the stadium, This allows *___ (them visualise) the day ofthe competition. They ean *_(imagine) the smells and the sounds inthe stadium, and thay imagine ‘+___{win) the competition. Then, when the day ofthe competition anives, they try*_(teoeate) the success they imagined. Bofore an important event, | advice Positive thinking encourage * ___(athltos/talk) to themselves betore a big race, Here ’____(hem/eoncentrate) on the times when they won. They need *__ (stay) in the present and tell the negative voice in their head to stop" __ (talk). Good athlotos want #_ (win) but tp athlotos expect (win). That's postive thinking! Relaxation Even top athietes ean'thelp “*_(fee) neous, especially ‘when thoy find themselves standing next to last year's champion! Het ®_them/talk) to me about thelr worries, but on the day of the competition, negative thoughts are not alowed! I's a simple fact that if they manage ___{contro) theirnerves, they tend *_(do) better. Winning ~ it's allin the ming! 4 Rowrite the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Then tick the sentences that are true for you. 11m happy to lend my bike to my fiends. not mine) o (done mind Lending my bike to my friends, 2 I don'thave enough money wo buy new waines. (can't afford) 7 3 fis my intartion to oars hew 0 skate one dy (hop) o 4 My uncle showed me how to swim, (teach) oO Si don‘twant to take up jogging, (not intend) oO 6 Myparents won't allow me ro stay out ll ight wth my friends. (et) [ 5 Complete the sentences about you. Write four true santences and one false one. 1 Lean stand watching sport on TV. 2 Lenjoyed 3 twasted lt oftime 4 Ispenda lt of ime 5 Iedecided 6 Inppairs, take turns to read your sentences from Exercise 6. {Gubss which of your partners sentences ls flee. Grammar Focus page 117 | 1) Match verb patterns a-e with sentences 1-5. Pie tacanar Verb patterns SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW a verb + toxinfntive vert + object + toinfinitve © verb + ing d_ modal verb + infitive without to (© vers + abject + infntive without to 2. % Cross out to where its not necessary. Welcome to the Singapore F1 Grand Prix, where today's race should to be very exciting. 1 We'd like to remind to our viewers that this is @ very important race for Sebastian Vettel. 2 Vottelis attempting to win his third race in 8 row here in Singepore, 3 Ifthe other drivers let him to win again, he'll almost certainly become this year's champion 4. The weathers wet, so the teams have all decided to start the race with wet-weather tyres, 5. Remember, Vette only just avoided to crashing during this year’s wet Monaco Grand Prix. 6 Vettels manager hes warned him not to drive too fast in these dificult conditions 7. Keep to watching after the race for more exciting motor racing ection here on Turbo Channel 3% Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in capitals. 1 RUN Shelly tiesto se every day. She doesnt mind when the weather is good but, she refuses _ when it cold and wet. 2 ear Nicks mum makes him cabbage even though Ihe hates it. She forces him bananas, which he doesn't lke, and even though he can't stand seafood, she cooks fith avery Friday. 3 BUY Irene could__ the trainers she had more money, but she cant affocd them at the moment. The sales assistant in the shop ached her them ‘next month because they will probably be cheaper then. 26 (anes dies econ Teaco @ ‘We might aa for a swim later. QO ina ids Nada kaw Oaen (el Please remind me to puta clean towel in my gym bag. a Kren fncies watching basketball on TV at hme. Qo We arranged to meet at the top of the skit at 4 o'clock] 4 4 4% Complete the second sentence using the word in capitals so that it has a similar meaning to the frst. (0. Would you lke to play one more game? FANCY Do you fansu staying one more game? 1. Our PE teacher forces us to run round the hackay fla ‘three times before the gome, MAKES (ur PE teacher ____ round the hockey field three times before the game, 2 Gavin said he would pick us up after the game. ‘OFFERED Gavin ater the game 3 We don't goto judo clatees anymore, STOPPED We'e_____to judo classes 4 Alan really doesn‘ ie losing at badminton. STAND Alancan't___at badminton, 5. Come on, team! We must score one more goal NEED ‘Come on, team! We __ one more goal [SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT ~ 5 Complete the advertisement with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. > sunny Gym Personal Trainers © ‘Are you tying io ct (get) but not having much success? Are you wasting time * (do) ‘exercises that dort work? You could @ (benefit) from the help of a personal trainer. Our trainers wil each you 2 (esercise) ficiently and ffecively, and help you to avoid Aijure) ‘yours when you work ot. Taining should © (be) fur, not fustrsting Let our trainers § (show! you the fastest route to succes Contact Becky t Reception for details and bockings Ga Past Simple Tense ned in the. afer an etion which fp ‘ty The past Le as at Bk on mga: Last marth, tr ed