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Written & Compiled by Zahra Haidar

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem.

Allahuma Salli Ala Muhammad Wa Aali Muhammad

The topic of whether or not fish is halal (i.e. permissible; lawful) or haram (i.e. impermissible;
unlawful) to consume for the believers was a topic of interest to me, not because I am a nutrition
student but also as a Muslim upon the path of the Ahlul Bayt (i.e. Shia Islam). When looking at
the verses in Al-Quran the one everyone turns to in regards to this topic I have found is often
taken out of context. Allah says in Al-Quran, Surah 5 verse 96,

"Allowed for you is the GAME OF THE SEA AND ITS FOOD, as a provision for you
and for the travelers."

As I mentioned many have used this verse literally and out of context. First upon reading this
verse many would say blatantly, “this means all fish are Halal to eat". They say this while
ignoring why these verses was revealed and previous laws already set in place about fish by
Muhammad (saw). If you read the verse in its entirety you will see it is speaking in the context of
while one is in the state of ihram (i.e. on pilgrimage). As we know it’s forbidden to hunt while
in this state, but this verse is ensuring that one is only allowed to participate in game of the sea
and its food specifically while one is in ihram. Let’s look at the verse again in its full context,
again Al-Quran Surah 5 verse 96,

"Allowed for you is the game of the sea, and its food, as a provision for you and for the
travelers, although you are forbidden to hunt on land while you are in the state of
pilgrimage. And be conscious of God, unto whom you shall be gathered."

Prophet Muhammad (saw) had already established the type of fish before and so has the Ahlul
Bayt (as). Often Amir al Mumineen Ali (as) would remind people of this as it is narrated he,
“used to go around the fish market of Kufa and announce that "do not eat or sell the fish that
does not have scales". (Wasailu 'sh-Shi`ah, vol. 16, 329-330)

Other statements from the fifth and sixth Imams (as) clearly forbid the eating of a fish which
does not have scales. On the issue of shrimps and prawns, there are quite a few hadith in
Wasa'ilu'sh-Shi`a, vol. 16 pp. 337 to 339. Imam Musa al-Kazim (as) was asked about eating
shrimps, he said: "There is no problem in it; and shrimp is a kind of fish." Similar hadith have
been narrated from Imam Riza(as). So from this we gather that only fish with scales are

I have compiled this list of fish with scales, permissible to eat for those to use as a reference

FISH WITH SCALES: Albacore, Bass, Buffalo Fish, Carp, Cape Capensis, Char Cod,
Flounder, Goldfish, Grouper, Haddock, Halibut, Herring, Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Orange
Roughy, Perch, Pike, Pollock, Salmon, Sardines, Snapper, Sole, Suckers, Tilapia, Trout, Tuna,
Walleye, Whitefish, Whiting.

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