Se ct month PRT sre ae is ches One te Bnodier nat bee togt peas Lely ‘Wen! ong pore, sAl melee og” mel Liked th by re rae St states which Prat RS om re iar Wrefle ple Lived in caves. Siechina Les af pestle who no. ted in many Live in ‘MariLline Tes famous films. yestoxday the ovr day, onSunday, in 2000, Stet wet mm tour go” ty ong. ago. Formation + Va (past indefinite) ine. Se eS elay ed live > Lived if toys eared, Yon 2yenrs ago He took books Ge ae Last Weak — dil not Vy T didnt Live in Washingt on ayers ago He didnit take books Last week 1: 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 Grammar Have you known ‘ve never understood has Chloe wanted Have they seen hasn't needed! has been producing "ye boon making ‘ve bee selling haven't baen coing Have you been buying haven't stopped "ye basa walking haven'thad ‘sbeon ‘ve been waiting ‘ve likes ‘ve been spending ti have boon locking hws looked 2a have you been saving Bohave you saved ‘has collected abhas been collecting ‘ae hasnt played ab hasn't been playing 5 1 have you been wearing have you changed haven't been reading "ve boon helping ‘veworked Wehad aN URON=aNy as .5 Grammar woreda We'd like to remind to our viewers that this is a very important race for Sebastian Vettel v Ifthe other drivers let him to win agait he'll almost certainly become this year's champion. v Remember Vettel 3 only just avoided to crashing during this year’s wet Monaco Grand Prix. v Keep to watching aftor the race for more exciting motor racing action here on Turbo Channel. tarunning tbro wun 2acat Dbto eat 2eeating Babuy 3bt0 buy Beto buy 4 2 3 4 5 5 1 2 3 4a 5 6 makes us tun offered to pick us up stopped going con't stand losing need to score doing benefit, wexercise injuring be show Grammar Verb patterns 3 (EIREIISE=0) Complete the texts with the correct form of the ‘etbe in brackets Then lston and check. Exercise 3 2 them eo sles I can recognise and use different verb boom patterns. winnings Visualisation 1 What doos a sports poychologit do? Discuss re ani eres A in pars. Then rad the text to find out teresa ea eee EmEmncestcneeestty ercemyetiion, —(ethletesvist he stadium This allows® ___@thervvisuaise) the day of tre compotion. Thay ean (imagine) tho ‘mele anc the sounde inthe stadia, ned they imagine + te) to competition. The, wine th dey ofthe Imasports peychologst. competion ares, they try __fectoat) the sucooss | work with op athletes a ‘and holp thers to prepare forimpanant ‘compattions. Ofcourse, they need to prepare SpE EEE phyaleaty ey ool encourage ___(athlet/all 10 themssives before a big ‘et plenty of Heep, race. force 7 (hanveoncertae) onthe tines when femember to rk ots.of they won. They need" _ (say) inthe preseat and te ‘ide and avo inking the negative voice in thehead to atop* talk. Good Alcohol. That’ the easy athletes want (in, but top atietoe expect part! But ater they've (win). Tha’ postive thinking! BB cient time preparing thalrbodyt make them relax and prepare te mind. [Yocus entree areas: visualisation, positve thinking and relaxation. Relaxation. Even top athletes can't help ea nervous, especialy when they Rnd themselves standing next tolast year’s champion! Het ®__qnemnai to me about their woes, But onthe Serr uerebeneimnrenents day ofthe competition, negative thoughts are not alowed Ws Sa simple fact thattthey manage “(contol their roves, EE ‘hey tond * ___(o) otter. Winring- i al inthe min Verb patterns 2 Read and complate the GRAMMAR FOCUS coe cee. teb tonto 4 Rowe the sentancas sing the verb in rackets. Thn ek he OF course, they ned" tp srepave_physically Seontoncos that are true for you. Examples: am, arrange, attempt, can‘ aford, 1 tm happy to lone my biko to my ond (not ning) ] decide, expec hops. ncend, manage, of, I don’t mind lending wey dike to my frends pla, refuse, remember sem tend, wy, want 2 | donfthavg snguah money ro buy now wanors. (cant aford) [| «+ verb + object + to infinitive 3 iy inferior Teri to kate one day. hope) ga Iholp thom? teprepere_for important 4 Unset HOR Wie, roach) | compettons| 5 [asta ls EME UE ang. mend) o Examples: act allow, encourage, fore, 6 WABBIaseE SEM SGA AR stay out al right with my reminds tasch, wge, warn (20 fends peng teenanes 5 spate tetletme sey eu llnigh vith my Sond o wer +n Complete the sentences about you, Wr four true sentences Bursortay pnt ine weming har 5 Sambi he serene ot ‘wo body, |. 1 leantestand watshing sport on TV. 2 lenjoyed 3 Iwasted alot of time 4 Lspend alot of time Examples: avoid, can't help, can't stand, ‘dont mind, enjoy, fancy, fish, imagine, keep, miss, stop, waste time + modal verb + infinitive without to «they shoull*_get__plonty of sloop... 5 Ie decided Examples: can, could, might, should, would & Inpairs, take turns to read your sentences from Exercise 6. «= verb + object + infinitive without to {Guess which of your partners sentences Is false. make them’ rele andprapare theming 7 nay Examples: mae, ft EeEoa pegs 30

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